My friends 20-month-old doesn't talk at all: Thoughts?

relax this is very common, you will probably find out of the blue that he begins yapping away and then it will be a concern that he wont stop talking lol

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This is something his mother needs to be concerned about.


all my kids didnt start talking until 2/3…this is not your place…let the mother handle it

I agree with mum. Unless there are other signs for concern I’d let the mum do her thing

My oldest was pretty much nonverbal until she was about 3 except for basic words she’s high functioning autistic she’s been in speech since she was 3 (she’s 11) so it’ll be 9 years in June she talks great now but every child is different some kids are just late talkers without any kind of diagnosis . better to have it checked sooner rather than later speech therapy can only help them it wont hurt 🤷

Very normal i know kids tht start talking at 4 years old…

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I wouldnt get involved for sake of your friendship, my Son is 2 and hasnt really said many words till recently, he also bangs his head in frustration. He has his own little language also and will use that all the time mainly. Im not too worried my Health Visitor thinks its normal for his age. Some have different time frames with development x


Each child is different. My two oldest were talking by 1 year but my youngest had her own language til she was almost 4. She would get frustrated and have tantrums because we couldn’t understand her. Then one day she just started talking perfectly clear and at 7 never shuts up. Your friend baby is still a baby. Let him develop on his own time. Your friend and the baby doctor will know when to intervene. Stop rushing these kids…they already grow up too fast.


My first kid didn’t talk till almost 3 except for mama and dada and we were recommended to go to a speech therapist. My husband however got some educational cartoons and we started sitting with her and making it fun learning colors and numbers. She learned to talk through that method and now she’s almost 9 and won’t shut up​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My youngest didnt say more than 3-4 words at age 2. He will be 3 in April n he speaks in complete sentences! They have time!

Eh, I my son had zero words at 19 months, I started him with speech, it did nothing but frustrate us both. Now he’s about 3.25 and he’s saying more every day. Some kids talk later!

My almost 4 year old is the same way but doesn’t self harm. Still looking into possible autism which our pediatrician believes is true. Nothing to really worry about especially with it not being your child. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I went through the same things, my doctor wanted to wait until my LO was 4/5, but every time we went to the office I would insist on testing. When my LO was 36m they finally listened to me and tested him. He was diagnosed with ASD, other than a little sensory issue with noises and textures, he’s finally learning to talk. He said his first word 6 months later and is now using simple 4-5 word sentences. Just keep pushing your doctor, insist on it if you have to. Early intervention is absolutely needed

Get a cushioned helmet for baby. Just to protect the head tell Mama. Mom is afraid to find out for sure so hoping I think. Baby’s doctor wants her to get the baby tested leave it to the doctor to convince her. Maybe see if she will introduce her child to other children 20 months old and will see communication is. Hearing too can be a factor. Does child respond if you talk and say name behind his back? But adhering to a routine is concerning. I say buy a cushioned helmet for child as a gift.

I have gone through speech therapy for 2 out of my 4 kiddos. One of them had so many infections, so she would scream to get people to do things and she would get so angry. Come to find out, she was really behind in not only speech, but comprehension, so she didn’t understand what we were saying much, either. We had her checked out at audiologist, and we had taken her to a specialist ear nose throat Dr, and then speech therapy. She was so far behind in kindergarten in some areas that at one point her teacher said she might consider recommending her to repeat kinder. My other kiddo who has had speech was also behind with pronunciation (had a huge vocabulary). For him, it wasn’t ear infections, but he did have some fluid. So that impacted his hearing. Honestly, though, you cannot make your friend do anything. You could encourage her to see the audiologist just to make sure hearing is not an issue.

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Refer her to the CDC website and for resources. At 20 months the child should have developed first words. It could be late talking or due to mild hearing loss, but may be something more. As a speech pathologist, I too often see kids whose parents have waited and the gap grows wider.

Often it depends on how much they are talked to. If there is not much conversation in the household it takes longer for them to engage. But pounding his head is not good it could be autism. Testing early is the best course for autistic children.

I personally would have him tested just to make sure. I work with young children and earned my degree in Early Child Care. Definitely by 20 months the child should be saying up to 50 words. You should not wait for the child to get older. The earlier the child gets some kind of intervention the better for the child. Plus autism or some other developmental delay could be going on.


My daughter didn’t talk until she was almost three. She didn’t need to because we did everything for her🤦‍♀️ we did have her hearing tested but we knew it was fine because she would run to the window when she her my husbands truck come down the street.


Hearing should be tested asap, and then speech therapy as well. Waiting will only put him further behind in school, as he gets older. He may start to talk, but it won’t be easily understood and this will cause behavior and learning delays. She absolutely needs to take care of this asap.

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Our son did not talk much until he was just over 2. Too busy doing other things… motor skills usually for boys take precedence. Our pediatrician said that was normal for a child with an older sibling. Our daughter would handle the conversation for the two of them… I would give him a bit more time.


Everyone (but me!!!) Was very concerned about my grandbaby, all his mother’s friends were adamant he was autistic, becausehe was 2 and didn’t talk… he’s 3 and chats up a storm. Knows all his colors, ABCs, and can count to 20 up and down… individuals do things in their time… they don’t all have to be labeled with blah blah blah before they are even potty trained…


Our daughter didn’t do anything but grunt until she was nearly 4. Now she’s a 16 year old honor student who never stops talking.
If he’s not showing signs of being developmentally delayed, it’ll happen when he’s ready.

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My daughter didnt talk much till she was 2. Shed said momma, no or up but that was about it. Her daycare kept pushing me to look into speech therapy so i finally did and they told me she was fine. Shes 5 now and never shuts up lol. I feel like kids will talk when they are ready too


I would by all means have this child tested. There sounds like some issues going on

My second son didn’t speak a single word or make any attempt to communicate until he was 3. One day he just started talking. He’s still a quiet kid but he has a great vocabulary. He is now 7 and is a great student in school. It’s likely he will talk when he is ready.

My second child didn’t talk much either… she finally one day just held a whole conversation lil
I told her i lnrw you could talk you stinker :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but some testing wouldn’t hurt, to rule things out of course :heart:

Consult with an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist to see if there are any physical signs for the problem. If not seek psychological treatment next!

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I dont understand why people dont want to have a screening and get help for their childs development? Once they get older its harder to help them

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My son didn’t talk until he was 3. We used baby sign from the time he was able to learn. He is 17 now and very smart. The baby sign gave him a way to communicate so he didn’t get frustrated. When he finally was ready to speak, he didn’t have any problems.

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It’s her child, her choice. 4 more months and he’s 2. Could be anything. Really. Autism. Hearing. Tongue issue. Lots of things. Late speaker.

Hearing and vision screening asap and get him in a 2 day a week daycare setting for socialization. Make him vocalize his needs and wants not just a point or a grunt

Some kids do it at there own pace I say go with your gut and if your gut is saying go to the doctor then go

Our daughter was over 2 and didn’t talk…one day she just started speaking in sentences…she is now a Registered Nurse Practitioner and was her high school valedictorian!


Hearing test first, then other testing, my nephew is autistic, notice if the child flaps his hands often , or if one object they seem to hold on to with all their might, usually not tested for autism till 3 yrs old, but a Dr can give recommendations for some treatments and techniques to help. Hopefully though maybe he’s just slow to learn and respond

My daughter is nonverbal and autistic. Early intervention is key!

Get her tested. Don’t back down. If it’s nothing, fine. But just in case, better to get her checked now!


Just had this issue with my two year old. I don’t know what state you live in but here in South Carolina we have a program called Babynet they offer early intervention and it’s been amazing for my daughter. They have a speech therapist come to my house and work with her. Also, if she isn’t where she needs to be by 3 she qualifies for k3 program through the public school system

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Definitely hearing test. Otherwise, each child develops at their own pace. Milestones are a guide not drilled in stone.

My son had older siblings that talked for him, so he just grunted until he was almost 3…he hasn’t stopped to take a breath since, and he’s 15. Lol If he still is completely nonverbal at 3, I’d get him checked.


My first child (daughter)was talker. Like out of the womb :joy: But my son, always quiet (he was even calm and still when I was pregnant with him), he was way past 2 years old when he really started talking. I askeour pediatrician if I should be worried, he said no, he’s met all of his milestones. He’s perfectly fine. When he did start talking, he talked in complete sentences and started reading before he was four.

Our 5 year old son was that way and we had him tested and he fluid behind his ear drums . He had to get tubes in his ears and if will didn’t keep on trying to figure it out he might haven’t even been able to talk . We are hoping that he doesn’t need hearing aids . He also has a speech teacher. His preschool teachers helped us out .

My grandson didnt talk till he was 3 then he talked in sentences so be patient.

my grandson use to do the same thing. He’s fine now. Just spoiled rotten then and now. He’s a good boy.

I’d have him seen by a specialist to rule out any problems. It sounds a bit like autism

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Kids grow at their own pace…Let her make that decision for her child…My little one just started talking and hes 29 months.

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If she feels like testing is the route she wants to take then let her know to do before 3 so the state will help her her with the cost. It does get expensive. My grandson didn’t talk until he was over 2. We were concerned also but we got him a tablet and let him watch a lot of what he wanted (which some will disagree with) and one day he was talking up a storm! He’s 26 months old and now knows his colors, can count to 10 and knows his shapes. He also walks around the house and spells out the letters on plaques that I have! :heart:

My daughter was a late talker as well but we are a bilingual family so they told us to expect delays

my 3rd child didn’t talk until almost 3 and only with speech therapy. He had 2 sisters that did all the talking for him but he also had a high palate. They did not want him tested until 2.5yrs as “boys are sometimes stubborn with talking”. He is fine now.

From a mom with an autistic son have the child evaluated , also try using pictures and have them point to the pictures, and maybe some simple sign language, suck as more, thank you, all done.

My son didn’t talk until he was 3, he’s 11 now& he’s very smart.

Do not wait. 1 in 59 is diagnosed with Autism. The sooner the help starts the better. Getting tested doesn’t hurt but delaying therapies such as speech does.

Agree sounds like autism he could start talking later on making it asbergers which is high functioning autism this sounds like my son who is. Now 33 years of age. Back when he was young autism did not exist tho please find out from both sides of family if there is any autism in the family

The fact the he bangs his head, likes routine, and has no speech is definitely a sign of something not right, even if minor. Sounds like your friend may may be in denial and not want to face something might not be right. All you can do is encourage her to have baby assessed. The longer she puts it off, the later he will receive help.

I have seen a kid not speaking until the age 5 and when she started speaking it was hard to stop her!!!

My great nephew is 3 and he knew about six words oh, but he was smart as a whip doctor said his wires for cross and he needed a speech pathologist he knew what he wanted to say he just couldn’t get it out

Sounds like it could be autism.

I say mind your own business it’s not your kid


Talk to him regardless. The more vocal interaction the better

I’d have him evaluated just to be sure.

My Grandson was like that…he’s very talkative now!

Have them checked for tongue tied

DONT WAIT. early intervention makes a world of difference!

My son was 3 years old never spoke a word, we taught him sign language. Woke up one day gave him a bath an came out an said I want to go to cornatopia to see corn snake.
Hasn’t stopped talking since that day.

I have six boys … sometimes boys just talk later. They have things to do :woman_shrugging:t2: I would definitely work with him but I wouldn’t be super concerned.

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He may not hear well, the sooner she takes him to dr, the sooner they can start to help him

Get his hearing tested

He needs tested now. Especially his hearing.


Have his hearing teated…

It’s best to get him tested now

He needs tested could be autistic

You can really only get free speech therapy till they are 5, might as well get an evaluation and see if it could help. Especially with the head banging, that is not very normal.

My kid didn’t talk until 3. Well at 2 he spoke Martian or something. Then at 37 or so months he started speaking almost sentences. I took him to the regional center at 3 but they were like- no he points correctly to pictures so he gets it. He just speaks incorrect sounds. Then WHAM! He started talking a month later.

Some women need to mind their own business… Damn… :unamused:

Plenty of kids don’t start talking until much later. If the mom is worried, she can take him to get tested for peace of mind. If she isn’t worried, I would let it go for a while and come back to it in 6 months or so.

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As a mom of a autistic daughter. That sounds like a lot of things she did at that age. I would say better safe than sorry to get check. The earlier they catch an issue than they can start assistance.

My kid is 18 months, only says mama and dada. So far. He understands everything you say to him and ask him to do. Some kids are just late, stubborn, plain old just don’t want to talk. I wouldn’t worry. I’m not. They talk when they are ready.

Early intervention with autism makes a MAJOR difference. Waiting wont make him any less autistic if he is. And even if he isnt, therapy can make a world of difference and help him catch up

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The earlier for intervention if there is an issue the better off the child will be. I agree with getting hearing checked. I would hate for that to be an issue and him miss out on so much.

It’s best to check it out early could just be hearing issues or stubbornness a lot of baby boys talk later but if she doesn’t attempt to give him some help or check to see if it is other issues she is not doing her best for him and in the end he may suffer from her waiting till he 2 or 3. Hearing tests are a good start if not already done.

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My brother didn’t talk until he was four (he had like three words and hand gestures) and then started with sentences, he’s a normal functional adult now

Those are definitely signs of autism. DO NOT WAIT. EARLY INTERVENTION IS VITAL

She really should listen to the doctors advice and get him tested. The sooner the better if he has autism or something else going on.
Edit to my post, maybe shes scared of what she will find out? Instead of pushing try talking to her to see if she has concerns or fears that holding her back

Every child is different. If your child’s pediatrician isn’t worried, I wouldn’t be either

My son is 18 months, he bangs his head on the couch or will throw himself down to the floor and hit his head when he is told no or we get after him. He says a lot of words, some not so clearly but we understand what he’s trying to say. He follow and listens to commands very well & ive asked his pediatrician multiple times about the banging and have been told it’s completely normal, and as far as speech a child will speak when ready. All children are different.

All kids are different for sure. My son would bang his head and throw tantrums and my doctor said that was his frustration because he cant voice his needs because of delayed speech. We put him in speech therapy at 3 and he is now 5 and can say sentences now. Certain words are still hard to understand but if you were to ask me if I ever tbough my son would be able to sing the ABC song or say sentences… i would of told you no before speech therapy. A lot of celebrities had speech delays as children and came out fine. My daughter was delayed with speech but once we put her in a play group with kids she took right off with her speech. My son definitely does have speech issues he had a tongue tie and lip tie as a baby and they blame a lot of it on that. We had hearing tests and everything to rule out. Be patient and if they are recommending speech it can only benefit them!!

Early intervention and speech therapy is the best thing even if he will start talking on his own it will help in the long run.

My daughter was that way. She needed speech therapy and some behavioral therapy. She also needed glasses. After a year of behavioral therapy and two years of speech therapy she is right on track.

He could be in the Autism spectrum. Early intervention is best.

Sounds like you’re worried about a baby that’s not yours and over stepping your boundaries? Sounds like you need to back up and maybe have your own kid?

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My cousin didn’t say a word till THREE then one dya started saying FULL SENTENCES. It was kind of creepy​:joy::joy:really weird. it’s like he was absorbing everything first and wanted to make sure he knew everything before talking lol he skipped the babbling. Not to say this is normal at all and it’s always good to get checked just to be on top of it but not all babies start their milestones at the same time

Sounds like your talking about me to a tee. My son is 20 months bangs his head and doesnt say a whole lot… The dr said head banging at this age is normal its a comfort thing like rocking. And speech therapy came for him ran some tests and weren’t concerned… Get him Checked for sure it cant hurt…

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Get him a hearing test. My youngest daughter didn’t talk until she was 2-3 she is 29 now very outgoing and talkative. Start with hearing and speech therapy.

The head banging and delayed speech are signs of autism. I have a son and grandson who are both autistic. A child psychologist can make the diagnosis. Early intervention will help him succeed. Speech and Occupational therapy are essential to progress. My son is now 30 and employed.


The child will tlk wn he gets rdy.hes a listener n a spoiled 1 at that.wn he bangs his head ask him to put one snow hat so he cn forget tht he wants to bang is head.wn he is rdy he will surprise all not by words but sentences.our genius kids are alrdy born❤

Kids talk at different times! They talk when they are ready! Some talk early and some late! Doctors like to put a time frame on everything with their development but that is not always the case with some kids. Not saying there is not concern but maybe he just needs time! The behavior issues could be totally different. Maybe for attention or maybe something bigger.


My daughter didn’t talk much when she was 2. Now she’s a chatter box a super sassy :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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Dont wait. Seek therapy for the child. Could be autism. Or just other delays. DONT WAIT

Mine was 2 almost 3 I took him to be tested scared he was autistic everyone encouraged me too. After testing they said he just didn’t want to talk about 3 and half yrs old he woke up and never stopped talking he’s 8 now and totally fine.

As a toddler my nephew didn’t talk, turns out he needed to have his tonsils removed.

Tatally worth a hearing check, maybe of this kid hits two without words get him early intervention or he wont manage at school come 5