Probably doesn’t want to be pulled into another responsibility. If you say “hey if you ever need me let me know” then don’t follow through… your a liar and could make things awkward. I often offer to help, even when it’s inconvenient for me… I am kind of envious of her looking out for herself and not getting roped into a responsiblity she doesn’t want or can not handle. Accept it and move on! It’s not her job, it’s the parents job to do these things. I personally would offer and then be super inconvenienced… I’m not a morning person, I would get up earlier and do it… but I would be kicking my self the whole time for opening my trap and offering < if that makes sence
Have you ever asked her and offered to pay her vs. the other person? Why woiks someone ever do that for free? “only 45 minutes” x5 days a week = more than 1/2 a normal days work… It seems odd to me to be upset over someone not wanting their time taken advantage of and this is how good friendships get totally ruined - One person holding a meaningless grudge over something the other person isn’t even aware of.
Not much of a friend
Not everyone has empathy
Have you ever offered to watch her children? Put her children on a bus?? One wonders are you giving what you are asking??
Because your friend is a “stay at home Mom” doesn’t mean she has any more time or energy to care for your children. And that is the key…they are YOUR children. Maintain your friendship and your children’s friendships and let go of those negative feelings for your neighbor. Expecting her to pick up the slack is not her responsibility. Don’t ruin relationships over it. Love her and her kids and get over it.
I would if it were me but she probably thinks you have it covered??
Why can’t you and your husband coordinate your schedules around the kids?
If you want a friend get a friend. If you want a nanny or an assistant get a nanny or an assistant. They aren’t the same
It’s not really her responsibility to do those things thought. It would be awesome but she probably has other things going on.
Not her responsibility
Wow! You think it’s your friends responsibility to take off your children? She had her own to take of and get ready for school. You’re upset because she’s never once offered to be your babysitter?
If you need help, you need to ask for help. If you want her take care of your children why haven’t you asked her to take care of your kids?
It’s not her responsibility to take care of you and your children just because she’s a stay at home mom.
Huh? The audacity lol
I was this kind to a neighbor and she still owes me money to this day.
But just because you call someone your friend doesn’t mean they have to do everything the way you like.
Also your spouse should relieve some of that burden for you not a friend that has no legal ties or obligations to you or your child… Reprioritize your priorities, reorganize your expectations.
Your resentful because someone won’t watch or help with your child? smh NO
What the hell is wrong with people. NO ONE is obligated to help someone stay at home mom or not. I hope she doesn’t have any more kids LBVS
I have a super close friend that lives on the way to my kids school. They have a son that is in my daughters class. I drop my kids off at my sitters to catch the bus, sometimes I take them depending on work. Do I offer to grab their son? No. Because 99% of the time I wake up with JUST enough mins to get mine out thw door and HOPE I got a brush in the car. Me nor my kids do mornings. So I could never even think to try to help them bc it would be more of a burden then help. She may be like this. I think for you to expect her to offer Is a little entitled but i get it. However, i was a stay at home mom and ita honestly MORE work than what i do as a full time major crimes investigator bc you cant step away for a break.
Grow up, it’s not all about you…
The audacity some people have
Maybe your friend needs to loan you birth control, that way you don’t have any more kids, you expect people to help you with.
I mean, you shouldn’t just expect that other ppl want to deal with another child. You could ask her if she’s willing. Not every friendship is like, sure, I want more responsibility just because we are friends. Your children aren’t her job and if she does it once or twice you’ll come to expect it. Not fair to put your responsibilities off on other ppl just because you are friends. It muddles the friendship and she may come to hold resentments if you are reciprocatory. This post. Man. Stop expecting others to take care of your kids. I don’t care if you work or not. Not okay to assume that a stay at home mom wants more responsibility
You need to move and not live next door to your friend. I did not realize people do not have any respect for there friends anymore they just use them no wonder we have all this craziness in our world today …look up friend in the dictionary doesn’t say what u r thinking a friend is.
… Have you offered to do the same. Also it sounds like losing you as a friend will benefit both of you.
Instead of waiting around for her to ask why not ask her yourself if she wouldn’t mind helping you
I hate to say it but it sounds rude…Privileged… and entitled…
Not everyone has the heart as you to offer
Not everyone wants to lend a helping hand
But as parents it’s our responsibility for our children
No matter how busy my plate is
And how empty someone else is
Maybe she deals with enough
Just bc “stay at home” mom into play and you “full time working” mom
The ending is just mom
Your title is no better than hers
Hell I’ve done both and rather work and take care of my own
Then take care of all my own my house and some other ppls responsibilities too
I can’t even
If you are such good friends, just ask her straight out.
You have entitlement issues. You need to work on that.
I’m the odd ball here and I agree with how you feel. Some of us know how WE are and what WE would do for the next person, especially a close friend. I go out of my way all of the time VOLUNTEERING to help a friend/relative that I have seen in need… with or without them asking and the favor is never returned with or without my asking. If you see me in need, I shouldn’t have to ask,especially If we are friends… like family. If you asked if I needed help, I would even volunteer to pay…just offering would mean the world. It shouldn’t even matter how my child acts, especially if we are like family, treat them like your own. So my answer is to just accept that everyone doesn’t have the same heart as yours. God bless. Trust me… I’m learning this EVERY DAY.
What kind of friend are you?? On here, basically bashing your friend because she isn’t doing what you want her to do & you’ve never even talked to her about it? Hopefully she reads this, realizes its you talking about her, and changes HER circle of friends. Smh.
I wonder how many kids this woman has. When you are a stay at home parent, day in and day out with hardly any breaks, the last thing you want is MORE kids!! Even if it is just 45 min!! Those 45 min can feel like an eternity to a stressed out parent! It’s easy for you to say “if roles were reversed…” when you’ve never actually done it… if you need help with your kids… ask! Don’t expect people to just offer!!
Just because she doesn’t have an outside of the house job doesn’t mean she doesn’t work - or have a life. Personally I feel like you are assuming you’re entitled to something you’re not. You said she helps out when you ask so what’s the problem? You think she should commit to your children everyday as well? Nooo…those are your kids, not hers. Being your friend does not automatically sign her up for a 5 day a week commitment to make your life easier and hers much more complicated. She probably hasn’t offered because she doesn’t want to do it everyday. Respect her boundaries.
I see where you’re coming from but it’s pretty clear to me that she doesn’t want to and you should respect that.
Wow. If you really want to be empathetic put yourself in another’s shoes. Maybe as a stay at home mom she would never be comfortable leaving her child in a neighbor’s care and assumes you aren’t either and that’s why you hired someone to come to your house. Just because you would offer, doesn’t mean you can assume she thinks just like you. Either get over it or move. Because if bring it up and it goes badly you’re going to ruin your neighbor situation.
I think you have the wrong impression. She did not have your kid she had hers and she and her husband are able to deal with their situation together. When you asked for a favor she was nice enough to say yes, but she did not have to just because you get along. You and your husband are adults who believe another adult has to be responsible for your kid just because you say so & you think it’s convenient for you. Further, you weren’t adult enough to ask her, but you were immature enough to get upset at her for handling her responsibilities and not yours. You are the bad friend in the equation. Ask your husband & yourself how you can fix your situation without pinning it on her.
Sounds like she needs a new friend, one that’s not entitled just because she has a job. Stay at mom’s do more then working mom’s because everyone thinks we sit around all day twiddling our thumbs. Real friends don’t act like you do.
I’m a single, working mother and my next door neighbor is a SAHM with 4 kids. I have never considered it her job/responsibility to help me with my 1 child because I have not offered to take care of her 4 children. When our kids play outside, we both watch all 5 kids.
I am a SAHM, that doesn’t make my mornings trying to get my kids ready and off to school any easier. There are still those mornings we barely make it out the door in time with everything we need. That could be made even harder adding someone else’s child to the mix too.
She sounds willing when you have asked. You don’t get to be mad because she doesn’t offer. It is not her responsibility to offer to take care of your child. You could talk to her and ask if she could help you out, but she still has every right to turn down taking full responsibility for your child at anytime. Whether they feel uncomfortable caring for someone else’s child or don’t want to for some other reason, that is ok. Sometimes you only have enough patience for your own kids.
You may be neighbours and close friends, but you both have separate lives right, she has kids and problems herself most likely, we all do.
Just ask!
There proverb in my language that says do your own thing the world won’t offer and people won’t think about you as you think about them so sorry if I butchered to translate in english. I don’t know who you are but I know your story. I am stay at home mom . I try to do things as myself. If some people offer good if not they don’t offer I don’t bother myself cause I am responsible for my kids no one else. Resentment for your partner not helping I get it. But please don’t resent the neighbor God knows what you going through and so does she. Just try your best mom don’t drink poison to let others die. You will feel hurt. Unfortunately no alot people go out their way to help others today’s world 2021 is year people came out isolation and people developed a new way of living by they way. Covid 19 torn people apart. So be strong momma. You are gonna get others help. Forget about this neighbor.
Just have a conversation. Some ppl just don’t offer for whatever reason. As you stated when you ask, she says yes. So just talk to her. Everyone are not mind readers
Your kid isn’t HER responsibility. The entitlement that’s flowing from you is shocking. She doesn’t owe you anything and she’s your neighbor, not your nanny. She has her own kid(s) and maybe she doesn’t want another one added to her life. My best friend has never watched my kids and I’ve never watched hers. That’s because a friendship doesn’t mean a free babysitter! Lol Make other arrangements like every other parent does! Lol
She would never be in my world…
She will need you one day…
Be strong and think of how it hurt you when this time comes.
I would be very busy then…
Sorry but turn about is fair play…
And how often do you help her with her kids or offer to watch her kids? Being a stay at home mom isn’t any easier then being a working mom. ( and yes I’ve done both). You want help you need to ask and offer to help it can’t all be one sided
Why not offer to pay her what you pay the sitter that comes over every morning to help get your kiddo on the bus? That way you’re asking her if she’d like it as a job and it doesn’t look as though you’re taking advantage of your friendship.
I myself don’t like being responsible for other people’s kids, so i don’t bother people with my kids and I don’t expect people to be responsible of mines.
Who the heck are you to expect so much from a friend? I bet she would be more than willing to help you out so much if you just freaking asked. Don’t ever expect a thing from a person. That’s you feeling entitled about something. You ask people… you don’t expect. Rude Rude Rude. So yeah, you are 100% Wrong.
It’s not her job to take care of your kids. It’s yours. Also she can’t read your mind. Ask. If she says no then let it be. You have your morning routine and So does she it may throw her morning off dealing with extra kids.
Closed mouths don’t get fed! You can’t be mad at her for not reading your mind. If you want her help, ask for it! Simple as that!
I do not like to offer to keep other peoples kids/help out because it has almost always been taken advantage of. If someone asks, I will here and there but never a regular thing. Your kids, your responsibility!
I think it’s also important to remember just because we would offer to help doesn’t mean others would. Also, as readers we don’t know the whole situation. I get the post comes off as entitled but there’s probably more we aren’t hearing.
She’s not a mind reader… speak on it. Closed mouths don’t get fed. Just because you would offer don’t mean she thinks the same… maybe try asking about it
Is that why you befriended her? If not, then forget about her offering and concentrate on the friendship she IS offering.
What In the world did I just read… sounds like someone is jealous maybe tell your work you need a later schedule. I can’t believe you expect your friend to get your kid on the bus lol
Cant expect the same from others as you would do. Itll only crush ya
Check into before and after school childcare at the school or a center with a bus that brings them
Wow, not her responsibility at all!! A bit entitled of you also! Just saying
She don’t Owe you any thing!! Why would you Just Expect her to do, Anything!!
Boy howdy are you an entitled friend if people had friends like you nobody would need no enemies what makes you so entitled your kid raise them yourself
I am a single, working mother as well. When my now 5 year old was 5 months old, my stay-at-home sister offered to bring her then 2 year old to my house to help watch my baby while I worked. It lasted for 6 weeks. We argued about things I had asked of her as my son’s mother, that she disagreed with and ultimately, my sister wanted “her life back.” I was left trying to find (and figure out how to afford) a daycare for my baby. It forever changed our relationship because I had rearranged my entire life to help her when her son (the 2 year old) was born, to help her and her HUSBAND. Do you ever keep all the kids for sleepovers or for play dates to give your friend some free time? Do you make dinner or take over dessert if the kids played at her house after school, just to say thanks? Do you ask her how she’s doing? One thing I have learned is that others look at us as responsible for our own situations. We don’t generally ask to be alone in raising children with no assistance but others have done it (very successfully) before us and will after us. You have to dig down into your resentment. Is it jealousy that she doesn’t have to work? Is it disappointment in yourself for decisions you have made that have created this life? In hindsight, I found that mine was out of disappointment in myself for overlooking red flags- I had to grieve the life I planned for myself and agree to make the best of the one I have. It is hard, but we can’t be mad at others for not responding the same way we believe we would in a situation. If she is truly a good friend, keep it that way and don’t blur the lines with assigning her responsibility for helping you when you need it - she may be much more overwhelmed than you assume. You may be doing better than she emotionally and not even realize it.
Wowza. She in no way owes you anything. Ask if your so upset.
Yes, don’t be stubborn. Just ask for help.
.maybe shes not good at making a commitment and doesnt want to lose your friendship if it doesnt go well.
But you should ask her and offer to pay her …or barter.
Bc your kids are not her kids…period…if someone asked me to do it, occasionally, I would but I personally don’t want to be locked in into doing it everyday…I had 5 kids and worked full time, had plenty of neighbors I considered friends but I paid a babysitter bc MY kids were MY responsibility
Maybe offer to pay your friend
Wow, you’re pretty entitled huh?
Is this a serious post?
Lol sadd just sadd . What kind of friend are YOU .
My daughter had a best friend that lived by us. I worked full time and the friend’s mom was a stay at home mom. I made the move and asked the friend’s mom if she would be able to pick up my daughter from school with her and drop her off at home. I offered gas money because even though she was going anyway it saved me money. They went above and many times would take her to their house to let the kids play, have snack and spend time together. I do not know what their schedule was like but I was blessed they helped out. Even with my niece my sister never expects family to help they ask. If we say no she figures it out. You have to remember the family may be sick one morning or have appointments or other conflicts. She may not offer to help because from the outside it looks like you already have a plan. If you don’t ask she doesn’t know. I agree with those saying have a conversation. I don’t think there’s any reason to have bad feelings toward her, it sounds like a lack of communication. Sit down, ask and remember she has a right to say no. Best of luck! Working full time and having kids the schedules can be overwhelming!
What the actual self entitled sh!t did I just read? Like seriously over reacting. She don’t owe u a dang thing. Get off ur high horse and stop holding such feelings towards your “friend” I got 2 kids and I’m a single parent and work my ass off… but never once asked or ever expected any of my friends to watch, take care of, transport my kids at any point. Grow the hell up… like seriously