My friends grandchild does not listen: Advice?

My friend is a grandma to a 2 year old boy. He has a smart mouth, talking back to adults, etc. She has to tell him many many times not to do something only to have him turn around and do the same thing the next day. He just doesn’t get it! She puts him in time out in a chair but he doesn’t seem to care one bit.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My friends grandchild does not listen: Advice?

If you find out let me know :joy: my 3 year old has the attitude I did as a teenager :woozy_face: and I have no idea how to handle it. I’ve tried everything I can think of


It’s called terrible 2’s for a reason!


Please follow Big Little Feelings on Facebook, Instagram, etc. That behavior is absolutely age appropriate. They really help with understanding the age developmentally and giving redirection advice. It is super helpful.

He’s 2🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s all there is to it. He’s testing boundaries and needs consistency.

Kids legitimately forget. He’s 2.

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Tell him what to do instead of what not to do. And at this age it’s most likely learned behavior, testing boundaries, and just needing a yes space.
Redirecting also helps, so telling him you can jump here or there…


He’s a 2 year old child. Wow


He’s 2 and going through the terrible 2s. Toddlers lover to test their boundaries and limits

He is 2… It is normal.

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Not your child. Stay out of it.


He’s 2. And the mom should be correcting his behavior. Not grandma.


He’s freaking too what do you expect also backtalk is not wrong it’s explorative and helps children develop

He’s 2 he’s going to test his limits over and over he’s learning

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Tan his smart ass little butt then time out.

…. He’s two. Children that age can’t “get it”.


I’m all about spanking. Putting a healthy fear into kids to get them to listen. But thats just me


It’s called terrible twos for a reason.

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Well he is 3. There is that.

He’s 2. Toddlers do not sit still for more than 10 mins and trying to get them to remember rules is hard. Consistency is key.

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Umm he is 2 he is a toddler toddlers don’t understand they are still developing


He’s 2 ! Explains it all - as adults we don’t even listen the first time the majority of the time - you can’t expect perfection from a 2 year old when even adults screw up

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Wow that 2 year old has A LOT OF WORDS. Amazing. Maybe they are super smart

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At first I thought you might be talking about my 2 yo granddaughter here :joy:

Oh wow… it sounds like you just described a 2 year old.


People blame it on special needs. I blame it on lack of discipline.
That’s the age they need discipline the most. When do you expect to teach right from wrong age 10. No it starts the first time they misbehave.
If time out worked, he wouldn’t keep doing the same thing over and over.

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  1. he’s two….that’s what two year olds do.
  2. not your child, not your grandchild, so stay out of it.

He doesn’t have impulse control. Chill.


Time for a Spanking?:thinking:


He two years old! What do you expect? For him to listen as well as a 5 year old or maybe older? Bc that’s not going to happen. He’s 2!!!

He’s 2. And also mind your business.


You must not have kids ! I have never seen a 2 year old behave and follow rules.


Talk and praise appropriate behavior ignore and talk about bad a 2 year old literally cannot understand discipline more past this point


He’s 2. They are learning and exploring and testing boundaries.

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Um …… he’s 2. That’s absolutely 100% normal. As he gets older and she keeps giving him the times an punishments he will eventually learn. Right now he is just learning. Leave it alone. Mind your own business.


Tell me you never had a toddler without telling me you never had a toddler. :woman_facepalming: He’s 2. Just wait, three is even better :joy:


He’s 2. He will do things even if you say no a billion times

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He’s 2 for god sake he’s just learning
If you don’t like it maybe don’t visit your friend when she has her grand child

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HE’S TWO YEARS OLD!!! THERE’S A REASON THEY CALL IT “THE TERRIBLE TWOS.” Not your child. Not your business. Get over it.

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My advice is to mind your own business. Have you had any children of your own though?? You don’t sound very well versed in toddlers. He’s 2. No, he’s not going to remember what you tell him today tomorrow.


So why is it your place to be involved :thinking: your friend is an adult in a situation with her family. Get your nose in your own business


Grammy maybe shouldn’t be babysitting :woman_shrugging:t3:


He’s 2 not 22… you have to remind him often… as for talking back… he is 2 and learning how to express himself if he’s being disrespectful just remind him that certain words hurt people… just remind him he’s loved and keep teaching him in loving ways


I need to hear this 2yr old “talking back to adults” because I just know it would be the cutest video ever

My 2 year old does the same… it’s bc he’s 2 tho…

It’s his age and you should but out

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Welcome to the world of 2 year olds


It’s your friends issue not yours. Stay out of it. Not being rude even though I’m sure it sounded like that. It wasn’t meant to be, but honestly it’s her and her families issues to deal with. The child is 2. The child is a toddler. Toddlers are satan’s spawns until they’re not. Ask any mother and they will tell you the same. Wait until he’s 3 and 4. Whew, those are the worst ages of all times until they hit pre-teen years. If you or she can’t handle a 2 year old you best not even attempt it when they hit 11 or 12. :joy:

You must not have kids…
There’s a reason they call it the terrible twos. :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


He’s behaving like a two year old.

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I hope it helps, but maybe outdoor activity like park, walks, and when inside baking and stuff like that. Just anything to burn their energy, don’t stress too much over mess, you’re doing the best you can as a grandmother and I’m proud of you :heart:

Bro he’s 2 :joy: that’s what they do.


Sounds like he’s 2!! He’s not going to remember the rules at his age. He has to be taught and reminded of things multiple times a day


Normal toddler stuff. Adjust your expectations for a baby who has only been on this earth for 2 years.


Yes he is two but time out works keep it simple . He’s two that means two minutes. Keep at it it can work

He’s 2 WTH do you expect?

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He’s 2. And why is this your problem? Lol


Please don’t ever become a grandma…


He’s 2…do you think the terrible twos is just a cute little nickname for 2 year olds? They’re demons. Leave the baby alone and let him be a baby.


Well. 2 year olds don’t typically listen. :woman_shrugging:t3:


He sounds like he’s two. And she is grandma not mom not her place to do much discipline

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Omg he’s 2 deal with itor don’t be around them :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging::rofl:

He’s only 2 years old. Do you expect him to sit on a chair , bahaving all day?
There’s a lot to “explore” on that age​:smiling_face::v:

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Welcome to the terrible 2 :woman_shrugging:

He is 2. He isn’t capable of “getting it”. Realistic expectations of a child who is 2 would improve the grand parenting situation


He’s only 2! That’s what 2 year olds do

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Well I mean my son was two at one point and I shouldn’t have but it was pretty freaking funny and arguing back with me :rofl::rofl: I would tell him not to do something and he goes why and I say no his name is Noah and he would reply you can’t tell no-no NO mean mom :rofl::alien:

I mean his nickname said it all​:rofl::rofl:

Sounds to me like he’s 2

Sound like he may have some mental health stuff going on


He’s 2, a toddler quit trying to make him act like he’s adult.

Haha, well then you’re in for a real treat these next couple years. There’s a reason they’re called the terrible twos. It gets worse and then they give up naps!! Threenager…Fournado…


This is so far from your business :joy:


He’s 2 and it’s none of your business.

He is TWO. That’s what they do!

He’s 2…haha just wait until 3 :grin:

I have a 2 year old grandson also. Welcome to the world of a 2 year old. But my grandson will listen when I threaten him with time-out. He knows what he’s doing, he is just testing the waters.

Omg. Hes only been breathing on this planet for 2 years!!! Lolololol.

He is TWO not TWELVE. Good lord. A little patience goes a long way and it’s not even your grandchild… you don’t have business of your own to write in about? :unamused:


Seems like a Toddler to me. That’s something they grow out of u can’t just expect someone who’s only been alive for two years to understand everything. Most adults don’t even understand alot of things


He is two lol and why is it your business? Lol😂


Pretty standard stuff from a 2 yr old.
Stay the course and remember that effective parenting isn’t easy or quick…

He’s 2…. That’s what they do lmao :woman_facepalming:t2:

I’ve got a 6 year old boy that does that I’m hoping he learns better! I work on it daily . He is developmentally and physically delayed maybe 2 years but it’s hard to deal with sometimes. Whatcha going to do they are human beings ! We are hard headed! I think puppies mind better!

He needs help. Mental health help. To learn how to act appropriately and to follow rules .


He is two, and is learning. They also only retain information for a certain amount of time, so since he is two, only put him in a time out chair for two minutes, otherwise he isn’t going to understand.


He’s 2…and anyone who try’s to say a toddler has “mental health” stuff going on obviously has never raised one🙄


He’s only two! Give the kid a break! Dang lol I know not to do something but I continue to do it every day too! :joy:


Well for one he’s a toddler and two that sounds more like an issue for parents to deal with. There’s nothing anyone else can do

He’s only 2 come on! :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

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Your friends grandchild…. Soooooo beyond the scope of your business. Find your lane, acknowledge your lane, stay tf in your lane :woman_shrugging:t2: he’s also freaking 2 :woman_facepalming:t2:


My 5 year old is still this way he is a toddler that is all they do is test you

Give that baby a hug and tell him it’s okay. Try to figure out what triggers it.

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I use focus on the family. Go to their website and search whatever the issue is- tons of materials to help you understand and correct in a loving manner.

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Unless she has custody this is a question for the child’s mother

Mind your own family.


Shit just wait till he’s a moody ass teenager :joy::rofl:

It gets worse trust me lol


Well there’s terrible 2s and horrible 2s that could potentially get worse the older they get. Your friends adult kid needs to talk to their sons pediatrician. Take notes on everything he says and does and have the parents address it to the baby’s doctor. He’s probably just going through the terrible 2s but it wouldnt hurt for the parents to address it to the doctor.

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That’s a 2 year old for ya! :joy: My 2 year old is the same so is my 3 year old. Toddlers only listen to what they want to. :grinning:


I had to talk real stern to my great grandsons and then I told them I would pull a Medea on them!