My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

CPS needs to be involved in these babies lives.

If you see these things and do nothing you are going to be the reason these babies are hurt worse in the future
Do something and be drastic
Take it to the family courts yourself ask them what you can do take custody of these kids under court order somehow
Record what you see for evidence report this to their school see if they can help
Go above and beyond to save those kids it’s YOUR responsibility now
Maybe that’s why you were meant to be her friend so you can save her children she will get pissed but who cares when she grows up and realizes what she does she will hopefully thank you for taking action

Oh man I hope she realizes how she treats them before shit happens to her babies she so called loves😔
She needs to grow tfu and you need to tell her what she’s doing wrong as a friend. If she can’t understand that then something needs to be done asap for the children’s sake💕

You shouldn’t have to take her kids in a couple hrs for your friend to get free time. Sounds like she just drops them off with anyone. I’d be very concerned as well. Good luck.

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Definitely report with videos, pictures, dates and times and keep a log of what happened before if you have some as well as future things

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My friend you say? Woah if my friend was talking about me like this and not coming to me with her concerns. I’d be asking myself if she was a real friend? Sounds like an observer making a judgemental call from the outside. Hit her up. Tell her your concerned, see if you can help her and her kids out before calling in CPS.


Its the ones that have no care or love for kids that keep popping them out. While the rest of the world trying to have kids is struggling. Call cps on her


U need to report her ASAP

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call acs don’t ask if you know there’s a problem report her for child abuse and neglect

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CYS needs called. They can do a welfare check on the family…

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I really think you should call CPS, you can remain anonymous. She doesn’t deserve those babies and those babies don’t deserve her.


She is too young for the responsibility. Regret will come later in life. Call CPS and save them all.


Call CPS and stay anonymous.


If you were trying to protect the kids you’d call CPS. I’m sure since her family is taking care of them anyway they would get them. Or yet why don’t you take the kids if your that conserned for their safety. If she is your friend maybe talk to her if she cares about your opinion she’ll tighten up if not then when you call CPS you won’t feel guilty or as a matter of fact you shouldn’t feel guilty at all since your trying to protect the kids.


You know the answer already.

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Anonymous tip to child services… nothing may happen at first but hopefully they start investigating/collecting evidence.

Sad that her family hasn’t said anything. I’m glad in my family we all say something to one another if we see something wrong, feelings get hurt sometimes but overall things get better for the kids.

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First how are you friends and second why haven’t you called authorities if it’s this bad?


:clap::clap::clap: why explain. Take them babies and run. U know there in danger, why put a post. Waiting for answers. U as an adult do what’s best. OUR KIDS DEPENDS ON US ,

Is this group a call cps > don’t call cps group? :face_with_monocle: seems to be the answer for everything on every post lately.


Now i feel really sad for babygirl wtf kind of person breaks lil childrens hearts over and over again not feeling guilty at all! Shes not right, i can only imagine the hurtful things she can be telling them or worse doing! Save those poor lil kids from the traumatic stress they’re already in.


Get those kids help.
You are just as responsible if you know very well what those kids are dealing with and not getting them help. Call CPS.


Report her. Those children deserve better.


Everyone always so quick to call cps and u a shitty friend to be talking about ur friend on the internet like this she cant even defend herself

My friend treats her kids terribly… shes not your friend. I’ve never talked on social media about my friends like that. Why do people say I have this friend, then go on and on about how neglectful or filthy or loaded they get to a bunch of random people? Talk to her. Take her kids out, give her a break. Be honest with her, not since behind a keyboard talking about her behind her back.


Call children services on her now.

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Call CPS anonymously

Call CPS & Share ALL evidence you have with CPS.

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Maybe talk to her and tell her there is another way to talk to her children. Maybe her mother treated her like that, and now she’s doing it. It’s hard to break the cycle. I don’t believe In calling cps, but in this case…. I would say pray about it too and try to help all you can


Save these kids! Call child prptection!! Plz@!

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Report her ! Poor kids ! Before it’s too late

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It is all of our responsibility if we see a child abused or neglected. Not feeding the children is one. Our own personal feeling of how someone should raise their children is not. So if you know they are abused and neglected you should report her.


Go to DHS in private. They are not allowed to tell who reported her. Do it before it’s to late and something happens and you won’t forgive yourself for not doing it


Id run to the phone. I have too many friends who have had ptsd from their folks. It sucks.


Call children’s aid. Those kids need help. Mental abuse and neglect


Looks like you got your answer. The majority are telling you to report her. Don’t waste anymore time.


Report her, regardless of your friendship. The kids deserve better and more love/attention than what she’s apparently capable of providing.


Report her instead of just witnessing the abuse she dosent deserve those kids.


If you feel there is a true need to contact CPS then do so. When a child is being willfully neglected and abused, verbal and emotional abuse are just as bad as physical, it is the responsibility of an adult who cares about those kids to do something. If you see something say something. We don’t live in a world where it’s private family business anymore…do what you feel is best for those babies because obviously no one else is trying to protect them.


omfffggg this was heartbreaking to read send me a pm and I’ll stand next to u to get something done honestly let’s save these kids


Make sure you can take them into your home if you call cps. System put kids in the wrong hands all the time.


Contact the authorities immediately poor children dumb mother if u can call her mother


Call child protection services


I feel like you are doing this for attention,if it was such a big problem as you say you would of already done something, instead of gossiping about her on Facebook. If she is your “friend “ talk to her tell her what your telling everyone else, and if it doesn’t change your going to do something. Right now tho your a shitty friend

If you are really worried ie about sexual or physical abuse then report but if the mother is just struggling is depression, housework etc she might just need a friend to help her give her a hand or advice etc xxx


Sad thing is where the systems concern we all know what happens to children that are taken from their homes they are placed with people who don’t give a fcuk not to mention they will separate them and the chances of them being sexually and physically abused is high and when they get older as in teenagers the system will wipe their hands of them cos thats how the system rolls they don’t wanna deal with young teens… so if you think these kids should go into the system to get a better life then do what you need to do but remember everything that happens to them why theyr in the system I hope your able to take responsibility for it

This sounds awful those poor kids. You need to report her asap :cry:

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I feel like you already know what you want to do and you just want some affirmation for it. Which it looks like every response is cps. You see it. We don’t. So if you feel it’s necessary then do something about it.


Report her, like if you know these tiny details, can you imagine what she keeps secret? And honestly, who cares if you lose this person as a friend, children first always


Please call cps and save those babies

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You need to report this.


if it makes you feel any better cps calls can be anonymous.


I think we might know the same person. :thinking:

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Call family /social services. Tell them everything you know, that you are a witness too, nothing you’ve heard from other people as that’s hearsay, and see what they say

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She sounds awful. Clearly you are talking about some type of abuse. Whether it be mental, physical, sexuaul, emotional, abuse is abuse. Also think about this if you see what you see imagine what happens behind closed doors. If I were you I would definitely talk to her and/,or call cps. If you try to talk to her and that doesn’t work call cps immediately. Don’t be afraid of her those children Clearly need someone to advocate for them.


Keeping silent means approval Don’t report her think about her kids Don’t sit on the Fance


I would turn her in. My infant daughter will turn 2 in heaven next wk & then her angelversary is the day after. My only livin child is my 4 yr old son who is my :anchor:
This definitely hit home with me. Pls pls call her in. Those babies deserve much better.


Um what? This is your friend? I’m side eying both of you tbh. Bc if any of this is true, you should have called by now. Instead you’ve just apparently sat by silently judging her n talking shit about her to strangers on fb.

This is what you should think about. These are innocent children that need a grown up to help and speak up for them. You are on the right track. Do what you already know is best.

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Turn. Her. In. I’m. Begging. You. This is abuse those. Kids. Can’t. Talk. For. The. Sefs


Report this ASAP these children are being abused she needs arrested!

I guess I’m just trying to figure out why you call this person a friend.

You must do something, there are so many stories of abuse, and nobody has helped them even when they knew, please help them, l know it’ll a difficult situation but those children have to be a priority!!

Simple. Report her. I’ve had to do it, for 2 of my nephews. Someone needs to advocate for those kids, & as you said her family are fine with it, so that leaves you to do something. Don’t ignore it. Since you know, imo you have a responsibility to report this…

Doing nothing to protect them doesn’t make you any better than her. Do something say something be their voice. Not understanding why this hasn’t been done by you…

If you don’t copy & paste this to cps & the cops🙄

You can submit an anonymous report to cps. This way no one knows it was you. If you make a report don’t mention anything that multiple people wouldn’t know and leave out misc info that doesn’t affect children’s needs. There are some things people don’t like parents doing but they aren’t “wrong” and dcf wouldn’t typically investigate such things. Like wearing long sleeved shirts in the summer or obviously mismatched clothes isn’t abuse or neglect but it makes other uncomfortable to see it.

Now if you don’t care if she or anyone else knows then you can be as detailed as you want and you can also discuss things with her before reporting. See if she needs any help. Any mental health issues she’s struggling with. See if there’s any resources you can help find. If she’s not interested in getting better or being better, then reporting may be what needs to be done

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As someone who has suffered the aftermath of emotional abuse n abandonment/neglect in childhood i would say report her. I understand its a difficult thing to do especially if yiu yourself are a mum. She needs to know this is abuse n we dont tolerate people treating kids this way. Like others have said. Imagine the bits you dont get to see. Those kids deserve a childhood free from abuse no matter the type. Please report her

Call cps
If you don’t your standing by and letting this happen to these kids. Do something to protect them

If you were truly worried so much about those children you would have already called authorities/cps instead of posting this on fbook. You know what’s right/wrong… report her or get out of her business. Dont get advice on such a sensitive situation involving children from fbook. J/s


If you’ve witnessed such acts isnt it your duty to these children to report this?


This woman obviously is struggling . Pregnant , 2 kids , a job . She was what , 17 when she got pregnant . Not a child but not really an adult either . Did she even have any skills to start off with ?? Do you know anything about her upbringing ? There are obviously concerns for these children welfare . Do the obvious thing and involve child services immediately !! Those kids deserve to be well cared for and safe !

Get in touch with Children’s Services.

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I tell my kids at least once a day my name isn’t mommy anymore because I changed it. But all my girls know is love.

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Maybe talk to your friend ??? Are you fr worried about them if so you think you’d call children services

Report her if I was her friend and I was very concerned bout how kids bein treated. I wud do it nĂł questions asked. Those kids need a voice and mayb d mother needs help

Why haven’t you called social services? Who cares if she gets mad. Those kids are more important than her anger. Good luck.


You need to report child abuse ASAP


Call cps that’s what their there for

Have a talk with her before calling cps!

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Have you tried, as a friend, maybe talking to her about her behavior toward her children?


If you feel the child is neglected or in harms way you should report to cps other wise if you’re not willing to do that stop talking about it as it’s just rumors…as my Granny would say SPEAK UP OR SHUT UP.

I would try talking to her as a friend if not report. They’ll only take the children if she doesn’t want to do better.

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As for what she spends her money on that is her buisness, as for you witnessing the way she treats her kids you should use your voice and call cps or the cops when it happens.

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Why is she your friend if she’s so shitty how can you stand to be around her ?
Have you called her on these things and told her what you see from your corner like what is really going on

I would call CPS and if they didn’t listen I would have other people call as well and report her and eventually they will investigate and don’t give up. I’m only commenting on this because your post sounds very close to home to me but the only difference is the family tried to get cps involved and I hope and pray that people that read this will step up if they hear this and hopefully my story will save a life. My sister was the same way this lady is to her kids. She was more interested in any man also. Me and my family tried our best to get CPS and the police involved but when my sister found out it was us she moved to a different state but we still continued to call (it didn’t work of course) she ended up moving in with a man she had known for only a short time and a month after they moved in together my 2 year old nephew was brutally murdered by this man while my sister stood there and watched and didn’t do anything to stop him. My 8 year old niece witnessed everything that happened to her brother. My sister and her boyfriend are currently in prison and her daughter and other son (she had him in prison) have been adopted by family members. It’s been 3 years now but my heart still breaks everyday knowing what he went through and knowing that everything we tried didn’t work. My nephew and my daughter were born 4 days apart from each other and seeing all of her milestones and all of her firsts are supposed to be happy times but knowing he isn’t here to be apart of it is extremely heartbreaking. I would call and continue to call until something is done because being in that situation you never know what type of man she will be bringing into their lives and I don’t want what happened to my nephew happen to another child. I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone and God forbid if something did happen you would never forgive yourself if you didn’t try to prevent it.


Record her and gather evidence for cps.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

Can u live with the fact that something bad will happen if you don’t make a call ??? Little people can’t make reports themselves that’s why us adults must look out for them!!


You can report anonymously to cps!! Or make a report to the police and tell them everything going on, they can come and take the kids away and ask them questions. Do whatever you feel you need.


That one case about a boy named Gabriel Netflix did a documentary, remember? We all agree on one thing! Why didn’t anyone do something?!?!?!
Girl, this is the time for you!!! Talk to her, report her and keep insisting.


I think you know what you need to do. Let me move you towards doing the right thing a little more by saying now there is proof that you have concern for these kids. Legally you can be held accountable for letting it happen and not doing anything about it. Make the call. Let cps do their job and dont have this guilt on your shoulders.


There is not an ounce of " normalcy " in this scenario​:woman_facepalming: or any other’s like it . Do you really need advice on what to do ? :thinking: Bad thing’s happen where good people FAIL TO ACT :woman_shrugging: at the end of the day you do what you think is the correct thing :ok_hand:


Why don’t you call a CPS if you truly want what’s best for the kids?


My question is why the hell you on Facebook asking strangers what you need to do. Pick up the phone and call child services if that’s what you feel needs to happen to the family. Get off Facebook with these stupid questions and everybody has to ask the whole world what should I do and move on with your life with something you should do. If you feel she needs to have child services involved in our life then pick up the phone and call them because that’s what the abuse hotline is for have a good night


I did this to my child not knowing I was doing it because of the depression and pregnancy from my experience talk to her first because i was unaware of what I was doing and it wasn’t intentional until a friend spoke up and asked what was going on and I broke I was a single mom and broke if she says nothing then call Cps but talk to her first be a friend because if it wasn’t for mine I wouldn’t have got the help I needed to be the mom I am today


Look into narcissistic mothers and see if that fits


Just know that I’ve been in foster care and the home I was in was horrible and disgusting. So if the mom is really bad maybe call but if the kids are safe and not in harms way don’t call. The home they could go to could be 10 times worse than the mothers. Just really weigh out the options before hand.


This is sad , and reading this I’ve just made my mind up about a phone call I need to make tomorrow. These poor babies don’t stand a chance if we don’t speak for them


I don’t like getting in peoples problems. When it comes to kids and elderly , I draw the line

Call children services!!! Those kids deserve better!!!