My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

my son will be 2 in may everybody keeps telling me bc he wont leave his diaper on hes ready… ive been trying to work with him he will sit on it buuuuut hes tooooo entertained by trying to put the bucket thing from his chair on his head :woman_facepalming: my daughter was potty trained at 1… every kid is different

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All children are different but if you want to try just sit him on potty few mins at a time and wait

I have 6 kids 5 girls and 1 boy and my boy was the easiest to potty train it took about 3 months after he turned 2 now 3 out of the 5 girls they trained later they were 3, 4and 3 when they trained I have one that will be 3 in may and she is showing signs but this momma isn’t ready for that lol

Nah dnt push man! My daughter was just about to turn 3 n cause she was ready in herself took less than a week for her to grasp it on the toilet and shes done and continues to do great :blush:

2 is really young. I know some are trained that young but tbh I didn’t even approach till 18 mos and then I realized quick it wasn’t gonna happen. Lol. Due to life I didn’t get to focus on my oldest son till he was 2.5/3 & he was trained by 3 yrs 3 mos. My middle we started around 2.5 and she was pretty good off the bat and my youngest i started right after he turned 2 & he just turned 3 and still has pee accidents, wears a diaper in public (since bathroom access isn’t as easy) & at night. He now is trying to wipe himself. Lol
AND let’s be real most neurotypical kids won’t go to kindergarten in diapers so relax and just give it time. Encourage him,hype it up and follow his lead :heart:

So I’m guessing your friends have kids of their own, let’s see 1 maybe 2 kids tops and all of a sudden theyr experts in childcare in other words BIG TALKERS :joy::rofl: Lol if my friends said that to me not only would they get my middle finger but a big F up and F off would go with it Lol

It’s not a time frame and he isn’t delayed

They start when they are ready
Get a potty and seat introduce and make it fun
Tell everyone else to mind their business

My son was just barely potty trained by age 4. It took a long time to get him fully potty trained. Especially at night. Some people just want to brag that their kids did it earlier than yours. Ignore it. Start potty training but don’t worry about it.

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All children are different. My youngest nephew was a little over 3 when he was potty trained. It took him longer because he wasn’t ready and daycare said that at 2 years old, he should be potty trained or starting. If you try and he isn’t ready then you’ll make him regress.

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My son is 4 and we started when he was 2, he is still not 100 percent potty trained. Some kids just take longer

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Now a days they go to kindergarten early so yes he’s ready…Get ur husband to take him in when he goes he’ll get the drift then pay attention to when ur son goes in his dipper go from there

I had one kid potty trained by 2 yrs old, my other kid, well let’s just say he is spirited and wasn’t fully trained until 3.5 yrs old. Every kid is different and no training works the same with all kids.

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The worst thing you can do is push him too early. My daughter will be 2 in may and we haven’t started potty training yet because I’m not 100% confident she would be able to communicate when she needs to go. You’re his mum. You’ll know when he’s ready.

No. Per our pediatrician and my experience with my first 2 kids- every kid has a different timeline. When you see signs/symptoms go with it… have things available to them to start if/when they’re ready. I regret having my middle guy potty train a little over 2 (with my newly trained just 3 year old daughter). He would hold his poop and ended up with getting constipated on every trip we took, and had a rectal prolapse once… luckily everything turned out okay. With my 3rd kiddo I will wait until he’s ready and try to be as patient as possible.

He’s your child you’ll know when it’s time to start

All kids are different and you cant force it. However I’m a huge advocate for introducing the idea of pottying as early as possible, just to make them more comfort with it when it is time. Ex. Changing diapers in the bathroom, taking them to sit on the potty when you go, or sitting them on the potty at diaper changes if they’re willing. It helps make a connection in their heads. And for children that just refuse or are afraid, put a potty chair in the playroom or living room so they can start being comfortable with the potty in more comfortable settings then move to the other steps. Also allow the child to sit anytime they want to, never discourage it.

We started introducing my son to the potty chair at about 2 but there were times he didnt want anything to do with it so we stopped for a little bit. Then we started getting him on a schedule to sit on the potty every hr or so. When he was about 3 we finally decided to get him some big boy underwear and got him out of pull ups. He would have some accidents here and there but he was fully potty trained by about 3 and a half yrs old. We did put him in pull ups for long car rides though before he was fully trained because there aren’t always rest stops.

All children are different. I have 7 kids, they potty train when they’re ready. It’s definitely not something to worry about. I started trying around 2 with my kids, just to get them introduced to the idea of using the toilet, but didn’t force them either. I let them decide when they were ready. My youngest daughter is 2 1/2 and not potty trained yet. She is just starting to show some interest in potty training, so I plan to start soon. My 3 1/2 year old has been potty trained since shortly before he turned 2 but that was his choice. Don’t try to force it unless they’re still not showing signs by 3 ish.

We started with my daughter when she was 2 and a half and she wouldn’t have it. Tried again after she turned 3 and she’s fully potty trained now and she’ll be turning 4 in March

Tell them to mind their own. My 2yr old son is just now trying to use the potty but its a hit n miss. U cant force them b4 they are ready or it will be a mess.

Tell your “friends” to get bent and stop being so judgmental of when your son “should” be doing things. Everyone potty trains at different times and a child doesn’t have to be potty trained by 2. Worrying about it right before another baby is born is pointless because he’ll most likely experience regression when the new baby is born anyways. When he’s ready, he’ll let you know. In the mean time, get a potty chair and put it in the area he spends the most time so he can get comfortable around it and develop and interest on his own.

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All kids are different! Do what’s best for you and your child! I personally know people who have kids that are older and still aren’t even trying to potty train, on the other hand all 5 of mine were fully trained by 2! It all depends on the child!

It’s not for anyone else to say…you are the kids parent…u do what I think is right

My son was potty trained a 3 and my daughter at 2. Every kid is different. I bought underwear with their favorite cartoon and told them not to pee on “ Spider-Man” and don’t pee on “elsa” that worked for them

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Just like all the other comments say, each kid is different! You don’t want to push if they’re not ready, but I totally agree with another comment I saw about having the tools available for them!

I’ve been taking my son with me to go potty (if he was willing, and most times he’d just follow me anyway because where is mom going lol) since he was 1, because I wanted him to be able to understand the connection. We have a seat for the toilet, and his own seat … he’s 19 months and has gone only twice, once by telling me! Each time was like 4 months apart, and he has no interest in the toilet at all since the last time he went on it. :joy::woman_facepalming:t2: I was really excited and then just nothing.

They’ll let you know when they’re ready, just try to teach them what it is. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter is nearly 3 and still in nappies, she has shown a little interest in potty training but not enough to start her yet. Every child is different.

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I tried to get both my sons to potty train and they just wouldnt take to it as they weren’t ready. Both mine were 3 when they one day just decided they didnt want to wear nappies any more. They are ready when they are ready. Dont worry about what others think as it will stress you out and he will pick up on it

All kids are different. My son was potty trained before he was 2. And he was pretty easy to potty train! Didn’t even take 2 weeks! My nephew is 3 and not potty trained.

Theyre wrong. Hes not behind.

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What a crock. I hate it when one gets unsolicited parenting advice or telling you bs like the should potty trained. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find training underwear smaller than a size 2? And why do you think that is. Because most children don’t get potty trained until 2 or after. I usually do it around 3 years old. Dont push your child to be potty trained. When I sent my daughter to preschool at 4 years old there were still children not potty trained. Dont worry about it. Do it when your child is ready. And tell these monsters to let you parent your own child and they can parnt their own.

That is ridiculous :roll_eyes: idk who is saying that but they do not know kids with help with potty train on their own time all you can do is help him. My kids did pretty fast but I know a little girl 5 years old nothing wrong and still wears pull ups some times. Just keep working with him.

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I have two out 3 potty trained and they all didn’t get it down all the way till they were 3 every kids diffrent I have friend that’s kids were going by two like i said every kids diffrent

Our sons have the same birthday! (Tho mine is 9 now.) Yes he should at least be in the process of potty training by now. It should have started a few months ago. My son started at 15 months and was fully potty trained including overnights just before his second Christmas so around 21-22 months. When I worked in daycare they all started at 18 months with sitting on the potty and getting the idea of it and learning what to do then completed potty training in the 2 year old class if they weren’t fully trained yet. That was when they went to underwear and were sitting on the potty AT LEAST every 2 hours all day until they were able to tell us when they needed to go without accidents. They all had to be fully potty trained by 3 in order to move up to the 3 year old class.

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Take him to br. with you every time you go. Sit him on potty chair and you on toilet he’ll get the hang of it. Baby sat my nephew 2to3 times a week and that’s what we did . Didn’t take long and potty trained. Praising and small treats a long way

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Honestly, since becoming a mom, I have yet to make any other “mom friends.” Most of them are judgemental and offer “advice” when it wasn’t asked for. Listen mama, you’ve raised your child for almost 2 years…if you don’t think he’s ready yet then he probably isn’t ready yet. Tell them that you didn’t ask for their input. My boy potty trained himself completely right before his 4th birthday. Before that, he just wasn’t ready and he had accidents every day.


Tell them to worried when they are the ones buying the diapers🤷‍♀️


Every child is different…every boy…every girl they know when they are ready…i am a mother or only 4 boys and each started at different ages…my past is 4 and just now getting it down to where he does not pee in his pants all day and night. .your son will let you know when he is ready trust me

Throw a dirty nappy at these friends and tell them to mind their own sh!t.


My oldest was completely out of nappies by 2.5yrs but my youngest is 2.5yrs now and has no interest what so ever, every kid is different :slight_smile:

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My son is 15 mos and Santa brought him a potty chair so we have been trying it out 3 to 5x a day for about 10 minutes each time.
No pee or poop in the potty yet but we are getting comfortable with it.
I play potty training videos with ASL too since he speaks and signs.
We do if you’re happy and you know it, he brushes his teeth all while sitting on potty.
I’d start doing that. It takes a lot of time so repetition will help.
I pretend to go potty on it too to show my son how it works.
All my of my birthed children starting potty training around 15 to 18 mos.

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My son was closer to 3 when he was finally potty trained. I decided not to force it on him and when he slept through the night a couple night in a row that’s when I started to potty train. It took him only 2 weeks

There’s no need to feel pressured, many children aren’t ready for potty training until they’re 3/4, what is more important is that they’re ready and showing signs. If they’re not the process could be difficult for them and stressful for you and could create negative associations with the toilet.

All kids are different, he will potty train in his own time.

My kid is turning 3 in feb 10… he is showing signs to start potty training hope he learns … my other kid learn to go bathroom one week before he started school. people understood why because since he was a baby he had problems with constipation.

Every child is different. You can try if you want. He should be able to communicate with you he needs to go.

Dont listen to people ,kids will potty train when they r ready and not before…u are doing great keep doing what works for u and ur child

I tried at 2 just to make my kids comfortable with the potty. They would sit there while I got bath ready. Didn’t fill force potty train until 3

Maybe start at nappy changes I.e you have peed/pooped and talk about where he could go instead the potty, get some stickers and get him to decorate the potty they have childrens books about potty training as well try to make it fun/a game and not more of a chore always praise even if he doesn’t pee/poo on the potty but has sat on the potty have reward charts a “potty timer” where it’s set to go off say every 15 minutes so he knows he needs to go and try, when he does have accidents dont make it seem like it’s the end of the world dont tell him off instead remind him pee/poo goes in the potty (children get distracted sometimes especially when playing) notice some signs of needing to go legs crossed or being fidgety or holding themselves encourage and motivate him, if he isnt ready dont rush maybe get some dolls and potty so he can act it out dolly sit on potty might encourage him to use it your son is definitely not behind all children develop at there own pace

My son turned three in November. We just started yesterday

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Every kid is different there is no right or wrong my oldest son actually had no interest and flat out refused he was 3 when his little sister was born and then started using thebpotty here and there but was almost 4 before he was actually potty trained. My youngest son potty trained himself :joy: he was about 20 months old and just started running to the bathroom to pee him self. He always followed his brother around since he could walk including to the bathroom so he learned from him.

None of my kids wanted anything to do with a potty chair though they all refused so we ended up with the little seat that sits on top of the regular toilet

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My son just turned three and has absolutely no interest in the potty. His three sisters by two where all potty trained I think it’s a boy thing

Your son is my birthday twin!!! :slight_smile:

She’s 3 and just really started showing signs that she wants to use the toilet

Omg no! He is fine! My son potty trained early and he was 2 and a month. My friends son didnt potty train until 4. My best friends daughter will be 3 in June and she still isnt interested. Dont push it. You can offer and make it fun but if he doesnt want to then he isnt ready. Every kid is different I promise.

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We waited and when my son was 3 and half he had a couple goes on potty his choice and was then trained pretty much straight away for number 1. A happy kid is better than a forced kid

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He’s a boy lol most don’t start until 3 and don’t really get it until 4, sometimes a little longer. Girls are way easier in my experience.

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He’ll let you know when he’s ready. Don’t worry about what people are saying.

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All kids are different and boys usually take longer. My first son potty trained just before he turned 3 and did it in two days with maybe 3 accidents ever. My second son (2.5y)started this past November and we’re still having at least 3 accidents a day. Total opposites! Introduce the potty and let him know it’s there, but don’t pressure him til he seems ready. Good luck!!

They either don’t have kids or are crazy. All three of mine were a different age. My youngest turned three in October and last week he wore his last diaper. Every single child is different. Some parents push it. I waited for mine to be ready.

It’s very easy if the father does it

My almost 2yo isn’t even close to being ready for potty training and my eldest wasn’t trained til 3yo. Each kid is different and you will know when he is ready.

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My son is 3, we have started trying to potty train. He has some developmental delays so we were told to be more patient & wait for him to be interested. He tries, but hasnt been successful thus far.

My nephew was 3.5, almost 4 before he was potty trained and just in the last 6 months has stopped needing a pull up at night. My nieces though, both totally potty trained by 2.5. Girls typically are easier than boys and all kids learn at their own pace.

You’re the mom, you know your child better than anyone else in the world. You will know when they are ready.

Everyone told me that with my daughter. Shes 2 she should be potty trained…went through the same thing. No matter what I did she had no interest. Every kid is different. Little did I know two months later after she turned 2, it just clicked and she wanted to use the potty on her own. Thats when I learned every kid is different and there’s no point in stressing yourself out like I did trying to force it. My son is 18 months and I have no plan of forcing him til he shows signs. It’ll come mama…don’t stress yourself out over everyone else’s opinions. I learned the hard way.

My son wasn’t tell 3. We pushed and pushed for him to be by 2 and it ended up in failure and stressing us tf out and then my doc said to just relax and he will let us know when he is ready and he did. Fuck what anyone else says. Every kid is different.

Boys don’t really feel the sensation that they have to pee until they’re around 3, so he’s not behind. Maybe start having dad show him but I wouldn’t worry if he doesn’t get it right away.

My kid won’t even start till 3. I have started all his older siblings at 3 and it goes way smoother. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad. Start when you are ready not when everyone else tells you to be ready. If you start to early he might be delayed in going potty.

Usually by 3 years old my boys were potty trained, we start around 2.5 years old

Tell them to mind their own damn business and you’ll do it when you are both ready. Little dude will let you know he’s ready to try :grin:

My son will be 4 in June and we’re still struggling with the potty​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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My nephew literally learned how to pee by peeing on a tree in our closed back yard with a dart arrow lol

That is not true. Potty train him when he is ready.

One son all done at 2 next son not fully done till 3 and a half. Trust your instincts and watch if he shows interest give him a go. Good luck don’t stress

It depends on him. My youngest son was potty trained by 2. Have dad start taking him to bathroom with him when he goes to pee. May help him get started.

You should tell your friends to focus on their own children.


When I worked in daycare, we started putting kids on the potty at each diaper change at 18 months but didn’t actively potty train until 2.5

It all depends on the child :woman_shrugging:t2: it’s their timeline. Tell them they should also learn how to mind their own business by now.

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My son quit wearing diapers at 4 . He would go to the bathroom but he wouldn’t tell me when he had to so if I didnt take him there or ask he went in the diaper

These days most children are 3 before they show an interest :+1:t2:

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Let your son show interest, not every child potty trains at 2 maybe start introducing

My daughter turns 4 in March and wears a pull up at night. Ive been STRUGGLING this whole year trying to get her potty trained then it’s like overnight she just decided she wanted to do it. They really know when they’re ready. She wakes up dry some nights now.

I have 4 kids. 1st 3 are girls they were pretty easy but my son is 3.5 still not potty trained. We try but he’s not ready :woman_shrugging:

First of all don’t put all your hopes and dreams and other people every child is different. If you want to start helping him potty train all you got to do is take off his diaper and set him on the toilet and every time he pees you give him a treat. Tell him when he’s got a poo poo or pee you’re going to put him on the potty. You could also try putting him on the potty every 20 minutes that way if he just so happens to go he gets a treat and he gets the idea

My daughter was potty trained by her 2nd birthday. My son will be 2 in 2weeks. He has shown very very little interest in potty training and its not something you are going to get right by forcing on him. Try again in a few months or when he shows interests. Why is other people making it their business?

Girl, my daughter turned 2 December 4th. We show her the potty, once in a great while we get her to sit. If she’s potty trained by 3 I’ll be shocked! If you rush him it could back fire on you

My daughter didn’t fully potty train until she was 3. Every kid is different

Nope nope nope…potty train when he is ready, not when others tell you he is or should be.

Each child goes at there own pace. My son is turning 3 and isn’t potty trained yet. He does really well, tells me when he has to go then out of the blue the next day is scared and refuses to use the toilet. I tried two different pottys bought many different kinds of underwear and it’s still a no go. You can’t force it or they won’t want to do it. Each child is different!!

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I worked in childcare for 20 years- at least half of that time was spent working with children from the age of 2.5-3.9. I don’t recall any boys being potty trained before the age of 2.5. Most of them it was closer to the of 3, if not later. I only had one girl come into my class completely potty trained. She’d been in underwear, asking to use the toilet from the age of 19 months.
Most boys typically train later than girls. I wouldn’t worry about training for another year, especially with a baby coming. That’ll be a big transition, in and of itself.

Every kid is different. Forcing him to before he is ready could have a negative outcome. That said there is nothing wrong with introducing it to him and starting to show him how.

Yeah my son is 2.5 and has shown no interest at all. :woman_shrugging: I’m not worried about it. Everyone is different.

Well shit. If kids are supposed to be potty trained by 2, my 20 month old will be behind because she’s got zero interest in going

It depends on the child. You might introduce the poyyt to him and see if he is interested. It has been my experience that boys are usually reluctant and do not potty train as fast as girls. Don’t beat yourself up about it if he is not ready.

Wow… if they are supposed to be potty trained at 2… I was behind with all of mine. They were AT LEAST 3 before any of them were potty trained.


Unless your child is exceptional, starting before 3 is just a whole lot of wanting to bang your head against a wall and cleaning up messes… Lol… Save yourself the stress and wait until they show interest. Ask your friends how long it took them to potty train and how many messes they cleaned up.

True potty training isn’t possible until they have a mind / body connection : “I feel like I need to pee, I need to run to the potty!” Before that, if you sit them on the potty and they pee, you’re just catching pee. You’re not potty training anyone.

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Every child is different and no one should ever tell anyone else when there child should be doing (!) something… some children are ready at 18 months and others can be ready at 5 years, and there is nothing wrong with your child. You will see the signs when your child is ready. One thing for sure though is you don’t try to toilet train in Winter, you do it in the warmer months. Good luck, everything will be fine and work out when your child is ready.

Are any of those people actually parents?

I started potty training my son at 3 he turns 4 in 2 days AND still wont poop in the potty. Dont listen to other people and every child is different!!

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Every child is different both my nieces were potty trained by their first birthday my daughter on the other hand wasnt potty trained til she was almost 3. He will let you know when hes ready

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My son is almost 4 and just got potty trained and thats if he doesnt sneak a pull up on. Which he just needs at night. He took longer to potty train the my 6 girls. Everyone goes at their own pace

Um no ur friends r stupid, get new ones that know what they r talking about