My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

You already knew the answer before you posted the question, this incident was a small glimpse of larger incidents to come if you choose to stay with this person. As Maya Angelou said “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.

He is not your finance he is a person with a sex partner.

Technically they’re his. HIS boss gave them to him. And you say you bought all the baby stuff,which you didn’t if he paid back half. Not to mention he gave you half of his gift cards. You’re being selfish.

I say before knowing he had other kids that he’s wrong. The giver most likely gave them as a baby warming gift. However ultimately they where given to HIM and if he wants to use some on his other kids I don’t see the issue with that but in general this whole situation is weird. Are y’all roommates? Because my man’s money is mine, and my money is mine lol so the fact that u guys split bills and everything in half and he doesn’t look to be a provider in this situation is just weird. I work full time and so does my man, he gives me most of his pay and I put both of our money away, but I also manage all of our bills and literally everything for the house and kids. If we go out to eat or something I usually pay, with my tip money but I see i don’t look at it like I took us out because really our money is in 1 home. Idk

Sounds like you need to rethink your choice of fiance. First rule of marriage: teammates!!! You are not team mates. It won’t work

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Selfish Selfish Selfish if he can not see that these were meant to help with the baby learn now not 20 years later and for him to expect you to pay half the bills while on maturity leave WOW Run RunRun

Run as far as you can from this selfish person. NOTE: I did not say MAN because he is not.

Show him the front door, pos… The light at the end of your tunnel is that of an oncoming train my dear

Yes. Run. He is too selfish and will make you miserable.

He’s showing you who he really is. Believe him.

Don’t marry this guy you will continue to battle about money and it will end up worse.

My biggest issues is he thinks he can use it for his OTHER family. No that’s for YOU and your BABY. Disgusting man. Find someone’s new hun he will just hurt you in the end and clearly doesn’t give a rats ass about you or the baby

Yikes. Sounds selfish and i wouldn’t even marry him at this point. :100: And this is coming from someone who is married and been through ish. Very very very selfish. He made you buy everything for you AND his baby? You expect him to pay you back? This isn’t a great start at all at marriage… Run. Bottom line. Run.

Probably not the best choice to have a child w!! U & baby were just shoved aside for what he wants to buy. Wat dad to be wouldnt be excited to share these w mom?Wait- THIS MAN WANTS U TO TAKE CARE OF HIM,HOUSE, KIDS,BABY FOR FREE? Charge u w 1/2 bills? What is he contributing? Fine Id pay 1/2 bills when & if he does 1/2 chores n shopping,kids. Uggg Leave now, get child support from him n ull still have 1/2 bills.Its more then this selfish POS is willing to give now.Id nvr allow it!! Probably all weird w joint children too.

Do you really want to go through marriage with this person. He is very selfish.

Sounds like you just found out why he has an ex already and you will most likely be the next ex.

And why exactly are you having a child for this jerk?

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Three words: Get A Life. Stop doing paragraph-long whines about nothing. Before you nag yourself into being a single mother.

Sounds like you have a selfish one !!! I wouldn’t make it a big deal unless he refuses to support you while your off. But sounds like if he is expecting you to still pull the weight of half the house at this time in life he’s inconsiderate and you should call a family member and stay with them newborns are hard enough don’t need selfish men killing your spirit


So what’s your point he’s a dick head

Sorry ur boyfriend/ bbys daddy, sounds like a jerk!

Hell, I’m a proud owner of a “Y” chromosome, but even I can see this woman needs to educate this God’s gag gift to women on the order of precedence in a pregnancy.

Then she needs to dump him, as soon as logistically possible. He ain’t going to learn, no matter how many times she whacks him with a “board of education.”

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Time to say good bye …

Is his name, Richard? Because he sure sounds like a Dick.

Sack him now, that’s why he has an ex

You need a new fiancé.

It says baby gift card

Get rid of him. You will be better off without him

I think you picked the wrong Daddy, grab the cards and kick him out!


Kick him to the curb, the selfish a—hole

You are right and he an immature Leech

you better wake up very soon

Find a new guy that’s actually a man that’s a boy sweetie

He sounds like a very selfish person

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Cards are for the Baby.

I would get out of the relationship, NOW.

No baby no gift cards. Good Luck!

Oh babyyyy he does not want you or that child. Dump him :wastebasket:

Get rid of him & quick !!!
Your baby won’t have anything w that attitude :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Not a good man. Are you married to him?

You need to get out of this relationship while the getting is good. He sounds like a self centered, selfish asshole, and if you think it will get better after you are married, you are sorely mistaken. You are lucky he showed his true self to you before you commited any further. Do not marry this guy.

Tell him to GROW UP…

Omg get rid of him you deserve better


Hmm… I’m sorry but he sounds a little immature and selfish to me

I’d get rid better off without him spoilt brat

Sounds like a child to me

Don’t reproduce with that selfish pos. You’re better off on your own…you already are

You really messed up this time, sorry

Nope. He is wrong wrong wrong and wrong. That is selfish. This is a giant red flag. This would be a FIGHT. you are hundred percent right when you say this is all a gift for the three of you and mainly the baby! You are going to need that extra cash when baby arrives. Also consider is this guy worth staying with? I’d be ouuuuuttyyyyy

My opinion/advice: You have a problem in your man. BIG TIME.

Michael Duxbury I would leave you :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Girl if you’re asking Facebook… I think you know the answer. Good luck.

Sounds like a toxic marriage

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Red flag get a new mate

He’s an idiot. Dump his ass!

thats a whole lotta red flags ma’am…

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Drop him very selfish

Since when is having a baby a sacrifice? Having a baby is a blessing from God!

This is covered in RED FLAGS

What a mess, dump him!

Sounds like a mummy’s boy that doesn’t know how to share. Don’t know how your going to go on later, things get harder before getting easier

I just re read article. He is your fiancé. Better reevaluate.

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Be cautious. This is only a sample of the real person and probably at his “best” behavior. :pensive:

I don’t want to be mean, but I’m surprised you’re having a child with a person who is this selfish. He sounds like someone who’s been deprived or entitled for way too long. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, but the short answer? You are correct. If the gift cards were given to both of you both the birth of your child—and the child belongs to both of you—then yes, the gift belongs to BOTH of you and ALL of your needs while caring for that child. Sadly, his expectations won’t get much better and, because you’re having a child with him, it sounds like you’ll need to get used to this behavior for the rest of your life. Once you have a child with someone, you’re stuck with them forever.