My friends grandchild does not listen: Advice?

Where is mom and dad at 2 yrs old he’s “learning” from observing someone that’s an adult that’s doing exactly what he is doing . I guess wherever you are from the term “Terrible Two” doesn’t exist? Advice :point_right:t5::point_right:t5::point_right:t5::point_right:t5: Mind the business that pays you and “if” you have a child/children and/or grands tend to them :woman_shrugging:t5:

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It’s called the terrible two,s they get out of it without granny always on their back.just enjoy him he is just a toddler and don’t take the advice to pop him on his rear end rather show patience and love and wisdom how to treat a young child

There’s so much going on in toddler development at 2-3 years. At this age, expect big feelings, tantrums, simple sentences, pretend play, independence, new thinking skills and much more. Activities that are good for development include talking and listening, reading, working on everyday skills and cooking together.


He’s only 2 and your friend can’t handle him…I wonder what’s going to happen when he’s 16…or 19…?? Because then he will have to render to authorities and if he’s not taught to listen someone somewhere will teach him…so better her his mother or a prison guard…the word freedom does not exist!!

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You can’t reason with tiny terrorists.


When granny looks after him he’s probably bored and touching things he shouldn’t touch. He should be playing with children his own age

Might need a different tactics for behaviour reward chart maybe nit many 2 years old understand the naughty step but some do he may be 2 but every child is different xxx

Absolutely no hitting the child in any form tho

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You have to entertain your grandchildren when they with a grandparent not chastise all the time. They get bored THAT’S why they get up to mischief & don’t listen !!!


Mind ya damn business

Time for a wooden spoon?


He’s 2!! He’s not going to listen :joy::joy::sweat_smile: I’m guessing you don’t have children? :roll_eyes:


I’m… maybe Bc he’s 2!!!

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Hes 2. They don’t call it terrible twos for nothing. He’s learning his own way.


He’s 2!!! Two!!! Wtf is wrong with people. It’s called terrible twos for a reason :joy::joy: they’re naughty


Oh lady, wait until he’s 3 lol


First off , how old is this grandmother? Maybe she’s too old to take care of a 2 yr. old. If she’s very old they should be looking for another sitter. If not then she should realize that 2 is terrible.

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Maybe he does not want to be there. He must want to be somewhere else. May God protect this child.


All the excuses his 2 . God my granddaughters were 2 an they could handle discipline no or don’t do that was repeated they learnt what they could an couldn’t do . All kids aren’t the same I kno that but if child doing something that could harm but ignoring you a little tap on the hand or bum is all it take . No it’s not bashing it discipline after all they don’t need to be hurt due to ignorance


My granddaughter listened to discipline at 2 ! Teach them young .it gets worse !


Geez! Some of y’all are just rude! This lady came looking for advice for a friend, maybe she told her friend about this group and her friend asked her to ask for help. Maybe we could just kindly give her some advice and tips. To the one that asked the question; he is 2 and they do call it terrible two for a reason because they are developing that sense of independence and are going to try everything, over and over again! I think that keeping them more engaged in activities might help him? Maybe a sensory table or things that are safe for him to be touching and exploring with his hands to see how they work. Mind you the “rule of thumb” for very young children is that their attention span is about twice their age plus one in minutes so it may not last for long. No seems to be a 2 year olds very favorite word and they will use it even when they don’t mean it, so that may be something she may have to work with getting the child to be more vocal on what they want and/or need than the word no. Also I would recommend perhaps she take him on nature walks or to the park to run and play? Those type of outside activities can help the child use up a lot of that growing energy and help him learn as he goes along by playing and discovering outside things. Also, I don’t know your friend’s age but maybe while she adores her grandangel it would be helpful and less stressful for him to be in preschool for at least a half day even just a few days a week so his getting some peer stimulation to wear some energy off and Grandma is getting some time for herself. If cost is a factor some preschools have “scholarship” programs in some states and also most counties have funding to help lower income parents with this financial burden. He is 2 and he is going to be a handful, but he will grow out of it and then be on to threenager stage. :smile: It will get better and there are some sites on Facebook like Janet Lansbury that can give some great advice and tips. Thank you for caring enough about your friend to help. Sadly as seen on here asking for help can be treated harshly and make it seem so very isolating. As hard as it is to believe your friend will miss these days one day. :smile: Have a fantastic day and my best to your friend. I am always a message away if she needs an ear. I think we need to build each other up and reach out a helping hand instead of being snarky and rude to people, there is enough ugliness in our world today without bringing it onto people who are asking for help for themselves or someone else

Hes 2 annnd them terrible 2s will make u realize just how hard patience is! He has big feelings and big emotions they are going through a lot


he’s only two, get over yourself woman :roll_eyes: not your grandchild not your business :woman_facepalming:t2:


Wooden spoon on the butt

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The old woodshed out back


Umm. Well first…hes 2. So yes. That is NORMAL behavior for a 2 yr old. It sounds like the grandmother is handling well and doing as she should consistency is key as he’s 2. However what exactly are you wanting advice on… as the grandmother friend you don’t really have a say in anything.

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He’s 2! You’re worrried about a 2yr old, acting like a 2 year old. Lmao


MYOB Karen first of all…not your grandchild …Grammy ain’t asking the question so she ain’t having the issue…child still a baby and learning …normal stages at the age of 2…u should of asked for tips on how not to be such a Karen :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Why are you in her business? Why are you trying to raise someone else’s child?


He’s 2 what do u expect. Ever heard of terrible twos? Well my almost 3 year old has had them since about a year old


My kids know: my house, my rules…if you don’t like the rules…bye bye! Disrespect is not allowed


You’re acting like a child complaining that a 2 year old doesn’t behave like an adult.


He’s only 2? How can he have a smart mouth? He’s a baby!


Theres a reason they call it terrible twos, doll. It’s the age they act like little monsters and learn how far they can push boundaries. Consistency is the best remedy


He is two what do you expect it’s all happens with time


Her friend has to talk to her son are daughter about their 2 year son and see can things turn around. But as long as your at my house. Action Jackson will be next to me!


For pity sake he’s 2 yrs old give him time .he’s doing what every other 2 yr old is doing learning .


You go home and look after your own grandchild. That’s litrerally all you need to do. Myob.

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He is 2! Keyword there! My 2.5 year old doesn’t listen to jack shit :joy:

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He’s literally 2 years old. He’s been on the planet only TWO years. You’re holding way too high of an expectation over that child and so is the grandmother if she’s acting the same way about it as you.


Ugh this lady is the kind of grandma that makes my skin crawl at the park. Screaming at the kids to “play right” the whole time.


What do you expect from a 2 year old?

Hes 2 :joy: Mind your own?


Yes…he’s only 2 but still needs to learn right from wrong. When he’s 5 and still acting out it won’t be so tolerable then.


I started the red light green light game using STOP :stop_sign: and go for my youngest and wildest grandchild. Finally he stopped (hopefully it continues) :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Hes 2 he’s is two lol that’s what 2 year old do the test and push its just being 2

So what??
He’s 2 :roll_eyes:
That’s precisely what 2 year olds do.

He is only 2… of course he is not going to listen.


He’s not your grandchild so why the fuck does it matter?

He’s 2 years old get over yourself. Keep your nose on your own face and out of her business.


Doesn’t sound like it’s your monkey or your circus does it ?


He’s practically a baby that’s precisely what 2 years olds do :sweat_smile:


He’s TWO! Two year olds act like that. They are NOT “mini adults”


He’s 2. He’s supposed to act like that. My question is when will you act your age?


He seems on par with every other 2 year old on the planet. Its what they do. They’re exploring their world. They DO NOT have the attention span nor ability to remember “no” from one day to the next. This comment is incredibly odd…


I’m trying to understand what you expect out of a 2 year old ? He’s 2 ? Like …

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Sounds like a two year old :rofl:


Terrible twos & Horrible threes.

Set gma in time out!

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Children don’t even have any impulse control til at least 3- you must not be a mom lol


Are kidding right now? No 2 year old has a smart mouth when they are developing their vocabulary and you can only make out every other word. Grandma clearly doesn’t need to be watching him alone if she doesn’t understand how a child whose been on earth all of 24 months acts :unamused:

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He’s 2. Still very much a baby. He’ll catch on eventually. They don’t call it the terrible twos for nothing lol

Sounds like mom an dad problem to me you think!

The child may be two but yes even at two u need to teach the kids on wrong and right behavior if the child is acting out u use the right punishment for the issues and yes I’m from the south and yes I believe in spanking my child not beat I mean spanking no spankings very hurt anyone or killed anyone we was spanked growing up we all survived so I think these kids now days will to. U have to find a punishment that will work for u and the child whether it be spanking time out taking things away u have to chose the right punishment for the issue or problem that is occurring


He has learned what he has seen

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Maybe time out doesn’t bother the child try taking away his favorite toys or things he likes to do away from him until his behavior or attitudes changes and u have to stick to the punishment or it will not work

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First words mom, dadda, baba and NO!

Come on he’s 2 :joy: what do u expect. That’s how they act. U can’t get a two yrs old in trouble for that. Use positive reinforcement that’s how they learn.u can’t take stuff away from a two yrs old they r learning.

He might have ADHD or Add. Try sitting with him and asking him is something bother him. Maybe he doesn’t get a well balanced meal or he doesn’t get good attention.

The terrible two’s be consistent

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Check out brain development For a two year old. We have high expectations of children who’s brains haven’t physically developed the part that holds all of these things we want out of them


Grandma needs to set up boundaries, figure out what type of discipline she’s going to use, and most importantly, follow through. No 2 year old should be smart mouthing, talking back, etc at all. I don’t live in the “kids will be kids” bubble either. I live in reality, we started wit both of ours as well as our 2 Great Nephews about this age, didn’t have to swat their butts either. Firm, stern voice, and be serious, show them you mean business. It’s not cute, so often I see parents or even grandparents that “get a kick out of the way they said XXXXXXXX” Well it’s not funny or cute, it takes time depending on the child. But it can be done.


Typical 2-year-old🙃 behavior


My grandma would have been like…

First of all he’s 2. Second of all … he’s not your grandchild. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


First of all he’s 2. Second of all … he’s not your grandchild. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


He’s 2. That is not uncommon at that age. Consistancy is key. His actions should be corrected and he should be redirected. There is a reason that age 2 is referred to as the terrible 2’s. Just wait until he’s a threenager.


Back when i went to grandma’s…you were bad, then you went and picked a switch. Now people too afraid to even spank. All it does it teach manners and respect…which can tell is lacking in kids these days from friendly parenting trend… I dont get the people saying tbis is notnal for a 2 year old. Yeah…getting normal for 5 year olds in school too…bc lack of discipline at home. Teach your kid early to respect their elders and right from wrong. Start with popping hands at young age…then popping butt. That way your kid doesnt become a smart mouthed little brat that someone else has to deal with.

Newsflash: 2 yr. olds are babies, they don’t listen. They don’t even have a good grasp of language yet. And if she can’t handle a baby then maybe Mom and Dad need to look for other sitting arrangements.


That’s why they’re called terrible 2’s!

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Lmao…. Um…. Well he’s two….:face_with_raised_eyebrow: pretty sure that’s just a two year old thing…… 3 is worse….

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Ah, so…typical 2 year old behavior :sweat_smile:
Time and patience. Be persistent, but place more focus on positive reinforcement because younger children do not have a firm grasp on the purpose of discipline. A rule of thumb when it is time for discipline is; time out should not last longer than the child is years old. 2 years would be 2 minutes in time out. Anything more than that and the point will be lost entirely.

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Tell him what he can do! He may be neurodivergent. He may just be a 2 year old boy. He needs to know what to do. Here build with the blocks. We color with chalk on the sidewalk like this. How many time can you run to the tree and back? Let’s count. Give a hi fuve or hug each time he comes back… make it a game. Teach him movement songs (old Girl Scout songs)


Unless he’s a robot, that sounds about right to me lol

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He might be autistic or have adhd


He’s a toddler… stop expecting so much


He’s a freakin 2 year old! Let it go! He’s being a 2 yr old. I’m sure being your kid was fun. They’re growing, learning, breathing people! Let them be kids. Stop expecting robots.


My son was like this all the time no joke but he has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and he nearly 8 now.

I guess you’ve never heard of the TERRIBLE TWO’S!

That’s because he’s 2. That’s how 2 year olds are. What is your question exactly? Time will take care of this issue. It’s not your child or grandchild so maybe mind your own business.


That’s because he’s 2. That’s how 2 year olds are. What is your question exactly? Time will take care of this issue. It’s not your child or grandchild so maybe mind your own business.

He’s literally two. I mean my child is three and is very polite and has respect for everyone (most of the time lol) because we treat her with respect. Respect is taught and goes both ways, just throwing him in a time out and saying “no” really teaches nothing. Plus learning stuff like that takes patience and time because they’re just learning their own emotions at that age nevermind considering others

Long , long ago when I was growing up . We got a whipping . At age two . It not to early to start , swatting that little butt .

Hes fricken 2 my nephew is 2 and he dont listen they like to push buttons and test their limits its s boy thing. You just have to be consistent and get them to learn right from wrong it takes more than a few months

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All kids are different. Obviously there’s a lot to do parenting style. The thing with such young age is time outs don’t work. Misbehaving is attention seeking. He may be particularly bad when his nanny is with other grownups as he feels left out. Praise him when he behaves so he knows he can get positive attention when he plays with a toy or says something nice and try to keep him busy. Bored kids always get up to mischief. Hope it helps. No judgment.

Well the child was not born to be a little tin soldier!! Geeze! Children learn by example. He obviously seen this from someone around him or on social media. Children’s instincts are to mimic the world around them, because adaptation is a survival skill. That is why they learn “by example”. If your friend has not figured this out, educate them by suggesting for the child to ‘unlearn’ this new no-no…the same method of teaching/learning should be used. Repetition teaches the best way. Over and over, and over again…ect…until the 2 year old gets the idea, this is unacceptable behavior… put the child in a ‘time out’. Put toys in a ‘time out’. (Don’t put the child in time-out for longer than 10 minutes, because he will forget what he is being punished for). As a child, he has only been on this earth two short years and does not have the comprehension of an adult. He needs time for his brain to mature and learn the lesson that is being taught. He will understand eventually. Have patience with him. --And with your friend, who is trying to teach the child. Otherwise, you might need to be around the childless crowd.