Stay in your own lane!!!
As someone that has been cheated on in the past, please please tell her. She deserves to know.
His wife deserves to know!
Ooooh that’s a hard one. I would pray hard about this.
Either way u are in a bad situation cuz if u dont tell her and she finds out u knew, ur a bad friend. But if u tell her, she may get mad at u for getting in her business. That’s rough so my best advice is pray. God will tell u what to do.
I spoke up and lost my friends and the couple is still together today. I was made out to be the “trouble starter”.
I would tell her she deserves to know the truth snakes deserves nothing it’s going to come out anyways and if the shoe was on the other foot would you want her to be honest with you???
Ohhhhhh, this one new. I have never read something like this before. If Jane were my friend, I wouldn’t have it in me to not tell her. As for Lucy, well she’s a dumpsterfire
Tell your friend to stop screwing married people
She deserves to know
I’d tell her. And they should be ashamed
Eh this is a hard one. In one hand ur not really janes friend if ur keeping major secrets like this but on the other hand without full blown proof telling her could blow up in ur face. So this is really a double edged sword. You are going to lose one or all friends in this matter. But personally John seems to be the snake sounds like Lucy thought he was split from his wife so she really can’t be to blame but her knowing now that John never was split and keeping the relationship going is now bad on her. Ewwww I wouldn’t want Lucy or John around me honestly.
I would totally mind your own business. Not your circus and not your monkeys! They are neighbors!
It’s not you business to tell. You will only be the bad guy in the long run. Let him deal with his own issues.
Is this even a question? If you don’t tell the wife, you are just as much of a snake as those two.
I would stay out of it completely. It’s not your place to judge or be the whistle blower.
<~~welp, there’s me because I’d rat everyone out! He cheated on his wife and she deserves to know the truth.
Tbh. I would stop talking to all of them in general. You do not need that kind of energy around you. Sending positive vibes your way girl
Do nothing. It’s nothing to you
Confront John, n give him the oppurtunity to tell Jane first
I’d tell her. What happens if they do end up having a child? The siblings go to the same school ? Know each other ? It can get far too messy. It’s messy enough!!! Be honest.
The truth is no matter what you’ll lose them at friends. But atleast you’d be helping this woman by telling her. She may decide to stay with him. She may leave him. But atleast she will know the facts. And your conscious will be clear. Whats Lucy’s opinion on you telling them? I really see no other way at this point.
Yeah too much drama for me f*ck them all
I have a feeling, it’s not Johns first time cheating. If you write a note, Johns going to think it was the girl he cheated with, your friend will know it’s you that wrote the note. I’ve see both sides , I did tell once the wife ended up blaming me. Also I was the one being cheated on, and my friend knew, even some of my family knew, it hurts like hell and you feel like a fool because no one said anything to you. So either way you go, you are screwed. If you tell her, and she knows the other woman is your friend she is going to bug you to death, wanting to know everything about this other woman and the child. Your friend is going to be mad at you, for telling, he’s going to be mad at you for telling. So more then likely your going to loose all 3 of them, even though the two caused the mess.
I wouldn’t want to be friends with john or Lucy. This is fucked up. I’d have done told jane and I dont care what anyone thinks. She can make her own choice but she needs to know. I wouldnt want Lucy around me or my husband either. I’d tell her to kick rocks.
As someone who was cheated on id want to know. I also knew my bio uncle was cheating on his wife and I had a very close relationship with his wife and I told her because they have 3 kids and my uncle was using his wife as financial support while cheating thinking it was funny. Now she’s remarried and is happy and she looks and seem so much happier and we still talk to this day because she’ll always be my aunt regardless.
Blow up everyones spot then step away from it all. If i was that wife… I’d want to know
If you can’t look anyone in the eye anymore, sell your house and move across town”closer to your work”
I would tell her. She has the right to know. Would you want to know if your man/woman was doing that behind your back. Shit I would. It would hurt but id be grateful that someone told me. If she finds out and finds out yall knew she would be hurting more. Idk that’s just me though
Oh the wicked web we weave when we first connive to deceive!
Nothing… find new friends
What a horrible situation to be in! Best of luck to you!
I wouldn’t say a thing, that will come out eventually. I would frame a pic of the friend and her child and put it in place you know the snake will see it LOL cause I’m just that mean LOL
Tell her anonymously maybe?
Either way if you won’t be friends, I’d say something for your own sanity and janes.
Would you want them to tell you if the situation were reversed?
If I was Jane, I would want someone to tell me. Is there a way to tell her anonymously? That way you don’t have to risk a “shoot the messenger” situation. You did your duty as a decent friend(and human being) and what she does with the information is up to her.
If it helps you make a decision, I thanked the other woman when she found out about me and contacted me when I was being cheated on back in the day. You’re literally taking her side by telling her so that would be something a good friend would do.
Tell the husband you know his dirty little secret so he needs to come clean before you make his wife aware it’s Gonna be hard to stay out of it and maintain friendships with all party’s cause eventually everything’s gonna come out and then you will look like a snake like John for sweeping it under the rug and the other friend that’s knowingly having a child with a married man is not someone I’d want as a friend that says a lot about her character
You should mind your own business and back out of the situation. Giving advise to a close friend could ruin a good relationship. It might backfire on you.
Write a letter if you feel you can’t tell Jane face to face.She needs to know…if it was turned around,wouldn’t you want to know your husband got another woman pregnant?..
Omg. Tell his wife! She doesn’t deserve that… she doesn’t. And ditch your friend, she’s wrong for that.
People are crazy you dont know how anyone will react. Keep it to yourself and break off the friendship. Not your monkeys not your circus.
Just post a picture of John on here and let the internet do the rest
i would have them all to diner and watch
We are going to need a update on this one!!
I don’t think any of the what ifs matter at this point. You can’t control what other people will do. I think you should do what is the right thing by you. That way regardless of what happens you know you were true and did the right thing. You can walk away with a clear conscience. This guy did this and its his fault. Its not ur secret to keep. And everything else…doesn’t matter.
I would mind my own business
In my opinion if it was me I would want somebody to tell me. I know most times people will say mind your business but if I found out and then found out that you knew I’ve lost my husband and a friend at that point.
I like leslie’s idea except I wouldn’t place where he could see it. I would show them both together the picture of your friend and her new baby isn’t it just darling…. Then watch John squirm as he either avoids eye contact with you or makes eye contact to try and feel you out to see how much you know. I believe his guilt would get the best of him and he wind up informing Jane of something. More than likely another lie but it will open the door.
This is hard because technically there’s no wrong answer to this. Some people prefer not to know the truth because ignorance is bliss.
However, if you’re really that close, it’s going to feel like a betrayal if you don’t tell her and she finds out eventually. She’ll feel embarrassed that others knew and never told her.
The thing is, the truth always comes out. Sooner or later it will happen, especially if he wants to be apart of his daughter’s life.
So the real question is, save her from some pain now “to stay out of it”. Or save her from spending more time and effort into this marriage when the infidelity could very well keep reoccurring.
Either way, she deserves the right to know then the right to chose her options afterwards.
Invite your friend with the daughter over and the other couple for a bbq dinner. See how that plays out
I would find a way to tell her, maybe a text app or private message from another account. BEFORE she ends up pregnant and stuck with this unfaithful man. Give her the choice.
That doesn’t mean destroy your friendship; but it does mean that you’re forthcoming and honest to someone you value the relationship between.
If it were me, I would want to know. I would want a choice in whether I continued with the relationship and efforts for a baby by this man as well.
I would say something because I wouldn’t want to be in her situation
Mind your own business….
Mind. Yo. BIZNESS. Nothing good will come from you in the mix.
If I were the wife, I would want to know!
Jane doesn’t deserve that
Mind your business Women always hate the messenger, not the cheater.
If it was you … wouldn’t you want someone to tell you. ?
There is a song that says “I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then” it is not your story to tell
You should invite them all over for dinner together - jane, John, Lucy and child
Ya know…I would want to know. I just found my ex’s random chic he cheated with, just had his baby. Had I known sooner, I could have left sooner and not wasted my time or emotions. I’d wanna know
Tell Jane!!! As a woman that has been cheated on, I would want to be told sooner than finding out on my own. If Jane finds out (and these things have a way of coming out eventually), that friendship will end when she finds out you knew and didn’t say anything. She may not be ready to hear it, but as a friend, you should be open and honest with her. If you don’t say anything, can you truly be considered a good friend?
Tell him you know and he needs to do the right thing by his wife
Tell Jane. If I was her I would want to know and leave.
So… basically you’re in a NO WIN situation. If you mind your business, you lose that neighbor friendship you once had “if” she find out and on the other hand, you lose your neighbor friendship and your “friend” who comes over with the baby because you outed their relationship. I suggest you lock your doors to incoming visitors including your “friend” and stop any conversations with your neighbor. Sneakiness gets you nowhere
Well, what would you want done, if you where Jane? Would you want to know?? Would you want it kept secret?? Personally you should tell her!! True friends come back together tbh, and If Lucy is really your friend, she would still become your friend even after you tell Jane.
Some of you must be/was at one point the home wreckers lol telling her not to say anything…he had a a whole damn HUMAN BEING with someone else he cheated on his wife with and this woman is good friends with Jane and stuck in a hard spot…. Of course you should tell her! It’s not like he cheated once and we can sweep it under the rug it’s a childdddd please tell her. What woman wouldn’t want to know this?
If I was the wife, I’d want to know.
If I was the wife I would want to know. That’s horrible. I feel so bad for his wife. I understand you don’t want to ruin a friendship up and not be in the middle. I look at it like this if a friend of mine new this and didn’t tell me I’d be hurt. It’s sucks eather way. Sorry your in this situation.
Ur in a no win situation, have dinner!
Just remember at the end of the day, Lucy gets to go home and you will still be the neighbor.
If you consider Jane a friend u have an obligation to tell her.
Say something to Jane she has a right to know
I’d want to know. Tell. Then let us know how it goes
Tell him you know the truth and that he has 1 week to tell her himself or you are. If you consider yourself her friend as much as his and Lucy then do it.
Ur gonna upset people no matter what but if u were the wife u would want to know.
Invite them all over for dinner and see what happens jk jk that’s horrible. Honestly it’s a lose lose situation. Most women would want to know and she has a right to know. The only person at fault here is the husband. If the girl honestly had no idea he was married it wasn’t really her fault and obviously the wife has no clue. She may not even believe you but you should tell her so she can at least investigate on her own. It’s going to hurt but it hurts knowing that everyone around you knew except you!
Personally I would mind my own business and cut ties with everyone
If your friend is ok being with a married man I wouldn’t want her around my husband and the rest is literally not your business
Like your friend is a friend and so is Jane so how do you pick which one to stay loyal to?
Maybe get a hold of a positive pregnancy test and anonymously mail it to their house saying “congratulations daddy” or something if you absolutely have to let Jane know
What u should do is glass of wine. Joint and sit back and watch that bs unfold
I would say something
I’d be pissed if I eventually found out something by my self that all my friends knew but never told me
Give him the ultimatum and say you’ll tell if he doesnt
Nothing … it’s not your place to say anything … either way it’ll hurt the relationship you have with them
If shes your friend you tell her. What she then does with the information is on her. Ive been ‘the wife.’ I wish someone would have told me.
Tell John you know. And that you will say something if he doesn’t.
Stay out of it,if you tell the wife and something goes wrong they will blame you and all them will be mad at you.
It’s not your business
Tell her. Don’t let her continue to try to start a family with that man.
Nothing! Nunya business.
Say something. If it were you in that position you would want someone to tell you. I know I would. Regardless the friendship is pretty much ruined. But the wife deserves to know.
Tell him to tell her, or you will!! I would hate to find that out, and know my friend knew, and didn’t say anything. You may lose them all, because…well shoot the messenger… but at least you’ll be able to sleep at night
the right thing isn’t always the easy thing.
Poor Jane can leave John and find a man worthy of her.
As a wife…I would want to know. Especially if one of my good friends knew and didn’t say anything to me.
I can’t say HOW I would say anything, but I would good luck!!
Mind your own vagina
Tell Jane. Anddddd end the friendship … Snakes
Not your business. Stay out of it.
The amount of people saying stay out of it is exactly why people say keep your circle small it’s disgusting. you absolutely let this woman know , what is wrong with people these days
Have a BBQ and invite all. Introduce them like you don’t know and see if it unfolds.
invite jane over, drink some wine and then talk about relationships and bring up some arguments in your own marriage then bring up what would be a deal breaker. Then casually ask her “if your husband cheated would you want to know” and then tell her your answer before she answers. if she says yes, tell her. if she says no then you’re in the clear. you’d be surprised, some women truly don’t want to know.
I would tell her so she can leave and not get pregnant by him. He is a loser and she deserves better