My five year old has the worst attitude, what should I do?

Pop that girl in the mouth one time, and no NOT slap for all you Karen’s out there! Trust me when she raises her voice again after you pop her one good time all you got to do is raise that hand and I bet anything she will get her ass up and do what she’s told! Mother of 4 wonderful mean ass kids and they know they better do what I say or it will get worse

Stop yelling as best you can. Ask her once or twice then take her over to do it with you. I think you may be asking to much of her. She wants your help, attention and time it sounds like. She’s not 15… she’s 5. Try a different approach.

Personal opinion here
I do belive in spanking, I was as a child and I turned out perfectly fine. My child acts out I spank his bottom. You can’t let her walk all over you like that. You’re the parent she is not. Time outs don’t work with most kids, solitary alone time just makes you stew on why you’re mad. Now when I say spank I don’t mean wale on the child until their little butt checks are all welted up, I mean pop them one time good to establish that you’re not messing around and what he/she has done is not nor will be acceptable. When you’re done get to their level and explain what they have done wrong, let them coll off and then go about your way. Spanking is “abuse” to some parents but try it one time and see how she responds with it. If it’s good then she will understand you’re serious. You don’t have to every time she acts out just when you have had enough of her walking all over you.

Really? You allow these screaming or yelling bouts? Walk away. Grab your keys and purse and head for the car. Don’t actually leave; tell the child she can calm down and when she does you can tell her what you want from her. It’s not as brutal as it sounds. Your refusal to entertain that type of behavior comes unexpectedly. Be certain you dominate the event by telling h/h you will listen to her complaints when the bad behavior changes to appropriate conduct. And by all means do not reward her by doing what she expects to be given. Explain that she can earn items, whatever she wants, in limited amounts by behaving well. She must earn. Rebellion gets her nowhere.

When I took a parenting class they told me to never ask a child to do something more then 3 times because they can start ignoring you only ask 3 times them its a timeout idk if itll work for you but its worth a shot

I have 7 grandkids 5 of them don’t listen unless you at them. Some are starting to Learn to how to sit down and talk about their feelings and who they act the way they do. Explain to her acting the way she does upsets you and it upsets you about having to yell at her calmed down and say you want to talk with her .and that her behavior is not good to be doing infant of her younger siblings. And That she can’t act that in school or she will get into trouble at school with her teacher. Find things that can help you to teach her to behave. For example I used to have a car that the doors for some reason would take turns not coming unlocked. It would always be the door that my grandson would sitting at. And it would only do when he was being bad.He acted up in the or store before going to get into the car his door would not unlock ,he would why his door would not open. I said the car new he was being bad and didn’t like his behavior and will not open until he apologized for his behavior. He apologized and the door. He eventually learned to behave and the stopped locking him out.It was not me it was the car loved that car.Also one Christmas the same grandson was acting up .I already had his and his brothers present :gift: warped and under the tree :deciduous_tree:. So when he went home I took all his presents :gift: from under the tree :deciduous_tree:. And left his brothers under the tree .next morning when they came I told my grandson that Santa came and took his presents back and that he had to behave to get them back and he left his brothers presents :gift: under the tree for being a good boy. After behaving for a week I put his presents :gift: back under the tree. When he came back I should him his presents and his brothers and told him that Santa said he could have them back for being good. But he he started acting up again Santa going to take back and not let him have back.He behaved a lot after that .

Remind her of what your expectation is… be a good listener, I need my fastest girl this morning, etc. Tell her she is getting to be a big capable person who can do things all by heraelf, and make a game of it. Set a timer and see how fast she can get dressed, race with mommy who can get their shoes on first, who can crunch the loudest carrot, copy mommy’s toothbrushes pattern exactly, sing a cleanup song, etc. Try to react with humor as often as possible, this has helped our fam immensely. Play into her personality… my boy has an edge of competitiveness so this worked to my advantage when he was small. Hr is almost 9 and we have a new babe so we do reward him for him being extra cooperative, but with time and activities not toys or candy. Your little may be defiant if sibling is getting attention that they feel they’re missing so you may wanna check that, or problems at school. Further, if you hate and dread these tasks she probably will also. You’re the boss but she is also a little kid… meet somewhere in the middle xo

I deal with the same thing. I’m my opinion she needs more rest.

Get her hearing& vision checked

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I have a 9 year old & 4 year old twins at home. The 9yo started acting up that way not too long ago. I’m guessing it was because he wanted more attention. What worked for me was having him help me with little things that his brothers can’t do… like cooking, picking out little things like cereal at the grocery store, & leaving him “in charge” of his brothers when I’m in a different room (like when I shower). It worked because he didn’t feel like they were competition & learned that the attention they get is necessary for their age. I think it made him feel a little older & more of a protector to them :purple_heart: I always make sure to say things like “thank you for being a helper” or “I appreciate what you do”. :blush:

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Don’t wait until you yell to punish her. If she doesn’t listen the first time then punish her. Maybe even twice and add if you don’t you’ll be sitting in time out. Or no electronics. And follow through. Or else there is no point. She won’t listen because she is not made to listen. My children are 8 and 10 and I have the same exact issue. It’s definitely much easier to dish out advice than to take it lol

Start spanking, one who spares the rod spoils the child

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Had this problem. REMOVE all toys from her room and leave a bed and clothes. No TV for one week let her throw her bratty fits she will certainly behave better talk about why you chose to do this and what she needs to start doing to earn her things back. It worked for me now I just use it as a threat and they immediately listen lol.

If time outs work… they wouldn’t keep doing the same thing all the time.

You ask for advise but yet you don’t want to try everything. As in spanking. It might work. She already knows she’s getting away with the attitude because you don’t give her a harsher punishment. Talking does not work.

Glad to know you don’t spank but do you hear her? Do you make her feel validated?
Most of the time when humans in general act this way, it’s because we don’t feel heard or important.

You may not even realize you could be neglecting that side of things out of just being busy.