Maybe the next relationship he gets in, he will share a gift card with you like he is doing with his previous marriages. Best of luck to you and your baby. Sounds like a huge fiasco of a relationship to me.
I think he should keep it all. Just kidding! What an ass
He sounds like a selfish 10 year old who does this shit?
Leave while you can BEFORE the baby comes. You don’t need a man-child to raise.
what a loser , get rid of him asap
Don’t get married. This isn’t about splitting gift cards your whole relationship is a mess. May be hard to hear but I think it’s something deep down you already know. Good luck.
Wow……talk about selfish,with his own child even…sounds like you gonna have ur hands full with this dude,if thats how he acting. That is ridiculous behavior for a new parent or soon to be…you should think twice before marrying this guy…make him earn that…if you can’t trust him to be honest about a simple thing such as a gift to ur family n child.
Get away from him. He is poison! You are not a slave.
He sounds like a real loser. The gift cards are for the BABY, not for him. Tell him to ask the people who GAVE them
Also he needs to pay YOU half of the daycare costs for those 6 weeks since he feels like everything should be split evenly. Your missing out on pay and if not for you staying home he would have that expense so he still should given his way of thinking.
Yes thear for you and ol man to eat on while pregneat are after and the baby gift cards are for baby
You can not marry him. Seriously? This guys a narcissist. Leave.
Once i hear “his kids/my kids” i know you’re already doomed.
Hes not a keeper. Move on and find someone who really cares. Been there and done that. I’m 72 and been with my second hubby for 42 years a wonderful man. Happiest years of my life. Dont waste yours and babys life on a selfish man.
That behavior is selfish and will never change !!!
He sounds like a grade A- bitch-made douche bag that feels he’s entitled to anything and everything. Knock him off his high horse and tell him shits gotta, no its GOING to change, or he can get the hell out of your life the same way he waltzed in it. If he doesn’t change its likely the baby will see his behavior and think “dad does it, why can’t i”. This world is full of more than needed people who have that same mentality, don’t contribute to the stupidity. Don’t tolerate the disrespect and greediness. Someone’s mamma didn’t love that man-child enough so he feels it’s okay to act that way when it’s not. At all. You and your family and the baby deserve better so if he can’t/won’t change to be better, then lead by example and show yourself and your family you can be and do better. Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t have the understanding that a family does and makes sacrifices for the wellbeing of everybody within your home. I’m sorry your dealing with his petty ass bullshit mamma, don’t marry him if he’s not going to put in the effort to put his selfish and condescending actions to rest for good. People like him, that think and speak and act the way he does, is a big reason why our world is so fucked up today. Best of luck girl.
Run the fuck away now.
What a loser …I hope the person that gave him the gift cards sees this post …I’m sure they were meant for you ,baby and him not his ex and her kids …again what a dick…pack your bags and run.
And he’s your fiancé…. I hope you’re not stupid enough to marry him just because he’s the father. He sounds like a LOSER.
Aaand he’s your fiance why?? Leave him seriously.
Run quickly from that loser. You and your child are much better off without him.
This can’t be real omg girl please run.
Hun this might be had to hear , but my advice to u is run …dont ever accept this an move on cause it will continue to be this way ,he choose himself and his kids before he choose the baby you both are having …there will always be a him or them before you or baby …raise your head high an walk away before its to late …there are single parents out here and proud of it …
You guys have a terrible relationship and decided to bring a baby into the middle of it. You both are equally as pathetic
You need some counseling hun , not being mean , you are being abused and not even seeing it …
get some help , and get out of that toxic situationship
Tell him to shove all tbe cards up his a** and do for you . Pay your half and never stop talking care of you and your child oh and ditch that punk.
Dump that loser, ASAP!!!
Get out of there now
Are you sure he is a husband?
If i was him I’d be I’d be giving them all to you
Get rid of his ass fast as you can
Head for the hills now.
I would say please dear don’t marry someone like that. Run
You will be sorry you stayed with him. He’s selfish and inconsiderate. Run, run fast
I would definitely consider leaving. He is not at all being considerate to you or the baby.
I would take a long hard look at myself and ask what am I getting out of the relationship and if it’s worth it
Petty…the both of you are sad people! And your bringing an innocent life into the mix. Wow!
What a loser. Can’t appreciate you like he should. Only God can change a selfish heart. He qualifies in that category
I would say that it is for the baby for its needs like diapers and milk
Grab your baby and Run. Fast.
He doesn’t appreciate you and the baby like he should every thing should be for the baby and family together he is being self centered no family entered
You should save them and use them together. Put them away for a couple months and pick one card to use each month on something you both agree on. Yall are making it into a bigger argument than it needs to be.
My ex used to get mad when I wouldn’t let him spend our sons gift cards he got for Christmas. That’s loser behavior.
That is not a man worthy of yourself! All gifts given at baby shower is for The Baby!!! He is a selfish person and doesn’t deserve you. He should learn what child support is!!
Red flags flying all over!
Run like hell!
Why do women keep having babies with men like this??? … the next post will be we broke up and he doesn’t see the kid and won’t pay child support!
Do not!!! I repeat do NOT marry that guy. No no no.
Id save what he expects you to pay and id be paying it on my own place for you and the baby. He sounds like an egotistical jerk and ita not good for you nor the baby. Its actually quite easy being a single mom and you wouldn’t have to deal with the extra bullshit either. His true colors showed to you.
You have a very childish man.
I don’t think k i would be marrying g this one
They ARE for the baby, not for you or your husband.
Get out! If he’s already talking about what he thinks he should get, I’ll bet he’ll spend the money and you’ll pay the bills! Go for child support and not a supporter of a grown ass man.
Ditch him and he can pay child support to pay for the child’s needs. He can keep the gift cards.
The card was to both of you. They are for both of you. I agree with Paula Wierenga Custer, reevaluate. He doesn’t seem to be worth keeping,
Congrats! You sound like a lovely person and just want to do what’s right. Deep down you’re hurt by his reaction. I think you know what you have to do. Just my humble opinion. Seek counseling. Good luck.
My fiance and I have been together almost 3 years and after our daughter was born we got a joint bank account and all money is for the both of us we never separate who gets what. We are a team. If I were you I’d get out while you still can.
My husband said to pick your men more wisely and that it doesn’t sound like he’s serious about having a family. Why does he even NEED restaurant cards for himself? When will he be going to the restaurant by himself without you? AND he hasn’t paid for anything regarding the baby?
Your relationship will be whatever the two of you make it. Hopefully you can come up with a solution that works for both of you. Hearing only your side of it, he sounds very self absorbed. However, I have learned over the years that we teach people how to treat us. Make sure you have open conversations about what you expect and what your non-negotiables are. This issue may seem very small in the future. More important things will be that you are both on the same page regarding parenting and living as a family. You may want to consider counseling together if you find the two of you cannot work out your differences on your own.
This doesn’t sound like a relationship at all…you both created this baby, so there shouldn’t be any of this “well I bought it all but he did pay half back” both of you have some serious growing up to do it sounds like to me before this child is born. But, you also aren’t wrong about the gift cards. They should strictly be used for the baby, food, etc. And he shouldn’t expect anything from you during that 6 weeks other than taking care of the baby, point blank. If his check can’t cover all the bills then y’all need to budget better or he needs to get a 2nd job during the weeks you can’t work.
If you are worried about formula and food try looking into state programs like W.I.C. it’s what it’s there for because formula is expensive.
WTF sounds like he’s trying to spend them on someone else not you & that baby… if it were me I’d do more investigating something is not right there. You don’t deserve that. & you paid for all the baby stuff??? Wrong, so so so wrong this makes me mad. Sounds like he’s gonna spend them on his previous kids & their BM!!! Ugh I could scream.
I am certain red flags were shown prior to this. Please acknowledge the reality of this man. Previous children would have made me run. So selfish should make you realize he is all about himself so commitment is possible not in his vocabulary. Think about your life and find God"s word for direction and peace.
Dump his ass. He is no good. I can’t imagine my husband not placing me first. Anything he gets from customers or family, he always comes back happy and says, “babe, we got a gift card to…”
He sounds like an incredibly selfish dick face. I would honestly leave him and plan to raise the baby on your own. That has to be better than depending on this guy to make good choices for you and your child.
They are for both of you not just him my suggestion divide up equally between the two of you if it’s possible. And I’m sorry to say but I honestly do some heavy thinking about how he is now with the baby how’s he going to be after it’s here because it sounds like he’s not thinking of you or the baby and that’s selfish and that’ll be the entire relationship believe me I know
Dawn from smothered has apparently been on other shows. i guess many of these so called family
members are actors!
He is crazy. Did he have a momma to teach him right from wrong? I think not. Maybe he will eventually figure it out and have a heart. Good luck girl.
I’m not good at sugar coating. So I apologize, I don’t mean to offend. But… why are you engaged to this man? He sounds like a very self centered person. It will only get worse. Leave now.
It is most likely why he has an ex.
You run as fast as possible.
It will not get better.
Better off alone.for sure.
Fiancé… and having a baby. Get married already. Don’t screw up another child. And quit worrying about yourselves! Gift cards are for the BABY! Geeeeeeeezzzzz
They were addressed to both of you. If he can’t understand that your headed for a real trouble. I feel so sorry for you. You are going to need some help. He is not in his right mind.
Previous kids from previous marriages?? Using your income? Got you pregnant, but didn’t marry you?
Run away as fast as you can and make him pay child support!
Dump this selfish individual fast. He doesn’t care for you or the child only himself.
My husband got paternal leave and spent it on the baby. Even brings turkeys and honey ham from the store we get gift cards on holidays and puts into our own home. Honestly even if your bf takes the other gift cards maybe he sees that he’s not supporting or treating the other kids like he should. Hence why he’s trying to make it up to them.
You two have a bigger problem to address than dividing the baby expenses and gift cards. PERIOD!!!
Are you not a couple? I dont understand his money /my money. I think his boss gave him gifts for all of you including his other kids. As for food for you both and what baby needs. I think you both should be putting funds in a joint account just for these things. You two need to talk
Leave the relationship quickly. I’ve known someone exactly like him. He will not get any better in time only worse.
Sounds like a real jerk! Sounds like he’s only concerned with what he wants and not what’s to be for both of you and the baby. I’d reconsider this relationship.
He sounds very narcissistic. His behaviour is selfish and immature. I would leave and sue for child support. You’re not even home yet and he’s already behaving like this ? Sounds like he’s already done it to someone else and you’re next in line.
In the words of my husband, “don’t let him out to ‘go get smokes’ or you might not see him for 18 years”.
I’m sad that you’re having a baby and you’re both so immature that you’re fighting over gift cards!!
He cares for himself and doesn’t care for you or this child. Time to say goodbye and raise your child in a happy environment.
That’s not your fiance … That’s a roommate who is just your baby daddy! Why is he making you go half on everything as if you’re a stranger?
This is financial abuse and it usually will get worse ;(
That’s not a lifelong partner. It’s hard but you need to look to move on.
He sounds like an absolute prick shame you didn’t know this before you got pregnant, kick him to the kerb
You are right the cards are for the both of you. Makes me wonder who he wants to take to dinner.
He needs a lesson in how to be an adult.
Where are the men with an opinion on this ,only women responded ,
You already know the answer, and if you marry this man going to be in for a long road of this
Do not , ever, marry the guy. The cards are for you, him and the baby.
Judge Judy would rip this to shreds…
His boss gave him a gift addressed to both of you. Not because the boss knows you and likes you, you aren’t a coworker, you are the baby momma of a coworker. The intention of including your name on the gift was to be polite, not to transfer ownership. If the boss had intended for the gift to be given to you then he would have given it to you. But he didn’t, he gave it to his friend to divide up how he chooses…
As Judge Judy would point out, you aren’t married. You are playing house and making babies. There is no legal imperative, and no moral one, for him to give you anything at all. If you were married there would certainly be a legal case for dividing the cards 50/50. Which he already did, when he didn’t have to… So he’s already been more generous than he needs to be…
But, and this is the broader issue, the real problem here is that you are fighting with your “future” spouse (and the father of your child - if the child is even his) over gift cards? Way to trash what is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your lives by being a petty scrounge… Those 3 gift cards are totally worth the fight!
hes not good candidate for any involvement in yours or babys life too selfish
Sounds like he is just a storm donor. Selfish and doesn’t care.
I sure would not want to be married to someone that was that selfish. If he is like this now what will he be like after marriage? Seems like you got the cart before the horse. If playing adult games, be prepared to accept responsibility or do not engage in adult games.
Separate yourself from him. Get childsupport. You will be happier without him. Trust me. You can do it!
Do yourself a favor and gracefully walk away. He is not the man for you!!!
Please have your partner read these comments it may enlighten him because there is so much truth in them!
First of all I’m sure they are meant for the baby. Second of all he sounds incredibly selfish. Run, run fast!!! Any decent human being would bring those cards home excited to share them with their family.
Run girl run as far away from him as you can get
I hope this is a made-up situation. Sadly, probably not.
You are in for a life of heartbreak with a selfish person who only thinks of himself!