My friends grandchild does not listen: Advice?

He. Is. 2! They are notoriously feral at that age…


Surely she’s taking the piss he’s a two year old haven’t you heard of the terrible two’s

Sounds like a normal 2 year old…you and your friend just need to stop being cranky old bitches

Toddlers are monsters from 2-3 they just are at some point they learn boundaries at that age it’s all about repetition with them too
She should take him out to parks and let him run Wild for a bit kids get worse cooped up inside all day

Lmao. You just described every 2 year old :person_facepalming: they are still learning. Just breathe.


That’s the definition of a 2yr old. What is it you’re expecting??

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All my 3 kids have no Idea what listening is good luck. And it’s not like I’ve tried everything already so… I’ve been told it’s something kids grow out of well my 6 year old never stops. My almost 5 year old never stops and my 3 year old never stops

He is 2 that’s what they call terrible 2s it’s completely normal. The grandmother needs to have patients with the child. The child is acting like a completely normal toddler


You can’t ask a group of people who have to be sensitive about the response they want to give because most folks will get offended but we all know the real answer is to recommend a whooping for him! Sorry not sorry! Tell her to get him with a wooden spoon from the kitchen and to have it on hand everytime she has to talk to him! Tyler perry was trying to to tell folks something in madeas big happy family but folks don’t like to listen and that’s why when these kid’s act up they go in the room and secretly record diss tracks and then they become teenagers and shoot up schools! She better nip that in the butt now

He’s 2… he doesn’t understand

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He’s two… two year olds are assholes because they’re learning and don’t know any better… what’s your excuse?

Wow he’s 2. What do you expect him to do? Wow and he talks back. Welcome to the terrible 2’s.

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Its normal. Frustrating but normal

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Yea. He’s 2. Welcome to having a 2 year old :joy::joy:

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  1. he’s 2 years old
  2. not your place to post anything

He’s 2. He has been learning to be a human for two year’s, that’s not very long


He’s 2!!! Just wait until he turns 3 :grin:

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Mind your own business :joy:


He’s 2. Full stop. These expectations and responses are not developmentally appropriate.


Little two year olds don’t always remember have to keep reinforcing and reinforcing with love it’s just like raising a puppy they finally grow out of it.


He’s 2… Of course he’s going to do it again the next day

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Mom of a 2 yr old here.
Teaching takes time… and they forgot a lot of stuff.

he NEEDS his ass tanned!!!

He’s 2
and it has nothing to do with you

1st: he’s 2.
2nd: mind your business

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2 what I like to call mini teenagers

This is normal for a 2 year old. His brain doesn’t been have logic yet.

His attn span is very limited as hes 2. Sounds like a normal toddler to me

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Lol he’s two. He still wearing a diaper. That means he thinks it’s ok to poo poo in his pants… ya he’s two lol

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My 2 year old is the same way

Oh no. How dare a toddler act like a toddler :tired_face:


He 2 yrs old growing,developing what do you expected at that age there curious get into everything, always on the go, do temper tantrums, dony stay still very long,

I’m pretty sure he’s not the only 2 yr old that does that if u don’t like the way he behaves maybe stay away


That’s not even your concern… good grief.

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…he’s 2 years old.
Enough said :rofl:


He’s 2. He is still learning.


He’s a kid a very young one a doesn’t understand and probably getting laughs from mom or dad so he thinks it’s cute I have 2 kids 2&3 and both of them do this we ignore it and it stops if we try to spank or get onto them it makes it worse also I understand your frustration but mind ya own he isn’t your kid nor related to you

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He’s 2!! There’s your problem

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The group is called MAMAS Uncut, not “friend of a grandma uncut”.

*The child is two. Learn a bit about the development of the prefrontal cortex.

*This is 2022, we practice gentle parenting now.


What 2 year old does everything they’re told? :woman_shrugging: They’re 2!

He’s 2….what are you expecting?! He’s growing, learning, gaining some independence, wanting to learn and explore. What are you expecting from a 2 year old?! And if you mean “talking back” by saying everything is theirs or “mine” and saying no to everything well, all 4 of my kids went through this stage and so have all 3 of my grandkids.

Communication is really important. Instead of just going to timeout or slapping his hand stop and explain why it is wrong what he did. Im surprised so many people think that is what a toddler is like. My daughter was not disrespectful and she did not talk back to adults. I always communicated with her and explained things. I’ve always gotten compliments about how polite and well mannered she is.


oh geez…it’s only gonna get worse :joy::joy: not good if she can’t handle/tolerate it already

He’s a baby. That’s what babies do.

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He’s 2…. She just has to keep disciplining him. This is pretty normal. She just has to also find out what also gets him to listen for discipline. With my kids taking away toys/tablet time (they get an hour in Saturday and Sunday), chores etc my kids are older though.

Big things are, don’t yell. Be firm and consistent. A lot of the time kids from 1-3yrs old are acting out due to them trying to express something (they are tired, hungry, over stimulated, bored, thirsty). Redirecting them to a different activity, ignoring negative behaviors, praising them when you catch them being good are some things to do.

When my kids would hit I used to spank/ smack back but then they thought that was the right thing to do so it just made it worse. So for us what worked was getting down to their level and tell them we use nice hands, mouth feet… and that hurts. My youngest was a biter as 1/2yr old. We would tell him that hurts and use our mouth for kisses, using our words, and eating. Then we would get an ice pack and make him comfort whomever he bit. He was also sensory seeking (he has sensory processing disorder). Our OT said to offer him crunchy foods, chew tubes when we notice he’s trying to bite and to offer it regularly.
A big part of it is observing and seeing why they are doing wha they are doing it for. Is it attention seeking? Are they trying to tell you something?

Hes literally 2. It comes with the territory. I have an almost 2yo who says no, chucks huge tantrums and does everything he IS NOT supposed to do and does nothing he IS supposed to do. I literally nickname my son a little terror.


I have to 2 grandsons, born the same day 4 hours apart, they are almost 2, Yip I’m on repeat all the time that’s how they learn. Tell her to play blocks or cars go outside, have water day, be creative with him, he needs attention they are sponges at this age, teach him things TURN THE TV OFF.


Congrats that’s a classic 2 year old for you; just wait until he’s 3! That’ll be the real treat :rofl:


He has " learned " that behavior from somewhere … just saying


…he’s 2. Their only mission right now is to figure out the world. Of course he’s going to “act out”, he’s new to all of this and needs time and patience to help him learn. Jeez.


He’s 2, how do you expect a 2 year old to act? And how can a 2 year old have a smart mouth? A time out chair, or time out in general isn’t really going to work. 2 year olds push buttons that’s how they learn, if you want to teach a 2 year old to listen or fallow directions you have to use patients, understanding, and redirection. 

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That’s why they call it the terrible 2s :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Is this her first experience with a toddler?

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Sounds like a 2 year old! And if he is talking back to adults sounds like he is developmentally ahead for his age! Also, time out doesn’t work for a 2yo.


He’s 2! Lmao he don’t gaf at that age :woman_facepalming:t2::joy: punishment means nothing.

Loooool - it’s not your kid so it’s not your problem, he’s 2 not 12


It’s a 2 yr old
The more you tell them not to say it
The more they will say it
Its not your place to say anything


Well he is 2 sooo…:woman_shrugging:

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HE IS TWO!! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
He still has ALOT of learning to do.
And ya know, kids learn communication skills from those around them. If they hear a lot of screaming, the think that’s the proper way to communicate. If they’re talked to aggressively, again, they think that is how they should communicate. Sheesh.:woman_facepalming:t2:
Time out doesn’t always work. 9/10, you have to think of a more effective way to get through to the child other than instantly jumping to some type of punishment.
That’s just my take on it though.:woman_shrugging:t2:

Early Childhood teacher here and the mother of a rambunctious 2 and a half year old, This is quite common with this age. They love to test your limits at this age. The more you acknowledge the undesired behavior, the more he is going to use that behavior because that is what gets him attention. Instead of confronting him with this type of behavior, your friend should instead redirect the behavior to something that is more positive. There are better and more effective ways to discipline children than putting them in time out. Putting him in time out is not going to benefit either of them. Patience and understanding is what children need. Also, is it even your place to post this? No, it is not. Not by a long shot.


Lol he’s two!!! But the bigger issue is it’s none of your business


1.) He’s 2…which means he’s still learning.

2.) Be an example… he’s learned that behavior…2 yr olds mimic.

3.) Talk to him and show him at the same time what you want him to do, reminders and rewards for positive behavior are always needed.

3.) Hugs…lots of hugs

4.) Take some parenting classes.

5.) Pray & practice deep breathing! :laughing::pray:

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Unpopular opinion but it’s time to begin teaching. Time outs are appropriate. Brief loss of privileges or treats. NOTICE I DID NOT SAY LONG TERM. Keep it basic, make a brief point that the behavior is not ok and move on


He’s two just have to keep at it and remain firm about the rules and he’ll get it eventually and then promptly forget it all when he turns 5/6 :rofl:

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Hmmm… a two year old who lacks impulse control… imagine that. :expressionless:


He’s two so consistency is key. He’s going to push limits and test the waters

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Sounds like he’s…… 2.
A 2 year old.
2. Years. Old. :roll_eyes:


He’s 2. Pretty standard lol
Just be persistent and set the example you want to see.


That’s how 2 year olds work… staying consistent is what she needs to do.

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Well his two can’t put a two year old in time out they don’t have big brains and think like adults omg I have a almost 4 yr old and a 10 year old and you got to get the child’s level when you talk their is a reason they say terrible twos :joy: good luck with that punish just makes the kids envy you period it’s a different generation

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He’s 2!!! Enough said!!!

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He’s 2 yrs old.He’ll be worse by the time he goes through the terrible 3’s…
The only thing I’d suggest to do though is get his hearing checked and also worm him.
I had one of my children at the Dr’s for behaviour and first thing he said was “when was he last wormed”…this can be a behaviour thing as well

I must have had a great 2 year old!He was the sweetest thing ever!

My 2 year old grabbed poop out of her toilet, stared straight into my soul, and smeared literal shit on the wall as I am repeatedly telling her no……and that wasn’t even the worst thing she did today.

The parents need to get a grip on the child not much a grandparent can di

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Wth. Duh, he’s 2. Get over yourself

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He’s 2 ffs!!! :woman_facepalming:t2:

He is 2! Punishment is not the way. Firm conversation and consistency. HE’S LEARNING in general and exploring boundaries


Not your place to get involved :woman_shrugging:t3: And he’s only 2


He’s two! Cut the kid some slack

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That’s how it is with a two year old. Phases and stages


WOW!!! these comments!!! Spare the rod and spoil the child, right!! Cute and funny now at 2, won’t be so for long


Annie Colls what hahahahahahaha

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And I want to know how many times adults are told not to do stuff and they turn around and do it??? Can’t expect a child to be perfect when adults are by far perfect.
I have a saying with mine… Accidents happen all the time we have to learn from them and try not to do it again. This has been golden… On top of at times I’ll purposely let them see me mess up so they can see I’m not perfect just bc I’m an adult.


Mind ur own business…if anyone speaks about my grandkids they would be out of my house immediately…


He’s 2 years old. Maybe you shouldn’t be around this child honestly. His brain is barely developed and won’t be until he’s in his 20s. He’s learning right from wrong. But seriously just stop being around him for now since it’s a big issue to you who isn’t even his family


It’s almost like that’s fairly age appropriate for a 2 year old


He’s 2 so he’s going to test limits and be a little wild as he doesn’t understand the world yet and doesn’t know how to handle his emotions or self regulate yet.


How about the fact HE IS TWO!!! Get real


He is 2. Why r u so bothered by a toddler who is being a toddler? Two year olds don’t talk back, they are literally learning to talk. You sound ridiculous.


Kids were not created to sit still and be quiet.


What did you do for your own children???

She should talk to the parents. Learning should begin at home.

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Maybe he has a diagnosis. Be careful with this.

2 year olds cannot regulate emotions nor have adequate impulse control. He is a child. Testing boundaries and needing consistency is normal. The repetition is what gets him to realize what he needs to do and how to act later on.

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A two year old will not remember a rule from one day to the next. It’s like starting over each day and that’s completely normal at that age. As far as the smart mouth goes, most of that is probably from mom and dad.


He’s also 2. Perfectly common behavior at that age

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Your talking about a 2 year old. Do you have children even? Very age appropriate for one two their brains are not developed and they are learning what their boundaries are. :roll_eyes:


Go old school. If he says something bad, he gets soap in his mouth


You would be a millionaire if you knew how to make a toddler listen the first time they are told to do something lol :laughing: