Um 6 months??? No too soon wait until you have been married for a year and reconsider then
It’s your decision don’t let anyone tell u what to do
6 months? You’re crazy.
This shows how immature you are🤦
6 months I mean there’s no rush he can still be a father to your son without adopting him just in case something goes wrong
It’s only been six months. You need to seriously wait and see. Me and mine have been together nearly two years and agreed we’d visit the topic closer to a future marriage /wedding planning
i would give it a bit more time … once yout married if you feel its right then you do whats right for your child fuck the others…
Your family is afraid your mate will take your child away from you in the future. Your partner is thinking adoption of your child? Already? I could see if you two are already married for yrs. It is very strange to me . Together for 6mo. Talking marriage and adoption? I don’t think this is a good idea. Way way too soon.
Honestly do what you feel is best if it’s meant to be it’s meant to be, personally id hold off the adoptions for a later date but do what ever you feel
Six months is too soon, you can’t rush that. Your family is right even though you don’t agree, you need to look at it from an outside perspective and give it some time. Don’t put temporary people in your child’s life.
You cant just adopt. And the family is right you have not been long together. The other parant has to agree to allow your new married partner to adopt then you appky at the court. You will go for councelling and be interviewed to see if you two are compatible and married. How you handle situations. They will also interview family and friends.
You haven’t known each other 5 minutes. A child isn’t something to be passed round like parental pass the parcel. I think you all sound like you need to grow up a bit.
6 months?
No wonder everyone who cares for you is trying to put on the brakes.
I’m sorry that seems rather quick. BUT, some can do it and for some it works out. Literally I have a friend I used to work with, that commented on here, of her own situation. Her child is adopted and has an actual father now. The thing is though, that can’t be done by everyone, because it doesn’t work for everyone. There are people that get married at 6 months and are fighting for a divorce at 9 months or a year. It just doesn’t work for everyone. It is entirely up to you, when you introduce your children to a potential partner, but I wouldn’t personally, allow my children to meet anyone I have been with under 6 months, let alone have a feeling of that person becoming their new legal parent. Like, you two barely know each other in all honesty, regardless of how much time you two have spent together. What happens if once you all get comfortable with each other, your SO were to start cheating, what if they wanted something you weren’t ok with? What happens if you were to find out that your SO is manipulative or even mentally, physically, emtionally, or verbally abusive? What happens if they’re controlling. These are all valid questions, that you honestly don’t know the answer to yet. 6 months in and usually people still aren’t comfortable telling each other, literally every single thing that has happened in their life. This is just quick, and usually, not saying just for you, but, it usually doesn’t work the way you want/expect it to. I would just say to listen to your family, and have them voice their concerns as to why. Go in with an OPEN mind and try to understand their sides. People seriously get blinded by ‘love’ and don’t think about any of the negative things that could or can come along. Listen to people from the outside. Just listen with an open mind to your family, and counter back anything you feel. Have your family come in with an open mind and I’m sure after the conversations, things will be looked upon differently, from both sides. Just dont expect to go in there, changing each person’s mind and getting them to agree with you, and the same for them. You all may not agree on the bigger picture, but you all can agree on the smaller things and then everyone has a different outlook on it, than from when they went in. I just don’t think its a good idea to jump into this so quickly. I truly am happy for all the families that this has and will work for, but as I said, it’s not ideal and doesn’t work out as much as you think or believe it does.
As his mother it is your decision as to who’s name goes on the birth certificate. If dad wants to sign his rights over and your accepting of him not being involved in your sons life then you can choose to have no father lisyed or you can have your partner adopt him. Your family has no say in what you do with Your child. Best of luck with everything and wishing you happieness with your fiance and the your new family.
That’s between you, bio dad and fiance. Do what’s best for your child.
Its not their place or life, it’s yours. Do what best for YOUR child. But only being together for six months, that seems very fast to think about this. I think you should wait awhile.
I would wait longer, you can’t really get a good reading on a person in 6 months, some folks have been together for years and still can’t get along for the sake of their children. I’d never let someone adopt my kids to someone who you’ve barely been with.
Maybe you should give it a little longer than 6 months. That is kind of soon. Good luck either way😁
The person that adopts your son will have ALL legal and physical rights and privileges that the birth parent has, so step softly for your child. Not once did you mention one thing about what your son says, and if by chance he is too small to voice his opinion, maybe you should wait until he is old enough. He should get to decide whether or not his Father leaves his life. Not you, not his worthless Father, and not another woman, who after 6 months, is a stranger to both you and him.
Your child, your life, your decision good luck
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they stink sometimes . I raised my step daughter since she was 2. Nevertheless she’s my daughter, I introduce her as nothing but. Because of me the father became a part of her life, I gave my daughter 3 handsome brothers, and I strongly believe blood couldn’t bring us any closer. At the end of the day it’s your life, your choice, and no one will ever take that from you. If you don’t allow them to.
your family’s opinion doesn’t really matter. It’s your child and it’s your choice.
You want to make a permanent decision that will have a lifetime effect on your son. So first, give the relationship at least a year before making that decision. Think of the options. What if the relationship between you and her doesn’t last; and you meet someone else and your new partner wants to do the same thing? Give it more time. You dont want to confuse your son. Good luck.
Just stop and think this is only my opinion but if the father is willing to give up his rights his character shows he was a bad choice for you in the first place. I don’t know how long you know this person for but it would be wise to let things be as they are and let time tell you if this person is acceptable for parenthood.
Pretty fast!
Be mature! If you love her why rush?
Ultimately it’s up to you since you’re his mom, but I would wait it out a bit at least until after you two are married… and if your son is old enough to understand then ask his opinion on the matter at that time to see what he wants. Honestly, if your partner truly loves both of you then she will understand your wanting to wait or just leave things as is. Just keep in mind that if she does adopt him and you two separate or break up then you could end up losing your son or only be allowed visits or shared custody.
It’s a decision between u and ur so. There is no right or wrong answer. And the ones saying give it more time don’t know u me and my husband knew each other 2 weeks when we got married 10 years ago
I agree, it’s your choice, however, 6 months doesn’t really seem long enough to really know someone. If you were together for a couple of years im sure most opinions would be to go for it. It’s not a decision that only affects the two of you. You’re making a permanent decision for your child, not one that should be rushed. My son was in a relationship for a year and a half with a hotel that wanted to adopt his daughter. She is sweet and genuinely loved his daughter but it didn’t work out with them.
6 months really isn’t long enough. I would wait. Give it more time time and see we’re it goes. U don’t want to make a bad decision.
If you have them adopt, make sure to write a will and state what is to happen in tour death.
Only 6 months into relationship, no too soon. If it doesn’t last but your next one might that person may want to adopt and that may not be an option then. Please never make that serious of decision that will forever change your child’s life without long time thought and consideration that it’s going to be long term.
I feel like you should at least give it 2 or 3yrs… Nobody truly knows who someone is in 1 yr let alone 6 mnths.
Wait I’m so confused the bio dad wants to sign over his rights and your so is a girl ?? Ps I’m not shaming I’m genuinely curious…
Your child. Your decision. But I would wait til the marriage.
Does it really matter if paperwork is drawn up. Will that make your partner love the child more. And does your family really care about the adoption or is it they don’t approve of your relationship and want to control your life. Only you know how your partner treats your child. And 6 months may be to soon. Hopefully your relationship will last but you could have a whole new set of problems if it doesn’t.
Honestly if you have only been together 6 months I would not rush to get married or to have her adopt your child I would give it time
Be careful,. If it doesn’t work out, you could lose your child.
It’s too soon, sadly but true people change and so do their feelings
2 soon was with my x 6 years he wantedc2 adopt my daughter we no longer 2gether let your child have the choice wn they understand wot it means
Do what’s best for you and your child
just remember if that person and u split in the future do u wanna have to share custody with them
After I just read “my partner and I have been together for 6 months” I didn’t read anymore. I would be totally against it. You haven’t been with this person for very long to even truly get to know your partner. I wouldn’t even have introduced my children to them yet. I would have waited for at least a year to 18 months…
No. Six months is not long enough.
Make sure u making the right decision
After 6 months? Seriously???
Do wats best for u and your household!!!
Live your life, their opinions doesn’t matter.
Your family is right
This is all a little fast don’t you think? Still in honeymoon stage of your relationship. What’s wrong with being a step parent? You can marry then and they’ll be a parent. Why the desperation for adoption?
So stupid, it’s child for crying out loud not a car, that would be stupid to even think about letting a person you don’t know adopt her, sick my opinion
I would give it more time but you’re right, when it comes time, that’s your business and they can suck a fat monkey!