My husband acts weird when he comes home from work: Advice?

Trust your instincts if he is acting differently. You know him best. It’s never to late to get a job even if it’s part time to get your foot in the door. I promise you’ll feel amazing to be able to provide for yourself and bonus make n meet new people. Once you settle into working try for full time. Im speaking from experience here I left a 21yr marriage never worked n as scary as I was thinking I’d never get hired at 37 yrs old n I did and I loved it. I’ve been divorced 3 yrs and happy as ever. Same issue with my ex he was doing things behind my back and not the first time so enough was enough for me. Work start saving up n if you cant seek counseling for your marriage then maybe it’s time to move on if he is busy entertaining other broads while leaving momma home. Not ok. Best of luck to you. It can be done.


I would definitely leave it alone and dont even bother confronting him until you have your ducks in a row for your kiddos, find childcare, get a decent job, and start trying to focus on making yourself happy…no sense in knowing he is cheating if you have no way to get out of the relationship and if you spend time improving yourself he may realize that it’s the you he fell in love with in the first place and stop screwing around


Make a plan for you and your kids and gap his ass!
I mucked around for years in a similar situation and it didn’t get any better, just worse. The day I walked away not just physical but emotionly was one of the hardest days of my life and dam it sucked for quite some time but after a while I became the best version of me ever and almost 2 years later I’d never look back and only regret is i wish I’d done it sooner!

Keep on shaking cos you right he is cheating when a man come home from where ever he should automatically greet his wife and his phone should be off unless he is a brain surgeon
Cos you let him keep doing what he doing u may need a brain surgeon

If you not follow ur instinct how u can b happy?learn a trade do u don’t hv to depend on a wht he pays bilis.u cn also.confount him n gt it over I kw.u can do anythng…:rose:

This is why you NEVER depend on ANYONE to take care of you… Get a job and save your money!! So you will be able to provide for you and your child.


I’d start making a plan b to get out just because hes the sole provider doesnt mean your STUCK!! Because your definitely not so dont go doubting or thinking you cant do it without him because you can


If you ask for his phone and go through it and find nothing , the lack of trust falls on you. Sit him down and explain everything you’re feeling and why. Don’t hold anything back though or feel guilty. You feel the way you do for a reason, but you need to communicate. If he opens up and admits, just explain you need some time to find a job and get on your feet for you and your guys’ child. Pay attention to his reactions and responses. You’ll know if something is even fishier, if you still feel it in your gut that something is fishy, then you should still work on leaving. If you trust his response of communication, then you’ll need to move on from this.

I trust my bf 100% but sometimes my own insecurities get in the way and I get suspicious, but that’s my own brain messing with me. I fight it and move on.


Get yourself a job and start lining things up to get out. Stop depending on him and start depending on YOU. Otherwise, you will just have to live with what you already know he is doing. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Get a career and save the money he gives you so you can exit… Talk to him about your concerns… Just because he is the breadwinner doesn’t mean he is better than you


100% cheating. No other explanation. Make plans now and leave as soon as you can. You will never have an opportune time. That’s how my good friend husband acted and acts- he had 6 kids behind her back.


Get facts first then make up your mind ! Do I love him or is the child support is your need! Cheating is about the cheater . 2 options rule either truly forgive them and work it out! Or dump them. At the end u wont end up red with anger cause you were the only one trying to fix something that couldn’t b repaired!

Assume he is cheating for now, you have been gifted the time you need to make preparations…
Get your LPN at minimum, preferably your RN=job security! Keep paper records of finances.

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Trust your gut! You have that feeling for a reason! Communicate with him and see where it goes from there. If he is doing something it’s better to find out soon than later!


I’d prepare to be the provider if it is what you think it is and you/he doesn’t want to try and work through it. I’m sorry Mama. But definitely get your resources lined up before you confront


I’d be questioning him and I’d be grabbing that phone and seeing what he’s doing on there too. My husband and I both know each other’s phone passwords and both our thumb prints work for each other’s phones.


Find work save $$$$ , save for a safer living situation. Keep yourself/ child safe


Im not going to tell you to pray cause it wont get anything done not saying praying is bad im just saying your never going to find out unless you take that step.

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Trust your gut! From the sounds of it he is cheating. Wait till he is asleep and get that phone. Or start getting independent and then look in to it.


Your gut won’t lie. Get a job, if he is cheating he won’t give up the free babysitter, if he isn’t cheating he should support you in your persuit of employment.

Tell him you feel like there is a distance instead of asking about it online 🤷🏻 communication is important and it looks like both of you aren’t doing that.

Tell him “hey let’s play trade phones for awhile?”
Can you meet him, or surprise him for lunch…? on occassion?

Get a plan in motion
Get a job if possible
It’s hard it’s horrible but you only live once don’t waste it xx

100% cheating. Leave him if he is. Trust me on that one. Especially if you have just one baby with him.

I thought my ex was cheating for years but he always had an excuse. Working late, out with buddies, no cell service, phone dead. Whatever. And because I had no “proof” I felt like I should stay. I finally caught him when his “girlfriend” popped up online to chat. He was still logged in to our shared computer (it was pre-smartphones :rofl:). I finally had my proof in the form of chats and pictures from her (nothing dirty, but pictures of her with my dogs and in my truck). I stayed anyway because I had already invested so much time. But let me tell you that it was hell on our relationship. I want to believe him when he says he never cheated again but I’m fairly confident that he had more one-night stands, just not another girlfriend. The constant obsession with checking his phone, calling his friends or work for pretend reasons to see if I could catch him in a lie, hacking into his email, checking our credit card and phone records like crazy. Driving by when he was at work to see if he was actually there late. In the end, it made me insane. I never regained that trust and it hurt our relationship for the next 3 yrs until I finally said I had enough.


RED FLAGS GALORE, ask him for his phone. You will get your answer then.


heavily insure him ,the make it look like an accident


What a terrible feeling. Need communication.


Ask him for his phone. If he has nothing to hide he will hand it over.


Confront him, just talk to him and listen to whatever he answers.


I’ve been there and it was worse than I imagined. Trust your gut.

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Something going on. I would do some investigating.

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I’d just ask. Let him know what’s bothering you.

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He’s cheating. Get a job and get out!!!

Sounds like he’s cheating

Get a job, start stashing $

Time to get a plan in motion

Start being independent!!! U already know the answer…

Yep, cheating. Swipe that phone n play detective.

Say good by before you get a disease

Yeah he is hiding something…I’d be finding out

Call cheaters…or a investagator…before making and assum tons…

It takes both side tho to work threw it

Your gut feeling is never wrong, trust me on that! :wink:

Grab his phone. If he dives for it like Micheal Phelps did, there’s your answer.


Pray and communicate honestly


Get a job move on please

I went through this cheater

him check his dirty laundry

if he is you will catch i

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Trust your gut for one and 2 start looking for a job to prepare yourself if you 2 don’t work out I’m just saying hun better safe then sorry and start asking ?s