My friend wants to meet her exes new girlfriend but he won't allow it: Advice?

Some folks kill me. It is not her business to know who is around their kid. :woman_shrugging:t3:


go there when he isnt around if she is around ur child u have the right4

She has the right to meet whoā€™s around her child or the child should not period


Unless itā€™s in the court documents she has 0 right to know anything about any person he has around the child. Sheā€™s not with him anymore and has to give up control

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Sheā€™s allowed to knowā€¦ The court could fix this


Sounds like she need to go get it a custody agreement in court and that needs to be a stipulations that they have to meet each otherā€™s significant others before they can be around their children

How is he as a parent? He may have been a terrible boyfriend but if heā€™s a good parent then I would trust him to make good decisions for his child and not have anyone around them that would be dangerous.

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As someone who is the new girlfriend after a divorce, Iā€™ve told my boyfriend that I want to meet his ex wife so that she knows me and so she and I can have a relationship and she can be comfortable with me being around their kids, and that I want to meet her before I meet their children. I want the three of us to be able to be civil at the bare minimum and be able to all be in the kids life without drama. The mom is definitely not in the wrong at all, she should know who is around her kids! Itā€™s not about control, itā€™s about respect.


Yeah thatā€™s a no from me , anyone that is around her child , she should know.


She donā€™t have to know same as if she is with somebody she donā€™t have to introduce dad to her new boyfriend either it is dads time and dads choices just the same as when mom has him she can do what she wants. Unless dad is unfit then itā€™s a different story but she needs to grow up and trust dads judgment she trusted him enough at one point to make a child with him

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I wouldnā€™t allowed the father to have unsupervised visits intil I met the girlfriend!! My boyfriend have two children by his ex wife. After dating a few months I met the mother of his children and then I met the children! :woman_shrugging: If she had any respect for the children mother she would introduce her self!!!


Hard truth from experience, it is what it is. As long as she receives her child back healthy, happy, and clean thatā€™s all that matters. I use to be like that, I HAVE to meet the GF thatā€™s around my childrenā€¦ butt all I say now is do you. But if my child is harmed in any way itā€™s chitty chitty bang bang for you and your new GF.

All of yall say it isnā€™t her business well we just had a child killed by the dadā€™s girlfriend in my town so YES it is her business! Stop ALL visits and get a court order


I mean yes Nd no, yes because meeting her is one thing, they have a CHILD together, BUT likeing that girlfriend and saying who he CAN and CANT date is another. Itā€™s his house his business, his rules, as long as the child is happy, healthy, and safe. It doesnā€™t really matter.

No he should definitely let her meet his new gf! He would want the same. What parent doesnā€™t want to know whoā€™s around their child!?

Regardless of hatred for the other parent, both parents still love the child and want to protect the child. Both parents have every right to know whoā€™s around their babies when theyā€™re not there.

Of course you should meet her

I know every situation and co-parenting relationship is different, but I trusted my kids father enough that I never had to question who he had around our children. His private life was none of my business and mine was none of his. When we were ready, we would introduce each other to the new girlfriend/boyfriend. Our custody agreement stated that we have no control of who the other parent had around the kids during their parenting time, UNLESS we felt the child was in immediate danger. However, I will say I think itā€™s super important for everyone to meet if it gets serious enough where the new girlfriend/boyfriend is taking on a parental role or anything like that. My ex and I thankfully had a good co-parenting relationship and I absolutely loved his girlfriend when I finally got to meet her.


I trust the father of my kids but I donā€™t always trust his judgment in people, especially since people can be fake in the beginning. I mean, weā€™ve all been fooled by someone, right? I donā€™t let my kids around anyone I donā€™t know and that isnā€™t ever going to change. BOTH parents have a right to know who will be around their child!

They donā€™t ā€˜ā€˜haveā€™ā€™ to meet with the mother. But it should be done out of courtesy.


Iā€™ll never understand why women assume they have a right to approve of their exā€™s next relationship.


I appaul her for wanting to do this for the safety of her child if dad doesnā€™t want to then heā€™s probably hiding something so no visit for dad until he agrees JS

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100% she should meet her.

She absolutely has the right to know the type of people her ex has their child around.

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Iā€™d be upset bc nobody gonna be around my child until I meet them it sounds like they have no respect for you


If it was a toxic relationship hes probably lieing to both of themā€¦id go see her anyway


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friend wants to meet her exes new girlfriend but he won't allow it: Advice?

Legally he doesnā€™t have to introduce them but, to me, itā€™s a little sketchy that he has a problem with it.
If it were me, I would be doing everything in my power to meet this woman, you canā€™t trust anybody these days, especially with your children. I hope she figures it out soon, I canā€™t imagine not knowing the kind of person my child is around.

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In my personal opinion, the mother deserves to know who is around her child as well as if the situation was turned around, parents are allowed to know exactly what kind of person is around their child id be upset too if I were in the situation Iā€™d want to know who is around MY child that is my right as her mother.


She has every right to know whoā€™s around her baby. I wouldnā€™t allow that. A mom has to put the best interest of her child first!

If the girlfriend is around her child that much then yeah she definitely needs to meet her once!

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Who dad has around the kids as long as no harm is done to the child or the child is being places in harms way. It NOT up the the mother. Would mom allow dad to say who she can have around the child doubt full.


You people do realize thatā€™s his kid too right? No matter the history.


No sheā€™s not if I canā€™t meet her my child wonā€™t be around her if that means you wonā€™t either oh well!!! My child safety is first not your feelings


Unless the child is being hurt, it doesnā€™t matter. She gets her time and he gets his and thatā€™s all the law will see as well.

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Yah. Heā€™s in the wrong. Parents have a right to know whoā€™s around their children. The courts will see it that way too. Itā€™s time to make their custody arrangements official.


Tell her to take him to court

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Naā€¦if I canā€™t meet you, you canā€™t be around my child. Period.


In a perfect world they would all meet and be civil but dude seems like a class act so she should just pick her battles w that one

If he isnā€™t a harm to the children then what he does with his new partner is absolutely none of her business

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Hell no. Keep ur kids safe
.no strangers.

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Yeah no shes needs to meet her and if not Iā€™d tell that mf to take me to court youā€™ll have supervised visits I would not care


You dont get to dictate to a father who he has around their own child. Been there done that with my spouses ex and mine. Parenting time is seperate and neither parent has to at any point legally have to introduce you or give any information about who the child is around. The courts donā€™t give a shit who is around your child unless you have proof of a reason they shouldnā€™t be, like neglect or harm to a child. Dads parenting time is dads decisions and dads call just like the mother. Cheating is one thing, heā€™s a shit boyfriend but that has nothing to with the child or what he does with his child, it is completley seperate and not the other parents buisness. However itā€™s the decent thing to do if both parties are amicable. If theirs been alot of drama and by the sounds of their history their is and dad does not have to comply. The courts look at this behavior as malicious, controlling and will not entertain these kind of requests. Mom sounds jealous and thatā€™s exactly what the court will think too, sheā€™s scorn over their history and wants to be in control.
If dad has safety concerns then it should be a court issue otherwise you have no right to demand to meet anyone he has around said child.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friend wants to meet her exes new girlfriend but he won't allow it: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friend wants to meet her exes new girlfriend but he won't allow it: Advice?

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I donā€™t think itā€™s asking too much. Especially with his past reputation. However youā€™re probably not going to get anywhere with baby daddy and new girlfriend. So I would just take them to court. I think itā€™s the most civil way to do things when one person doesnā€™t want to co-parent.


I think sheā€™s absolutely in the right to want to know who is around her child. I donā€™t know the custody agreement, but it seems illegal for the ex to refuse a meeting. I would let them know that she will bring this up with her lawyer. Because itā€™s highly inappropriate for him not only to have A stranger around the baby, but refusing to meet with the mom. I hope this helps.


Well I did not meet or have I ever spoken to her. My son have been around her at age 6 or 7 till now he 15, He is with his Father and I have to trust that he will keep our child safe. My child has had a phone at age 5 so he can always call me if he feel unsafe. ( There are rules) cause the same over here he has not meet my boyfriend. He trust that I will keep his son safe. His father is there for him anytime anyday. So trust that he will give his child the best care. Long as you know where they live you do drop off and pick ups. You call Him and check up. And set rules. Do all this with him cause in the end she a none factor until he say ido.


Nope Iā€™d want to know who my child was around just as much as dad should want to know if mum had a new partner x


Fact of the matter is, when the child is with the father he is responsible for the safety of the child. If it is court ordered then baby mama donā€™t have to know anybody. Although we want to know whoā€™s around our children, when the relationship is over itā€™s over in youā€™re not entitled to request. If the child has already been around the new girlfriend 5 times then just let it happen. Heā€™s probably gas-lighting her and has said all type of horrible things and thatā€™s why he broke up with her. He doesnā€™t want the new girlfriend and the ex-girlfriend to have a relationship because the topic would be about him anyway and his 19 relationships. Tell your girlfriend to just go ahead and get her nails and hair done and enjoy the free time she has without the baby.


My ex isnt allowed to take my kids near his new gf. He knows it. If he did do it behind my back then it would be back to supervised contact. You need to feel comfortable with who is around your child. Good luck. Xx


Just a thought. Is the new gf a friend of hers or his during the relationship and one of them didnā€™t care for or trust her so heā€™s hiding her. PLEASE PLEASE stay on this. Also you could wIt until he comes to get the child and say ok WEā€™RE ready. I am going to because I am not comfortable with the situation. I go or he dont.


Itā€™s not too much at all. Baby daddy sounds like a piece of work and Birds of a feather flock together. If heā€™s a crappy person she may be to and itā€™s completely fair to see if sheā€™s suitable to be around their child. How are you gonna not see if someone safe enough to be around your kid when youā€™re not there to protect them

My exā€™s girlfriend shook my daughter and threw her against the wall. She was 2 and barely survived. There is nothing wrong with checking her out but sometimes the bad stuff shows up later. Good luck.


probably needs parenting plan fromthe courtā€”


I believe the court holds only the father responsible, they canā€™t infringe on his personal life unless the child is in danger or being neglected

Serious question, is the mom wanting to truly meet the new gf for the well being of their child or is she still salty of the ex? I ask bc I feel as if thatā€™s the reason the ex boyfriend refuses the meet bc he knows itā€™ll just turn in to a fight && no kid needs to witness that!!! Maybe dad is keeping them apart for the well being of the child :tipping_hand_woman::woman_shrugging: in which that may change once the dad sees a change in the mom && can tell that she is no longer angry and hurtā€¦ HOWEVER, I do believe that each parent has the right to know who is around their child!!! Just as if the mom gets a new bf :ok_hand: BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PPL, quit letting everyone around your children!!! Your child doesnā€™t need to meet everyone youā€™re dating! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: I feel as if the parent should be dating the other person for A WHILE before they let them meet their child/children :woman_facepalming:


For all she knows it could be a junkie around her kid, I demand it, Iā€™ll show up at his house idc, thatā€™s MY babyā€™s safety potentially at risk for all I know.


I wouldnt allow my child to go without me until I felt that the new gf was gonna love and treat my child as she would her own child. Its disrespectful of them to be that way when the child is hers to.


Nope. Mom deserves to know the person her child is around. Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to know the person thatā€™s going to be around your kid.


You should ask the dad if heā€™s heard of situations like #justiceformalakai doesnā€™t matter how well dad thinks he knows her :woman_shrugging:t2: Iā€™ve heard of instances where step mom may have thrown boiling water on step son and threw him down stairs into concrete wall. As a parent nowadays you have to assume any one is capable of anything. Even child care ā€œspecialistsā€ get in trouble for abuse and neglect.


Take him to court and hash it out. He obviously is putting his girlfriend before your child. My ex has told me numerous times if who he is with canā€™t respect that we coparent and its strictly for the kids then they can hit the road. We have not been together in 13 years and donā€™t plan on being together ever again , but he takes being a dad first before anything.


Question, how old is the baby? how does the baby feel? Has the baby made any new changes, in behaviour, temperament etc?


Get a lawyer, and be assured ā€“ THEN you will get to meet the new girlfriend before the child is ever legally allowed to visit them. All you will have to do is explain the situation to the judge, and he/she will make sure of it. Let the court do your mediation for you.

Parents have every right to know who is around their child. After a divorce, neither parent should expose the child to their dates. If a new relationship is turning serious then and only then should the child be introduced and the ex as well.


There should be nothing to hide surelyā€¦ And she should do the same when she finds a man.


Sounds familiar I think nothing wrong with you knowing whoā€™s around your child especially with that many partners at the same time most probably doesnā€™t want you to do you donā€™t mention the other 19 odd females if he was doing that to you heā€™s definitely doing it to her


Nope. She should know who is around her child

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Not overreacting! Too many bf/gf hurt/kill children that arenā€™t theirs. If you donā€™t meet, your child stays with you and the ex can come to your home to see your child.


Heck no your not over reacting if you canā€™t meet the new gf something is shady you donā€™t think for a minute that if you have a bf he would want to meet him.


If sheā€™s going to be a part of her childā€™s life, I feel that the mother has a right to at least meet herā€¦


No not overreacting, a mother has a right to know who her child is around for her childā€™s safety and given the past of her ex going around with multiple people and not just sticking to one serious thing at a time I think itā€™s a good thing to worry because if I was a parent and things didnā€™t work out with my partner I wouldnā€™t want people coming in and out of my childā€™s life I would want someone to want to be there and to want to be in my ex partners life to make them happy

I would wanna know. When my sons father finds a new gf or if I get a new bf we agreed meeting. Itā€™s important.


If she doesnā€™t trust the father of the child to keep the child safe then why is said child there?


The baby daddy and gf are wrong. The mother has the right to meet the woman that is with her ex. Itā€™s not that she wants to be mean to her , she just wants to see who is around her child and what kind of influence they are having on the child

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Lets flip the roles and say i asked to meet my baby mommas new boyfriend and when he comes around for the first time hey assaults me in-front of my kid how would that pan out

At the end of the day as much as it sucks, itā€™s not up to her to make that call and the courts will say as such.

Both parents have the right to know WHO is around their kids, both parents.

Thankfully I have a court order for weekends Nd holidays. I take my son near whoever the fuck I want. . And my x doesnā€™t have a say in it .

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Go to court ask a Judge, its a reasonable request.


The mother has all the right to meet the gf, and if it donā€™t happen take him back to court and tell the courts it should be supervised instead. He will get mad and change his mind, but she has all the rights to see who is by her child


Probably worried she might get her ass kicked, or itā€™s one of her besties. :joy:


Does mom introduce everyone she has around their child to the ex? If yes, then she has a point. If no, then no.

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Like, seriously, aside from cheating on the mother, is there anything that would suggest the father would out the child in harmā€™s way? Bringing the child around his now girlfriend is no worse than having his beer buddies over when the child is around.
If he has a history of questionable activities that could endanger the child, then supervised visits would be recommended to go to court over, but arring that, introducing the child to anyone that is not the mother does not suggest the child is in any way at risk just because the mother doesnā€™t know them.

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Itā€™s not her business ā€¦ same goes for her personal life is not his business. They had a child together and either co parent to the benefit of the child or act like controlling immature idiots and look for trouble because she has a grudge. If he is not a fit parent then take it to court and there had better proof otherwise stay out of each others personal business.

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Just show up, youā€™ll meet her then lol

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I would insist on meeting her

I think itā€™s a responsible thing to do. If be questioning why he doesnā€™t want them to meet her.

Absolutely not. I would refuse to let my baby be around her until I meet her. What is her ex afraid of - his new gf must not be too great if he is ashamed to let mama meet her.

Anyone who will be spending time with your child needs to be known to you. Heā€™s proven he canā€™t be trusted

Let the courts decide, everybody too emotional

If I cant meet her, my child canā€™t go! :woman_shrugging:t5:

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Leave the situation alone leave him he will do it again

She meets her or child doesnt visit. Period

Check the Lawson your stateā€¦some dont allow cohabitationā€¦

If there is no court ordered visitation then she doesnā€™t have to allow the baby to go to the fathers house, sighting possible unsafe environment, however, if the baby has indeed been constantly around this unknown female for 4-5 months, and there have been no signs of neglect, abuse or emotional or other trauma to the child, then this is very unnecessary. I find it odd that now that there is knowledge of this female being around, all of a sudden there is a thought of the child being unsafe? Please do not use the child as an excuse for drama, thatā€™s honestly what this sounds like to me. Donā€™t fall into the power struggle games of control of the other parent using the child.


Iā€™ll give you a perspective from the opposite sex. No person, mother or not, will tell me how to raise my children nor will they hold any power over who I decide MY children will be around. The people I bring my children around, I trust. I canā€™t speak for EVERY man because Iā€™ve met some extraordinary pieces of shit in my lifetime and that goes for both fathers AND mothers. I donā€™t know the specifics of this father other than he cheatsā€¦a lot. Maybe heā€™s changed, maybe not, but if you threaten him with supervised visitation I can guarantee you it will only cause more division and he and, possibly, the children will resent you. Just my thoughts.

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Iā€™d keep my kid home if I wasnā€™t able to meet her. As the mother, I am absolutely entitled to know who my child is around. Past history has nothing to do with this either, I feel this way anyhow.

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Mother has every right to know who her child is around. Not sure how to go about it to enforce a meeting legally but as a parent, mom or dad, they have every right. :person_shrugging:

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She needs to take it to court. The court will likely look at the potential damage to the child. If she can prove the infidelity, esp to that degree, heā€™ll be lucky to have supervised visitation.

Wouldnā€™t be around my kids at all. A childā€™s welfare is more important than an ego and a new bird. Just not at all. This is your child. Your in charge. The rules should be set out. Yes see the child but you do not introduce them to your latest flame. Without sitting down and meeting them yourself. If he wont then fight me in court. I found out my ex was playing happy families with a tramp who had 4 kids removed by social services. He was told he doesnā€™t see my kid when he see her. Told him why. He dumped her as she lied to him too.