My girlfriends parents are starting to come between our relationship: Advice?

Respect it and know that they have their daughters best interests at heart

At 18 if she lives in their house I would expect that respect as well. You started with complaining about how her parents didn’t sleep together until married. Why is that a problem? It’s your problem. You want sex? Then she won’t stay there at your place or move in together. Have you been together for even a year yet? Then you say you assume they are homophobic instead of wanting their kid to have a fair chance at success. It sounds like your pushy and abusive yourself. Lay off. If she wanted to she’d be there. Your making it worse. And by the sounds of it your starting trouble. I wouldn’t like you either and have gone through this before. Your “gf” doesn’t need to stay at your house she doesn’t need to live with you and she obviously has a plan to succeed so unless your going to support her decisions your just being a jerk. If she was 30 and still at home that’s different. I wouldn’t go against her family wishes or make her or make her feel bad about it. Don’t be toxic be happy she’s being taken care of. Just because your out and on your own doesn’t mean she has to be. But thanks. Now I understand how screwed selfish people are. Not happy unless you get laid and have a bed mate? Move on buddy. Yeah I said buddy doesn’t matter if your female or male you have no right to expect disrespect from her towards her parents. Why are you living alone and not at moms? Man your amazing.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My girlfriends parents are starting to come between our relationship: Advice?

She probably hates being in the situation just as much as you do. And I’m sure she’s feeling a lot of strong emotions…anger, fear, frustration. I understand you want to have her near and be able to spend time with her bc you love her. It’s difficult to be without the person you love. But like I said, she’s probably dealing with a lot on both sides. It’s hard trying to please everyone so try not to stress her about it. Communication is definitely a must with her right now. Explain how you feel without pushing her to make a decision. Ask her what she thinks is the best move and respect whatever her answer may be. If it’s meant to be, you will find a way to make it through. Good luck! :heart:

I think it great that she respects her parents. AND why is it so important that she spends the night if it sex that is not love.Dont seem like you have respect girl.WHat would your parents say about the situation


If you love her , respect her parents , and wait until you marry , plane and simple .

Move on. Her family will always come first…


Creating boundaries is something she’s going to have to do. If she’s not ready, then you either wait or take a break for bit.
In all honesty, for the protection of your own heart and sanity, I recommend you let this relationship go. She’s going to choose the family over all else until she’s ready to make a clean break.


Your girlfriend needs to leave that abusive relationship but I would recommend y’all finding a way for her to have her own place if possible because everyone needs at least a year living on their own. If its not doable then that’s okay. As for the siblings she can have them get snapchat and they can set the messages to auto delete so that she won’t be kept from them if the mother goes stupid crazy

Her parents are being parents 18 is very young. Maybe you need someone as mature as you are the person don’t sound ready and your moving them quickly and wanting them to go against the parents will. Not cool.


Don’t push. Her siblings and parents are still very important to her. Just because she is over 18 doesn’t mean she is ready to move out. Let her decide, and if you can’t, leave her alone.


Sounds like you need to let the relationship go … because she’s gonna continue to do what her parents say . And your just gonna continue to just hurt yourself in process . Cause her parents have a hold on her .

You should allow her the autonomy to make her own decisions. You can share what you would like but you can’t push her, demand, etc or you are behaving like her mom. Make it easy on her as her family relationships are precious to her. If she’s fearful- comfort her. If you can’t live it- that’s your issues. You can decide to leave/ break up at any time. You are asking her to cut off her family, it’s not ok.


I would encourage my daughter to find a relationship that she sees a marriage coming out of. Just because I’m her mother and I know none of my relationships have been heading to marriage, just a big huge waste of time instead. There were no goals in mind and I hate that, I wasted so much time on people that had no intentions of marrying me… I won’t waste my time on someone again that doesn’t wanna marry me.
I realize this is old school advice but that’s just my view. A lot of people my age do not have the same view as me and that’s okay. I wouldn’t disown my daughter for any choices that she made though…
But if you love this girl and care for her so much… why not put her first and marry her? There would be no guilt from her then and her parents could shut it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Communication is definitely what makes or breaks a relationship. I would definitely suggest sitting down with her and having a serious talk about all of it. You shouldn’t have to worry about having a conversation with your spouse on topics that bother you in any way.


If her mom is truly homophobic then you both have a long road ahead of you. It seems you both are very young and marriage isn’t a option right so please respect the boundaries for now. I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and figure out if this is someone you want to marry and deal with the drama that will come from her mom. If not then the relationship won’t make it anyway.


Homophobic? Same sex relationship? How much over 18? Sounds like she has a lot of respect & love for her parents & family. Respect her & don’t push. Most older teens aren’t ready to leave home for college, let alone fly the nest for a live in situation.


So can I ask are you gay? I was in a relationship with a women for four years her mom never accepted me it won’t change get religion always wins and so does blood. Be careful with a mother like that the daughters usually learn from them

So this whole post is about not respecting another family’s rules?


If you love her so much , why don’t you marry her? Respect her parents, that will go a long way with gaining trust from them, and your girlfriend will respect you for that also. Give it a break. You’re both obviously sooo young. Respect her. Respect her parents