My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

My first potty trained at 2 1/2 my second potty trained with her sister at 2, my 3 year old son, refuses. No one goes to college in diapers.

Both of my boys were 2 3/4 before they were trained. Don’t worry so much about what others are saying. Each child is ready when they are interested in the potty.

I was trick into babysitting my 4 1/2 yr old grandson my daughter said 2 days tops well it’s been 3 1/2 wks today!:triumph: He wasn’t potty trained when he got here and that’s why I didn’t want to agree on babysitting and told her once he’s potty trained you can start leaving him overnight cause he does BIG PooPoos and it makes me gag changing those diapers :face_vomiting: Well good news he’s potty train now​:+1::dancer:I do put him on pull ups at bedtime…don’t want no accidents on my bed​:+1:

If your friends kids were potty trained by 2 years old, good for them. If they don’t have have kids, how should they know.
Point is, if your 2y.o is ready, then they’re ready. If they feel forced into it, they will get discouraged and not want to be trained. Therefore, delaying the process longer.
It’s up to you. If they show interest, try a little bit at a time. Don’t be upset at mistakes. Celebrate the accomplishments. Use small treats, toys, snacks.

I wouldn’t start thinking about trying to nudge him until he’s 3. He’ll probably want to do it before then. Most boys take a little longer than most girls.

Very few kids are completely potty trained at 2. So, I wouldn’t be concerned at all… When you are ready to start potty training him, try a reward system every time he goes. I had a chart on the bathroom door and would let my daughter pick from different colored stars stickers to put on the chart. These “special stickers” were only for the chart. We also read her favorite cartoon characters potty training book.

My son wasn’t potty trained until he was 4 and a half. He’s autistic among other things. He’ll be 7 next month and still refuses to wipe his booty, but goes potty every time. Funny thing is he tests way above grade level. He’s smart, but just refuses to do some things. Kids are all different. Don’t let other people tell you when and how YOUR child should do something. That’s a lesson it took me a LONG time to learn.

As a Mom to five children, I can say that no two children are the same. My three daughters all potty trained by 3. My oldest boy potty trained himself a month before he turned 1. He also started walking early. My youngest son was 3 1/2. They are all different and boys seem to me to be harder than girls to potty train. Just do it your own way and don’t listen to friends. You do what’s best for you’re son.

My son was 3 1/2 before he was potty trained. Every attempt was stressful on both of us. His younger sister actually trained herself at 2 years 1 month. All kids are different and reach milestones at their own pace. Introduce it. If he’s stressed or shows no interest, drop it and try again in a few months. He’ll get it, but on his own timetable.

My son will be 3 and he’s not potty trained yet. Every kid is different

Everyone is different…I started potty training my son when he was 6 months old…he was out of diapers when he was 15 months old…I bought him underwear for daytime & only used a diaper at bedtime :v:

He should be training, but not necessarily trained, if that makes sense.

I waited till my son was almost 3. Tell them to MYOB.

Umm, will immediately admit my experience isn’t recent. But I seem to remember boys don’t potty train til 3 yo (early) to 4yrs old. We had potty parties. Salty chips & lots of juice. Went up every 20 min. Sometimes it was a party - sometimes it wasn’t. Hotwheels for #2. :grimacing:

I had both boys and girls my kids were above average intelligence and they were potty trained through the night by two and they were reading by three. However what I’m finding out is most kids are not quite that advanced boys in particular tend to be delayed and can take as long as until they’re four to be able to be potty trained. So remember what’s normal for one person may not be normal for yours so don’t hold them to some standard everybody gets there very few people are going to kindergarten not potty trained. Basically if he can take his own clothes off if he knows when he’s going to the bathroom or tells you when he’s going to the bathroom or he’s asking to have his diaper changed immediately after going to the bathroom it’s time to start potty training. boys in my experience are way easier to train than girls at least as long as the peeing aspect because you can make a game you can put Cheerios or something in the toilet and have him pee on them to sink the Cheerios And for everyone he thinks he gets an m&m or something you know you can make it fun.but don’t try to hold your kid to everyone else’s standard or you will absolutely go insane as long as your doctor hasn’t raised any concerns and your child hasn’t raised any concerns then just enjoy being a mom and raise your baby how you see fit and how you want to we didn’t know that our kids were advanced until they started school because that’s what we had always had so that’s what was normal to us so when I watched my friend’s kids I was a little bit worried about them. But then I found out you know hey you know that’s normal. point being just love your kids and enjoy raising them and don’t worry about when anybody else says or thinks as long as the doctor’s not concerned just enjoy being a mom

I think you need new friends

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Amen if they are not ready! You’ll know when he’s ready!

Tell them he is your kid mind their p n qs

don’t listen to friends

Start him and when he goes reward him that help

Who are you talking too

Don’t listen to friends

He will let u no it time

He’s fine, you’ll know when he’s ready

Hell fucking no boys can be the most stubborn when it comes to potty training. Should you start? Sure if you want to and think he’s ready for it. You can always introduce it from whatever point you want. Doesn’t mean it will stick.

Your friends are idiots!

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My son will be 3 in july. He only recently started grabbin himself when he pees. Im not rushing. I have a 21 week old as well as 2 older boys (1 of who im home schooling). If anyone said to me about it id tell them to mind their business or be my guest & train him themselves if theyre so concerned about it :roll_eyes: do it when u are ready, not when people tell u it should be done. Every baby (& parent) is different xx


My youngest is 2yrs 2months. We got him a little potty, he sits on it still fully clothed. Baby steps. He’ll go when he’s ready

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My son wasn’t fully potty trained until he was 5. We started when he turned 3. He sat on the potty, and the third time he peed. He knew to go on the potty when he had to pee. Pooping was a different story. That took 2 weeks. But then he had no control over going potty at night time. We had to get him up 2 to 3 times a night to pee until about 7 months ago. My oldest daughter, on the other hand, potty trained herself at 3. They go when they’re ready and each child is different. Don’t stress. Take him to the potty, let him sit on it. If he’s interested, cool. If not, don’t force the issue. He’ll go when he’s ready. And don’t forget to make it a huge deal when he does. He’ll want to do it more.

That’s ridiculous …time to be concerned would be if you’re sending them off to school and not potty trained…ya still got a good year to worry about

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I started when my son turned 2. Took about 3 months and he was fully potty trained.

I don’t personally know about boys and potty training however my sister has 2 boys and both potty trained after they were 2. Her youngest is now 3 and he is starting now. It makes things easier if you wait until they are ready. I have a 16 month old girl who has been starting potty training already and we just take her in with us or every couple of hours. We don’t push her but now when she wants to go potty she just takes off for the bathroom. She hasn’t learned to tell us verbally yet that she has to go. So its difficult for her to have success every time she needs to go, but we make sure we are encouraging with every successful visit to the potty. Just remember every kid grown and learns at their own pace and unless our doctor is concerned you shouldn’t be concerned either.

Don’t listen to them. My oldest didn’t start potty training until almost 3 years old, (he climbed into the toilet and tried to use it), my daughter started at 3 and didn’t become fully potty train until almost 4 (I got her underwear for Christmas that year, she put them on and never went back to diapers/pullups) and now I’m waiting to see if my youngest (2 years old) will start potty training soon. Each child will learn at their own pace and if you force it, it will take longer to potty train them.

My oldest daughter was potty trained a week before she turned 3. My middle daughter just became fully potty trained and she will be 4 in July. It all depends on the child. I noticed if I “forced” her to try and use the potty she was not interested. But I took her to the store and let her pick out a pack of undies and let her go at her own pace. That was 2 weeks ago. Now I have 2 out of 3 daughters completely potty trained :raised_hands:t2:

My daughters were day time potty trained by the time they were 2 and night time by the time they were 3. My son was day potty trained by 2 and night potty trained by 3. I also let my daughters follow me into the potty and copy me and my husband did the same with our son. Single moms have it harder. Don’t worry about what your friends say. Oh and one more thing I found that pull ups were a waste of money. Once I removed the pull ups my kids were potty trained within a month completely. The pull up gives kids a sense of safety. Put undies on your son if your worried about it and deal with the mess. He will get fed up with being wet and will go on the potty.

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My boy was almost four before we got him trained, and he pretty much trained himself at that point. It was about a week with a couple accidents and then dry ever since. We did keep him in pull ups at night. My daughter was trained by two. They let you know when they are ready. And don’t listen to the negative, you are doing great.

Tell those people telling you that to mind their own business! Your son is perfectly fine. Every child is different. He will potty train when it’s his time.


Put him in some real underwear and throw some cherrios in the toilet !!! …or if you can get your bf, eveytime he goes to the bathroom get him to take your son and let him watch or pee with him …this worked for my son quick, 2s a good age to start if you havent yet !! My son was trained by 2 and it just makes it easier for you minus the butt wiping…but no more $ on diapers.

My son didn’t want anything to do with potty training until he was 3, boy take longer anyway. If you want him to be interested in it try getting him one of those little potty trading devices for boys that have targets or put some fruit loops in his training toilet and each color is a different amount of points. When he gets so many points you give him bubbles or stickers

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Mine was 3 when she was potty trained. Every kid is different. So annoying when people try to tell you how to parent.

My son was a little over three before he was potty trained. He just decided one day he wanted to use the potty and was 100% trained within 2 days. Our pediatrician said it is a waste of everyones time to try to force it before they are ready and that most kids are closer to 3 before they are ready. Training before your child is ready may have some success, but there will be lots of accidents and it can actually have the opposite effect. I know children who would hold it all day for fear of an accident. Your son is not behind. Good luck!

I have 3 boys an 3 girls. Boys were much easier. Mine were all potty trained before they were 3. You know when it’s time to start. Your their mom dont let others dictate to you.

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All kids are different…tell your friends to shut up. :rofl:


Absolutely not. My daughter was potty trained around 3.5 y/o. I tried to get her into it around age 2 and she just wasn’t into it. Every kid is different.

Lol nooooo. He’s only one. He’s not even two yet. A year from now then sure but Jesus ppl need too slow down with there comments. Kids do shit at there own pace.

When your child starts to recognize the fact they are peeing or pooping is when it is time to potty train. That’s what I have always been told and it worked for us.

tbh a one year old who is potty training or close to being potty trained is like…way ahead. your two year old not being potty trained is completely normal.

2.5 i was always told to start thinking about potty training or when you think they show signs . Dont worry about what other people say you should be doing xx

2 1/2years old is when you start potty training bc that’s when they can start controlling their own bladder . That’s what I was told.



Get new friends. Kids move All at their own pace.


Medically speaking a child doesn’t have complete control of their body until about three that’s why you have accidents. Tell your friends to mind their own business

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My son is almost 3 hell be 3 Feb 26th and I’ve been trying to potty train since he was 1 cause he kept taking his diaper off. He know where the bathroom how to use toilet paper how to flush the toilet just refuses to use the toilet

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Years ago but my son turned two on the 14th of February and by May he was potty trained. It’s doable!!

Pffffft. Lies. My son had no interest. 0. None. Until he was a week out from 3. When they’re ready they’re ready. Once he was ready he was trained by the next day. 3 accidents

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Girl! Seriously! Let your little one show you when it’s time. It really is a tragedy that other mothers try and place this bar on when children should be achieving goals. EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT!

My daughter is 2.5. Her pediatrician assured me that she is not behind and to not push her into it. It can cause issues. He said to let her decide when she’s ready.
Your son is not behind! The pediatrician also said that most kids don’t show any interest until around 3.

Coming from someone who worked in a daycare where we were the ones trying to potty train most of the children… most of our babies really weren’t ready and grasping the idea until 2.5-3 years old. Some kids will get it earlier and can control their bladders but others can’t. Every child is different.

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2.5 start, usually potty trained by 3

My son was 3 before he was ready. Stop letting others tell you how to raise your own child

Do these friends have kids themselves… it’ll be so much more stressful to try and potty train before he’s ready and no he’s not behind because he’s not potty trained at 2 your not doing anything wrong if he has no interest in it right now.

My son will be 4 in April and just started being interested.

My oldest daughter was 20 months when she was potty trained(but I started her early!) My son was a couple weeks before his 2nd birthday(I let him be naked outside) And my last stubborn daughter was potty trained a little after 2 yo. But she kept peeing her pants(bc she was lazy) until almost 4.

No, these things are a time frame, no specific age but a range. You can introduce it but he will when HE’s ready.

My son has been potty trained since before his 2nd birthday. He started to identify when he had to go at 15 months so that was when we started to take him every 2 hours and take him when we went and after a couple weeks of doing this he was going #1 and #2 on the potty. It was a lot of trial and error, he preferred a soft seat compared to the plastic potty or potty seats and he loved having his own step stool to do it on his own. He just turned 3 and has no accidents during the day and as long as we wak him up once in the middle of the night he is dry in the morning

you can start to potty train but don’t rush it. he’ll be ready when he’s ready. each child even girls are ready in their time. i started my son at 2 & he was potty trained by 3 1/2 or 4, now he’s in his 30’s with a family of his own.

I potty trained my daughter a week before she turned 2. I tried to train her earlier but she wasn’t ready and I tried a different way of teaching her the second time and it worked.

Mine were 3-3.5 by the time they potty trained my second son is almost 4 and he still doesn’t wipe his own butt. You son will get there it just takes some time. But on a side not our sons are birthday twins, 4 on February 15!!!

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Don’t compare…not fair to you or your child…
Don’t push…


Um no. He is ready when he is ready. Boys usually take longer anyway. Just let him take his time or it will be worse for him to “get” it. I had people tell me to go ahead and do this when my son was 2 and it messed him up terribly. Took us at least a year or more. If I’d waited til he was ready then i wouldve been better able to help him Iinstead of him being so confused

I see your friends don’t have kids lol. My kids were 3. 2 is a little too young and at that point you’re just training yourself to put them on the potty every so often.

Oh wow. He isn’t even 2 yet they need to slow their roll, especially about someone elses child. He definitely IS NOT behind on that.

1st you can TRY any time you feel like he is ready. He isn’t 2 yet. You go by your insticnts, not what other people tell you. If you are concerned talk to the pediatrician, they will say the same thing; all kids are different. I would be worried if he wasn’t potty trained by 3 1/2 or 4 years. Boys are also much harder than girls to potty train, more often than not because there are exceptions

Boys are hard. My two oldest didn’t train until 4 and my youngest (he’s 3) will go on his own now but not consistently. I let them do it on their own to avoid stressing all of us out. When he’s ready you’ll know. Don’t worry about what other people think. They don’t live in your house nor raise your child.:woman_shrugging:t2:

All kids are different, I started mine at 2 and he was trained in less than a week. I put regular underwear on and he didn’t like being wet, so he went to the bathroom

My daughter wasn’t potty trained until she was 2.5. She potty trained very easily and I hear that boys tend to be harder to train and most don’t until they are closer to 3. However everyone is different, so some kids may train earlier than others just like other milestones.

Both my kids were potty trained at 2. It can be done. Consistency is key to potty training.

My son is 3 he was excited about it when he turned 2 and everyone told me the same thing, I felt like I was letting him down, failing him… so I tried and pushed him to it he used it twice for number 1 and 4 times for number 2… he refuses ever since.
They will potty train when ready you force it on him and he will take longer.

Your the mom, you do it on your own time. You will sense when he is ready.

My son is 3 1/2 and refuses to poop on the poty when they are ready it will happen

My son will be 2 February 13th and we haven’t started potty training yet. My MIL tells my husband often that he should be trained by now. I’ve read many things saying don’t do it before they are ready. I personally don’t care what other people think, when he is ready we will know. I am also pregnant and due in June. He just started telling us when he poops in his diaper, so I am hoping that we will be able to start soon and hopefully he will be done being potty trained by the time baby number 2 is here. Good luck

Nope. Unless he shows interest. Otherwise 2 1/2, 3. Don’t stress. He’ll learn😊

My son will be 3 on febuary 15th an he isn’t yet ither. Hes not interested n it I guess :pensive: I ask him if he wants to use the potty like a big boy an he always says no :sob:

2 is still young don’t worry about that.

Lord, no! Each child does their own thing. I wouldn’t trust anyone who tells you to push them to be trained, either. They’ll show interest in the potty when they’re getting there. Making them aware that pee/poo goes in the toilet, reminding them to be conscious of the need to go, and investing in a potty of their own can all help. I’d say it might be a conversation to have with your Doctor if they weren’t showing signs by their 4th birthday. Just my experience with my 5, though

I introduced the potty young but when they show interest that’s when potty training works best

Just remember everyone is different noone is the same. If you want or when you decide to start get him a special potty chair of his own and take him to the bathroom at the same time you go and have him sit there for a couple minutes. Whether or not he does anything try and take him about every 30 minutes to an hour. Eventually he will get the idea what he needs to do. Praise him every time he does something be patient with him. My eldest was completely potty trained by 18 months because that’s what he wanted. He hated being wet while my youngest was only 2 days away from being 4years old before he was potty trained. Take clues from your son on when you should start trying. Not friends or family. You know you son. Make a big deal about big boy underwear, let him pick them out which ones he wants but tell him he can only wear them IF he is potty trained. This is what I did with both of my sons.

Ignore those people!!! I have potty trained 6 kids. I didn’t even start until they were 2. I really didn’t get their attention about doing it until they were 2 1/2. One kid was a little over 3 when it was successful.

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Put a potty chair in the bathroom. Have him go in whenever his dad goes. Don’t force him to use it. He’ll want to be a big boy and copy dad.


My son is almost 3 and barely starting to show signs he’s ready. He hates the potty but can tell me when he’s dirty. His pediatrician said he’s not worried because boys tend to be ready later than girls. Don’t stress.


Not even 2 is young. My oldest was potty trained a bit after turning 3, my second at 2.5 and my now 2.5 year old isn’t ready yet. He’s not behind, all kids are different. Don’t push him.


They will be ready when they are ready and he will let you know. I have 3 girls and have potty trained 2 of them and it was around 3 years 2 months when they both potty trained. The first one tryed but couldnt get it down and one day just clicked. The 2nd was scared of potty training for some reason and one day she hustvtryed and decided she was ready and potty trained in one day. The key is let them do it on their own time dont force or spank or yell. I also for my 2nd daughter made a potty chart and she got rewarded.

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Trust me, they all pee in the toilet when they go to college. He’ll be ready in his own time.


I had the same thoughts when mine were little. My Mother said something to me that put things in perspective. She said don’t stress, do you know any child in high school that isn’t potty trained. Each at their own speed, it eventually happens.

My first son was fully trained by his 3rd bday, second son (14 months apart) had NO intentions whatsoever to potty train so he wasn’t fully trained until 4 and he was my most stubborn and hardest (swore off more children after him…thats how horrible it was to train him​:sweat_smile::joy:) then had my last child 6 years later…she was a girl and I was convinced she’d be soooo easy to train cause “she’s a girl and they train faster”…not the case…I tried at 2 1/2 with her and failed miserably…decided to stop and try again at 3 and she was ready and potty trained within a week…they really are just ready when they decide…dont push it…I regretted it with my middle child…made it 10x worse of an experience

My boys were not interested until they were past 3. They are ready when they are ready. I say give it a try. If it goes poorly, wait a bit and try again. If it goes well, then he was ready. Good luck. And always give positive reinforcement.:heart:

My son gave me hell! He was potty trained in February and turned 3 that June. My mother would tell me the same. He knew all along I believe. One day he got up from the sofa, went potty and washed his hands on his own. He never had an accident & never went back to diapers. Just give him time.

Every child is different. I work in Pediatrics and from what I’ve gathered its easiest to start when the child starts hiding to go in their diaper/pull up, has started showing interest in using the toilet, and follows the lead of their parents. 2 isn’t too old to not be toilet trained. Everyone saying anything should ask their parents when they were potty trained. I was 3, my brother was 15-20 months ish but he had someone to watch. First borns are harder because they don’t have examples other than mom and dad. You’re doing fabulous OP

it will take awhile…2 is pretty young…first, he has to know that his diaper is wet…then he has to know he is in the process of peeing…then he has to know the feeling he has before he starts to pee! It may be easy to start him peeing in a little jar…has to pretty much know the same feelings when it is time to have a BM…good luck !

He’ll start when he’s ready. Our sons started by peeing outside (we live in the country). #2 was a little harder but followed soon after. He has to have bladder control though which is the other half of knowing when they’re ready.

All 5 of my kids kids were potty trained between 18 months and 2 years. Still in pull ups at night for awhile. I guess I was lucky, it was so easy.

A very wise professor of early childhood once said. As parents we should not worry how fast our children get potty trained. After all, he had never seen on a college application or job application the question “
At what age were you potty trained? “