I think that he has been in her life for years and If she is comfortable with it, it shouldn’t be an issue in any way. Now, that is saying that it is not forced and he is worthy of being named that roll. Children need a lot of love, attention, and understanding… If someone is willing to be there for my child and they feel comfortable in calling them their parent, I just don’t see an issue.
There’s literally nothing you can do about it.
Reading is fundamental!
Why is it that when she turned 6 now she HAS to call him daddy? This is so messed up if thats the case she should call you mom now.
Our court order says it’s up to the child. It also states no one should encourage or discourage a name choice. I would question how you know it’s being “forced”
She shouldn’t be forced into doing so and it will cause hurt for the child but sounds like the child knows who her dad is and knows that it’s not what she wants to do . Stop making it more difficult for the child than it already is . Talk with the child and let her know that you understand how she is feeling and let her know her dad will always be her dad . Cant she call her step father something like dad and then his first name like dad ken and her biological dad just dad . Anyway just let the child know that no matter what she calls her step dad her dad will always be her dad .
She could just say “bonus dad”
Could always mind your business…if she is 6yo she knows who she feels comfortable calling ‘daddy’ if she is not calling her father daddy and it is bothering him than he needs to step in more to become her daddy…it takes a village to raise a child be happy that this lil girls has so many ppl to care for her and stay out of her home life w her mother and step dad I can guarantee you don’t want her mother this deep in your business
Maybe she chose to call him daddy. If that’s the case then be happy he treats her like his child.
You simply explain to her that she has a daddy, and a step daddy … and a mommy, and a step mommy.
Kids shouldn’t have to be the ones that suffer the consequences of their parent’s mistakes. All of the adults in this situation need to accept the situation for what it is. Mom & dad don’t live together anymore … they each have new life partners … so the kids are going to have step dad/step mom/step siblings. All of the adults need to give respect to each other & bury the drama so the kids don’t have to deal with it. The sooner, the better.
Does the Mother actually tell the daughter to call him Dad, or is the daughter associating the boyfriend as Dad because she feels that he is?
Depends on the situation here, the involvement of bio-dad, and the dynamic.
I don’t see the issue, he is a dad to her if he’s been raising her since she was a baby. How do you know that her mom “makes” her call him that? She may have come to that on her own and they’re just letting her. It’s totally appropriate for her age.
In my opinion if she’s living there and around him 24/7 she should be able to call him daddy if that’s her decision. However, she shouldn’t be forced to.
How do we know she’s “forced”. Maybe she wants to. She can call both of them dad. I understand it hurts your fiancé feelings, but one day he will be happy she has him and he treats her as his own.
Does the mom have children with this man? Do other children call him dad? My son called my sister mom forever because that’s what everyone calls her when he’s there
It shouldn’t be up to either of you… it should be her decision.
Her father could talk to her about maybe calling him “daddy insert name”
If he has been there for the last 6 years raising her Monday-Friday he is entitled to some respect as her parent as you are also.
But it should always be the child’s choice.
Id leave it up to the actual parents …the bio mom n dad to sort this out.
I think she should be able to choose if she calls him daddy or his name. She is old enough to know and if he is a good father figure it doesn’t hurt to have two dads! My parents split and remarried when I was 18 and I call my moms husband dad and my dads wife mom because they are parental figures in my life.
Should be up to the child imo
That is for the dad to take up with the mom. They need to work it out before involving the child
“We” shouldn’t straight up tell them anything. If it hurts your fiancé then HE should let the mother know it hurts and would prefer she not call the bf by that name. Inserting yourself into the situation will only make it worse.
Inappropriate, but your fiancé has to handle it. Her needs to have a conversation with his ex. I’m guessing that the ex considers her boyfriend more the father than your fiancé is. This could be inaccurate, but if that’s her perception, then she’s going to encourage this.
It is ok to have 2 daddy’s!!! Let her be a child …you guys be the adults…let it go!!!
Oooh, well as I think you should be supportive of your fiance I don’t think YOU are in the position of saying anything AT ALL about it. That is on him to do.
that’s between the parents
“We” shouldn’t do anything. It is for your fiance to discuss with the ex. If the daughter feels comfortable then it shouldn’t matter.
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It sucks really bad and crosses some serious lines but what happens at their house is their rules sadly.
Are you sure the mom forced her to say that or the girl is comfortable and close to her moms boyfriend. I am a step mom and my step kids called me mom and we didn’t force them. Not til their bio mother had a issue with it. I think your fiancé is having issue which is I understand but he need to handle it himself and you stay out of it.
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I’ll be real it’s not any parents choice it’s the child’s choice if she is happy with it you butt out and she WILL be allowed to call him daddy at your house because your husband shouldn’t be so insecure in his role as a father that he’s all hurt hurt because she also calls someone else who has been around SINCE SHE WAS A BABY dad. On the flip side of the coin if she isn’t happy with this then you advocate for her comfort but at the end of the day it’s her and only her comfort that is important here you are all adults you get the hell over it to put it simply
If the dad is uncomfortable with it he needs to address it.
IMO it’s very disrespectful.
She shouldn’t be forced to call him anything she doesn’t want to call him… First and foremost. Secondly, he’s been there since pretty much day one. My daughter calls my bf daddy and that’s bc he’s the only dad she knows. He also has 3 other children and one has a man in her life that she calls daddy. But she knows who her father is. His boys have been forced to call another man dad and we noticed as soon as they were forced to they started acting different towards everyone. Their mother, grandmother, at school, towards their dad. They were confused at 6&4 forcing something on them isn’t fair.
I would never force his 3 other children to ever call me mom. The only way it’s forced is when they speak to my 2 children they need to refer to me as mom. They usually put “your” in front of it. We’ve explained to them that my kids don’t realize yet that they have a different mom than the others. But when they get old enough they’ll realize but they need to know that I am mom…not Jen.
I called my step dad, dad my mom married him when I was like 3 I had my real dad and then I had a bonus dad. If she’s being forced that’s one thing but if she chooses to call him dad there’s no problem with it.
You!!! Don’t get a say
It should be up to the child after him being in here life for so long.
If it was only after a few months it would be inappropriate, however it seems like he’s been a significant part of her life
So your not suppose to call your step dad, daddy… hmm
Liks stated, if she is being forced the fiance should speak to his daughters mother about letting it happen NATURALLY. Dont let his personal feelings and insecurities get involved. Welcome the idea of more love and 2 dads, eventually just as long as the child is okay with it. You guys are engaged and will be married soon. She may call you mom soon, im sure you would welcome the idea but all these things should be addressed with the DAUGHTERS FEELINGS in mind, not the adults.
You have fk all to say, neither of you. That’s her house
Don’t make her feel guilty for loving someone who obviously cares deeply for her.
Its inconsiderate on both sides to confuse a 6 year old
I think it’s up to the child. It’s very much her dad by the sounds of it.
Why can’t they both be dad
For a dude, if my daughter/son was to call another person dad, even when I’m present ALL the time, would destroy me… but no one gives a crap about the dads right?
My son calls his step mom “mom”. She is literally his 2nd mom . He knows I’m his actually mom. He goes back and forth between calling my husband dad or by his name, and my husband will answer to either one. I don’t see the big deal in it UNLESS the child is being forced to do it.
Kids know who their dad is. She knows the difference. My son calls his step mom momma susie.
Now I’ve been on both sides of this. One major thing I’ve learned is you can’t force children to call step parents “dad” or “mom” In their own time, when they are (children) comfortable they will call the step parent “mom” or “dad”. My brother was in my nieces lives 4 years before they started calling him dad( bio dad was out of picture). My step daughter finally started calling her mom and step dad, and her dad and i(step mom) her “parents” when she was 16. Now my step daughter has never called me mom but when talking to others she’ll refer to the 4 of us as her parents.
Forcing a child to call someone something they are not comfortable with can cause damage when they are older. It’s a very thin line to walk on in the “step” parent world. The child needs to feel comfortable using that term not only with bio dad but also with “step” dad.
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According to most parenting plans the child is not supposed to call a non parent mom or dad unless they are married that’s a big no no.
She shouldn’t be forced to call him anything, but at the same time she shouldn’t be told it’s not allowed. That’s between your stepdaughter and her stepfather.
It should be the child’s choice to call him daddy… if she doesn’t want to. Then no she should not be forced… but if she wants to then it should be allowed… everyone needs to stop putting their negative feelings on the child. You’ll need to grow up.
She already has a daddy, how disrespectful. Maybe she should call you mum and see how her real mum likes it
Think of the little girl she’s the one who is caught in the middle of this mess. If they force her to call him daddy have her father tell her it’s ok he understands and he will always be her dad father and when she’s older she can decide for herself Until then don’t show her any disappointment or hurt because it makes her again caught in the middle. She is the important one not her parents. Her being forced to do anything like that is a form of abuse Watch for other forms of abuse and take action if needed.
 why are you guys trying to purposely confuse that poor baby? What do you mean she’s not allowed to call her second dad daddy while she’s at your house? You were causing drama you were causing the problem.
That is her second dad he lives with her he takes care of her he’s been with the mom for six years so I don’t see what the problem is ???
It sounds like him and you need to swallow your pride and put that baby first and cut the drama and learn how to coparent…
first rule of coparenting always always put the children first
You are purposely confusing that child

Let her do what she wants
If you say she is not allowed to call him dad in your house, then that’s all you have control over. You can’t control what’s happening at her house. I would never even want my children to call another mad dad because they have one, but that’s just my preference. To each it’s own
Has anyone asked the 6 year old what SHE wants?? what does SHE want to call him?? This sounds like an ego problem between the adults in this situation. Why doesn’t she just call him by what she feels comfortable calling him?? Make it funny even, make up silly names for eachother. The bond isn’t defined by what she calls him.
He’s been in her life SIX YEARS? Whether you like it or not he’s her Bonus Dad. If he’s a positive role model and she’s happy about it - leave the child alone. Stop trying to make her feel guilty over something you should feel blessed by. Do you know how many kids would LOVE to have ONE Dad that loves them - no less TWO of them? This is juvenile nonsense.
Dad is dad and mum is mum
He will always be her dad and mum needs to understand this he csnt be replaced hes still living !
You could call yourself mum and im sure mum would object !
At this point it’s completely logical for her to call him that. He’s been in her life 5 days a week for 6 years. I don’t know how long you’ve been in the picture but having a baby with the dad doesn’t automatically mean she has to call you mom. The important thing is what does the CHILD want. If up want to keep bringing up feelings, how do you think he felt helping raise her so many years and only be called by his first name? Dad needs to get over it she can have two dads and it doesn’t mean one is better.
I dont think it’s right… I have had the same step since I was 2 and am now 29 and have never called him dad. I’d never let my son call my boyfriend dad nor would I want his son to call me mom.
father thinkshes six. She knows the difference. Ask her what she thinks is okay and live with it
Advocate for her and state clearly its her choice she is 6 years old. Same for you two, if she wants to call him dad then she should be aloud to where ever she is. If she doesn’t, then it isn’t for the adults to pressure her to do it.
Ummm he’s been in her life since she was a baby and she’s six? He is her daddy tf?
U can have more than one dad