He’s only 2…he’s not supposed to ‘get it’… terrible 2’s…I have a 18 mos old great grandson and he does things repeatedly…I redirect him…I’m real active with him…he turns my dishwasher on about 5-6 x a day…I turn off I do explain things to him and he looks at me …and 15 mins later he does it again…he’s fascinated how things work like locks buckles etc…I don’t do time out…he’s very little…maybe she doesn’t have enough patience idk…I helped raise 3 grandchildren and now on greats…I enjoy all of it…not to into discipline yet…patience just my own personal thoughts…good luck…
Your friends grandchild. That is 2 years old. It’s not your kid and not your business, respectfully ma’am. But it is normal 2 year old behavior. He has the attention span of a gnat. Wait til he hits 3 then all hell will rain upon everyone.
Does the grandmother have custody? Or does she just watch him every day?
He’s 2 doesn’t understand Rules or expectations
2? My goodness 2 years on this earth?? What do you want! Eisenstein ! Enjoy and guide. Let him grow. Smart mouth is learnt. Who’s taught him.
I mean, he’s 2? They never listen. They like to follow someone else’s lead. If he’s being a “pain” she needs to redirect and take his mind off of whatever is making him backlash. Example- kids throwing a fit so you say “hey “” could you come here and help me gather the laundry”
He’s two and not 22. GET A LIFE and strat a hobby instead of judging!.also pls stay away from where ever children are present. You might get offended easily
Suzanne McGee is this Cheryl Busby talking about you??
Maybe mind your business
2 year olds don’t even understand time outs so it’s not an effective “punishment.” Also, it takes a lot of patience and redirections with toddlers. 2 year olds weren’t born to just “be compliant” and this is ridiculous.
Eww people in this thread are gross. That tiny baby head is learning new things and yall are talking about putting soap in a babies mouth. Please stay away from children if you cannot handle a 2 year old being a 2 year old
If she wants to “train” something then tell her to get a pet.
That’s why it’s known as “the terrible twos”…doesn’t mean they don’t need some discipline. Every child is unique. Some can be gently spoken to, others need stern warnings. NEVER beat a child. Ever !
Ummm … He’s 2… And she grandma… Not mom. Sooo. ?
Don’t put it on Facebook if you don’t want a response!!
Okay, AND?? A grandparent shouldn’t even be raising a child that they didn’t birth anyway! Let her do what she’s doing it’s all out of love for that baby!
The parents and grandma, Bubbie, are the ones with the issue, if there is an issue. Do NOT insert yourself into any issue YOU might think there is. Please: Back away. If ANYONE wants your advise, they will ask.
How are you expecting a two year old to act? Are you familiar with the terrible twos? Are you aware that a two year old’s favorite word is “no”?
Do us all a favor: Butt out until your advice is requested.
If he is exhibiting this behavior now what will he be in the future. Get him tested start a consistent behavior program with all adults who interface with him now. He is young enough to overcome this, as long as everyone stays firm.
Maybe try a Daniel tiger how to love and why it’s important to have nice hands book/ show. Or a similar type of series. Role model maybe with a doll or stuffed animal how important it is to love one another. “ love /hug/ stroke “ the doll or animal. Have patience . This too shall pass!
- early childhood educator
Not your child, not your business
Wow. The comments are not so nice at all. She clearly states that her friend has a grandchild that doesn’t listen and is looking for advice to most like share with her friend. That’s the way I understood it at least
2 yr old in time out that’s stretch …
Best you can do is be persistent and correct him every time. He’s testing his boundaries and if you stand firm with the boundaries you expect him not to cross he will stop eventually. He’s learning
Welcome to parenting
Tell him what he can do instead
He’s testing his boundaries and he’s only 2. Just keep redirecting him and eventually he will behave. Normal for his age.
Hahhahahaah he’s 2 lady
Have you ever been around any child ever? 2 year olds are supposed to test boundaries that is part of NORMAL development!
I feel like this is pretty common for a 2 year old. They are testing their boundaries and trying to learn how they are feeling. I would say to just be patient with them and when they are doing something bad talk to them and explain why that isn’t good to do. It is hard to put a 2yr old in time out.
She’s not making herself as a authority figure. Plus he’s 2, attention span is short. With that said you can’t expect a young child to be at your level. Time outs are good, 1 minute per age… he’s 2 so 2 minutes. Divert his attention to a positive outlet. A long roll of paper and crayons, get down on the floor with him and doodle. Have him use washable markers on your legs…it washes off. I use to let mine color my back, arms, face, and legs. It’s building a core memory, I do suggest to keep reinforcing everything else is unauthorized (no-no).
Have you ever been around any child ever? 2 year olds are supposed to test boundaries that is part of NORMAL development!
He’s 2. Normal behavior.
He is 2 years old. What di you expect? Obviously to much. Much peace and love ☆
He’s 2 years old…they all act like that. Redirection and ignoring tantrums is best. Spanking and time outs are for older children, though I personally don’t agree with spanking.
Remember two is still a baby.
Um he’s 2! Every 2 year old I know test you on a daily. It takes time,he’s learning!
It’s terrible “twos” God bless Grandparents
I love mine all 14, and 7 great grandchildren too. We raised our 1st one 1986 loved it. If I knew grandchildren were soo much fun, I would have had them first.
I only have 2 daughters. Remember children learn what they live.
Mine is 3 and a 1/2. And acts like this. Send help!
This is normal behavior.
Time outs don’t work and aren’t appropriate for this situation anyway.
I’m not seeing where it is your concern frankly. It’s your friend’s grandchild. Not your business.
Sounds like she’s his grandma not you
Did your friend ask for advice?? If she didnt, please dont say anything- she may just be venting bc well toddlers can be little pains in the butts. If shes asking, maybe she should talk to her child about her grandkid. She may just be old and no longer patient enough to tolerate the normal behavior of a 2 year old, especially if she serves as a babysitter.
Not good. Teach him some rules now.
Sounds like a typical two yr old to me!
He’s 2…are you for real!!! He’s literally only been on the planet 2 years… maybe the way she’s “teaching him” he’s not receptive to?
You obviously don’t have kids or grandkids lmao
He’s two, she’s just going to have to keep reminding him not to do things. It’s normal
Well he’s 2 sooooo …
Not your grandchild not your problem.
“Friends” grandchild, not yours, keep your nose out! Or better still don’t go around when he’s there. He doesn’t need your judgy environment
He’s two. What is to be expected here? I mean, granted there are some very well behaved two year olds out there, but this is absolutely normal behavior. Their brains are not going to grasp things like that just yet. Unless she asked for your advice I’d honestly stay out of it.
He’s 2…that’s it. Also not your child, stay out of it
He’s 2 they act like this
Sounds like a bust his ass situation… that’s the problem w people and kids, they’re not taught that, guess what, there’s consequences
Two always are troubles
2 is the hardest age I think. 3 gets better lol. My son was crazy at 2 but a sweetheart at 3… give it time an
He is 2 years old for freaking sake!!!
I would understand if he was older bc I can’t deal with ppl who don’t discipline their kids however 2 year olds don’t give a sh*t !! And you said she tried to put him in daycare at that age they just don’t care lol that’s why it’s called terrible 2s and sometimes it’s until they’re 3
Typical 2 year old behavior but it is good she corrects him and he will eventually understand.
It’s called terrible twos
He is 2…havent you heard “terrible two’s”
Well I’m, he’s 2. That is typical 2 year old behavior. She should read the book called it’s not my fault all toddlers are assholes. It was literally the best gift anyone ever got me. It helped me thru toddlerhood
People, I am seriously struggling here with the number of people who think that disrespect is ok because the child is 2. If a 2 year old disrespects, they will disrespect as a 5 year old, then 10, then 15 ect. Of coarse a toddler will have a difficult time always following directions and they will test you to the limit. But talking back and being disrespectful must be addressed. It is not ok, even for a 2 year old. You guys obviously dont give them enough credit. They learn to eat, roll over, walk, play… they can learn manners and respect as well. They are never too young to learn these characteristics. Those of you who think anything else is acceptable are the reason the world is the way it is. And by the way, children learn what they live. The reason they walk and talk is because they watch you do it. If they talk back and are disrespectful, then its because its what they witness. Otherwise they would not know how. Children are not being taught or shown respect, as they should be, EVEN AT AGE 2!! COME ON PEOPLE, ITS NOW OR NEVER!!
Honestly how you do expect a two year old to conduct themselves?
Not your kid, not your problem. Mind your own business.
He’s only be alive two years. Give him a break
Then just wait till next year “terroristic three’s”
This a joke right
Testing boudries, best thing is redirection. Telling him what he CAN do instead of focusing on what not to do might help
Wow… you seem really nasty towards a 2 year old… Goodness… Glad your not my kids grandma’s friend
He’s…2?! Come back in a few years and try again. In the meantime let 2 year olds be 2 year olds, and mind your business.
Welcome to the terrible 2’s:rofl: just mind your behaviour , attitude and language because you are who he learns from. If what he hears is Frustrated smart mouths, he thinks is acceptable so it’s what he mimics. Treat all kids the same and he will soon learn what’s right. They grow out of it and you all need to be consistent with the same response and consequences
A 2 year old won’t get it and they won’t care, they’re not expected too but persistence is key and hopefully by the age of 3.5-4 years of age they will learn that their bad behaviour has consequences and correct the way they behave.
Wonder where he learns it from
Omg! How dare he ? This is way out of hand ! I can’t believe he hasn’t been sent to juvie yet. It’s so weird kids these days are not born perfect. I mean what happened?
Okay, here’s what ya do. Tell your “friend” to take a chill pill If she can’t handle being around a toddler . Of course he doesn’t care. He is 2! He doesn’t have the ability to care. But seriously if she can’t deal with the terrible 2’s she may need to step away from her grandchild until SHE can get a grip.
My 3 and 5 year old do the same thing lmao
My two year old is that same exact way. Terrible twos & threes are no joke. Just let them get that anger out and hold your ground. No getting around it and it’ll pass.
Redirection works wonders.
He probably acts that way cause mom or dad does keep reinforcing good behavior and model it.
He’s two, they only hear the last few words that you say and their brain thinks “that’s a great idea, I’ll do that”. It’s just how their brains are wired.
So she should try to redirect him by telling him what to do instead of what not to do.
Not “don’t run.”
“Hey let’s use our walking feet.”
Not “Stop yelling”
“Can you show grandma your gentle voice.” While grandma models a calm and gentle voice.
He’s 2!!! Pick his ass up and sit him in the corner!! Continue to do that until he can sit for 5 mins w/o getting up! Crying, screaming, throwing toys… Stand your ground.
Terrible twos at their finest. Currently dealing with this with our 2 year old grandbaby.
He’s 2 lol my 2 year old is the exact same way. Some are just extremely hard headed. He’s still learning
lol it’s called the terrible twos
Um… do YOU have children? If so, they must have been 2 years old at one point. You should already know what the issue is. It’s the fact that HE IS TWO! He is a little person, learning a million emotions, growing and changing. He’s learning. He is two years old, he isn’t meant to sit down and be quiet. He needs to be taught, not punished.
You can’t expect a 2 year old to listen lol
… He’s literally 2. This is what 2 year olds do. And how “smart” of a mouth could a 2 year old have? Please elaborate on that? Are you just pissed because he says “no” and that’s “disrespecting her authority!”
Y’all need to look into gentle parenting.
He’s 2, that’s completely normal for that age. Do you even have kids?
My mokos are 5 and 2. Sometimes they listen sometimes they don’t, it’s quite normal.
Okay ……. And ……… HE’S 2 !!!
He is 2… He is being a normal 2 year old. He is learning.
Omg terrible 2’s you actually need advice patience that it
I mean he’s 2… the great thing about two years olds, is they act like two year olds. He’s not gonna “get it” no matter how many times you explain it to him. Instead of punishing him for getting into things he shouldn’t be, try redirecting him to something he can do. They have a lot of energy at that age and it needs to be directed somewhere or else they’ll wreak havoc… and they’ll still probably wreak havoc because that’s just what two year olds do. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s just that his brain has not advanced enough to let him care. And FYI, idk if you have kids or not but I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it’ll get MUCH worse before it gets better. Kids are going to be kids. Let them be kids, safely.
Hes 2. Sounds normal.
Dang he is still a baby
He’s 2… I mean are you childless?
Obviously sitting the child in a chair is not discipline that works for that child. She needs to try other things.
Stay in your lane and mind your business.
us adults have a hard time managing our emotions and we’ve been on this earth for 18+ years and still haven’t gotten it down. it’s not fair to put adult behaviors in a child who is still learning to handle their big emotions.
It’s really none of your business.