Go to Court…she is playing with y’all. Unless he has a criminal record, the courts will not keep him from seeing his son. There are a lot of pieces missing from this story.
Gather ALL the evidence and take it to court.
If there’s no custody order he can take the son without it being kidnapping. Just saying. But you wanna think of what’s best for the child obviously. I’d file he’s already losing his time because of her. To me it doesn’t seem like he’s pushing hard enough, I’d be fighting non stop. I know law enforcement and it’s incredible how many of the people I know in law enforcement still aren’t up to code on what the actual law is. So that’s not reliable and I’m betting a beater cop doesn’t have repoire with a judge.
Go to court and get a custody agreement in place. If he is drug free, has no record of violence and has never harmed her or their son, he will get at least the standard every other weekend visitation. She can try to lie but with no proof there’s nothing she can do, even if her family works in law enforcement. You cannot falsify records and get away with it
Until you marry this man. Stay out of it. He’s a grown man, you can’t do it for him.
If he’s on the birth certificate, and there is no court order, he doesn’t even have to give him back next time he does see him. Not saying thats the best option, but that’s how it is. But he needs to take her to court. File for visitation. No way in hell he’s going to end up with less time than what she’s giving him if everything else you said is true about no violence, no record, etc. And in the meantime he needs to be documenting everything. Every time he asks to see/talk to his son, her petty replies and excuses. Document every single thing even if you think it’s not a big deal. He will get visitation rights. He is his father. How has he let this go on for so many years?
Document everything. Keep it factual and try to go back as far as you can. File before she does. Court or good adoption lawyer. This child is being emotionally harmed
You cant fix the situation with no court order, unfortunately.
And she now has years of precedent set to establish her as primary.
I’d definitely document EVERYTHING. Every interaction your legally allowed to record in your state. Save all emails and texts. Text as much as possible if your state has strict recording laws.
You have to lean into the facts and have proof for those facts
She’s violating many best interest factors. And best interest factors are what determine who is best suited to care for the child.
1st off if your fiancé hasn’t gone to COURT he hasn’t done everything he can to be in his child’s life… Just go to court…let the court decide his visitation rights and if she doesn’t comply he can take her to court for alienation of parental rights make sure you keep detailed documentation of her denial of visitation and then given time he can fight for FULL custody…
Not your child not your buisness so butt out. Your boyfriends a big man he’ll figure it out in court.
Father have rights 100% keep all evidence and run to court. He SOULD I say should but don’t know 100% the laws where you live but he definitely should get contingency time. I feel for dad 100%
Get a lawyer and take her to court. No one can change anything about what she is doing without trying to do it on record with the courts. Save all call records and messages.
Sounds like my Husbands Ex. She is such C***. Go to court. My brother got full custody of his kids and the judge flat out told his ex that even baby mamas go to jail when they don’t follow custody
He needs to go to court. If there is no reason for them to deny him visitation then he should be fine. If there is court ordered visitation she can’t say when he can see his son. If she doesn’t follow the order she can get in trouble. Also they can put child support into the order.
There is no question about what he needs to do. Take her to court! He has just as much of a right to see him as she does.
Easily solved by going to court. Sounds like your man is all talk.
It is his chose alone. He has to step up and stand up to her. You need to support him, buy stay out of it until you are married. If he can’t stand up to her and fight for his child then he isnt much of a man. He needs to go to court and get his rights
His child is growing up looking through the lens of a parent who wont fight for him because of his fear of his mothers illusion of power, so he will reach adulthood also being manipulated by the same tyrant that turned his father into a mere pile laundry with little effort
1st things courts dont give a shit about hear say she will have to provide physical evidence if she cant the courts will think shes just full of hot air. Courts always try to go to 50/50.
Id just gather all the evidence you can and take it to court
Make a log and record every detail, keep proof of payments, file a petition and GO TO COURT. Without a court order you haven’t a leg to stand on. The very least he’ll get is 50/50 unless he has legal marks against him in the courts eye. He needs to grow a pair and STOP letting her intimidate him. You’re not his wife so keep your thoughts to yourself so as to not jeopardize things for him .
Get a good lawyer and Go to court…
Also the money he pays her every week may not be counted for in court. So he might want to give her a check and write on the bottom ( for child support)
He needs to get a lawyer and go to court. My best advice is to stay out of it. You will only add fuel to the wrong fire. By all means support your man but stay out of the custody battle.
This is so sad… I hope he doesn’t grow up thinking daddy didn’t care about him because that’s honestly awful if my husband and I were to ever get divorced it would never happen… that’s so cruel. I grew up like that and that’s the last thing I would want for my little boys why are parents like this? Like how do they think this is ok emotionally and mentally for all involved? It doesn’t make sense…
Let me start of with this take her to court if there is no court order to have documentation that he has legal rights to his son and then the law can start documentation of every time you call for custodial interference. My cousins friend just went through this where the mother of her friend was withholding their child and so was her boyfriend and her parents they were part of the custodial interference and my cousins friend (the father of the child) ended up being shot and killed MURDERED over this and the shooter which is the boyfriend of the child’s mother is trying to claim self defense which it wasn’t self defense since he was never ever physically or verbally aggressive or abusive and the shooter was already committing a felony for interfering with child custody in the 1st place. Adults like to use children as pawns and bring them into adult situations.
He needs to carry her to court. It don’t matter if her friends/family is in law enforcement, the judge is going to be the one to set a court order. I’d make sure I kept texts, messages ect with him trying to be active in his son’s life. Unless something major bad has happen, he has to get joint custody. No judge is fixing to keep a child from their dad because the child’s mother wants to be petty. Looks like his mother would be thankful he’s actually one of those dads that care about his child & wants to help. Alot of kids don’t have that…
Shes causing the child more harm by thinkin shes punishing her ex. Strange and disappointing how some women use the kids as a pond in this…poor kid wilk be the one to suffer at the end, mentally and emotionally, and she and ur fiance will go on with their lives and this child is stuck in the middle. So sad that kids have to bear their parents mistakes
He needs joint custody and quite frankly I don’t understand why he is so afraid of her. The law is the law. He should have joint custody PERIOD. AND he will never have to deal with her.
Had a lawyer tell me the judges have heard it all… get a good lawyer document everything. She’s tricked you into believing her shit.
So sad, this guy should stand up for himself and his child. As for the child who mother wants him to call all her men/boyfriends “Daddy” go ahead it’s all small stuff in the long run the kids will know who he dad really is! The man that fought for his right to see him. Should the child bond with other figures, so what the more people to love your child in this world the better!