My fiance would rather watch adult videos than be intimate with me: Advice?

I have been with my fiancé for six years, and he would rather watch porn than have sex with me. He says it’s easier that way. We are young, both of us 30 years old. We have three children; none of them sleep in bed with us; they have a set bedtime and their own rooms. So we usually have the nights pretty much to ourselves, but he would rather play video games or watch TikTok videos of half-naked girls than hang out with me. I end up spending 5-6 nights a week by myself in bed because he isn’t in here. We only have sex MAYBE 3-4 times a month, if I’m lucky, but he watches porn and handles his own business that many times in a week. I also catch him saving and then deleting videos from TikTok so he can scrub through them to stop on certain spots where a girl is half-naked. I have mentioned to him how much this bothers me and messes with my self-esteem, but he tells me to get over it, that he can do whatever he wants whether I’m uncomfortable with it or not because “it’s something he’s used to doing.” I’ve also tried telling him I’d like to spend more time with him, but because “he pays the bills,” he should get to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It makes me want to leave most days. Am I ridiculous?


why are u marrying him…face palm


Nope and u should leave that’s not how a relationship works


Its a disorder and he will become impotent with you. Can only climax to porn. He needs to.stop NOW


Been there with the porn thing. Talk to him tell him how you feel, you’ll beable to tell by the way he reacts how he feels about it. Go with your gut feeling girl!!

Yeah… Fucking no. Been there. Done that. GET OUT. i don’t even mean that in the over dramatic way. I am serious. You are going to make yourself miserable begging for affection that isn’t there for you.

I’d be running the other way and fast

Looks like he’s chosen his technology over you and his family. Suggest help. But I’d leave.

That is straight up disrespectful!


For the love of God do not marry him


You aren’t overreacting, and you need to run! No normal spouse does that!

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And you want to marry him why? :rofl::person_facepalming::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

He doesn’t respect you at all!


Get out now. I’m so sorry your feelings have been invalidated


Get rid of this man child and get a real man


It isn’t just about porn: guaranteed psych & social issues. No trust & no intimacy. It will never stop. Leave & don’t look back.


Leave girl. While you still can.


Get out while you can. Been there and it’s a real heartbreaker.


He’s a narcissist …


Imagine what he will be like when you’re officially married… you said what you had to and he doesn’t care… respect yourself enough to leave.


in a similar situation sorry no advice

Seriously ask yourself if you can deal with this for the rest of your life.
This isn’t small, like leaving socks on the floor.


Eww what a disgusting guy! Mmm I wouldn’t bother with him anymore save up money and plan a move out when he’s rubbing one out :roll_eyes:or at work.


Your young still… Don’t waste anymore of your time… There are way more MEN who would love to give you their time and attention :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Don’t put up with that that’s disrespectful is a pear

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Get out now for the love of God never marry him he’s selfish on so many levels


Uh no get out now. If he is like this now it may get worse the longer you are together.


That’s disrespectful to you I meant to say he is a jerk

He sounds terrible ngl

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And he still did not marry you after 6 yrs and 3 kids? He is the problem. Leave now. He will not change so save yourself.


Oviously has issues w/ porn addiction. I’d suggest counselling … but he needs to grow some balls and start being a man. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

Why in the world do you put up with the disrespect? Leave before you raise children that believe this is normal


He’s never going to respect you n I recommend leaving him

Don’t walk hun… run!

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Sounds like he has a porn addiction


Save yourself!!! My son’s father did something very similar as in Exactly! However he was more respectful and polite about it.
You need to think of your needs and the needs of your family.
People don’t change unless they want to and he obviously doesn’t want to.

Get out sis, he sounds very inconsiderate & disgusting.

should be thinking more about you and his children

I wouldn’t stay with him I’m sorry. If you’ve tried speaking with him and he refuses to listen there’s not much you can do otherwise. And you shouldn’t have to live with it.


Throw that trash to the curb.


Leave! Find someone who appreciates you don’t sound like he does!


Can you say EX FIANCE???


Uh, he’s ridiculous and disrespectful, not you. What a jerk.


This “man” I mean boy, has no respect for you or your feelings. That’s pretty clear. Run as fast and as far away as possible. He is no good and it isn’t going to change ever. You have brought to his attention how you feel regarding the situation and he doesn’t care which shows he doesn’t care about you either :woman_shrugging:t2: a man that loves, cares and respects you will do what it takes to make you not feel that way anymore so it’s pretty clear that he does not care for you!


You Are Not Seriously going to marry him??


You deserve someone who is more considerate of your needs and feelings.


Oh girl no. You guys aren’t even married yet and he treats you like that. Its only going to get worse with time. Nothing wrong with him rubbing it out, it’s his body and I’m sure it is easier but he should not be ignoring your needs and wants and disrespecting you with his words and actions. Save some money and make yourself a plan to get out.


Sounds like a porn addiction

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Get out he is a jerk you deserve better and you file for child support immediately! Quit letting him mentally abuse you! He won’t change

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You need to ask yourself is this really what you want. Imagine leaving and in time finding someone who treats you how you deserve. What would you advise your children if they came to you with these issue’s? Would you tell them to stay and feel worthless?


Girllllll say goodbye to that man!

Leave! He don’t respect you.

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Leaveeeee he doesnt even wanna have sex with you.

Then maybe it’s time for you to leave…if he would rather play games and watch porn then he’s not right for you

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Fiancé for 6 years? 3 kids? He’s not going to change…start saving and run woman!! You’re young. You’ll find your person- sorry sweetheart but he ain’t it!


Leave now then he can jerk his chicken all by his self …You are young get out now …

I’m sorry to say if he chooses porn over you … than there’s your answer right there . His porn is more important than you . And obviously he’s not that into you like he is is porn. I’d straight up run from him because he’s not gonna change . It’s only gonna get worse . So you have a chance now to dodge this bullet now before you marry him . I’d straight run

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Leave hun he should have respect for you and care x

It’s only gonna get worse… run while you can


He is the one who is ridiculous!!! Babygirl, he needs to either get right or get gone.

Start preparing to leave him. Make sure you are able to take care of everything but don’t wait too long. You definitely do not have deserve this kind of treatment. It will only get worse. He’s already emotional unavailable towards you. Buy for toys and let him find them.


He has an addiction and does not respect you or your children . First off he would not do that to his family if he gave a shit. Get out now this will destroy you if you let it go on.

Fiance for 6 years? And a family together. You tried expressing your feelings and he has no regard for them. I would pack up the kids and leave. He isn’t going to change. Better to leave and start fresh then down the road when it’s probably going to get worse.


Why are you still there, clearly that boy don’t want you. You and the kids deserve better.


I’d say goodbye dude

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Wow😳you are WAY too young to be stuck there!!! Exit strategy ASAP. Start maybe with some counseling? Go yourself if he won’t go!

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So start masturbating. Get you a rechargable toy and have some you time


It’s way past time for you to think about you and your children. Expressing yourself and getting that kind of response, that’s pretty crappy and disrespectful and clearly shows he doesn’t care about your feelings.


I know it may be hard honey , but it’s time to say goodbye.


Say bye-bye. Get independent and leave.

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And if he has more interest in porn/TikTok than you, get out of there! That should clearly be your answer!

Make a plan to leave and be able to support yourself. Life’s too short to be unhappy


You are way to damn young to be in a sexless relationship can you imagine this for the rest of your life leave him

Stupid ass question….no you should stay there and let a fucking asshole treat you like dirt…

See ya buddy you can do better.

Yes ridiculous for not kicking him the fuck out!!! Selfish dick :rage::rage::rage:

Throw the whole man away!:v:


He’s a porn addict. Leave.


Take the trash out honey!

Since he would rather have sex with himself while watching women he can’t touch you should leave and do you.


It’s an addiction. You both need counseling for this.

He obviously was a p o r n addict when you met him. Why did you bear children with him? Engaged for 6 years? Hello? Girl, you need some therapy!


Leave, he’s using you as a nanny. No relationship there


Get the fuck out of there! Boy buh bye!

Still young find someone who respects you!

A relationship is built on compromise and both people being happy …if you arent at all happy and he down right doesnt care its time to leave…you can pay your own bills and masturbate and be a great mother all by yourself …and be damn happy doing it

I’ve been there. Even after discussing it, it didn’t change. I left. I didn’t have kids with him though, so I’m sure that’s tough. I can say I am much happier with the man I met after him, and married 3 years after getting together. Do what yoy have to do to be happy.

He is addicted to porn . He needs help but doesn’t even know it .
Please reconsider this engagement


Why is he saying its easier? I dont believe in leaving because its broke yes you are unhappy but maybe there is something going on in his head he doesnt know how to tell you and yes maybe he has an addiction… maybe you guys could watch together? And counseling could be a good thing start going by yourself and then try to get him to go. Also do the little thing you used to do before you had kids you know the special panties the seductive touching on him that he likes … but not just when you want sex just random to get him to pay attention… also get a pheromone spray. He may be having a hard time getting it up all the time or not lasting long all the time who knows and just doesnt want to tell you


Selfish and self-centred that’s what he is. Get rid hun x

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He’s completely disrespecting you by blowing off your feelings and telling you to get over it. Even if porn is okay in your relationship, it should NEVER get in between you two. It should never be a replacement. End it before you marry him… I’m usually all for saving relationships but from what you’ve shared it’s quite obvious he cares little about you or your needs. That’s a horrible foundation for a marriage.

I feel everyone, even if they’re a piece of shit, unless they’re abusive, deserves at least one last, “We need to fix (problem) or I’m gone”, so maybe have one last talk with him. But, it sounds like it might just fall on deaf ears so… I don’t really blame you if you don’t give him that.

No I would be offended and I’m 58

No way would I put up with that. Tell him once how you feel if he don’t respect your feelings I would be leaving!!!

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What a douche! Sorry to say that, but it’s true

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I’m so sorry! He definitely has an addiction and you should leave that is mental abuse and you don’t deserve that


Lol I am lucky to have sex 1 a month. I use to want it lots and lots! My direction in life changed. Sex isn’t all I want! Focus on yourself and full fill your own needs and no not just sexual!

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That is a very unhealthy relationship. In my personal opinion, if you’re not taking care of business in your relationship (if your partner isn’t satisfied) then watching porn without them and not trying to meet their needs might as well be cheating because you’re not being considerate of their wants needs or feelings


He’s an addicted, self-centered bitch. Run fast.

Boy bye. Get you a REAL man


Only 30 and not even married yet with sex problems… move on. Your so young still


He acts like he’s 16. Let him have his hand and videos. Leave. I can’t stand when someone says they make all the money and pay the bills. What does he think you do???


What you allow is what will continue. Put your foot down and if he doesn’t want to change then he doesn’t care. Move on from that mess. You deserve someone who cares how you feel and makes you feel appreciated, safe, and wanted. I would never deal with any bullshit like that.