My fiances mom is mad we cannot have our wedding when she wants it: Advice?

Gahhhhh she can just shut her face it isnt her wedding not tour problem shes a problem

Just tell her to stay in her own lane and you will have it when you want not her. My daughter got married and both sets of grandparents were deceased. She survived just fine.

On one hand she’s being completely unreasonable

Definitely your choice

I’d just say “well your son and I are getting married… Not your son,me, and you… The day is about us, not you,we are the ones paying for it, not you, you are a guest not the bride and not the groom, if you can’t support your son on his day because we aren’t getting married on a day YOU picked then that just shows what type of mother you are, either you attend or you don’t, the only thing that’ll happen is you’ll break your child’s heart and you’ll have to live with that, not us”


Have either of you sat down with her and explained that the financials and schedules aren’t working for it to be sooner ?? I mean is she offering to pay?

I don’t know. She’s being ridiculous and there is no win for you.

This is really simple. If you have been together this long u should know how she is. Two options she pay n u move it up or you wait n she can pout like a baby

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Tell her to pay for it :woman_shrugging:


Unless she is paying for it so it can happen in 4 months, she needs to shut up.

I wouldn’t bother. If they can be so cruel to do this then let them miss out. It is like my mother telling me if my dad is at my wedding she won’t be. So she will miss out. Yes it sucks however at the end of the day it is only their fault that they miss out and she will not listen to you anyway. I would leave it be an let your partner deal with her. You just be there to support him.

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Tell her to pay for it all or sit the fuck down and STFU.

If she wants it in 4 months tell her to pay for it

It’s your wedding and down to you she is being unreasonable but have you explained why 4 months just isn’t possible

Drop it with MIL and only speak to fiance about wedding. This is your time, not hers

Keep your plans to have your wedding when you want and how you want.
You’re marrying your fiancé, not her.
Do NOT let her control you.

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Tell her to pay for it if she wants it that soon :tipping_hand_woman:


Its YOUR wedding and YOU Are the ones who have to lay for it. If she doesnt like it she just has to deal with it, if shes gonna be sour about it and say shes not gonna come then so be it, shes the one who’s missing out!

Tell her if she wants it in 4 months, she can pay for it. If not, it’s your money, and you can do what you want.

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Tell her to pay for everything and you’ll consider it.

It’s not mother in law’s wedding. It is YOUR wedding. It’s taken me a long time to not let in-laws dictate to me what they are going to do, from inviting themselves into my labor and delivery room, getting mad we didn’t allow them in our labor and delivery room, to when and where we got married. You start letting mom in-law call the shots now with something so serious, that is setting a precedent for future intrusion on her end. You can’t please everybody. Do what is best for you and your fiance and the majority in this case.

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It’s not her wedding!!!

What a shame!!! She shouldn’t put you through all this nonsense!!! It’s your wedding, you can have it when you want it!!! Congratulations on your wedding​:hugs::tada::gift:

Fuck her. It’s not her wedding. Your fiance will be fine. Tell her it’s in 2 years and that’s that. She can either get her shit together NOW or not be invited. Fuck her threats of she won’t attend by her own choosing. Make it clear, she won’t be attending bcuz she isn’t invited in the first place

Invite her and the grandparents to a special engagement party. That way the grandparents will be a part if it now. Then wed in 2 years as planned. Good luck!

Say ok our wedding date is such and such. Send her an invite when the time comes. Let her explain why she didnt show. My ex MIL asked us to change the date of our wedding because it interfered with her going to florida. We set date first. I said we have already booked everything and put deposits down. If you cant make it we totally understand. Guess who got drunk at our wedding and showed her ass! Yep MIL, wish she would have gone to Florida!

Your wedding. Your choice.

She is being completely unreasonable although I’m sure you want to keep the peace so in the nicest way possible I would explain to her ( both you and your fiance should talk to her together) the exact reasons why you guys are doing it the way you are doing it and that you guys want to do this on your own (unless you want someone else to pay for it and they have offered) so that you are able to start your marriage off without that extra debt and that you hope she can understand and be there. If she is still unreasonable then there really isn’t much you can do and she’s probably going to be a pain in you rear but as long as your husband to be has your back that won’t be a problem.

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Is she saying this because those grand parents are very ill and may not live long enough to attend? If so, could you ask her&grand parents who may have some extra money to plan a 20-30 ppl ceremony with a “at the house” small reception and then just go as big as you want when your plans finalize? I by no means am saying that you should let your MIL run shit or dictate one if the greatest days of your life… just consideration for the grands. :woman_shrugging:t3::older_adult:t3::older_man:t3:

Some people’s children! Your MIL needs to get over herself. She doesn’t call the shots in your life. Tell her if she wants the wedding to be held in months she can pay for it. Otherwise, your partner needs to tell her to stop making demands. Don’t cave in, stand your ground.

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It’s your wedding. It’s about the two of you, no one else. Dont sacrifice your happiness for the whims of anyone.

Get married at the registry office and have her plan you a party reception when she wants it.

If she isn’t paying for it ?she can’t tell you when

Tell the bitch if she wants it sooner to pay for it

We went to Vegas ( 9 years together, 3 kids combined) I used a Groupon for the stratosphere, two sets of friends joined us, a week later we did a backyard BbQ with friends and family, I bought my dress on fb marketplace, my bouquet from amazon( fake ribbon bouquet added some family broaches)… it was perfect. Yes I upset some family but you have to do what is best for you and your husband!

If she wants it earlier than she pays for the whole wedding :woman_shrugging:t3: If not then she deals with the fact that you and your fiancé will have your wedding within 2 years.


It’s her decision to miss out on your wedding. I wouldn’t let anyone blackmail me into something I couldn’t afford. Send her an invitation in 2 years and either she comes or she doesn’t.

But then again, my MIL isn’t involved with us either so my opinion may be a little biased.


It’s your wedding. Do it as you envision it. If she doesn’t want to come, thats on her. There’s a reason for an RSVP. She has every right to say no. There’s no obligation for her to show up. It’ll probably be a quieter day without her complaining…

Tell her if she wants it in 4 months she better pay for it because you can. Weddings take time and money to plan and 4 months is not an easy task.

Your MIL sounds like a child🤦🏼‍♀️I wouldn’t even be nice, I would be so blunt and tell her it’s your wedding and it’s not her place to demand anything, if she wants to act like a 2 year old then she can go in the corner🤷🏼‍♀️

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You have been together all these years so what’s the purpose of spending so much money on a wedding? I would rather the Grandparents be there. Make it simple. Have her help you pull it off. Do something fun with the wedding money.

Tell her that’s a shame she won’t be there, but it’s not her day so that is on her…

Its your wedding not hers your do it when yall want it aint like she offering to pay for it

Tell her very calmly…
Mama (or mrs. Whatever), if you want to pay for the wedding, we’ll have it whenever you’d like. If not, I kindly request that you SHUT YOUR FUCKING FAT MOUTH, YA HAG! Thank you.

Tell her that you’ll have it in 4 months if they pay for it all


Tell her to fuck herself

It’s your wedding. So do as you please. Just keep in mind she wants to make sure the grandparents are still alive to attend.

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Tell her if she wants it done on her time to pay for it otherwise you will
Have it when you can afford it and that you will still
Send an invite and after that it’s up to her. Stand your ground this is your day


Id get married in 4 months time! Shes your mother in law after all and the grandparents are important. Just direct her where to send her checks too cause it sounds like shes paying to me.


Dont let her decide

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You have it when you want it you don’t plan your Special Day around what other people want that’s very selfish on her part so if they can’t come on the Day you plan it so be it not your problem Good zluck

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Tell her she can pay for the whole thing if she wants it in 4 months.

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I would just so ok and leave it at that , let it go and just plan YOUR day how YOU and your PARTNER want it it’s your day not hers , send her an invite and then it’s her choice whether or not she attends it but I wouldn’t even bother to argue with her about it

Two words for her… Get Fucked… Unless she’s decided to help pay for some of your wedding you can tell her that that’s unfortunate but the wedding Will Go on never the less without her

Tell her you want it in 4 months pay for it :woman_shrugging:t2: She is demanding something yall can’t financially do then she at least needs to offer to pitch in.

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Tell her if she pays for it


She sounds like an entitled moron. And they say millennials are entitled :joy::joy:

Tell Mil to pay for it

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Tell her to pay it if she wants it in 4 months

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Tell her that if she foots the bill and finances it she can decide if its done within 4 months :woman_shrugging:t5: if not tough titty

It’s your wedding not hers point blank! Do what you guys want to do it’s about you two and not her.

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It’s not her choice. Ask her if she wants to pay for it all then if she wants it in 4 months and see what she says lol

Just ignore the tantrum. It will pass :joy_cat::see_no_evil:

Simple Tell her if she wants it earlier then you guys can afford it then she needs to pay for it because you cant with everything that you are paying for now

It is you and your fiancee to decide the date. It’s your MIL’s decision not to attend. All you have to say is “I’m sorry you won’t be attending” our wedding.

Ask her does she remember her wedding??

It’s emotional blackmail and it won’t be the last ultimatum or controlling behaviour if you give in. I would just say “we’ll send you an invite when we’re getting married and it’ll be your choice whether you come or not”.

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Call her bluff and say sorry. It’s your wedding, not hers. If you bow to her on this, be prepared to do it to everything she doesn’t agree with.

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Call her bluff and see who comes crawling back when everyone else has invitations and she doesn’t!

Wait until she’s the grandma of your children​:joy::joy:

If she wants it in 4 months tell her to pay for it if. Not don’t bother changing your mind

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Like everyone else is saying, tell her if she wants it that soon she can pay for it. It sounds like she is behaving like a child and I feel bad that your fiancé has to go through that, but it’s no one’s fault but your mother in law.

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Ask her for it then. It’s not her wedding. . She can’t decide that.

She’s guilt tripping you and acting petty. Stick to your date and still send her an invite. It’s your wedding, not hers.

Tell her to pay for it

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Let her know u will not be able to make it earlier

Tell her if she wants it in four months she can pay for it herself so you guys dont have to be in debt.

Not her wedding not her choice. She will come to the wedding whether its in four months or two years. And if she doesnt, well her lose at nit seeing her son happy with the woman he loves and adores

If you don’t mind moving up the date ask her to pay the additional fees and costs and everything make sure that you put at least $2,000 extra into it due to the fact that it’s probably going to run you over that amount when she sees how unsightly the cost would be for you she’s going to bail out which means it’s her fault not yours

It is the marriage not the wedding that matters. After six years and two children it is time to make a commitment. Let you pastor marry you’ll and do something small that you can afford. You can have a wedding with your kids, pastor, and witnesses to sign license that is the only important thing.

It is yar wedding do what ya want. It will be her loss if she doesn’t go. Ya are marrying him not his mom.

Tell your mother in law she don’t pay the cost to be the boss An to fuck off with her bull shit threats I can’t stand cry babies like her because she doesn’t get her way

Tell her if she wants it in 4 months, she can pay for it. Otherwise shut it and stop being hateful to your son.

Ah well don’t invite the bitch then

Send her an invitation in 2 year’s. If your fiance doesn’t care why should you? If she attends yay if not that’s on her. She’s an adult not a child.

Suggest that she pay for the wedding if she wants it earlier. That would take the pressure off you!

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I agree…tell her to pay…you’ll save money and make her happy and she won’t get off scotch free…she will probably say…it’s your wedding, not mine…and to that…yes, it is our wedding, isn’t it?

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Tell her she’s being a selfish cow and if you can’t make it then don’t come. It’s your special day! She’s trying to make it about her when she needs to shut up and back off.

Your wedding your day, id tell her to kindly fuck off and jump off your business

I wouldn’t bother with it at all. Tell your husband if he wants to reason with her he can. My MIL literally had dozens of illnesses killing her and never complained about our date being two years out. She got intubated two days before our wedding and died two weeks later. Not all of us are as lucky as she is to even have the health to not worry about when it is.

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Why not go to a Justice of the Peace and let him perform the ceremony since you have been together so long anyway. Money saved!

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Why four months what else is going on for her? Four months is quite specific…

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Ask her to pay for it🤷‍♀️


So, I just read this 3 times. I must have missed the part where she is paying for it. Have it when you can and move along.


Stand your ground it’s the wedding of the two of you you set the date you decide what you’re going to spend you tell her if she’s in that much of a hurry why not have her and her husband repeat their vows in 4 months

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I had a ton of family drama before my wedding. My in laws were pretty nasty to me. My one sister in law tried to make it about herself and didn’t even come to the wedding or the party we had later on. She hasn’t even talked to us since before the wedding and hasn’t even met her niece. If family wants to cause drama and stress just remember that it’s them who are losing out.

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Just do a lil ceremony and have another wedding when you can save up?

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If she wants it earlier she can pay for it lol


Tell her she needs to pay for it and everything it entails if she wants it sooner since you can’t afford it right now


Easy tell her you will have in 4 mth if she pays for it all plus the honeymoon