My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

My Son just turned 3 a couple months ago he has only just got it. We started last year but wasnt ready they are all different x

I have 3 boys all took about 3 weeks to train to a level where we could go out for a couple of hours with no accidents and could go through the night. The earliest was 21/2 the latest as he turned 3. You’ll start to see signs of him being ready, he needs to be aware of feeling like he needs to go at least or its likely be very difficult for the both of you.

Don’t worry about it. My son is almost 18 months and yes he’s shown interest in potty training but he’s not ready yet. I’ve started but taking my time because its too early so I plan to nip it in the bud at 2

You’ll know when he is ready. Don’t push it. You can introduce it if you want. :slight_smile:

He will go when he is ready. Just
Keep periodically trying, but not forcing. My granddaughter will be 4 in a couple weeks and pees on potty, sometimes, but never poops. She is just not ready yet

Look I babysitted for a friend of mine all the time I had her little boy and the thing of it is with a boy is they when they get ready to potty train they will potty train but if he’s not interested in potty training right now and he ain’t but two don’t worry about it and don’t listen to whatever other person tells you on here different babies potty train it different times

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Every child is different. We try hard to get our 3yr old boy potty trained & he just won’t do it. He’ll sit in the potty chair, but won’t actually go to the bathroom in it!:woman_shrugging: my first son was potty trained just before he turned 2. They will only do it when they are ready. You can’t force them to just do it, unfortunately.

It will happen I promise. Your friends can say whatever they want you don’t have to believe them.

My daughter potty trained at 3. You know when your child is ready. Is he able to tell you if and when he goes to the bathroom? You don’t want to force it, it will not work.


Ok every kid is different & most boys aren’t ready to start learning till they’re 3. My b/g twins were stubborn and it didn’t matter what we did, I didn’t get them potty trained till they were 5! I was little embarrassed because they were 5, but they clearly weren’t ready!


:rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: my boy is 3… and I’m not too worried about it. He’s my 3rd and by this point I’m a pro and this boy is not mentally ready for potty training so I’m saving it for the spring. You do you fuck everyone else.

First, don’t listen to other people. Second, every child is different. Also, boys are harder to potty train than girls, for whatever reason. All of my girls were fully potty trained by 2 years old. My son, nope. He was almost 3 when he started showing interest in the potty. But he didn’t wanna use it. I potty trained him by letting him pee outside. We had a privacy fence around our back yard and he would go out back and pee off the porch. It took about another 2-3 months after the peeing to get the pooping down. So he was about 3.5 when he was trained.

If he isn’t ready then it’s just gunna make things worse he isn’t even 2 yet don’t listen to other people… my son wasn’t fully potty trained until last March (2020) at 4.5 years old. Best to wait until they show signs and can tell you


Don’t force it. Try taking him and showing him what he’s supposed to do. If he’s not interested don’t make him do it. Also if he’s still having wet diapers at night. He’s not ready. I tried for a long time with my first son to get him potty trained. When he turned 3 is when he fully showed interest. It just takes time.

Your not behind. My daughter was trained at 2. My son took alot longer and was alot harder. But he was fully trained at 3.

2 is way too early…

Don’t try to push him, all kids are different and do it in their own time.

My youngest will be 2 feb 23rd she’s in the beginning stages of potty training

I started potty training my son when he was 2 but he wasn’t ready. He started nursery and then I started it up again with him we had the Easter half term and I started it indoors for the two weeks, let him wear pants took him to the toilet every 10-15 mins then started leaving it longer. He went back to nursery and they kept it going taking him to the toilet, he then started telling me and them when he needed to go. He was clean by time he was 2 and a half. But they are all different and you can’t force it otherwise it will be a nightmare they won’t want to do it at all.

All kids are different, both of mine were potty trained by 2. I think by 2 they should be trained or working on it though.

No. Two years old is young to be completely potty trained. You have plenty of time. He will get it, it just takes time. When potty training it is important to always be positive :blush:

Don’t stress he will when he’s ready

Personally I dont think most boys are ready till 4ish. Girls are usually sooner

Stop listening to other people’s opinions.
The amount of times I had comments about my daughter not being potty trained was unreal…narcissist family members…Karen type mums etc. She had a speech delay and has only just become fully trained at 3 years and 8 months. Her little brother who is 2 years and 8 months is potty training as he showed signs earlier than my daughter did…all children are different . This is YOUR journey with YOUR children.

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Tell them to mind their own business! Kids all do things at different times. All kids are different. I have 4 children and they all potty trained at different ages x

My son is 3 and isn’t fully potty trained yet :confused:

My son was 2 1/2. He wanted to go to “big school (preschool)” like his sister, but had to stay in “baby school (MDO)” if not potty trained. We went to the beach for a week and he realized much better to go than wear a diaper! Good luck!

Every child is different. My boys were all between 2 and 3 when they were potty trained. Look for signs that he may be ready. Waking up dry, tugging diaper etc

My son wasn’t fully trained until 4. He wouldn’t even occasionally use it until 3. Do not force it! I tried that and I firmly believe that’s why it took longer for him. Encourage, show him how you use the potty. It WILL happen. :purple_heart:

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Hes not even 2 yet, hes fine. My 4 year old is still potty training and my asd kid was 5 before he was fully trained. I really thought I would be sending him to kindergarden in pullups

A child will be potty trained when they want to, you can’t force it.

I sent my boys in the bathroom with their Dad about that time. He told them they were big boys now and this is how big boys go potty (pee) One time is all they took. Now the girls couldn’t have cared less about someone else going. I know it isn’t always this easy.

My first son was terrified to poop in the potty so much so he would hold it and it made him sick I took him to the dr he said put a diaper back on hell do it when he’s ready as long as he can go on the potty by kindergarten your good hahahaha he was about 3 ish b4 hed go on the toilet I guess he thought he’d get swallowed up …

Not true :rage:… my son was over 2

You can start brining in potty training get a training toilet explain and show him how to use. And slowly start brining him to it. You don’t have to rush but you can start introducing it ask him if he wants to try… my son was potty training at 2 on his own time we just asked him if he would like to use his potty while we used ours. Dont use though it can set it back

Both mine were fully potty trained by 2.

Both off mine were potty training when 2 only because they went to playschool and they wanted to and tbh when they both got use to it it was the best thing I did with them

My boy was almost 4 and my 3.5 year old girl still isn’t :roll_eyes: all kids are different!!


I started all my children on there 2nd bday. Potty being one of there bday gifts. My son didnt show interest till he was almost 3 where as both daughters showed interest right away. All kids are different and no such thing as being behind. Every kid learns at there own pace and thats all you can hope for

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Not true… 2 is a little young still…
Every child is different.
Takes time AND alot of patience :laughing:


My doctor told me with my first boy that he will likely be 4 before hes potty trained. He was about 3 when he was fully potty trained. 2 is a good age to introduced the potty. You will know when hes ready. Let him watch you and he will be wanting to use his own potty before you know it!

My son started to show interest at that age so I jumped on it. It only took maybe a month for him to back track and lose interest. He’ll be 3 in June. You can introduce it but if he doesn’t show any interest, don’t sweat it. They will learn when they’re ready. Starting it too early will only stress both of you out lol

2 is like the starting age I would worry if he was 3 and not potty trained

My son is 3.5 and still not potty trained. He has a fit if I mention the potty. I tried in the summer to potty train him and he withheld poop for a week. Do not force your child, it can have really bad consequences. Chances are your kid will be potty trained by the time to get to high school lol that’s all that matters.


I have 2 boys. My oldest potty trained the summer before his 4 year old prek started. He potty trained fully in June that year, turned 4 in mid August, and started Pre-K a week or 2 later. My youngest didnt train until he started 4 year old pre-K school at age 4. He started school beginning of September that year, potty trained end of October, beginning of Novemeber after seeing most of his classmates were potty trained. He turned 5 that December. They both wore pull-ups at night in the beginning for a couple months in case of accidents. Once they went a week accident free at night it was big boy underwear with a plastic trash bag on the bed and a towel on top just in case of accidents. I did that for a couple weeks with both and then I stopped when they didnt have any accidents. They truly will go when they are ready. Do not force as they will regress and it will become that much harder. Encourage, reward, patience. Good luck mama

Every kid is different!! I hate that people say by 2 they should be potty trained. My daughter didn’t show any interest until she was just over 3.

All children are different. My one nephew didn’t become fully potty trained until he was almost 3

Every kid is different! My son is 3 and we are still working on potty training


Every kid is different! Dont let all those ppl get to you. Some kids take longer some dont. My first son was easy peasy my second took a little longer. He will get it momma

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If he does not show signs hes def not ready i was exsctly like this as my son was born 2 months early hes now 2 years and 2 months and hes not 100% ready he’ll sometimes ask for “potty” sometimes he doesnt and boys take a lil longer… you can try to practice with him when u go to the bathroom but every single child is diff…

You could introduce it but he won’t catch on unless he’s ready. And every child is different. And boys are more difficult, so they say. My oldest was 3, but he was ready and it took a matter of weeks. My 2.5 year old is just starting to show signs and we are getting ready to introduce it, but aren’t concerned about getting him trained right away. They’re ready when they’re ready.

Forcing toddlers to do anything they aren’t ready and don’t want to is futile.

He’s not behind and he will do it on his own time. Obviously, don’t wait till he’s 5.

All kids develop at their own stage! Children don’t understand bowl movements till 18 months so to say they should be trained by 2 is a little far fetched. My son is almost 3 and has only just shown an interest we’ve tried earlier and he wasn’t ready. YOU know YOUR CHILD. Xx

My daughter was almost potty trained by a year and a half,but fully trained by 2. My second was a bit later, we had him getting almost potty trained, but when he was a year and 7 month we had his brother. He regressed some and didn’t want to potty train till around 2. My 3rd turned 2 in November, and has used the potty a few times, he loves to sit on it but honestly basically refuses to use the toilet. We are working on it, but every kid is different. I would definitely influence him to try

No you don’t have to rush these things I found that myself rushed my girl to potty train an all she did was wet the bed I felt like I pushed her so I left her till she was nealry 3 my son’s 3 now an only been trainted since the first lockdown I never make them just let them tell you an show you when there ready it’s your kid Hun nobody else’s forget what other people think x

I had a dr tell me it their last baby development stage and that they will do it when they are ready. I introduced potty but never pushed it. My daughter was potty trained around 4 and my son was potty trained just before he turned 5. They have to be able to trust their bodies to hold it through naps and at nights. I’ve never had any issues out of them and just let them control it

My oldest son didn’t want to potty train until literally 1 week before he was to start Pre-k. My daughter potty trained at about 3 or 4 at daycare. She tried but I worked so much I could only train her at night. My youngest (he’s 3) has been trying to potty train off and on for about 3 months (he got moved rooms from the 2s to the 3s at daycare) and he’s been trying to potty train himself. He just hasn’t gotten pooping down. Everyone goes at their own times. Don’t let anyone tell you a time limit. They will go when they are ready.

my son will be 3 in july and hes not potty trianed we are working on it but no where never there

Mine was 3 1/2 before he finally got it. A lot of trial and errors. In april during covid is when he finally got it and i was home with him to push it.

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My son only potty trained a little before he turned 3! We only started potty training a couple months after he turned 2

He’ll do it when he’s ready. It is a good time to start introducing him to a potty. Just don’t push him to do it if he doesn’t want to. Get him a little potty to put in the bathroom and when you go, take him with you and see if he’ll sit on his. My son was a little over 3 when he was fully trained but once he decided he wanted to do it, training him was a piece of cake.

My nephew is 2 and scared of the potty so he’s in diapers I am not a parent but to me it’s up to the parent no one else

Honestly I wanted until they was ready. I have 3 and they were all different ages. I let them lead me. It made potty training so easy. They practically did it themselves.

Every kid is different my daughter wasn’t fully toilet trained till 3 nearly 4 at bed time. My son started around 1.5 and got on perfectly he was fully trained just after his 2nd birthday. Dont push him and dont listen to anything but your own instinct

Yea my daughter will be 3 in 3wks and she refuses…obvi I am encouraging it everyday at this point but totally agree all kids are different and im not worried yet… she’ll go when she’s ready :slightly_smiling_face:

Every kid is different. Two isn’t that old and boys are usually slower. We’ve introduced but not pushing super bunch yet until more signs.

Don’t worry too much about a timeline. You can introduce the idea by talking about it and maybe taking him with you when you go so that he can see what it’s all about. But I wouldn’t pressure him. If he’s not showing signs of being ready, then he isn’t ready. My son is just now getting it and he’s 3 1/2. I’ve been told that boys can be more difficult about it. All I know is that trying to force it is just upsetting for everyone involved and can cause some big setbacks.

Your friends may say one thing but all kids are unique and different. They learn at their own pace. Never compare your kid to the next or you’re going to drive yourself crazy. Just voice your concerns with your pediatrician and call it a day. Your friends are not your child’s parent

I dont think he is behind or anything. 1st off boys take longer then girls. And my son didn’t start showing any interest until he was 3-3.5. He is 5 now and pretty much all on gis own but still asks for help. Don’t let anyone rush you or your baby. He will get there.

If you start when your child isn’t ready, it will be more stressful for you both. I’ve only just started toilet training my son and he is nearly 3

I tired potty training my daughter at 2 and had nothing but accidents. So I stopped and tried again a month after her 3rd birthday and that time around she was ready! Don’t feel pressured, they will go when they are ready is correct.

That whole potty trained by two is a very old and outdated philosophy.

Signs of readiness is the big thing to look for and then willingness to potty train.
Forcing a child to potty train when they’re not ready and completely unwilling, is really just counter productive.
In my experience…
If you wait they’ll develop signs of readiness and be willing around the same age they would have gotten the hang of it had you forced it. It may even take longer if you force it because it can create a lot of resistance around potty training.

Your friends are assholes :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Nope not at all. There is no perfect age to potty train. Littles will give certin cues when ready. If you force it before ready it can cause issues like holding it, refusing and more accidents.
We just tossed a potty in the bathroom when my first was about 2 I guess and just let her come in and sit on it when i went. Monkey see monkey do. Once comfortable try sitting on it with no diaper. No Pressure, no making or forcing. Make it fun.

Every child is different. Get potty chair put in bathroom and let him follow u in and put him on potty and u sit on toliet. That’s how I trained. If he’s interested he’ll do it.

I have three kids and none were being potty trained or done being potty trained before 2. Stop listening to non-professionals. You are doing great, your son is doing great, don’t let them make you feel any less!


Yes start to set him on his big boy pot and let dad take him to the bathroom with him talk to him about big boy underwear :briefs: it usually takes longer with a boy and if he is not ready he is not ready and nothing will start him

My older 2 potty trained at 2 years old but my youngest was 4 when she got the hang of it every kid is different. They will start showing signs (like squatting to potty or hiding because they know they need to) that’s when you know they are ready to learn!

Um all children are different. Do different things at different stages. If you want to potty train him that’s up to you.

He’s just turning 2 so no he’s not behind at all - you have to remember that he has probably just learned to walk and run well and doing so many other things in his journey of learning and potty training is on it’s way but don’t force him and cause fear of the natural let him let you know when he is ready.

Mine turned 2 in November. We started a lil before then. He loves going outside off of the porch. But we started sitting on his little potty then slowly moved up to standing. He won’t poop on the potty but he tells us so we can throw a diaper on him. We try to get him to poop every single time on the potty but he just won’t yet. Each kid is different. My sons first sign was taking his diaper off.

If someone is paying that close attention to wether your child is potty trained or not they have the problem, not your child. Don’t let them pressure you or your child. My daughter was over 4 by the time she was fully potty trained. People pressured her & me from the time she was 2. It caused her anxiety & therefore made it harder for to learn. If someone is paying attention to your child’s butt to tell if he’s in diapers they’re a pedofile. Ignore them & keep your kid far away from them.

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he will when hes ready my son will be 2 in may and he is no where near ready. I thought my daughter was ready at 1 in a half to 2 years old and she wasn’t. She was about 2 in a half tho. But i heard boys normally do around 3 or 4 . Dont ever think there is something wrong with your kid because other kids his age is doinh something different.

We tried EVERYTHING with my daughter and she was terrified of the toilet. I bought several kid friendly toilets for her with different favorite characters. I bought a real looking toilet for toddlers that flushed and she would not go. She was 3 years old 8 months when one day she just went. This day was like any other day and I’d sit in the bathroom with her like any other day and she just decided she was ready. She will be five this May and not one accident. She wakes me or my husband up at night if she really has to go but not once have I had to wash urinated sheets. He will be ok when he’s ready. I’m sure he is doing lots of things before your friends kids only we won’t notice because we are not in competition.

There’s no point in saying is he behind as you’ve not even started plus every child is different, buy a potty and see how it goes, dont stress or listen to others saying mine was buy 18mths its all blah blah, your child will get there at his, not yours or anyone else’s pace.xx

No if he has no signs .they say not to push a child to be trained .my son was 3 befor he was trained and he is now 33.never push a child to potty cause it will or could cause bed wetting when they are older.

I would buy him a potty and try to encourage him.but never push them.good luck momma.

When they are ready then train. If your little is not ready, you’ll do nothing but get frustrated and they will get frustrated and it’s ultimately down hill from there. Some kids train early some train late :smiling_face:. Good luck mom

Lmao. My son was 99% potty trained just before he went to school.
He had the concepts down just stubborn.

My son is 2 about to be 3 in Feb. He just started potty training again last week and has been doing fantastic with it. Of course there have been a few accidents but he’s been doing great with it. We had tried to have him potty trained by 2 also but he just wasnt ready. That doesnt mean your son is behind. All kids learn at thier own pace.

Just start introducing him to the rest room and the potty. Had him sit down, get up, flush wash his hands. Then when he shows signs of being ready. He’s already familiar with what to do and potty training will be easier for you both

All of my kids step daughter included were right around 3 before they were potty trained

Every child is different. My son was nearly 3 when he potty trained. Take their lead don’t push them otherwise it will stress you both out and it won’t work x

Take him out of diapers and pull ups and he’ll go real quick. Thank me later.

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My son was almost 3 when he was fully potty train. I didn’t force it on him until he was ready

We started at 18 months only because he wouldn’t keep diapers on . Got a little potty and potty seat. Let him run around naked. Took us a full year to be fully potty trained with no accidents.

Every kid is different. It will happen :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m a child care provider for 30 + years at about 2 years and 3 months to 2 1/2 is a good time to start training. 6 months before that start sitting on toilet before bath time.
They should be trained by their 3rd birthday but all children are different. This is just a guide line.

Kids are ready at their own pace. There’s no set time. My daughter is 2 and she’s peed on the potty a couple times but that’s it’s. She shows interest and then doesn’t. She will sit on the potty but that’s about it. I was always told never to rush them. Your kiddo will let you know when they are ready. Some people need to mind their own business