My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

I know a girl who is currently pregnant. She is 25. She has two kids already. A 7 year ole girl and a 5 year old boy. I feel like the way she treats her kids is awful. She calls her little girl names, and treats her as if she cannot stand her. But she is posting pictures of her on Facebook daily and saying how she just loves her. Her little boy, she treats much better than the girl. But still has her moments with him. She tells them “go find a new mommy” almost everyday. She’s had multiple men in and out of their lives, and each one is “daddy” to the children. Nobody seems to ever see a problem with her actions. Everybody defends her, and says how such a good mom she is, and they congratulate her for “doing it on her own” even though she hasn’t… She has a job but doesn’t want to work. Constantly calling in, she only gets her bills paid due to her family member. She blows her money on fast food, cigarettes, and dumb things that she doesn’t need. Her kids are left hungry 70% of the time. She leaves them with people, and doesn’t even ask. Just takes off. She’s done much worse to her daughter, but I don’t feel comfortable saying that on Facebook. As I know it would make most of the people on this page, sick. Certain things have been done so many times in front of these babies. (Which I won’t say because the rules say they won’t post this if it is said) But yet nobody sees a problem with her actions or her parenting. Mostly her family. I get that is her family, but when will enough be enough? I would much rather do what I had to do, to protect these kids, than worry about her getting mad. Children should always comes first. But they don’t in this situation. And I know it’s going to be the same for the new baby.

Those poor babies. The only really option is to call cps so they can talk to the kids. This might be hard as she puts on an act for Facebook and everyone thinks she’s great… so there’s really no evidence of neglect. If she leaves then without asking and it’s you, or someone who sees what you do, tell them to call the police. Just say she just left and left her kids at the house with me what do I do.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

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Call cps and turn her in id hate for one of the new daddies to do something to the lil girl or boy.


Have you spoken with her family??? Let them know what us really going on. Unless you want to keep the kids…


Call cps as soon as possible


CPS, and just keep calling them until they take her kids away.


If you can’t even mention what she has done and does to her daughter, a call to cps is way past due.


Back off or call cps only way


CPS. Please, for the kids sake :pensive:


I’m sorry I hate to be one of those people but this sounds like a CPS call You gotta protect those babies first and foremost


Foster care probably won’t be much better tbh


If what she does is too bad too even mention here you need to report her to child protective services.


I just got my step daughter and her half bubby out of a similar situation. Document everything and call CPS!


Have you offered help? Meals, food, babysitting, anything? You can do cps anonymous concerned citizen welfare check if you think it’s illegal but also keep in mind what you cause to happen if it goes anywhere. Where is the dad? You mentioned all her, what she has done (according to you) where is the friend’s family? Where is the father?


First, the moms age isn’t the issue. The discrepancy between her speech and her behavior towards them is.and it’s alarming


Call cps and document but good luck because they never seem to help the ones who need it


Save those poor babies and call CPS. You would be doing those babies a favor


Screw her feelings. It’s about those children. CPS.


Why haven’t you reported her?

CPS. Well child check by calling 911. Do something, the kids deserve someone to advocate for them. They need that.


How people raise their kids is their own business. You should have kids of your own and let everyone mind their own business. You can’t fix other people’s family you are not a part of. Fuck CPS too, they are the reason why I didn’t stay in touch with my first childhood love.

You know when enough was enough.

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Talk with her family about your conserns

You need to get them some help and fast!!

I would report her for my own peace of mind but CPS is useless, at least here.

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There is nothing that would meet the jurisdictional standards for cps to investigate. I find that rather than watching and criticizing, asking the young mother if she needs any help, cook them a meal, bond with the children. If your concern really is about the children, make their lives better. Community supports create long lasting change triple what formal intervention can…


Call CPS and tell them everything you know and have witnessed. Those children and the new baby deserve to be treated like they’re loved and wanted. I hate shit like this.

Report her to the authorities

Anyone would be better off taking their chances with foster care than staying in a situation like this. At least with cps.they have a chance…

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Call CPS or 911. From the sounds of it, those babies lives are in danger and it needs to be brought to the authorities attention ASAP. Help those kids now before something worse happens

Your being complacent by doing nothing. Stand up for the kids, not your friend. The one person who is supposed to protect them sounds like she is not willing, so someone has to!


Talk to the family of ur concerns and that opens a whole new can of worms for u if the family only de ggv ends her as it is. I hate to say it but call CPS and KEEP CALLING. Ur voice may be the only voice these children have. Good luck. My prayers are with the kids

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Facebook moms always get all the glory :disappointed_relieved: I know one myself who claims to be Christian and has this wonderful life on Facebook and its disgusting to see in person. I choose not to even go around I person now days because it simply makes me sick.:face_vomiting:

But report. Even if it’s anonymously!
The more reports the faster it gets done.

Document and try to record and contact CPS. Have you called her out? Tell her how nasty she is being to them?


Talk to one of her relatives to get em ! Cps is no bueno !!

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Call for a wellness check


Get the children help! The need a protector and apparently you are the only one


Children first, love! If you truly feel the children are neglected, abused in ANY TYPE of way, reporting it is the best way.
But!! Before you make that call, be sure you have proof before all your allegations. They will speak to the children and investigate. Just be positive it’s what’s RIGHT for the kids and no other reason

Talk to someone honey

You can make an anonymous call to CPS :heart:


Another typical Facebook mother. I know one. Report her to CPS with your personal knowledge of her behaviors. Eventually it catches up to them, even if it’s years later when the child grows up and realizes how crappy their mother was.

Sadly cps won’t do anything they are so adamant on targeting good families who haven’t done anything then the families that actually neglect their kids. I’m praying for those babies❤️


Welness check and CPS

Have you confronted her?

I’m a mandated reporter and if I knew all what you were saying I would call :woman_shrugging:t2:. Better that they are checked and made sure they were ok . Better safe than sorry…


Y’all CPS calling bitches can y’all STFU

Get those children some help!! Record or video if you can, what you see. Call child service continuously, call the police when you hear the verbal abuse. Enough complaints should help.


So why are you telling us? What’s that about? Tell those who can do something about it, like CPS.


If your so concerned why are you on here call DCFS instead sounds like they need to be taken away from here sooner the better.


Turn her sorry butt in to the police and to child protection services. She doesn’t deserve to have children.

Don’t let this go too long, those kids are going to need therapy, love and stability. DO NOT. Contact any family members since they condone this shit and will protect her

You gotta call CPS. If you see something, say something! Those kids need someone to stand up for them. Please don’t let anything more bad happen to those babies and the new one on the way. Tell the police!


Report her and dont wait


Is this post a joke!!! You sound intelligent so don’t look for likes and interaction . Lift those children up as they sound like they are drowning. Call social services


Report her, over & over & over again


CPS needs to be notified, immediately. You cannot wait another second. You’re taking the time to post this, so you know deep down it’s wrong. Which, in and of itself, shows you have enough insight to recognize someone’s (children’s) rights need to be protected. I appreciate your post. Please, please, please take the necessary steps to protect these children. Though, it’s difficult to report a close contact, I feel you already have consciously made up your mind of what really needs to be done. Prayers sent your way, and the children’s :pray:


Her oldest should be enrolled in school?!? has anyone made a claim against her already?


Get evidence then go to dhr


Wellness check with local cops!!!


Why would you be friends with someone like that? You need to have a serious talk to her about how you feel and tell her to think about the way she makes them feel. If you are her true friend you need to tell her and protect those babies.


I would get evidence and take it to cps and get them babys help they dont understand and think there moms actions are normal. And that’s sad they need someone who will love them


As a preschool teacher, I see to much of this. It’s really sad but I don’t think cps can do much. Maybe get involved in their life and be a positive influence for them? That could help…


awww poor kids. they don’t deserve that crap!!! :rage: i know ppl that used to fill her few months old daughter tequila w juice in her baby bottle to make her go to sleep so she could party. i was there i seen it. the mom had sooo many different men there at once having sex and left the baby alone in the bedroom. i hope she was never molested etc. i did tell the girls father. ohhh he was furious!!! i’ve seen other mothers beat their kids n mentally physically abuse them. it’s so sad!!! my entire childhood i was physically mentally and emotionally abused. still am till this day an i’m 42. it hurts. i have severe depression and ptsd from that and more. i’ve been raped. beaten by my ex bf. ran over. guns and knives to my head. you need to say something to her about it. and record her!!! for evidence!!! think to yourself, if something ever happens to those babies and u didn’t do anything coukd u live with yourself??? would u want them kids to be like me n go through what i went through and be fkd up for the rest of their lives? i only mentioned that about what happened to me to let u know how it fkd me up forever. plz say or do something!!! :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3: for those babies!!

Cps is a failed system that won’t do anything to ppl who need done too. It will only make it worse.


Maybe someone in the family will step up and get kids

A friend of mine was just like this. She’d drop her kids to me to go out and sleep around, do drugs, She’d wait til super late to call and ask me to keep them for the night (usually after they were long asleep.) She took in all kinds of stray animals & stray people she met and her house was disgusting. One night she dropped them off to “clean up her house” after a fight with a 19 yr old boy she took in off the street. She sent out a video that night right at the time she was supposed to pick up the kids. It was threatening suic**e (not sure if I can use that word.) I called her mom & they took her to the hospital and her mom sued for custody of the kids. (It wasn’t the first threat.) CPS called me & just asked some yes or no questions about that night and her mom ended up with custody. She then ran away to another state with the 19yr old she was fighting with. The kids are happy & healthy now, and well taken care of.)
Do what you think is best for the kids, just report everything in a caring manner. It doesn’t need to feel like you’re being critical. I kinda felt that way. You’re just concerned. And hopefully the kids get help with the situation.


The problem I see here is that you haven’t called CPS already…why are you witnessing this and not calling in???


Make offers and excuses to invite the kids over to your house to hang out and have sleep overs. At least they’ll have love and kindness when they’re with you.

You could call CPS, but statistically that increases their chances of being abused physically or sexually (if they end up in foster care), so it’s really a crap shoot. I recommend doing whatever you can on a personal level to help. If you think it will do any good, talk directly to your friend about it in a tactful way.


Well instead of posting this u should call child services to report these allegations. I will say this …these are serious allegations that you are say that is happening so I really hope for that family you will do the right thing report it but don’t do it out of spite or that u feel by your standards she isn’t treating these children (as you stated others defend her and thinks she is doing great) im not saying that you are doing this out of spite… just saying these ppl are family and to bring allegations like this into their lives can be very devastating to all of them even more with a baby on the way :broken_heart:
Maybe instead of reporting this maybe you could take some time and help her out . Spend a whole day with her and her children. You may find out that maybe she is struggling or that she isn’t as bad as you say …I don’t know the answer… but I do know that others have stepped in families and causing more problems… where the mother or father end up doing some pretty serious stuff … anyways good luck with whatever you decide…


Start documents on all the horrible behavior and abuse videos, voice recordings, pics and anything else you can have for documentation and get cps involved with a quickness. I would say call the rn but without physical proof she’s just going to snow them and they won’t do anything. Make sure you get proof and document everything to hand over to them with a statement to help save these poor children and unborn baby from anymore abuse!!

Please call Child Protective Services (CPS) on her. They will not tell her who called.

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Why are you writing this , go do something about talk to someone that can help

If it was me I would just offer to let the kids come live with me and let her visit when she wanted to.


Call cps. If something happens to those babies and you never reported anything then you’re just as much at fault for whatever happens if she ever harms them for not saying anything. And friend??? I could never call someone like that my friend.


If these kids are being abused or neglected in ANY way you need to report it!!!


You FOS report her a** if she is as bad as you claim. Get off fb and save the babies.


It’s unfortunate that some mothers see their daughters as competition and that seems like what’s going on but if they’re being abused you need to need to tell someone. She could just be a shitty parent but PPD is also very real she needs to get her mental health checked out.

Do something! You’re as guilty watching that shit go on. :pleading_face: I’d never watch a kid get ridiculed like that. Yea, it’s not your kid but it’s a kid. Itll stick for life, what she says. Damn shame.

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If what you’re saying is in fact true you’re as bad as her for not reporting.


Honestly child services isn’t always the best opting even tho it seems like it may be. It’s a gamble really… Many people foster children only to draw a paycheck and I fear that if you call cps the children may be placed in an atmosphere that’s pretty comparable. I’m not saying you shouldn’t call, because that would be my first instinct. I think you should maybe try to invite her children over (make it about giving her free time) and maybe even contact some family members of hers who may be able to help. Again I’m not against CPS because somebody needs to know what’s going on, I just get nervous because the foster care system isn’t all it’s cracked up to be a lot of times.


SAVE OUR BABIES. GET THEM A LOVING DESERVING MOMMY THAT WILL CARE FOR THEM PROPERLY. would you want to be 5 or 7 and have a grown adult knowingly witness these things that you say are so terrible, and not say or do anything to help or protect you, when you can’t protect yourself from your own mother? What are you waiting for?!?!? Her to KILL THEM? Or badly injure them. These children will grow up in society TRAUMATIZED ALREADY and we WONDER what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH OUR WORLD. people watching things, recording things, and not going A DAMN THING TO HELP THE SITUATION OR PEOPLE IN IT. What a damn shame. PROTECT OUR INNOCENT CHILDREN :pleading_face::weary::black_heart:

Okay. You can call CPS … Bur here is the kicker to that. Unless you have physical proof of these allegations they will only come and do a welfare check and that’s in any state. They will want proof. Solid proof. Also. Im not saying this to sound anyway but it’s texting so pardon me for it may come out messed up … So apologies in advance y’all. BUT any child protective service personel will ask the kids questions. They will after a while give up . And the case if ones built will be dropped. So please. If you have documented proof. Show it.

Poor kids they deserve better

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If you’re concerned for their safety turn her in.


I don’t understand how this woman is your friend. I would report this to the authorities and hope the children are taken away. Also choose better friends.


Why are you calling this person a friend still? If she can’t treat her kids right she ain’t worth a damn as a friend. Be the kids friend, they need it

“IF” you call yourself a “Friend” one might offer to give her some Free time away from the kids for a few days or hrs even on a regular basis until you see a drastic change in attitude towards the kids. REAL friends and Loving family would try and help before taking any other actions that might break up the family. It isn’t easy raising kids, most women do it alone even with a man around.


Report this, before it escalates.

The sad part is you know all this and haven’t turned her into authority but your on here telling everyone about it .I would have called someone long time ago for those kids sake


Sad thing is the people that don’t deserve to have kids get to skate by. While others that were volunteering parents at their kids school 4 days a week, never put their kids in harms way or let their kids do without, never passed the kids off on others, have well behave, well mannered and well rounded kids and definitely love their kids get their family ripped apart by cps. Cps is a joke. They r corrupt and evil, greedy and money hungry. The r about dividing and conquering families. We made mistakes, slipped into drug use but never in a million years would I have put my kids on the back burner for my personal bad choice. Cps has been proven to put kids into home where the kids r abused and even killed. IMO she needs guidance and maybe take the kids in for her.

Cps needs called if that’s true


Who’s this sound like. Ashlee Petty

Get proof video ect and then go to her family or cos .

Santana Marie … sound familiar? :roll_eyes::nauseated_face:

She shouldn’t be your “friend.” Call!


Report her,
You need to protect the children,
I feel so sorry for kids in this situation as they don’t have a voice.


U can report and remain anonymous. If sumthing happens to those kids u wil never forgive urself if she treats those kids bad.u could be saving a life or preventing serious injury.

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Call child protective services. If you have any evidence of her wrong doings share that with cps.

If this continues can you imagine what kind of horrific effect this will have on these kids , for the rest of their lives :pensive: