My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

How very sad for these poor children. What a horrible life. You need to report the mental and physical abuse/neglect. You have no idea what the mental state of these children will be if this continues. PLEASE help them.

Cps won’t do anything if mom taught kids not to speak about anything to them.

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Where’s the kids father, grandparents or other relatives? This does need reported ASAP! I just hope the kids don’t fall through bigger cracks and keep being terribly mistreated.

Well obviously you see a problem with it. Stop making it about the others. Like anyone who sees it as a problem. You contact their school and get a social worker involved. Call CPS. Why come on here and make an elaborate “oh I don’t know what to do post.” When you know exactly what to do. If she’s a friend to you. Then you need to be that friend when CPS is involved. She can get help for her mental health and still do right by those kids with your guidance and the states. CPS will not just take this in consideration and start an investigation. You have to have hard evidence. Or a child be put in a hospital or dangerous situation to take action. Experience when I alerted CPs they did nothing! 5 or 6 months later when the child ended up in the ER that’s WHEN THEY FINALLY DID SOMETHING. It’s sad. So make your case strong. And you may be ask to have those kids placed with you.

She isn’t the first woman who has a couple men come in her life. So try not to be so judgmental on that. So many men just have the wrong intentions meanwhile a woman is seeking a life. Things don’t work out etc. Hopefully it’s not like criminals


Report her and keep reporting her till something is done , or she cleans up her act. Those kids are being neglected at best . Abuse doesn’t always mean beatings , verbal abuse, not getting enough food and whatever your not saying is being done in their presence. Help them before any more damage is done.

CPS is anonymous. Let them do a home check. They will talk with the children. It may give her a wake up call to do better. Their age, they don’t have a voice. You would be doing a good thing.

Report it 100% but I don’t understand why nobody else sees a issue with this mum apart from you?? Who are you and how do you apparently know so much about her life?


Calling names hurts children some times if they are not being beat up and starving it’s not like she is killing them and maybe she is depressed talk to her about it and calling gps always don’t help because they place children in Forster care and a lot of them end up being worst off and also be killed look at how many has passed away this year from the foster care.until you have proof she is hurting option do you have children they are being taken care of with her parents help and it’s no one bunnies who she has in her house as long as her children are not hurt

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Just makes me so upset to read about stuff like this, there are so many women out there who would do anything to have a child.


Awe man. These kids cannot speak for themselves and they are being taught that this is normal. I’d call whomever I need to before anything worse happens.

Call cps, it seems like this is physical too. You should be able to report as Anonymous


You can call CPS and tell them your concerns. I have done the same thing myself. I’d be getting them involved.

Wonder if possible to speak to police about her or try old name used to be DOCS. If you do go to them keep onto them ,

Report the Be itch kid’s can’t speak up but you can SIMPLE

Have you tried talking to her directly? If they are being abused then I would do something. Especially if it happens over and over and no one does anything. Unless you have proof though it will just be your word against hers unfortunately and in these cases it’s always the kids that suffer.

Sounds to me like shes on Class A drugs! Or just completely fxcked! Please save these children! Do the right thing.

If I knew someone like that, I would report her. Those babies are way more important than her getting mad. Children should always come before anyone or anything. They need fed, clothed, cleaned, and above all Loved, always, not just when convenient.

Call CPS. And I don’t throw those words around lightly because cps ruined my life. But in this case, it seems fitting

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Postpartum depression. Can last years especially in single mothers

call cps asap. save a child!

Cps if u have that big of a concern

Call children services

Report her ass asap! Think of those babies

I would call cps asap.

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Contact the appropriate authority


I’d call Cps. No children should be treated bad ever.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

Call child protection services asap

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.


Ask yourself 1 question,
Could you forgive yourself if anything happened to these children because you didn’t call CPS?
If the answer is no then you know what you have to do!
Report to child services and then report to the police the next time she abandones them at someones House.
The police will then check with child services and as there has already been a report raised they will have to action


I mean… Everyone has already said call CPS but I think you already knew that would be the answer. If you’re not willing to do that, then step in and step up! Help with the kids and show them love. Feed them! Clean them… Don’t sit by idly. Neighbors, family, friends sometimes it really takes an entire village. Idc if you have to wash their clothes or go to food banks, or community pantries to help out, just do it. Find resources! Don’t let kids go hungry, PERIOD.


I worked in child safety, always report a case, If your instincts are telling you it isn’t right, then it probably isn’t. They will do an assessment and find the best solution, this may also be giving the mother support and helping her to parent her children. It often isn’t a clear cut case of taking the children away. Remember to list down all the things that are alarming you, no matter how small.


Call CPS. If there’s nothing wrong like most people seem to think they’ll write it in their report. If there is sketchy stuff happening they’ll get the kids in a safer, more stable environment.


My question is why you’re her friend? You know what the right thing to do is, so do it. Those kids deserve better. Whatever you’re not clarifying on here will probably be enough to place them in a safer environment. Not doing anything more than putting it on Facebook leaves the kids at risk. Do what you know you need to do. Hopefully it’s not too late. Then pick better friends.


Child services should be notified if even 30% of this is accurate.
The children deserve that and from the sounds of it at minimum mom can get some help with managing things and learn some better ways of coping at a very minimum.


Call the cops or CPS if its that bad kids are more important than her feelings


Definitely report to child safety as long as you have multiple forms of evidence!


There’s too many kids suffering and dying because of abusive parents. Imagine if she does that to her kids in front of you, what does she do behind closed doors. Kids are often scared to speak up. They don’t know what love is they only know what they are taught. Please help them


Pretend youre her good friend, visit her house and take a video secretly without her knowledge while shes abusing the kids, take like 4 videos on different accasions, this is good evidence for child surpport to get involved

If things are really that bad then report it instead of posting on Facebook. However if you are her friend then try reaching out to her first. Being a parent is tough, she may be feeling totally overwhelmed and unable to cope a kind word or an offer of assistance may be more beneficial. You want to be very sure of what is happening before reporting this as it could result in those kids being taken away from their mother. It’s a delicate situation and one that needs to be handled with sensitivity and common sense. Start taking notes, talk to the children if possible and chat to neighbors to get the bigger picture. The main concern is the children’s welfare and what is best for them.

This happened to some kids when I was younger. I called cps on her bc those kids deserve so much more in life than yo be abused by their parent.

Be a mother and protect them children by all means necessary :heart: :yellow_heart: If they are in danger then i would not hesitate to call dhs. Our only job is to protect is our children. People like whoever this women is makes me sick. Good luck.


Try and make a diary of what is happening and when and also try and get photos if u can, only then child services may be able to help more.until then I’d try and feed and keep the kids safe

What these kids, especially the girl need is someone to advocate for them and their safety. Please do something before it’s too late to save them.

I think you need to call child protective services or DCFS or whatever you have when you where you live. Maybe even a well-being check on the kids from the police would help maybe question

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Please, please call Child Protective Services. Those poor children’s lives could depend on it


Please please please keep an eye on that it could escalate quickly and end up not a good thing at all please keep a journal times dates what you have witnessed if you think it’s emotional abuse please call anonymously CPS please please all children matter emotional abuse is as bad or worse bless your heart for caring Prayers up


Record her doing it on a couple of occasions then replay it to her. You clearly care for her cos you call her a friend. Friends tell u the blatant truth and if she considers u a friend too she will realise what she is doing and take your advise. She seems over whelmed. She is very young and she might be taking out her frustrations of loosing out to her youth on the kids. If she doesnt change take the recordings to CPS. Think of it if those kids were abused like that at a daycare you would report it too. So do what u must but dont turn a blind eye cos then you are no better than her and it’s pointless complaining and asking strangers for advise u wont use.


This person should start secretly recording her and build a CPS case. Kids can’t speak up for themselves and if she’s doing unspeakable things to her daughter you need to get to the task of getting CPS involved immediately


Child services won’t do shit if she has food and water in the house unfortunately.


Kids will probably suffer more taken away from their mom. As a child who was once in the system, you’re seen as nothing more than a check by the people who take you in.

I was fortunate to have a loving mom (though not perfect) and grandmother who did everything in their power to try to get my sister and I outta the system.


Yes if they don’t have food and are being verbally abused notify child protection but they probably won’t do anything. Her calling in sick to work and having men at her house with the kids calling them dad to most of us shit parenting but not reason enough to be reported.


She tells people how sweet but she shows them mental abuse will cut there ego down poor kids call child services let them know they will not give your name out but will show up unexpectedly to surprise her

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Hell NO. Report her ass! Those kids are most likely silently screaming for help & the family probably treats them like shit too. This makes me so mad. Please report her even if it’s anonymous!

Report her behaviour if its genuinely as bad as you say and hopefully get her some help to see where she’s going wrong social services will work with her to change her attatude some folk aren’t natural born mothers and don’t know how bad it affects their kids we learn what we see good luck

Call child protective services. Give these poor innocent kids a voice. Don’t wait!!

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I’m not sure what can help to be honest, this woman doesn’t sound like she wants her kids… Tbh I’m not sure what cps could do … I wonder if the anyone of the children’s father’s could be better… Otherwise I don’t think family says anything coz they are turning a blind eye … Show them … before going to cps

Report this.At least you will have done your part to help if things get worse.
You aren’t the only one that notices what she’s doing. The others don’t know what to do or are afraid.

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Secretly video her when she is being crappy to her daughter. Then confront her with all the videos to show her that she is being crappy to her daughter. A lot of times, people can’t recognize crappy behavior until it is shown to them.

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Iwould get in touch with CPS. Sounds like the mam ma needs be by herself… boils down to this .'if cant treat kids right there is plenty folks who cant have children that would love them .

The amount of kids that have died because someone saw something noone else did but didn’t feel comfortable calling CPS about is ridiculous. If you feel uncomfortable about those kids lives, call child services, that is what they’re for. Make it anonymous if you feel that bad about it, but just call them

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Get as much evidence as you can and call child services. And keep calling until something is done.

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Tell her you think she treats her children that bad , you re thinking about calling CPS .
Maybe it ll be an electrochoc to her , Ă  wake up call ?!
If things don’t change, call CPS

If the fathers care for these children, let them know what’s going on and get CPS involved, those children don’t have anybody to help them but you. Please don’t just stand by and wait for someone else to do something for them. It might be to late by then. :cry:

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You can call CPS and report it as you have just shared. You have done the right thing in reporting. They will check and make a decision. But you did what you could. I hope for these children it gets attention

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Mind you buiness, my sister’s didn’t speak for long time ! Stay in your lane & let parents tend to they children their own way !

Report her to child protective services! At least you’ll know you did something! Hopefully they won’t let her know who reported her because it sounds like you’re the only one that is realistic about the kind of mother she really is and those kids need someone like that to be in their lives! It’s sad that her family and other friends keep enabling her! You’d think her closest family members would step in for the welfare of the kids and point out that it’s time for her to grow up! Those kids, especially the daughter , have already been damaged by the abusive name calling and those other words ! It was a real problem in my family with one person and I was determined to put an end to it, but the last 2 kids that were victims, especially one who got it worse, I think will be the end of the line in their family because I don’t see marriage or kids in their future after how they grew up! I know that’s the main reason I never dreamed of marriage or kids-I was afraid I’d be like that same person that treated me that way and I wasn’t willing to take the risk!

You could apply to be a foster parent and take them in :slight_smile: CPS is shitty but they helped a friend if mine to get stuff fir tge kids. Food toys clothes. And parenting classes. Help with rent etc. They dont always take them but will come by and check in and ask the kids. Just leaving them to suffer isnt right. And men coming n going leaves them open to being molested. Good luck to all

Sounds like child services needs to step in. You need to place a report for the sake of the kids involved

That sounds really bad, you are the voice for these children, I won’t be able to live with myself knowing what is happening to them, call for help asap you can always stay anonymous…Please call for help don’t leave it any longer…

Call the dept. of child welfare or whatever it’s called where you are from. Better lose her as a friend than a child’s life.

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So if there’s no physical harm or abuse …or drug abuse …you need to honestly your business


Pick better friends. You can not change this as a friend, only hurt yourself and your kids. I say this from learning the hard way. Xo

Unless she is being blatently neglectful or physically harming them unfortunately protective services wont do crap.

Wow this mother is just creating sociopaths the daughter will go on to be a victim or perpetrator same with the son you can’t treat people like that and expect a stable human being to come out of it ppl often say I was abused and I’m fine I bet you if you dig deep enough you’re really not fine she’s destroying these little humans before they even get a chance to figure out who they are she sounds like a narcissist a malignant narcissist she’s just creating more sociopaths

Sounds like PND. Call cps and encourage her to go to the Dr so she can get any help needed

Wow if the child is being abused an you know turn them in for the child’s sake

Tell the counselor at the child’s school or her teacher. Someone needs to step in!

Please do what you can to get help for her children. Children’s Services . Be persistent in efforts to help them.

First of all your calling her a friend. Second of all this post is dripping with Judgement. If she’s as bad as your making out and those are hell of accusations then why ask here and not report it straight away. Also if she’s as bad as you make out why hasn’t her family done something about it?

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Almost sounds like the upbringing I experienced with my mom…I have alot of mental issues because of her

Report it, it’s all anonymous. If nothing is done, keep calling. They will get the message eventually. Stay on it. You are courageous for doing anything, thank you for keeping our children safe❤️

Honestly most of what your saying is hearsay. If she has all her utilities, food in the house and the house relatively clean chances are there’s not alot they can do.

So here it is in a nutshell. Call and report her to CPS because if you dont you are as guilty as she is knowing this and doing nothing about it.

You gotta go on her call child services won’t help tell it’s a issue I had a friend her son kept telling me he was assaulted and everyone he comes around my friend stopped dealing with me just because she wants to ignore her son .

So if you are seriously concerns please report to Child Protective Services. If once doesn’t work, keep reporting! Talk to neighbors, people who know her. Take notes, keep records. Please be sure the babies are cared for. If the allegations against her this could be crucial. If they are not true it will be settled fairly. Protect the children

This crazy abusive mom is bringing men in and out of their lives ??? Really?? That’s a huge danger ! How does she know they’re not touching the kids , especially the little girl. Barely feeds them and leaves them without asking and telling the kids? She’s pregnant and smoking ? How come no one has report her for abuse and neglect ? The poor kids and the unborn child. Child need to be and feel safe in a home. Don’t wait to see if someone else will take care of them ! If you know this please do something ! I was but a child (10 years old) when the people across the street from us neglected their kids big time. I know because she’d invite me over to babysit so she could go “Avoning”. She would be gone 18 hours at a time. There’s be nothing but a jar of sandwich spread, a bag of cookies and the bottom scrapings of a tin of cat food in the fridge. The 9 month old baby would have diarrhea so bad that when I went to change her, her diaper would leak water all over the carpet her stools were that loose. I felt so horrible that I called for my brothers to bring over a loaf of bread and peanut butter so I could at least feed the boys. They were 2 and 4. They ran wild all over the streets and the younger narrowly got missed getting run over one day. When the mom finally called, I told her there was no food in the house. She told me about the bag of cookies in the fridge but the boys were afraid to eat them in case they got into trouble. I told her the baby formula was gone and she advised me to put a teaspoon of sugar and fill her baby bottle with water and shake it up and feed her that. (Explains the severe diarrhea) and also the cat was out of food. All she said was it could go out and catch birds ! There were also porno magazines sitting on the coffee table where the kids had access to them. Her forever drunk husband left them there. Those poor kids. I often wondered what became of them. I was a kid myself. Had I known about reporting them, I would’ve.

Absolute shame that we need a license to fish or have a dog
But anyone can have a child.

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Call child protective services if it is that bad. You can be a great mom on social media all you want but they will dig out the facts

She sounds bipolar. You can have a welfare check from cps and report everything.

And you camt do anything you have zero legal rights to them and if you cant house them or afford to feed them i wouldnt b judging someone else especially ,if its going to cause the kids to b removed from the home and put it foster care which is worse when it comes to abuse neglect and kids getting raped and not getting reported because most of the te its the foster parents that did it

Don’t let her get away with this one day something terrible can happen it will be to late then

I’ll be honest , if you call cps be ready for the possibility that the kids can go from bad to worst . Soo if you’re not prepared to take responsibility for them then go the extra miles to make sure they aren’t going to be mistreated. Maybe start looking for foster families

Kids come first,they did not ask to be here

CPS. They help families stay together, teach parent and provide them with resources. Psychological abuse is a good enough reason to call CPS. You can call anonymously.

So call child services if you are concerned, but that might not be much better, the system is too corrupt unfortuneately :pensive:

if the children are in Danger you’re morally obligated to step in if they’re not in actual physical/ emotional danger you might need to step back

I know everyone said this , but you watch the news. Kills are dying sadly to much because of abuse. Instead of writing this letter asking do like most of us pick up the phone and CPS on her. Save those children. They don’t give your name to her, and so if your friends with a cop tell him. Just don’t do nothing. Maybe her immediate family aren’t aware and will step up and take the children once reported. Please don’t do anything.


Sometimes the foster system is a lot worse than what’s currently happening with the kids now. It’s a difficult decision.

So if that’s the case and it’s even worse than you say it is, why post on Facebook? If you REALLY cared about them kids and not just internet attention, you would have BEEN called DCF and got the children removed