My friends grandchild does not listen: Advice?

1… mind your own business and 2… he is 2 years old…
Kids learn at different stages and if you really have such a problem maybe speak to his PARENTS!!!


Just exactly how much can a 2 year old say to disrespect anyone. I have got a two and half Great-grandson he is not putting sentience together yet. This Grandma don’t understand children wonder how she raised hers


He’s 2. That’s literally what all 2 year olds do lol all you can really do is keep repeating abd be patient.


He’s… a two year old… that’s literally what they do…


You need some advice yourself

What your friend needs to be doing is showing her grandchild what to do. Timeouts & punishment isn’t going to fix it


Lol he’s only two, I’m sure he wouldn’t be talking too much smack :rofl: maybe just be a bit more patient, he’s still a bub


Heard of a spanking spoon??


1st mind ya business
2nd monkey see monkey do! The child learned the behavior.

And why does this matter to you?


Not your child, not your problem. :woman_shrugging:t2:


maybe your friend should be asking this question for herself.


I mean he’s two, what are you expecting?


He’s only 2 years old. Most toddlers at that age don’t listen for crap lol. That’s completely normal. All of my kids did that at that age, now if my 10 year old talked back and kept on doing what I said not to then we’d have some problems! All she can do is teach him everyday until it sticks, worked for me.


He’s only 2 years old. Most toddlers at that age don’t listen for crap lol. That’s completely normal. All of my kids did that at that age, now if my 10 year old talked back and kept on doing what I said not to then we’d have some problems! All she can do is teach him everyday until it sticks, worked for me.


Hes two. 2. Dos. ALL 2yr Olds are assholes. Lol! Yes, I called a 2 yr old an asshole, bc they can be. And yes, I have 2 children of my own, and when they were 2, they were little crazies

2 year old’s attention span and comprehension are so small. Be patient.


Seriously he’s 2…from 2-4 they do not care at all.


Is this a joke?.. he’s a toddler for crying out loud. Geez. Sounds like your friend shouldn’t be spending time with her grandson. Like come on…


What? No way a two year old is acting like a 2yr old… hes a toddler. You gotta tell him more than once before the learn something new.


He’s 2 and she’s not the parent so it really isn’t her problem right? And it’s definitely not your problem


It’s called the “terrible two’s” for a reason. Come back when he’s a teen and we’ll tell you the same thing!


He will grow out of it,he had to learn it from someone

First of all, he’s 2. TWO! 2 year olds don’t listen. Period!
Second of all, she is his grandmother. She doesn’t make the rules. His mama/daddy does. If she wants to “fix” the issues, then she needs to be talking to HIS PARENTS. She sure as hell shouldn’t be talking to you or anyone else about it.
Thirdly, stay in your lane. He’s not your kid to be talking about or to be asking advice on.


Hes only 2. Still a baby. Ignore this behavior. Children only repeat behavior to get a reaction or attention. So ignore them. Only give them a reaction or attention to acceptable behavior.


Maybe, possibly, now hear me out… Could it be because the child is…2?
What is wrong with you?


Unless Grandma has custody, she should turn him back over to his parents. Probable a day care where he can use that energy and be with someone who can discipline him. If grandma has custody, maybe she could put him in day care. Its possible it bothers you more than grandma. He may be showing off because he sees how you feel about him. Dn’t visit so much.


He is 2…he is only 2


His age is a factor, but it also has a lot to do with household rules n consequences.


Soo, basically, he’s behaving like a two year old?


He’s 2. Asshole phase.

Typical 2 year old, mines going through this now, better off distracting them to something else, the old ways are long gone and parenting is much more sophisticated these days

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You obviously don’t know how a toddler works lol . If you don’t have patience with small children then don’t be around them . They are little human beings trying to figure new things out every day . Not saying toddler can’t purposely show bad behavior because they sure can . But cmon … it’s a baby :thinking:


I mean that’s the majority of every 2 year old boy to ever exist. Try treating him like a child and not a robot, you’ll be surprised how much that helps :woman_facepalming:t3::joy:


How does a two year-old have a smart mouth?


Sounds like grandma shouldn’t be watching him if she can’t handle a TWO year old… Smart mouth ? Really… Can’t remember the NEXT DAY ? OBVIOUS… This is wild :flushed:


He is all Boy and 2 be patient yet consistent and he will get it eventually…time out should be appropriate to age so 2 min for age 2 …

2 yr old drama which a grandma doesn’t have to deal with every day if she doesn’t want to. Not friends job , if it’s so horrible then the grandma needs to speak to parents and make the rules at grandmas house golden ! If child can’t follow rule then child can’t visit. Do they pay her for daycare?

Y’all saying he’s only 2 but my just turned 3yr old, listens way better than that. Granted it’s gonna take him a few tries, and to learn. But at 2, I can tell my son no and he’ll stop. It shouldn’t be a fight, that child is old enough for pops on the hand and on the butt. He probably gets to do whatever he wants at home and his parents don’t get on to him. 2 is old enough to start learning on how to behave, specially just to know what No means.

what you can do to a 2-year-old that talk back, make things be playful, like joke with him tickle him while having conversation with him. just make him think what he said was funny and make a joke out of it. these kinds of positive attitude will change his mood to a better mood. tell him he’s being cute and tickle him and laugh about it. this way he will grew up feeling happy or even become friendly by making things like a joke. I’ve seen it happen over the years. be positive with them and they will grow up a lot happier. Love them as they grow always hug them and be playful with them. they will remember you as a good person. I have 3 best kids in the whole world, they made their own mistakes in life, but I Love them no matter what. we’re not perfect so as our kids. <3


Probably the only attention he gets… negative attention is better than none, it’s learned behavior… and come on he’s two he’s got like the attention span of a goldfish… the only thing that’s going to work here is consistency.


Uh well he’s 2 that’s why.


Holy cheese!!! He is 2. Really… Really? They dont listen at 2. Or 3. Or 14. They are kids. Remember when you were one? You knew everything. Patience is the key. That’s it


First learn how to mind your own business…2d thats exactly right he does not get it.Hes still learning give me a fing break lady.Have several seats🤦‍♀️


Uhm his 2 years old. What do you expect. I suppose you were an obedient 2 year old… geta life


He is two! You just stop them from killing themselves day after day after day until…well mine are 8 and 5 so I’ll let you know if it ever stops. So far they just have gotten a wider vocabulary, more imagination, and more creative ways to almost die.


I’ve seen some 2 year olds that have a mouth on them and disrespect adults. But that is it treatment behavior. Stop the adult. Stop the child

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He’s literally only 2. :woozy_face:


NOT your child NOT your business! NOT her child and unless she is raising that child or has permission from his parents she can’t discipline him either!


Kids are like sponges they absorb everything they see and hear so stop showing him bad behaviors


Home life needs a check. If it’s to much she needs to say no to watching them. By 2, no is a word. There’s a little girl I babysit, Monday she’s all over. By Wednesday she knows (I don’t hit, I do corner or if fun thing, if they don’t listen, you stop… I don’t got time for 4 or 5 chances) then is understanding but normal 2 year old. Then they leave and come back on Monday. It starts all over. It needs to be consistant. The parents letting them do whatever is the problem… they know what the rules are by that age. Yes, they have compulsory issues still… but if it was consistent, they would t do it. Tell the parent if she can’t can’t do time put or say no, then she won’t watch him. Easy.

He’s 2 and too young to understand.


Well, she’s raised her own kids assuming so since that’s her grandson so I’m sure she can figure it out without help from the peanut gallery. Besides he’s two, not 12, he’s learning and if he doesn’t have consistency he’s not going to learn.

He is 2. No judgment. My first two were great until 3 years and challenges flooded. Now I have a even more strongheaded 3 year old. She has been strong in herself since 1!!! Some kids are more challenging. Maybe he needs challenges, redirection but more creative. That’s my 3 year old she will literally look at me while she does things. Sometimes it is just turning on a song and learning a new dance to redirect them. Yes it does call for more attention but some kids need that. Some kids need more hugs. My 1st 2 needed more touch this one needs more movement. Maybe put music on to dance too. Or new art sstuff.

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Is the grandmother complaining to you about this? If not that’s really none of your business I don’t mean to be rude or disrespectful but honestly if you do not like the behavior of this child remove yourself from the factor if you’re not even factored into this situation you really don’t have any say whatsoever this is between Grandma Mom and Dad not Grandma’s friend

Stand and reach for Jesus! Works pretty good. I’ll make my kids do it in the store if they touch everything and don’t stop. Works for a time out too. Hold a penny on the wall with your fingertips. Yes he’s 2 but he’ll learn.

He’s 2. That’s what they do.

My advice would be to delete this pathetic post :rofl: how ridiculous


Wow… it’s almost like he’s 2.


Soooo you’re not a parent and have absolutely no idea what a toddler acts like, maybe try leaving the parenting to actual parents

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He’s 2 … I’m a substitute teacher I see this daily with a lot older kids. Just saying. Kids are kids. 2 is a baby… they don’t get life at all. Just wow…


Welcome to toddlers :rofl:

He’s 2… so yah, mind your business


I have 3 grandkids they’re 5,2, and 7 weeks old. I also worked in childcare for 17 years and I’ve worked in all ages. I have to say to be honest he’s 2 and he should know something things you say but he’s 2. A 2 year old has a very limited vocabulary and they understand that way too. I’m not understanding how he talks back other than to say No…. It’s cute but they need to understand what no means… yes they do. Just take a deep breath and remember he’s 2. I will say that the learn what command you give them my repeating it and repeating it so much you’re going to get tired of it, but it will work but just remember he’s 2. Also I’m curious if she’s raising him or do the parents have him? I’m only asking because it has to happen at home before Grandma can make it happen. If he’s not being taught the same way as I stated above then grandma is spinning her wheels and remember he’s 2. Children can only learn what we teach them and you can’t explain a lot because he’s 2 and they don’t understand what you command them to do. I’m sure I’ll have upset people and if I do I apologize but raising 2 of my own children (both boys), working in daycare with a swear I always had all of the boys), and now I have 2 grandsons and a granddaughter I’ve been around kids my whole life and you just have to work through it because they’re 2. And not only work through it but REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT JUST like they do us when we’re talking. A so my advice is next time you’re talking to a young child remember what they do to you every time you say something they repeat what you say.

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So the two year old is acting like a two year old


A 2 year old toddler just cannot fully understand… Brain not developed fully yet to process things like “stop it” not does he understands “time out” good Lord child still a baby…

Well, it’s clear you’re not a parent.

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So he’s a toddler acting and behaving like a toddler? Umm what’s even the question here? He a baby that’s learning :person_facepalming: fr wtf wrong with the person that wrote this SMH


It’s called the terrible twos for a reason.


This makes me so sad for the kid


I hope his mother is sane.

Terrible 2s, awful 3s… grandma needs to be consistent.


Telling him not to do something isn’t going to work, she has to redirect him. If she can’t handle him then she shouldn’t be in charge of him.


Terrible two’s. Very real thing. Buuuuuut that being said…you’re not the parent or even family so it’s not your problem :person_shrugging:


He is 2. I can’t with people anymore. Omg :woman_facepalming:


He’s 2 :joy: that’s why they say Terrible Two’s

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Well that’s because he’s 2 so ya know they naturally don’t give a shit

Just don’t go around when the child is there if it bugs you


mind your business :woman_facepalming:t2:


Pop his mouth a time or two


It’s probably because he’s 2….


Sounds like normal behavior. Why are you concerned???


This is when a spanking comes into play. She should not allow him to get away with this. She’s only teaching him that it’s OK not to mind and to talk back. If she is keeping him for the parents, let the parents know that he will be punished and if they don’t like it, then tell them you won’t keep him any longer until he is made to mind.


Think of him like a tiny man… if you don’t physically tell a boy not to do something every time they don’t think about it only what they want to do.

Terrible twos… Its normal behaviour and if she’s and grandma she should know that because she’s been here before. My two year old is litteraly the spawn of Satan. He can speak loads so he answers back as much as my pre-teens haha its only going to get worse. Grandma needs to get used to it.

First day out of your friends business. If it bothers you the way he acts don’t be around him.

Rayna Bowen btch read this sht😂

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He is two, his brain isn’t even developed enough to understand what behaving is. A lot of two year olds act out for attention, which they need a lot of. This is a big world and they are learning a lot while they explore it.


I know this might shock some of you but you can set healthy boundaries for your kids without “popping them” :skull:


Whoopin always worked for us


He’s a 2 year old. Last I looked they aren’t the type to listen, until the adult in charge gives him/ her a reason to.
Is this bothering your friend? Is the child over stimualted?

So clearly repeating the same thing over and over isn’t doing the trick… I’m gonna need her to stop talking and pop him real good a couple times on that little rear end of his to get that attention and then we’ll see what happens From there


He is 2, just2 222222!!:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


And it’s your business, why???


It honestly shocks me how many people are saying to spank a 2 year old. He is 2, he has no awareness. He needs to learn by example, not words. Don’t want him to go somewhere, lead him away, not tell him. Explain why, and then when he does it again do the same thing. Why shouldn’t children talk back? They have opinions too. Just because they don’t ally with yours doesn’t mean it isn’t valid children will continually push boundaries, be argumentative. It is our job as care givers to teach them right from wrong. And as far as I know it’s pretty much always wrong to hit.


He is only but s child :smiling_face:


He’s 2!!! You cannot reason with a 2 year old no matter how hard you try!! Maybe she needs to adjust how she’s approaching the situation, and find what works for him. Every child is different, and what worked for her children, may not work for her grandchild.


he’s two… and don’t follow the absolute awful, cruel advice of these “humans” who say to hit. please don’t hit the child or advise the parent to. why is it that when an adult hits another adult it’s assault and everyone hates it, but it’s ok to hit a child? that’s so wrong.


Umm, the kid is two!!! :flushed::flushed:


What’s going on in his home life to be acting that way??? :thinking: Children are born a empty book what we do and teach them is how they going to be…

Spanking a child dosent work!!!

Maybe try different techniques if the same isn’t working and if your all snappy when talking to a child they are gonna mirror image that or if there’s to many ppl speaking at once to a child then it’s going to confuse them and make them act out!!!

It’s not the child fault it’s whom is raising them that’s at fault for a 2 year old to have attitude!!!


2 year olds are not old enuf to expect all that wow