My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

Im sorry. A child that can walk talk and feed themselves should be potty trained. They know …its parents laziness. Sorry it’s true. But also I’m guessing those parents believe in having those kids also in diapers and more than likely still on a bottle. Mouth full of teeth . No wait still breast feeding… now thats just sick.

Don’t let yr friends make u feel bad.hes yr son not theirs…when hes ready he will… we lived in country and let our son pee outside…once he got when he could control himself we started the cheerio in toilet… and let him go with his dad.and let him he dad do it. Praise yr son and limit his water intake so he will wake up and go potty in the morning. Offer rewards also…boys can be stubborn but once they start they catch on…I could walk my son to potty and turn on water and hed pee and some times in his sleep if he fell asleep in living room.

He is “supposed” to be potty trained when he’s ready. If he were 4 I’d be concerned. Wait til he’s ready. I have 2 boys. First was barely 3 and the other 3 1/2. “Don’t you want to be a big big like your brother?” “No”. So I didn’t force it. Good luck!

He’ll be ready when he’s ready. Don’t listen to other parents they aren’t your child’s mother/father. Could become a power struggle. Has he expressed interest in the potty? If you haven’t get a kids potty seat/mini potty and get him used to it. Boys can pee anywhere so be prepared for some outdoor peeing :joy:. This is your baby and your decision don’t listen to the crowd

He’s still got time. My older kids were not fully potty trained until about 3. They were not even interested in learning to use the potty until about 2.
Your son has time.
Don’t push him just because other people say so. Get him interested in how the potty works. Buy a toddler potty for beside the most used potty in the house. You can get one for every bathroom in the house. And every hour just have him sit on them (naked, or no diaper) for a little bit, praise him. (I found boys learn to potty (pee) easier sitting down). Don’t get mad if he refuses to learn, especially because a new baby is going to be there. Dad, should be able to help also.
Ask your pediatrician for suggestions.
Good luck.

I have a nephew that wasn’t trained until he was 4. They tried everything and nothing worked. When he was ready that’s when they made progress with him. They are ready when they are ready. Just like you can’t force feed you can’t force potty training. When the time is right the little one will let you know.

Don’t waste your time and energy, my son was almost 3 years old before he was potty trained. Boys are stubborn and they’ll do it in their own time

Even if you managed to get him potty trained, he could backslide once little sibling is born. Just keep watching for signs that your child is ready.

Our son is two and not potty trained yet, our dr said that we need to start introducing him to pull ups to get used to them so when we start he will know what they are, i have also heard that if you try to potty train them before they are three or are ready that when you do start it will take longer, rather thats so or not thats just what i heard, we are going by him and when he is ready, he knows when he pooped his diaper and if he hasn’t, so it’s getting close and we also have a potty chair in bathroom so when we go in there he sits in it to get used to it, so if your child is not 2 yet I wouldn’t worry to much about it yet

every child is diff - i had a potty chair that played music when she went -and stayed with her and showed how happy it is to be on the potty -and they learn from example -have lots of fun because it is fun

Wow I am litterly shocked how old most kids are niw before you potty trsin them. I am 70 yrs. Old I have raised and am still raising grandkids and my 16 year old daughter. I had my first child at 19. She was very smart and could talk by 10 months. My mom babysat for me while I worked. Mama old ne to buy a potty chair fir her and panties. I did and she and I started potty training her. Two weeks later she was going on her own. My son was 1 yr. We started potty training him in about two weeks he was going in on his potty by himself. My youngest wss 18 months he just started going on his own. Along came grandkids. I raised them all potty trained before 18 montnhs 4 of them. I adopted a baby girl potty trained by 14 months. Now raising 3 grandkids all potty trained by 18 months. No I did not force them. We played games read books gave rewards for going potty. I never liked cleaning their bottoms and the smell of poop after 18 months old. Lots of praise for beingvsuch a big girl or big boy.

My son will be 2 in April and the other reason he’s interested in using the toilet is because his sister’s use it and then everybody was praising him and giving him potty treats and now he’s like let’s go potty. But he can’t control his bladder or bowel so he isn’t ready to come out of diapers.

My oldest was fully trained at like two and a half. My youngest it wasn’t until he was almost 4. They do it when they are ready.

Every child is different will do things in their own time

I was pressured into that with my first child. Worse thing I ever did. My other children were potty trained when they were ready.

My son told me on his 3rd birthday that he was a big boy now and will use the big potty. From that day forward, potty trained!

When my daughter started walking at nine months she did not like diapers so she would take them off herself. That is when I knew she was ready. Potty trained immediately. My son was 3 before interest was shown but when his daddy showed him a game of hitting the cheerios with his pee. It still took nine more months before he was completely potty trained. Boys are usually harder than girls. Each kid is different so let them begin when they give you a sign.

Honestly im so tired of seeing people laugh react on this page when someone is just innocently asking for advice. Y’all are quite rude to laugh in someone’s face who just needs help

Boys are behind girls in this. 2 1/2 to 3 is closer for boys. He will let you know when he is ready. If you force it you will have problems.

It helps with boys if a male helps them or invites them to be like them. Not to do it just watch and offer them to if they wagnt. I read that nerve endings often arent developed enough till 3. My son at 3 was potty trained for the day, but would get up in the morning and stand in front of the bathroom and mess his night diaper. That is when I told him he would get in trouble if he didn’t go on the toilet. After 2 following mornings and getting in trouble he quit standing in front of the bathroom. My daughter was capable at 15 months to train but wouldn’t because that is what mom wanted not her. I worked part-time and a friend with twin girls her age watched her and they were training and she did it to be like them. My mom always said that a doctor asked her if she knew any adults still in diapers. He said they will when they want to and so they did.

Boys aren’t usually ready until 3 or 4. Don’t rush it. He’ll let you know when he’s ready. When he is 3 or so let him see dad go and that usually helps. He wants to be like dad.

No his neurological system is not mature enough. Not uncommon for boys to be close to 3

Raised two boys I have 4 grand boys all at three , no fighting no trouble they were all ready at 3 . Relax it will happen when he is ready

As long as you are showing him the potty. I had a kid potty and no matter where I was it was with me I could be asking if he need to go. If he was just playing that was fine . Because sometimes he would go. 5 kids they were all potty trained by 18 months old. Most soon. I start as soon as the could walk

I had one book that my children and grandchildren could only use while on potty. Got that advice from my mother-in-law. Guess that’s why my husband did his reading in bathroom.

lam no expert, but l am a mom 3 times, and one was so easy she trained herself, because she hated the wet , even for a minute, but the babies are coming from going in their diaper, to you wanting them to set on the pot, what l did, was when l would go to the bathroom, take the child to, set them on their pot and tell them you are going potty, and they should try too go too, the more they see its not just something they have to learn, but you have to do it too ! worked for me, and try to change the child quickly, so they never get used to the wet diapers. hope it helps, God bless

When they are ready, they are ready as a mother you know your child, don’t let people tell you what should happen,it happens when it happens.

You need to stop listening to your friends. Just gradually get him potty trained. My son was 3.

Your son will be ready when he is ready and it will be 24 hours and done. And who do you want potty trained, you or your son? Just keep reminding him every once in awhile. talk about big boy pants, and show him the toilet. he’s only going to be 2 so discussing things like when does he think he’ll be ready is silly. My oldest was almost 4. He decided when his baby sibling was born he would potty train. After the baby was born he said “Where are my big boy pants?” and that was it. Done. Don’t let anyone give you grief. Follow your instincts.

My oldest son didn’t potty train u til he was almost 4, and my 3 year old son has no interest in it. Tell those who “know best” to take a long walk, you know your son best.

My son wasn’t potty trained till 2 1/2. His pediatrician said don’t rush it, they will do it when they are ready

They forced him at 2😳 do your own thing! Let him pee out side in the garden! That will shut them up😂

After raising three boys, dont worry about it! One was potty trained at just shy of three, second done was trained at 1 1/2 so he could be like his “brother” and third son done was 22 months! Daughter was 18 mos. all depends on the kid. If you’re ok changing diapers let him enjoy being a baby!

My twins really didn’t get it until 2.5. I covered my bathroom floor in towels, made 4 quarts of flavored water, took toys that could easily be cleaned and spent 4 hours in there. They started peeing every 20 minutes, I slowly expanded to the rest of the house, anytime we were at home, they did not wear pants. As soon as they put any type of bottoms on, they forgot. I finally but the bullet and took them out in undies, it took about two weeks for them to start using the potty and not have accidents with pants. Be prepared for up to three accidents per day, take socks and shoes in addition to pants and undies.

do it at your discretion would let lthose “people” in their infinite wisdom tell you that we all must pee every 2 hours and 45 minutes for “health” pshaw

Boy’s are a lot slower at potty training then girls by older boy didn’t start tell he was almost 4 by my youngest was potty trained by 2 1/2 but he had a cousin who we have all the time that’s a year older than him and she was already potty trained so he wanted to be like her so I just wanted to say get a potty chair and set it up in your bathroom and show him it and then let him decide what comes next

60 years ago my pediatrician told me not to even start till they are 3

Try putting Cheerios in toilet and telling him to sink them…worked for my son…made it not so scary

We started potty training my daughter right at 2 at the request of her pre-school and it was fairly easy because the entire class was doing it. The school suggested I get the plastic type underwear that you put over this thick cotton underwear. The idea is the kids don’t like the way it feels when they have an accident so they are more likely to use the potty. I have a grandson that will be 3 in May and he is ready because he will tell you when he needs his diaper changed but I can’t get him to go in the potty. He’s never been to daycare and isn’t around a lot of other kids and they don’t push it at home so there is only so much I can do when I have him. You will know when he is ready and most don’t even start the process until they turn 2.

My Brother wet the bed till He was 11 years old, my Parents just could not potty train Him, And today He is a very big Boss of a Very large Company!!

I would wait till springtime,he is no way behind at just 2.

He will let YOU know when hes ready, sometimes if you push them they will fight you! Be patient!

He will do it when he’s ready for the most part but going through the motions everyday will help the transition.

You have to wait until he is in college and has chosen his gender so he knows if he or she should stand or sit.

Every child is different some before 2 some not til almost three he will when ready

They only have control of input and output, but maybe the idea of big brother or sister might help get started.

Mike sons were 2 1/2. They will transition when they are ready. Don’t push it will be stressful on you both if you do

My son wanted wet diapers off at 11 months. So we got him a potty which he wanted in the living room. He would sit there forever reading, then get off and wet his diaper. So it went away for awhile. At 20 months we did it again. This time he got training pants which did the trick. This doesn’t work for all kids. My grandson is 4 and still struggles.
They need to be taught like everything else they learn. Every child learns at different rates.
Make it a big deal (own potty or seat cover, no more diapers, talk that encourages success). Never discipline for accidents, they are still learning.

Two of my sons saw their third birthdays come and go before they were potty trained. The other was potty trained by age 3.

Do not listen to others. Usually the ones who were potty trained early the parents are trained not them. My son was almost 3 and he decided to use potty and that was that.

There is no correct age…but its hard work. You need to be able to spend one or 2 days solely with him and every 15 min ask him if he needs to potty…make it light no heavy hand. Pull up with no pants help make it quicker…rewards for “doing” it helps too

He will when he’s ready don’t push it I made a mistake of doing it and I regret it

Every child potty trains at a different rate.

Every child is different and he will get it. Stop listening to friends just do what works for you.

Some babies are not ready til they are 3. If you start at 2, it’s like forcing them to go and it won’t work. They will let you know when they are ready.

Kids will go at their own pace.

I do boys all the time, boys take longer than girls, I’m potty training 3 boys right now all ages are 4 years old, being doing this for 20+ years

Nothing wrong dome get it at 3 or 4

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He should be when he is aware of what he is doing g. That is when you train. Age 2 is usually the age they are trained.

Boys can take longer and if your child can’t do the three finger grip ( like holding a pen) they came hold to and wipe yet. Practice that first

He’ll be ready by kindergarten. Don’t worry. Don’t push him.

My boys weren’t potty trained until they were almost 3.

Absolutely the most hardest part of being a Mom.(IMO) Have patience, and don’t push them, and boys are a challenge.

PT says if they can walk up stairs single legged and ride a tricycle, but you are wasting your time if they are not interested. Put a potty in the bathroom with a book to get them use to seeing it.

There are books on this topic. It would be advisable to have him potty trained by April1.

Each child is different.

most start training around 2 can’t hurt to try

OK, here is a question… Are you actually having to pay for diapers?? because THEY ARE EXPENSIVE!!! It’s not like your child is going to tell YOU when it’s time… If the child is of reasonable age to understand what you are saying… YOU tell him that it’s time to wear his or her or it’s ( whatever your pronoun) big person panties and make it a fun game… Unless you are wealthy, buying disposable diapers for TWO kids is going to break the bank… Sure it’s a little inconvenient but just DO IT!!

:roll_eyes: Tell your friends you’re his mom and you know what’s best for your child. Fun thing about potty training, they won’t do if they aren’t ready! Head up, Queen! You got this, don’t let others tell you what to do! :heart:


Maybe you should consider a tubal ligation… and maybe look up from your phone for a few minutes during the day to raise your children… just a thought.

My son was 3 when he got potty trained. Within 3 months. He was just ready.

We potty trained at 3 years old. Easier and they were ready

They all r different let him take his time and reward the good times

relax, he will be trained when he is ready!

My son was 3. I tried to force it when he was two for like a day and we were both miserable… I just talked to him about it, showed him the potty everyday and asked if he wanted to use it, and then one day he said he was ready and he hasn’t used a diaper since (except for at night for a few months and then we just took those away and he would wet himself here and there but eventually stopped after a couple of months). I guess some kids do need to be coaxed more than others but I just couldn’t do the “training” part. It was frustrating and not worth either of our tears.

And also i agree about him being ready when hes ready…you will know…

Don’t listen to the people that say they are your friend. Enjoy your son & new baby. It will happen.

Have him start going with Dad. He needs to see a Male go.

NEVER listen to others about your life’s choices!

Every child is different! Follow your gut!

He’ll let you know when he’s ready

My doctor told me they would be potty trained before they started school🙂

Most start potty training at age 2

My son was three, no worries.

He will do this soon in his own time

No he’s still too young

How verbal is he?? I have found that this is key.

Just give it a try. Don’t pressure at all Rewards only

My daughter was 3 before she was potty trained :woman_shrugging:t2: some kids just aren’t ready!

Three is the magic number!

Time enough until 2.9 months

Your husband or boy friend can do this quickly. Mine did.

Your friends need to do some research!!

My granddaughter will be 2 Feb. 5th , she wants to be potty trained and we have been working with her lol she just not quite ready The thing she likes most is running around butt naked , she sits on the potty and has no problem with the wiping but she just won’t go in it lol She’ll get there when she’s ready… My oldest child was about 3 1/2 when she was fully trained.

they don’t magically go to the potty you have to teach them.

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You will know when he is ready. Don’t listen to other people, do what you feel is right, none of their business, ask them how old were they when they hot potty trained

Tell your friend to mind her own business