Well unless she is going to pay for your wedding she needs to shut up and if she is really that petty then maybe she’s better off not coming. People like her only try and ruin things that aren’t all about them sounds to me like she’s trying to make your wedding about her and what she wants xx
Ask her if she can afford to pay for the date she wants.
Elope! Very little cost!!
You have three options
- Ignore her and do it when you have it planned. It’s your wedding and she’s not paying for it.
- If she wants to pony up the cash to push the date up, you can do it sooner and save some drama, even though if she’s paying part, she’s going to want a say in how the day goes.
- Have a small family legal ceremony so they can be there to see you get married and then go out to dinner somewhere as a reception, then have a bigger wedding when you have it planned and then, you won’t have to pay another officiate cause you are already legally married at that point.
If it were me and I wanted the grands there, I’d go with option 3. She still probably wouldn’t be completely happy but it would have had the grands there and then it’s on her whether she wants to attend the full wedding later. Super bonus, she’ll have no say in the big wedding if you are paying for it yourself.
She supports you or she doesn’t. She’s childish and immature. Remind her again that it’s you and her son getting married not the three of you. So she comes or she doesn’t but the wedding is going to be in 2 years unless she wants to pay it till the very last dime.
I agree to stand your ground as it is not her paying for it. Also nothing wrong with seeing if she can pitch in to have a smaller wedding so everyone can be there since she is causing a fuss about it. Things can happen in a instant so in 2 yrs shit may hit the fan and the money you have saved for your wedding might have to be used for an emergency or whatnot. Either way do what you and your partner decide to do. My husband went to the court house and his parents and aunt/uncle came. We will eventually renew our vows with a wedding but if for some reason that doesn’t happen at least we are happy and married.
Just elope.no fight then.
Go get married and forget about a wedding. Plus it is not for her to decide. If I had it to do over that,s exactly what we would of done…save the money…it was the worst nightmare of my life!!!
Shit if she wants it that soon and getting that mad about it I’d suggest she pays for it and see how quick she says 2 years is fine
Keep your plans its yalls wedding not hers. When you send out the invites send her 1 anyway if she loves her son then she’ll come if not oh well you only have to please you your SO and your kids everyone else is irrelevant. I’m speaking as a MIL myself