My friend is mad that I got the same pram as her: Advice?

There is so much more to life than baffling over some darn strollers! Tell your friend to get a life or get a “new” friend.

what the actual?
That is so ridiculous. I would be so pumped to have the same pram as my friend so we could go on matchy matchy walks together. like. that is so dumb.


Get rid of the friend, what a bag.


Tell her there are bigger problems in the world lol if you like it keep it


Gets some accessories accent colors different hood make it yours not hers so when your out everyone will love yours more…lol

Just keep it you friend is a snob

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Tell her you love her, but you are going to keep it.


Have your baby first. And name the baby after her husband. Or steal her name. Whatever.


I mean, if she don’t wanna be walking around with the same pram she can get rid of hers :woman_shrugging:

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Tell her to shut the fuck up an get over it! If she don’t wanna walk together with you with the same Pram then tell her to carry her baby ffs :woman_facepalming: what a dumb friend to have :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Tell her to suck it up. It’s a stroller. Who cares?

Keep it. It’s not a big deal

Keep the pram, lose the ‘friend’.


Tell her if she wants a pram that NO ONE else has she should’ve had one custom made. Then tell her to piss off…sorry this is beyond childish. Your friend feels very entitled doesn’t she? Find a real friend honey and enjoy your new pram & walks with baby


I legit had to Google what a pram was :joy::joy:

Keep using it and she can suck it up.

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That’s a first world problem if ever I heard one.

For your friend, not you. I think she’s crazy to get mad over something so stupid


Your friend is an idiot and shouldn’t be your friend. I would be like « yasssss we are matching strollers!!!..


That is silly. If she doesn’t want to have the same one she needs to buy a new one


Cut the “friend” off. :woman_shrugging:t2:

She is pissed off you got the same stroller!? Wtf .

Very materialistic friend you have there… If one of my friends ended up with the same stroller as me I would say “Dude! We are TWINNING!! Lets go for a walk!”


You don’t do anything!
Enjoy your new pram & baby :revolving_hearts::tulip:
Sounds like your friend is an idiot.

Wtf is a pram?! :woman_shrugging:t2:. Also, drop the friend. A real friend would have gone “twinning!” to whatever the hell a pram is.


keep the pram, drop your friend.

Tell her to kick rocks.

I say, keep the pram but get rid of the “friend”, she obviously doesn’t care that you’re providing for your child and is more concerned about you copying her…


Is this a joke? Screw your friend. If you like it, keep it. She doesn’t have to walk with you if it’s that big of a problem. And if it is, who needs a friend like that anyway? I’d tell her to get bent :v:t2:


So were there only two of these prams made? Tell your “friend” they won’t be the same since your kids are unique and to get over herself

Start over with a new less petty friend… that’s all I got :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Honey… shes not a friend! My friend and i went to the store and we saw a city select stroller that we both fell in love with and we bought the same city select double stroller in red. We used to love going out with the same strollers like twins!! Lol thats the good part about friendship. Thats crazy. Cut her off! Do not get rid of yoursz


And this ‘friend’ requesting this, has a baby?!

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I would tell her to stick it wear the sun don’t shine!

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This isn’t even a real problem? Lol what!! So if you meet someone and really liked them but they drive the same car you’d cut ties? That’s crazy. Tell her you don’t need to go on walks together


Dump your friend. What a c*&÷

Keep it. It’s really not that big of a deal and if it is to your friend then she needs to grow up

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Aahhh re-asses your friendship. That is some petty shit

Tell her to get tf over it.

It’s a stroller!!! Many ppl have the same stroller!! Your “friend” needs to buck up and accept it

New years resolution tip for the poster: stop giving a fck what others think when it comes to sht like that!!


Girl fuck her! If she didnt want anyone to have the same one as her she shouldve gotten one specially made! Thats like going to walmart & buying a tshirt & being mad someone else is wearing the same shirt. She is petty & u need a new friend

Yeah ditch ya friend


First of all, wtf is a pram


A friend would be happy you two have same taste…my cousin and I have always bought for instance same dress different colors and we would get same week but we lived in separate cities…we always laughed about how close we are .did this our whole lives

Is she really that petty? Wow. I say drop her as a friend, keep the stroller, and find a new friend.


Nvm just googled it. Carry on.

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Get rid of her and keep the pram haha

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Keep it and just don’t go places with her that you have to take them.

Tell her to feel flattered , and get over it . You will only use it for a short time .

Don’t walk with her :joy: tell her to get over it seriously it’s a pram!

Maddie Rose :joy::joy::joy: Is it just me or would it be super cool to have matching prams :woman_shrugging:


I’d hate to c if she knew tens of thousands of people probably have the same one

What in the world is a pram?

Keep the pram. Ditch the friend. That is some petty crap.

Hundreds if not more have the same one so she needs to chill… if she wants one that’s unique then have one custom made …

Keep it and enjoy it, if she gets so upset about such a minor thing she isn’t much of a friend

That ridiculous shes not a good friend :weary: she needs to get over herself. Ppl are always going to have some of the same baby stuff so shes going to get a reality check big time.

If it’s that big of a deal she can buy another one.

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Ahhh, to be 15 again and have those silly problems…


Tell her to suck it. :joy::tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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Get another friend :roll_eyes: She sounds ridiculous.


Uhhh keep your pram And get a new friend


Tell her to fucking Grow up , its just a pram

Girl push that stroller and get a new friend. She is petty


Ummmm… That’s so dumb… I just wouldn’t walk with her :roll_eyes: She is the one with an issue she can go get a different one it’s not your problem nor is it in your control how she feels and how she reacts! She needs a reality check clearly!


So what, you both have good taste!

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Tell her to get over it… Seriously 🤦. So childish.

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This is like the stupid post when people cry over their kids having similar names or a name they wanted to save for a baby not conceived yet

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Keep the pram; dump the friend. It will come to an end anyway, trust me. Cut your losses now.


How old are you? Seriously this is ridiculously petty and childish. I can’t even believe you went on here to ask advice about this. Y’all are grown ass women with kids. She is not a real friend if she is getting mad and petty over stupid shit. Let her childish petty ass be mad, ignore it, and keep it moving.

Tell her to build a bridge and get over it

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Tell her to go fuk herself and buy her self a new one her damn self

Does she think she’s the only one with it, in that same color? If it’s a good stroller who the hell cares?. Tell her she needs to get the hell over it.

Wow :joy::joy:🤦 if it’s that much of an issue for her tell her to design and make her own custom pram then no one will ever have the same! Some friend :roll_eyes:


If they only wanted one person to have it they would’ve only made one tell her ass tough tits and suck it up

Tell her to feck right off. What a childish thing to get your knickers in a bunch about :roll_eyes:

Tell her to fuck right off. And then go on a walk with your baby in the cute stroller 🤷

What in the holy actual hell is a pram? Lol

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Tell her to get over herself. How immature.

Jealousy. Too bad! She should be happy that you both have the same great taste!

She is being out right stupid if she was a real friend she wouldn’t mind just saying

They’re mass produced…and shes crying about someone else having the same thing as her… sounds like someone who needs a dose od reality.


Some moms really need other things to focus on :roll_eyes:

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I wouldn’t lose sleep over it you didn’t know you bought the same stroller as her plus your not going to be together 24/7 so keep it I say move on don’t let it bother you it’s her problem not yours

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So dress it up with a different color ribbon or something. It’s kinda petty, and childish of her.

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Thats totally stupid. Remind her there are hundreds of ppl with the same pram as her not just you.


Use your pram you bought . Your friend should act more mature . You didn’t deliberately copy her . Good luck .


Use the pram you bought. Your friend isn’t much of a friend if such petty things bother her. Even if you did know when you bought it that it was the same pram that doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have exclusive rights to that pram.

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You effing serious. Who the F cares if y’all have the same dang stroller or pram. Get yourself a new friend. This is not about to compare each other and babies. Gtfo. That friend needs a reality check and grow TF up. She’s not your friend. Please find new friends. You can try and tell her she needs to seriously get over it and get over her EGO or risk losing a friendship over something so stupid.


She needs to build a bridge and gtf over it :roll_eyes: its a pram

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Really??? We ARE talking about TWO adult moms right?? Like screw her keep.the pram


Tell her to get a custom made one if she want to be the only one with that pram


Your friend is a weirdo


Who the H does she think she is tell her to get over it she can sell her pram because guess what you keeping yours…

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Keep it and she can grow up

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Keep the pram. Drop the “friend”.


Add some stuff to it and change the look of it.

Tell her you like the pram and didn’t know she had the same one and if it really bothers her y’all don’t need to hangout together so no one would know you have matching prams. If you like it keep it ! My brothers wife named her son the same name I named my boy ( my child is a year older ) if I can deal with that a pram isn’t that big of a deal :woman_shrugging:

It’s a baby stroller here in the U.S.

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Tell your friend to get over it. If it truly bothers her, walk your babies in a different direction!