My friend treats her kids terribly, what should I do?

This is the type of person that should have their children taken away

Call Child Protective Services anonymously to report neglect and emotional abuse. Call police too for a child welfare check. Poor kids

Document everything you see and hear. Then give it to child protective services

Record record record!!! That little girl needs help asap. They will take it seriously if u show them proof. U pretty much said e one will defend her. Record and take to police.Dont let any1 know u reported child abuse just incase u need other proof.

You must call child protection immediately. What are you waiting for? Doing nothing is not an option.

Why is that person your friend?

Make an anonymous call to the authorities, these kids have been through enough.

NOT reporting child abuse IS child abuse. That’s the way the law sees it.

i would report her anonamously cant spell they cant tell her you called offer to help when all else fails talk to her family and be honest those babies deserve better

CPS will not help this situation. They may even make it worse unfortunately.


You can call child protection anonymously.


Because those are HER kids

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can you tell her what you see to help her be a better mom

The poor kids :cry::cry: call child protection please!

Give a detailed report to child services, thats how you can help to protect these beautiful kids, she is not your friend

Call CPS. You know this is happening… so you’re kind of responsible now unfortunately

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This really triggered me. Please call CPS, for those kids sakes, please

Well first off call CPS. Second, you need better friends.

Record her tantrums.
She’s probably a still a 16yr old in a 25yr old body.
Video her for evidence.

I certainly know a few people just like this too unfortunately :cry:

Call child services!

Cps these kids need protecting xxx

You call CPS if you feel that strongly about it

If you are that concerned call cps. You can do it anonymously. Kids should ALWAYS COME 1ST!!!

Contact CPS to report her and be sure to entail every single incident you have witnessed.

If theres child abuse maybe call the cops and then cps

R u serious? There should b no questions asked. Confront her u r her friend

So do what you have to do :woman_shrugging:

Reminds me of My bipolar and drug addicted ex.

Friend or not, if kids are being abused in any way or neglected- you report it! The fact you can’t even state what she’s done to the daughter for fear of people’s reaction on here speaks volumes too. You can’t just sit back and allow children to suffer. Im shocked you’ve taken to Facebook rather than just do the right thing which is to report it ASAP!

Get good proof and contact child services

Stop listening to other listen to your heart. Would you want your kids treated like that. This woman sadly needs help. She is probably Bi-polar that is why the switch in personality or she may have other mental issues. Yes she will be upset but the focus here is the Kids mot her. She needs help and so do those kids. I can only imagine the pain, fear, sadness they live with, no child should live this way.
Try and pics of the kids not publicly The will ask the kids questions and they will be afraid to talk.I pray God blesses you and give you the strength to report this family. No child should live in hell. I pray they don’t get abuse by the people she leaves the kids with.
Please stop talking about it to people. Everyone is going to know who called and you don’t want that. People can b mean and spiteful. Protect yourself and family. People dont want to talk out of fear. They see what is going on but prefer to live in Denial.

Please go to your church and speak to a pastor confidently or speak to a group that protects women they be able to talk to her. They have lots of experience in these matters amd is confidential.
God bless you for caring those children have a protector. Take good care of you and I pray you make the right decision that is in your heart. You Answer to a higher God not people. Maybe they will give the kids to the family first then put them in the system. It can b a blessing she can straighten herself out and get her kids back!!

You know the answer if you truly feel that they’re safety is in jeopardy make the call

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Call protective services. Do what’s right for the kids not that selfish person

I would report her to CPS. You can do it anonymously. I would also start documenting and taking pictures and videos. Get a calendar book and write it down… You may end up hated by these people, however you would be a hero the children.

Yeah… I feel like this is grossly over exaggerated. Lmao why are you asking random strangers on a Facebook page??? Wouldn’t you contact mutual friends , the fathers or the family ?
If this is your “friend” you can’t bring it up to her ? Lol this post literally is for attention period

Why are you writing all this testament, call the child protective services! Get all the evidence!

Call child services maybe that will wake her ip

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Some people just dont deserve kids!!!

Cps and block her omce y no kids safe z

Call in the authorities. Thats all you can do. First and foremost protect the kids. Trust your gut instincts and make that call.


Don’t feel bad, call and report her! It is every humans job to protect children regardless who they belong to. I will pray hard that you have the faith to make the call, and definitely be praying for these children :blue_heart::heartpulse::pray::pray::pray::pray:

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If you care about her kids (and her), you need to call DFACS. They’re not safe there right now and she needs help with her anger.

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Has it ever crossed your mind that she might be struggling? Are you a parent yourself? If you are, then you will know how damn hard it is. Maybe you need to act like a friend rather than judging her.

If this is true and you can prove it turn you in to the authorities and let them do their job. You are right the children come first. And protect this unborn child besides

Be there when she has the next baby and make sure they cut, tie & burn her tubes! You need a license to get married but any idiot can reproduce! Abuse of kids and animals is the lowest scum you can be!

Everyone saying to call child services must not follow child abuse death cases. Child services is a completely broken system. Their hands are COVERED in the blood of innocent children. I’m just saying. Yes of course call them anyways… but don’t hold your breath for them to help. Child services is what REALLY needs a reform in this world.

Yet rather then reporting her you come to fb and ask what u should do??

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Why haven’t you called the state yet?

stop being friends with her.

CPS exists for a reason, I’d say its past time to call them.

Doesn’t take a genius to know that you should call and report her ass the the cops and cps. TODAY. !!

Call Child Protective Services :pray:t2:

If you’re concerned call CPS… :woman_shrugging:

Call someone before its to late

Report her help those kids they can not help themselves.

CALL IT IN get the department of child services involved asap.

This needs to be told to CPS.

call child enforcements

Call and report to cps

I would assume it’s the same in the states as it is here in Canada - you have a duty to report.

Call child protection

Call social services

Simple … report her!

are you ready to addopt them?

Stop spreading ur legs and get pregnant!

Are you an idiot? Why haven’t you called CPS on her already?!?!?!


You need to file a complaint.

CPS Now while those Children have a Chance

you people saying to call cps are fucking stupid smh lmao


Call CPS and distance yourself from her as best you can.

Have you confronted her? I imagine she was raised the same way and she is doing what she learned. Maybe say hey, I found this great online parenting thing and was hoping you’d go through it with me so we can learn together ….??

This is fantastic program !!

Wow I would be reporting her

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Bring it up! Speak with both parties involved! Beat her *ss if she doesn’t comply! Contact DCFS!

Go to cps before it’s to late

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Call CPS. And if you don’t want to, PM me and I’ll do it for you.

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call cps, verbal abuse is as bad as physical abuse.

Call cps and the police for a wellness check.

Mind ur own business

What are you waiting for ? Pick up the phone report it .

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Call customer. Record it. Get records

When you know these things and don’t report it you are liable if something happens.

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You need to immediately report it to CPS. They have a toll free number that you can call. Best if you have documented evidence of neglect and abuse.


There’s an obligation to report child abuse

Please make an anonymous call to CPS. This is behavior that typically shows signs of an abusive environment and if not handled it will get much worse… especially with another baby on the way. Thoes babies don’t have a voice so please make the call.

Call Simone to do a well fair check on those kids no questions asked


If she’s abusing her kids, mentally or physically,she needs to be reported… Period.


Cps . You can do an anonymous report. Don’t talk to her first or she will cut you out of her life and they might need you to advocate for them again .


Do the fathers know how the kids are being treated? They might step up if they knew. Do the grandparents know? Someone has got to love those kids. If noone is willing to do the right thing you might have too


Please please please report her.

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Everybody is not mother material and shouldn’t have children. Please report her before something seriously happen to these babies.

Record everything and sent proof and tell them wellness check

hate to say it cause i’m a young mama trying my best but … report that shit girl. kids deserve the world. if she’s mistreating them then please be their voice

Those babies need help ! Be their voice !

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Yes call and report. At least there will be a record of it. Unfortunately unless the children are underweight due to lack of eating or have visible abuse wounds or she’s on drugs and exposing the kids to it or unable to parent because of it they will not help those kids. Even though emotional abuse is just as bad or worse than physical abuse they never seem to remove kids for it. And unless someone who she dumps the kids off to without permission calls child services on her for abandonment they won’t do anything. Those poor kids. I know someone who emotionally abused her kids and the daughter has now started having convulsions due to panic attacks because she has anxiety. They need to start going after emotional abuse just like they do physical and sexual abuse.


If you’ve tried talking to her about it, then CPS needs to be called. And it needs to be reported by others who see and condem the behaviors too. That is not a home, that is a nightmare.

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Report her. That’s so sad. Her poor kids.

I honestly wouldn’t call CPS unless you know for sure that abuse and neglect is occurring in the household. I would request a random wellness check at this point and they can determine if CPS is needed. If there is blatant abuse going on (hitting, starving, plus what you say you can’t say) then I would make an anonymous call to CPS. It’s not your business what she spends her money on, and if her family is willing to pay her bills, that’s on them. My saying is “not my circus, not my monkeys” unless again you know that abuse and neglect are occuring in the house. So again, I would call in a wellness check first.

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In my eyes if u know 4 a fact she is doing this 2 her children and u don’t report it u r as guilty as she is it needs 2 be told b4 something real bad happens