My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

Ask her then or let it go. You’re going to ruin your friendship over your entitled ways because you have to parent your children on your own. :woman_shrugging:


Maybe you should just ask her because that’s what friends do she probably felt like since you want to go and pay money on finding a sitter and all that then she will just leave you to it maybe she thinks you don’t trust your kids with her

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Grow up and sort your own child the same way she sorts hers!


You are joking right?
Why is it her responsibility to look after your child.


If you want her help you actually have to ask her for it. She can’t read your mind. End of story.


I would ask her and offer to pay what your already paying the other babysitter. Just because she is a friend doesn’t mean that she wants to donate her time every single day. Taking care of kids is a hard job, even if it’s just 45 min.
My best friend lives across the street. She helps me, as a single mother of 2, by watching my girls every other Saturday so I can work. She even offered to watch them daily when my COVID leave expired and I couldn’t put that burden on her unless she was my last resort. When my kids got send home twice for 14 days at the beginning of the school year because of COVID policies I paid her to watch them even tho she didn’t ask for a dime.

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What gets me most, is that you have a partner. why can’t one of you do it?
You shouldn’t rely on your friend to take care of YOUR kids.
My best friends daughter goes to the same school as my kids. I would never in my life ask her to take my kids to school or pick them up. It’s simply not her responsibility, whether she lives next door or not.


Are you for real? This is a joke right? I wouldn’t expect my own mother to do that if we lived in the same fking house!!


Maybe she feels like you all have way too much time together already then :woman_shrugging:

If indeed she’s your freind like you say, tell her how you feel , life is too short to be around with fake freinds who keep up appearances

That ain’t no friend. She don’t have your back like you would have hers. Just stop talking to her.

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Soooo when you’re home all day during the weekend do you just take her kids all of Saturday and Sunday since you’re home and not at work? :joy:


Maybe she is upset that you would hire someone for 45 minutes to take your kid to the bus and back but won’t ask her. Maybe she is upset and think you don’t trust her with your child. You won’t know unless you talk to her.

Seriously? You’re not entitled to child care just because you’re friends and she’s a SAHM. Get over yourself.

She’s doing enough for you she doesn’t owe u anything!!

The entitlement is strong in this one :flushed:

Get over it, it’s not her job :roll_eyes:

Sounds like you’ve never offered either so I dont see the problem besides you feeling way too entitled to free childcare🤷‍♀️

It’s not someone else’s responsibility to take care of your child. If you would like her help you should ask. And if she is being a babysitter you should pay her.

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Your child, your responsibility not the neighbours/friends. You cant expect people to help, but maybe ask and occasionally they may be able to help

Lol what? Your children aren’t your friends responsibility. Sounds like if you asked, she’s ready but she isn’t required to be on call for your kids. Your expectations aren’t right, remember that’s your friend, not your spouse or any other relationship. She isn’t required to help with your kids just because she “stays at home”.

These comments…yikes!!! I guess I’ve been lucky to meet some really cool people! My friends have always offered to help and so have I!! It takes a village! At this point I would say something? In a kind way!


Sounds like YOU haven’t asked for help… it dies take a village, but you also have to know when to ask for help and not just expect people to read your mind. It also goes both ways though, you can’t expect her to watch your kids for free, you should either help her out to or pay her or something . Help should go both ways, just cause she’s a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she probably doesn’t need help from time to time


I don’t see in this post where you’ve ever asked except in an as needed basis. How is she supposed to know you would like her help if you don’t ask. You also mention your husband, where is his help with all this. Its 2021, child rearing isn’t solely your responsibility, especially seeing as you are also working out of the house.


Once in a while in a emergency ok, but other than that favors can get old real fast. I’m sure the friend would of offered if they could, but knows their limits especially for morning routines. Those are always crazy times.

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How do you know she doesn’t have other things going on in the morning? Have you thought to ask her? Do you think maybe adding your child/children would be too much for her to handle? Just cause you see her as a stay at home mom does not mean she has all this time to help you, either.


I’m a stay at home/work from home mom and our nephew comes over a lot(he lives next door) but I stopped offering Bc 1. It’s never returned and 2. After dealing with my two baby boys all day I don’t want to deal with others. Don’t discredit stay at home moms as doing nothing. Just bc you go to work and she’s at home doesn’t mean she does nothing all day :clap:t3: she’s not responsible for your child on a daily basis no matter how short a period. It’s not inconsiderate, she has your own life and it sounds like when you do grow up and ask she does say yes so the problem is definitely you expecting someone to do more for you just bc she’s your friend and stays at home :thinking:


Have you ever offered to take her kid (in more than the general “let me know if you need anything”)? Maybe if you offered, she would.

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If you don’t ask the answer is always no. It also is not her responsibility to get your child on the bus. Being a stay at home mom isn’t free daycare for the neighbors kids. You need to reevaluate how you’re thinking. Be grateful that she’s there in an emergency.


I’m sorry but she’s not offering because you don’t ask her if she would help…also how do you know her mornings aren’t crazy…I’m a stay at home mom to a one year old and our mornings are nuts…just think school age kids tho she has to worry about getting them up on time to get dressed and eat breakfast before getting them on the bus…its not inconsiderate that’s she’s not responsible for your child…if you need help every once in a while ask her…honestly you sound so entitled and an awful friend…I wouldn’t want a friend like you


This cannot be real😂 how many times have you helped with her kids, if she’s a full time stay-at-home mom I’m thinking SHE could use a break… being a sahm is a job and it doesn’t make her everyone’s babysitter. Do you pay her when she helps you out? You already have a babysitter and help with getting your kid on the bus, that’s your responsibility as a working mom not hers. If you speak to and about her in the tone and same dense ignorance you’ve used in this post, no wonder she doesn’t help!


Jesus, your status. Sorry but I think you are being really selfish. She’s your friend but why do you feel she “should” offer to help? I work from home and I am pretty much a stay at home Mam as my job allows me too, but I would find difficult to have someone else’s bairn on a morning, when trying to get mine sorted for school. It’s hard enough never mind being hyper as there friend is there. You choose to have kids, and work outside your home so sorry that’s your lifestyle, and you shouldn’t be expecting your friend to offer too help. If you where my friend and I read this status I would go mad. It isn’t nice at all…


Your kids/her responsibility? Just because she’s a stay at home Mum doesn’t mean she wants to take on other kids… sorry sounds like she’s good at setting boundaries x


Wow. Expectations lead to resentments. You should expect her to do anything. Close mouths dont get fed🤷🏻

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I assume you are friends with her because of who she is and her character, and not because you would like her to be your babysitting service. When she signed up to have her children, she only agreed to have her children. She didn’t agree to raise yours as well. Raising and caring for children is hard enough when it is your own let alone when it’s someone else’s. How close you are is irrelevant. Being friends is not a reason to expect someone else to be your sitter simply because you have a job and she stays at home with her children. It sounds like she’s doing everything she should be doing as a friend and as a mom. When you ask her for a favor, she agrees and helps you on a case by case basis. Stop feeling entitled to her help simply because her lifestyle allows her to be at home with her kids. That’s not very fair to her and that’s not you being a very good friend. I would stop and really consider why you feel as though it’s her job to parent your children when you are working and maybe find a therapist to help you find a way to deal with the stress of parenting. Good luck.


Being a stay at home does not mean she has no obligations. That’s rude to assume she would have the ability to just drop everything for you or be expected too.


Maybe she doesn’t like other people’s kids. Maybe after dealing with hers literally 24/7 she doesn’t want your kid over, especially first thing in the morning. Maybe she’s got her own stuff going on. Maybe you should ask for help if you need it.


It’s not her responsibility. It’s your kids and your situation and your problem to deal with. Stop acting like you’re entitled to have her help because she’s your friend.


Your kid, your responsibility. You said yourself they are hyper together. Why should she have to deal with that everyday. It’s hard enough getting your kids to focus in the morning. You are definetly feeling entitled and over reacting!


What have you done for them.


It’s not her responsibility to help with your children, even if you somehow believe her being a saam entitles you to forcing your children on her. I’m sure she has a lot on her plate, same as everybody else.
That being said, if you’ve never asked her for help you can’t really just expect someone to jump and up and down and guess what it is you might need help with. If you don’t ask, how can she know?
Your post came off pretty entitled to having someone’s help who has no responsibility for your children whatsoever. If you ask and she chooses to help, thats great, but you can’t really be mad if she says no either. But it seems like you already have a little help with her if you really need it. It seems like you just don’t want to pay a babysitter to do these tasks and would rather mooch off a friend for free.

Also her being a saam doesn’t mean she automatically has to take other people’s kids. Doesn’t matter if she has a remote job or just simply wants to nap and doing nothing; it’s not her responsibility to watch your kids and if she says no for the pure reason of not wanting more responsibilty you’re going to have to accept that.

This post came off as melodramatic and rude. You’re upset at your “friend” for not watching your kids for free when you don’t even bother asking her to, just expect her to do free labor because you think she has nothing better to do.


Perhaps she doesn’t do early. Maybe she is overwhelmed dealing with her own child. Just because she stays home doesn’t mean she isn’t busy. She’s not family just a friend who lives next door. You said if the roles were reversed you would offer but if that were truly true then she would be you and you would be her, so yeah nah you wouldn’t. Let it go. Why ruin a good friendship over your personal desires. Qe are told in the Word of God to place others before ourselves. Perhaps you need to let her do her and you do you.

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You pay a sitter, did u offer her the job or just expect her to do it for free? It’s her choice to stay home & watch her kids, not yours with no compensation.


Yikes. You sound like not a fun friend.


Sometimes people think others are so independent that their help really isn’t help… From the outside she may think you have it all figured out… Start a conversation… If you notice she feels uncomfortable or that she’s hesitant… Then stop right there and know there’s a reason and she’s not obligated to tell you why… She’s still your friend. Still the same person however just because your comfort level would be to immediately reach out to help doesn’t mean hers is and that’s ok


Wow… just wow. She’s not obligated to help you. Or even offer you her help. I have 4 kids and some pretty close friends with kids, I don’t offer my time to them. My life is too busy and too hectic to take on someone else’s responsibility. Maybe you could offer to pay her for her to help with YOUR OBLIGATIONS. But she is in no way required to offer you help with YOUR kid. Maybe she doesn’t offer because she realizes what kind of person you are and knows that eventually you will just expect her to do it and take advantage of her. I would assume that if I were her. Man, you seem entitled. Just because she’s a stay at home mom, doesn’t mean she isn’t busy. I was a stay at home mom for over 5 years, I would know. I work now and have NO expectations of someone else helping with MY children. What more if your friend suppose to do for you?? You literally said that she helps when you ask. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Keep paying your babysitter, keep your mouth shut, and move on before you lose what seems like a good friend.


It’s not her responsibility. Friends or not.


Apparently ALL of you have the same problem the friend has; whatever happened to “love your neighbor?”. But she has made her position clear so stop stressing yourself over it. You keep doing right and teach your child right. God will bless you. She has her blessing already.

Offer her the baby sitting job. If you can pay someone else you can pay your neighbor/friend. She is a sahm I am sure she would love to have the cash for herself. Some sahm doesn’t get cash for their own use. With one parent working it makes it difficult to have extra money. So offer her the job of babysitting. Don’t expect her to do it for free just because of the amount time and location seems convenient for you. What is convenient for you may add another load to her shoulders. We never know what another person goes through. Don’t be so quick to judge. Don’t be so quick to assume. Don’t expect friends to do things just because they are your friend.

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One closed mouths don’t get fed. It’s kind of selfish to just have the assumption that she should offer free services to help you out. That’s not being a good friend on your behalf. You and your husband really have no reason at all to get made and Poot girl probably has 0 idea how you feel. Maybe you should just not have her as a friend if that’s how you truly feel about her. She deserves better than that

Your being a self centered little whiny baby :woman_shrugging:t2:


Tell her how you feel. Don’t worry about all the people commenting with “well maybe” ideas…that’s just extra bs you don’t need to worry about. If she reacts badly to your feelings then cool, it’s not like you’re that close right now anyway. If she reacts positively and you work things out, (payment like the sitter, a helpful back up plan, etc) then cool. You never know until you try :metal:t2::blue_heart:

Ummmm thats not her responsibility, that’s your kid. She isn’t obligated to do anything for your child. You sound entitled.


Its not her responsibility


Prepare for a novel! Don’t scroll on my comment if you don’t wanna read a long one.
I had a friend who treated me like this so it irks me.
I wouldn’t even make presumptions like that about the child’s grandparents, let alone an unrelated friend and neighbor. Kind of weird. “She would just have my kid every morning for 45 mins.” Well, your friend has kids of her own and as a mom of 2 myself, the morning rush is hard enough with your own kids. Being a stay at home doesn’t mean she has nothing but time on her hands. Also it sounds like their friendship is pretty reciprocal so I don’t know why she acts like the SAHM owes her something??
Honestly she and her husband have a sense of entitlement. Just because YOU think you’d offer to do something, doesn’t mean you would and even if you choose to it doesn’t mean everyone else does.
The fact that you’re so upset with your friend over something so petty that you “have a hard time even looking at her” is a little weird tbh and makes me wonder if something else is going on with OP…jealousy, other stresses, past resentment.
I’ll wrap it up now for OP.

  1. I don’t think you realize how lucky you are to have such a good friend. Not only do you have support as a mom and as a person with a best friend next door, but your daughters are best friends and live next door. Neighborhood friends are such an important and awesome thing to have and they even go to school/same class etc.
  2. I’m trying not to sound harsh but OP you need to get your head out of the sand. Your expectations are way too high and personal. Maybe ask a grandparent if they’re local so you don’t have to pay them. If that’s not an option, sorry Mama. You and Dad are responsible for the lives you chose to bring into this world!
  3. it seems like your friend is good at keeping firm boundaries and you aren’t respecting those; presuming she should take your kids back and forth constantly for what you made out to be a long drive is crazy! SAHMs have lives and a lot of responsibility. As a working mom, I give them ao much respect. Speaking of respect, you need to treat your friend with some of that!!
  4. you talk about how much you want her to do things for YOU and what she has done for you–which apparently isn’t enough in your opinion–but you don’t mention what you do for her. Yes going on vacay is nice but that doesn’t mean you’re giving anything as it’s mutual vacation. You sound like a Taker and she sounds like a Giver. I will tell you that, if you don’t a) respect her boundaries and b) reciprocate, you and more importantly, your child may lose your best friends.
    Lastly this.
    Show. Some. Appreciation! The same storm that affected you/your kids affected her/her kids, and she was still kind enough to take your baby/babies to school for you. How about being grateful? She sounds loyal and like she is there for you quite often.
    If you’re not telling her your expectations she can’t read your mind. That being said, my advice and 2 cents would be to try to change YOUR attitude and perspective. You sound overwhelmed. Maybe jealous or resentful because you have unrealistic expectations of a friend and neighbor. Or else just spoiled and bitter about the help you expect. I’m not saying you are a bad mom but you’re being a bad friend.
    What about being there for HER? What about asking how she feels and how you can help? Your not being comfortable with your sitter driving isn’t her problem. She’s not your sister or mom and even grandparents and aunts aren’t required to take care of their relatives.
    This is not a typical perspective. Both you and your husband should come up with a parenting plan so that the mornings go smoother. You could go to bed earlier and wake up earlier so things aren’t so hectic or chaotic. I always think a nice morning routine is so important for kids and also believe that how they start their day off impacts the rest of rhe day. Maybe share more of the tasks so it isn’t too much on one person. If you don’t trust the sitter driving, ask a local relative. If not available, hire a new sitter. Plenty of people are looking for side hustle $$ these days and you could get a good price…
    Finally, if you INSIST on talking to her about this, I would not say it at all like you phrased it here or you may lose a friend. Perhaps confide in her that you feel overwhelmed with the morning rush. THANK HER for all of her past help and ACKNOWLEDGE what a great job she’s doing with her kids and yours. Tell her how special she is to you and her child to your child because it sounds like y’all are really close.
    Then maybe ask if she could carpool with y’all during the week. Ask if she can take your kids to school maybe every other day. I think 45 mins every day is too much but whatever.
    My suggestion would then be to offer something in return. She’s a SAHM and likely doesn’t get a lot of breaks during the week. You could offer to have her kids over on the weekend for an afternoon to give her some down time…
    And lastly, lastly…GIRL. You have an amazing friend and so does your baby! Having a BFF next door, not just for your kiddo which is most important and special but for you as a support is incredible. You sound like family and families fight but it’s not worth breaking up a great thing for this! Especially as you still have to live next to them lol.
    Good luck. Stop being spoiled and love what ya got! Say thank you. Stop and smell the roses and appreciate what you have. If you’re overwhelmed, tell Hubby Dubby to step up his game. Finally, if you need help, offer it in return.
    The end.

You’re in the wrong here. If you’d like her to help, ask. Offer her a fair amount of money to take on the responsibility. Expecting you from other people, will only set you up for disappointment. Your child is your responsibility. It’s your responsibility to communicate what you need from your village to successfully raise that child. Just because you would notice and offer to help, doesn’t mean others will or should. I know I’m at capacity in my current roles. I’d be happy to help a friend/neighbor in a emergency, but wouldn’t want to take something on 5 days a week on a regular basis, even with payment. You have no idea what her mornings look like. Just because she’s a SAHM doesn’t mean she has the time or energy for another child. Carrying resentment without a discussion isn’t fair to either of you.


Lmao I struggle to deal with my own children in the morning you will not likely ever see me offering out of the blue to deal with someone elses kids especially with out them asking me for help. You are being entitled and acting like a whiny child. I have 3 children I do not expect anything from anyone that does not live in my house hold regardless of who they are or, what their situation is and the way I see it neither should you. If you want help from your friend ask her, offer to pay her instead of paying someone else. Why should she offer to do something for free that you are paying someone else to do. What’s good for the goose is good for the handler. She maybe wondering why you haven’t offered that arrangement to her. You are willing to pay a stranger but not your friend? Why? Oh right because you expect to take advantage of your friendship and use your friend for free. That is not what she is your friend for. My friends/family help me when I ask and vise versa. Example I asked my own sister is coming to help me clean my yard up but I offered to pay her because I know she needs the money and quite frankly my yard needs the attention and I don’t feel like doing is. I gave her some incentive and this is a fair exchange considering I’d probably would have end up paying a stranger more if she didn’t accept my offer. She is my sister would she have done it for free? Probably but my yard is large and I do not take advantage of my loved ones just because they are my loved ones. No one is obligated to do anything for me because of their relationship to me


Have you… asked for help? She probably assumes you have it all handled, especially since you ask when you do really need help. It’s not up to her to make sure your kids are taken care of; it’s yours. If you need help, that’s perfectly fine, but you can’t expect her to read your mind and jump in every time, ya know?


Yes you’re overreacting! Maybe she has a hard enough time in the morning, maybe mornings overwhelm her, maybe she struggles with her routines. If you need help, you should communicate that with her instead of just expecting it. She’s probably not a mind reader. I’m sure if she’s as good a friend as you say, she would be more than glad to help if you ask!! And do something nice for her, cause you sound like a bit of a selfish whiney brat in this post, not an adult or good friend.


Just because someone is a friend doesn’t mean they owe you anything.


I would 100% not be friends with a judgy, entitled, self centered girl like you :rofl: let me guess, you think since she’s a stay at home mom she owes you something since you work full time? Crazy. You married to her? Why can’t your husband watch your kid since it’s biologically his too and not your friend’s? If he works too then honestly get over it.


Have you ever bothered to ask her. Don’t make assumptions maybe she thinks you’re ok and don’t need her help. Just ask.

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You can not be serious right now! She is your friend, this is your child!! She had her kids and worked her life out accordingly… it’s not her fault you have to hire a babysitter, she isn’t obligated in anyway to help you! You even said she helped if asked… why have you never asked for her help but instead get mad at her for not running to your rescue. She obviously has a busy life of her own and it’s super inconsiderate you’re made she doesn’t think about you and your problems.


Maybe she has other issues and she can’t help you? Making all kinds of assumptions is never a good idea. Communication is the best.

Honestly I kinda hate when people assume. Just be straight forward & ask if she’d like to make some extra cash or just ask if she’d do it. People don’t have to offer to be your friend. If she has kids of her own, the first thing she thinks of, probably isn’t your kids. I’m sorry to say but people have their own lives & you can’t expect everyone to come to you. She may say yes of course. But why make her look bad on the internet if you haven’t even asked.

It sounds like you’re an entitled person who thinks we all owe something to you🤷🏼‍♀️ Shit, my kids are hard enough and any “free” time I have, is MINE🙌🏻


Thats not her responsibility just because u are friends don’t mean she owes u anything


Amber Marie Lena Rojas is she serious rn :sweat_smile:

Try asking, have a conversation just because you live next door and your kids go to school together and blah blah blah doesn’t mean they know that you would like their help

Every time you ask she does it no problem… maybe ask, otherwise yes absolutely over reacting and being petty. She owes you nothing and she isn’t you she is her she handles things differently clearly and she may not even realize there is an issue.


I can’t even process what I just read…this is THE MOST ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. Get off your High horse. She doesn’t owe you anything. Shit if I were you friend I would no longer be your friend if I found out how self centered, entitled and rude you are. Get over it and figure out your own crap. Leave your poor “friend” alone to care for her own kids.


Yes you are overreacting, she’s your friend not your babysitter lol. God I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone entitled like this, you had the kids maybe take care of them and figure it out yourself as their mother, it’s not her job. My friends offer to pay me to watch their children and always ask first, usually a while in advance too.


Your child. Can your friend read minds? Maybe she doesn’t want to. Have you ever thought maybe said friend battles situations you know nothing about. Sometimes you have to pay a sitter. :woman_shrugging:t4: or stay home. Or just simply tell your friend how you feel. Not random people on a virtual platform who know you or your friend from a hole in the ground. :frog: :coffee:


This has to be a made up post right? I mean this cant be real. Do you even consider what her mornings or afternoons are like with her kids?


Wow!! Its Your child…its Your responsibility. Not hers.

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How selfish of you. She herself is a mother and she knows how much she can handle. Expecting her to pick up for you is awful. She is a friend she doesn’t owe you anything.

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You need to ask yourself why you feel entitled to her keeping your kids. They are your responsibility and you made them. She has her own kids to deal with. If you’re serious, you don’t deserve her help for anything. She doesn’t owe you anything.


You should ask her!! Or make a deal. If she helps all week with yours. Offer to take hers for a few hours on the weekends. Friends help each other. That goes both ways! Not just one giving and the other expecting all the time.


The fact that you EXPECT this from her makes you undeserving of the favor in the first place. People offer when they FEEL inclined. Perhaps you’re not as good of a friend to her as you may think? Self evaluation should come first…


She has her own schedule to deal with and probably hasn’t even considered adding someone else’s kid to the mix. I’m sorry but you need to re evaluate what you’re feeling and start considering OTHERS feelings.


So just because she’s a stay at home mom, she’s obligated to offer to help you out??? Maybe be a better friend and actually ASK her for help instead of assuming she should offer. I’m glad I’m not your friend.


It’s no one’s obligation to watch your child.


Is this an April fools joke?


Put your big girl panties on and take care of your family. Like she takes care of hers. She set boundaries and that’s probably why your still friends.


Why would you even feel resentment is beyond me. You are bitter at her for no reason whatsoever. Your child is your responsibility. She’s your friend not your babysitter. You are wrong to feel she should pick up the slack for you. My goodness give her a break already.


I’m a stay at home Mom too. I don’t offer anymore either because too many people take advantage of MY time. I am a stay at home Mom for my children, not your children. Simple. Emergencies are different than offering to take on another child, early in the morning, EVERY morning. You expecting her to offer is the only thing wrong with this scenario.


They aren’t her kids or her responsibility. It’s isn’t her job to offer let alone expect her to just assume that she will do it. A stay at home Moms job is just as strenuous as a working moms. Have you ever offered to give her a break? Or are you just assuming she sits at home eating bon bons all day stress free.


They are YOUR kids! Just because your friends does not mean she’s entitled to help with them. Maybe she feels she has her hands full. Hire a babysitter if you need help but you can’t pin the problem on her! It sounds selfish


Holy shit. I can’t believe how long you went on about your “friend” who says yes if you ask and none of the rest is her responsibility. Mornings suck. Getting kids out the door sucks. If she doesn’t want to offer to take care of an extra kid in the morning, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sorry, I’m not trying to be a jerk but I’d be really annoyed if I were HER and my friend and her husband were so bothered by me not doing something that isn’t my job


Maybe your nieghbor/friend is uncomfortable watching other children. And she propably has a good reason why. And are you so “above” everyone that you feel your friend should be more of a servant & cater to you on every whim?


Yeah, sorry but your child, your responsibility. She’s happy to help in an emergency and that’s lovely of her but she doesn’t need to offer on a regular basis.


Try being a stay at home mom :joy::joy: shit is harder than working. Send me back to work please!!! You def are overreacting and she doesn’t have to offer… do you offer to help her on the days she may be crying because she can’t even pee without a child being up her butt… both positions present their own obstacles but I will say for me working was way easier than being a full stay at home mom.


I have two neighbors whose kids go to school with my son. I’m supposed to start work at 8 but I told my boss I can’t come in til 9 because I need to put my son on the bus. Now I know my neighbors wouldn’t mind my son staying with them an hour but I don’t feel it’s their responsibility. Nor would I hire someone just for an hour. Stop what you’re doing and put your kid on the bus and then continue with your work.


Hope the author of this post got the message loll
Ask yourself : If your friend lived far away you wouldn’t expect her to propose all of these things. You can’t expect her to do it just because she lives closer lol it’s ridiculous…
Also tell yourself: she must have her reasons to never have offered. It’s not all about you.

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You… You can’t be serious


It’s not her responsibility :woman_shrugging:t2:


How dare you imply I follow the rules of society! I grew a human inside me!

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Just because she’s your friend and lives close don’t mean she has to look after your spawn. Quit acting entitled and take care of your own crotch goblin.


This is…odd, to say the least. If she’s willing to help out when asked (which isn’t even her responsibility either tbh) I don’t understand the issue… she’s not responsible for your child just because the kids are friends and y’all are neighbors (dare I even say, “friends”)? Moms are busy enough with their own kids that I doubt she’s purposely NOT considering yours. This just seems like a really entitled thing to say especially about someone who is actually willing to help when asked… friend/neighbor or not.
You deciding to work outside the home doesn’t automatically entitle you to her care services just because she’s a stay at home mom to her own children. Unless there’s some back story missing and she maybe explicitly told you she would watch your kids if you decided to go back to work after having your babies??


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