My husband adopted my son but started treating him different: Advice?

Get rid of him. Your kids come first. Don’t have your son feeling less than because of his dumb ahh.


That’s crazy to compare appetites as my 2 kids who are both my husbands kids, have 2 very different tastes to each other and to us!


I am an adult adoptee. This is horrifying behavior on your husband’s part. Not only is it hurtful, he doesn’t even have any remorse about being hurtful. That shows intent to be harmful and lack of any empathy whatsoever. He would be finding his way to the curb if this was me.


So here’s the thing, kids are different. They can have the same biological parents yet be polar opposites. They can have different personalities, likes/dislikes, features, etc., so when he says things like that call him out on it. If you’re in front of your children when it happens, than excuse yourselves from the room, and hash it out. I wouldn’t wait until a later time to approach him about it. The longer you wait, the more hurt and upset you get. The more time passes by, he’ll feel more removed from it. Make it crystal clear to him, that both of your children come first, and that you will not tolerate either of them being hurt by his ignorant comments.

My husband and I adopted both of our kids, so neither of us have any biological relation to them. They are actually siblings. They look alike, but other than that, they couldn’t be more different. They’ve also picked up our mannerisms and personality traits, so in some ways they are very much like my husband or myself. Occasionally we’ll even say (jokingly of course), that’s your kid. They both know they’re adopted. We’re very open about it, so they never really have hard feelings or doubts.

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First off my kids step dad claims my kids as his own kids and vise versa. 2nd before he could have gotten anymore out I would have given you know what to the dad and left with my children! Any person who can make fun of a child and say cruel things just shows what kind of person they always been. Leave the man and defend your kid!


Well you have plenty of time to book counseling for your son for his grown up years, disfavored child status is one of the major forms of abuse that requires repairative therapy

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Leave his ass believe me cut and run ASAP it never gets better
my kid is 13

You two need to have a conversation.


Is he a narcissist? Sounds like my youngest sons dad…. He is now the golden child and “my kids” have became the scapegoats :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

So my dad got remarried years ago n is still with my step mom n she had 2 boys they have always treated my step brothers better than me n they still do till this day n I am 30 now n they were together when I was about 3 years old n it effects me so bad


Your poor son doesn’t deserve that! My kids come first, I would never let anyone treat them that way. And being that this is the only father he’s ever known, he’s probably so sad and torn up inside. You need to get rid of this guy.


Stop him now! Kids pick up on this stuff my “dad” did same to me. Took me yrs to figure out he wasn’t my bio. But his treatment hurt then and still does

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Okay my husband has been raising my oldest 2 for 9 years, since their daddy passed away when they were 5 and 6 years old. So they clearly know he isn’t their bio dad. BUT, he would never and has never said or pointed out the fact that they aren’t from him. In his eyes and his heart they are his children. He will say things like “you are just like your dad” or "your dad was the same way"my husband knew their dad so it makes it easier. I would never be okay if he made a point to announce they weren’t his blood.


Omg. That’s terrible. What’s really weird is that bio children are their own person as well… bit clones. Bio children could like/ dislike different things. What a weird thing to say!

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I would’ve cussed his a** ALL THE WAY OUT! There are some things that you just don’t do. I’m glad your son didn’t pick up on what he said but since you’re married to a :clown_face: you might want to explain to your son about his biological dad. If he keeps it up, you might want to reconsider your marriage. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Get rid of this guy. That’s it that’s all, he’s a piece of trash

I’d be moving out and moving on to a different man eventually and finding both my kids a real man that doesn’t favor children or boarder line abuses my kids.


This happens in front of you. What is said when you are not around


My 3 kids have the same daddy and God dang they all are picky in different ways. That makes no sense at all. Me and my sister literally have opposite taste in what we eat. He is just being a POS.

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No no no no no honey!

His behavior is DISGUSTING and will probably only become further inappropriate towards him.

Whether your son is “old enough” to understand what he said or not, he WILL begin to pick up on those cues and may have already without you knowing.

Kids are SUPER intuitive and listen A LOT MORE than you may think.

Do NOT let this guy tear your son apart! You are your sons savior right now and it NEEDS to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY!


Definitely confront him about it. He accepted your son when he chose to adopt him he shouldn’t be like that at all…


That’s horrible, don’t let him treat your son that way. He will pick up on it one day if he hasn’t already. You guys deserve better!


You need to put hubs in his place and don’t back down. Let that mama bear out and show him that’s not acceptable. If it doesn’t stick then he can go.


That just broke my heart to read for your 5 year old. Yes he’s young but that age understands more than you think. Nope no way would anyone talk to my child like that.


Somebody who emotionally abuses a child I wouldn’t stick around putting up with that shit. Hopefully you do the right thing for your child and remember his dad is watching over you guys and I’m sure if he could tell u to leave he would

Childish. Tell him to grow up

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He sounds like a piece of crap :poop: to me!!! I went through a similar experience when my mom married a man and they had a child together. Let’s just say it ruined my relationship with my mother BIG TIME :woozy_face:


Whoah. Unacceptable. I was the odd one out as a stepchild when my half sister was born. It’s an awful way for a child to feel and will affect them f.o.r.e.v.e.r.


He IS your son’s father and if he does not acknowledge or accept that then it is time he either gets straight or gets gone! I am sorry, but if anyone ever said that to, or about my child, I am not sure I would have the restraint to not smack him upside the head!


Those are a very stupid comment for an adult may I have three children all biologically not the first one of them eats the same Foods so you might tell your husband not to be making those type of comments about an innocent little child that he willingly adopted making comments about a child is one of the dumbest things as a parent in a negative way can do.

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When he adopted your son he took an oath to be his dad what kinda of human can be so cruel to an innocent child who loves and looks up to him shame on him maybe you should remind your husband how expensive child support is for 2 children being he is legally the father


My husband adopted my oldest at 3 and she is now 28. He went ABOVE and beyond and even favored her over his own at times. Any guy can make a child…but takes a real man to be a real dad. He treated her that way, he’d be out the door before he could blink.


Girl stand up for yours and leave the loser


Protect your baby at all costs :woman_shrugging:t2: shut that sh;t down and show that it won’t be tolerated. He made the conscious decision to adopt that child, raised that child thus far, so he is his mfking daddy. Omg sh;t like this makes me wanna slap someone…and if the behavior continues, serve him with divorce papers.

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Okay my husband is raising my 5 year old who isn’t his but he has been in his life since he was 3 months old and that’s the only daddy he knows but no matter if we are arguing or fighting or split up he doesn’t treat him no different then the 2 we have together. Something is wrong with your husband bc obviously he’s childish and taking it out on a precious baby that didn’t ask for him to adopt him. I would tell him to get his ass out so quick his head would spend. He needs help.

Shut that down immediately. Your child is the MOST IMPORTANT person in your life. Don’t let anyone make them feel that way. UNACCEPTABLE.


I feel so badly for your 5 year old . If your husband is doing this now , it’s going to get a lot worse as the child gets older if there’s not a stop put to it .


No child should be bullied in his own home especially by her that he knows and looks up to 


If a parent is stepping in as a parent role, there should NEVER be any different treatment of biological children from those not biologically theirs. It is disgusting behavior especially if they claim to be a “parent” then proceed to treat them different or poorly. I would have a serious discussion and if it doesn’t change or he can’t treat them the same I’d be done.


He was an ah before you married him, but you did it anyway…


Pack up his bags, trash needs to leave

What a horrible thing to do, he needs to grow up and realize how cruel he is being, or good bye

Oh hell no!! Momma bear would be unstoppable!!!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I would check him and start by saying no duh you idiot that’s why you adopted him because his dad died and you agreed to treat and love him like your own regardless of what/who he is is or does. Tell him to cut the sh*t or leave. It’s not like you lied about paternity and he just found out smdh.


Protect your child & leave. My partner has been my child’s life since she was a year old & my partner makes comments about how alike they are. Leave him.


When his son is 5 he probable won’t like the same foods as his father. Kids tastes change all the need to talk to him about how it’s making you feel. Give example: how would you feel if I made remarks about your son, if the shoe was on the other foot. Ask him if that’s the way his parents treated him and how did it make him feel. If it continues for a period of time, you may have to leave. You can’t have your children go through and deal with that kind of favoritism. It’s detrimental to both children.

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People do often start to treat the not bio children differently once they have bio children. Absolutely gross really :nauseated_face: I’m sorry.


Almost sounds like his jealous of him


You must have a serious talk with him and find out what is going on. Confront all the remarks and find out where they are coming from. Kids have to be in a home where they are loved and accepted.

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Smh. I would be gone SO quick


Get him in check. I know people who were treated that way as children, and now they’re troubled adults.


Do not, I repeat DO NOT put up with that sh^t. I had a step mother who hated me growing up and still does. My dad didn’t put his foot down until I became an adult. Please don’t let your child go through that! You’re the only person he has.


That’s just wrong I would not let him do that to him


My adoptive dad treated me differently and it definitely showed. It always made me insecure and made me feel less worthy than the other (biological) kids. This carried into adulthood and then onto my children. That’s when I went no contact. Your child deserves better.
It’s not admirable to adopt a child just to treat them like shit.

Honestly you should have allowed your son to make that choice when he’s old enough to make it. My son’s father has never been in the picture but I would never make that choice on his behalf. If my son is older and wants my partner to adopt him (no father currently on birth records) then that is his choice alone to make. Not mine. Now he’s legally stuck with a douchebag as a father that you chose for him when u shouldn’t have. A lot of kids don’t have a choice on who their dad is but u chose this person for your son and now look :roll_eyes: good luck.


Maybe family counseling with you and your hubs to figure out deep down what’s going on and give you both a safe space to discuss it.


Sorry to say in my experience it didnt get better. My ex didn’t adopt my child but once I had his biological child shit changed… him treating my child as an outsider eventually was the final straw.

That’s so rude of him! Wtf.
No matter what he doesn’t have the right to treat him that way or say comments like that.
You gotta stop him right there. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Set boundaries and explain to your son who his bio dad is with books or stories. Tell him his bio dad loved him so much and still watching over him.

How have u left it go without saying something there and then omg … I would eat my husband if he said anything ever like that (all ours are together but still) no no no that’s no ok ur son was in front of him he has raised this child from a baby like in nappies he is no different that’s an absolute disgrace of a comment to make and u should absolutely open ur mouth and make him feel like an absolute piece of shit …. My opinion he doesn’t deserve to be a father if his so open about the comments he makes

Just please put your child first…don’t let him feel like you feel the same as dad


This is exactly why people should wait years of being together before letting spouses adopt their child my husband and I have been together for almost 6 years and we are just now starting the process for him to adopt our son he loves him just the same as our daughter but at least I’m positive he won’t ever treat him differently.


Wow that’s so sad :disappointed: my daughter loss her daddy when she was 17 months old and she’s only going be 4 in February and I make sure her dad stays alive in her life like do stuff for holidays for him and all that but it’s very messed up for someone to adopt ur child and start treating a child like that no child deserve to go threw that


You better nip this problem in bud- like RIGHT NOW!


I would take my babies and leave seems like he just gonna push that little guy away


This Dad has to grow up and treat both boys the same.


This behavior will be a problem later on. Children shouldn’t ever be compared


Some people are saying that it’s normal to say between parents and yes while that’s true what about the other behavior the husband is doing towards THEIR son?

You should put a stop to it now before more time passes. Let him know you won’t be accepting that kind of behavior towards BOTH OF YALLS SON! He doesn’t like the idea anymore then he can make that clear to you so that you can explain that to your son and walk away or whatever you decide to do. But for sure you need to put a STOP to it ASAP!

Next time he makes a comment ask him calmly “what are you trying to say by that?” Like others have mentioned, maybe he is trying to sort of grasp your attention on this subject but doesn’t know how to bring it up. Maybe it’s his way of throwing hints. And if he says there’s nothing then make it clear to him that he needs to stop making those ugly comments if he’s not going to talk about it or if there’s nothing to talk about.

Don’t put your son in a situation where later on he’ll feel confused or sad or hurt or something you know. And if you’re not going to say something then teach your son to brush it off.

All of this sucks but you either do something about it while you stay in the relationship or you leave the relationship. But always make sure your SON/KIDS COME FIRST whenever the world is against them!

II would point it out to your husband. Sometimes we say things that we don’t realize are hurtful. You may point out just how to makes your son feel. In the first example, is there a food that both boys like that you like but he doesnt? Counseling would be the next step. Good luck


So I was a kid in this situation. My bio mom and dad spilt when I was three. They both had found new partners by the time I was 4. My dad’s new parter was great to me, we were best friends and she treated me like a little princess… until her and my bio dad had their first kid. Then it was like I didn’t exist anymore. Any sort of relationship we had died once their first child was born. It wrecked me for a long time. We are OK now but moral of the story is you need to talk to your SO and yall need to figure out why he’s acting like that or get your poor son away from him before he inflicts life-long damage on your son. Good luck


I would take both kids and go that is absolutely not acceptable.


I would go to counseling. Maybe you need someone to help him realize how it’s not right to talk or think that way. If he declines well now you know he’s not trying to move forward. Your son is still so young and not right to treat him that way. Lots of red flags.


Tell him how this makes you feel. How it’s going to make your son feel when he gets old enough to understand what is being said and why it’s unacceptable. I would start there. Personally, if it were me and I just had him. I would have told that man that if he can’t act right. We’ll go. But I understand it’s more difficult since y’all share a biological child together too. Although, if he doesn’t start being better. I think it would be an option worth exploring. So, yea I would start with the talk on why this isn’t okay even though I think he should already know better.


Ummm DUDE!! YOU ADOPTED HIM WHICH MAKES HIM YOURS! DUMBASS!!! Sorry…that just cane out of nowhere. If he is treating him differently now it will get worse the older your son gets. Nip it in the butt with your husband now or just take your kids and go. HE NEEDS TO KNOW That’s NOT OK!

Ohh your husband is being childish, selfish, insensitive, and a general ass. Please do not allow your husband to treat your child this way. I’m not sure I would stay if your husband is going to keep us this mean behavior. He needs to be all in or not at all.

Coming from someone who’s child’s father also passed when she was a baby, that hurts to my core. My husband came into our lives and knew and understood that we where a packaged deal so to love me was to love my child more. If he would ever say such a thing about my child being different from his biological children, that would hurt. He clearly knows that he’s not his biological child so why does he feel the need to address it every chance he gets? It’s almost as if he’s trying to tell your child that he isn’t his biological father without coming directly out. Perhaps try going to counseling to get to the underlying issue that he isn’t being open with you about. No child should ever feel unwanted or unloved.


I’m petty, I’d be reminding him in the courts eyes, he sure is the daddy, so he will be paying child support for TWO if he doesn’t start acting right.


Idk how any woman you can be with a man who purposely disrespects your child! It’s mind blowing


If he’s going to be like that I’d leave. Nobody is going to talk to my babies like that


Put your child first, his mental well being is most important.


You definitely need to put a stop to this and put your foot down. It’s not cute or funny and it could have detrimental affects for your son and his life. Kids are so strong and relentless but it’s not ok. Your husband needs to seek counseling or I would leave him and take both my sons with me. It won’t get better if it’s allowed. He’s a grown man what kind of dad does that or says those things to a 5yo child? I would video him doing this if he continues. Don’t let him treat your son unfairly and if he truly thinks these things then he shouldn’t have adopted your son and you should tell him that!! I hate when adults are mean to children bc they are so innocent and utterly appalled at how people can be so hateful and mean. Tell him you can find someone that won’t treat your boys that way if he won’t stop this now!!! No that’s harsh but seriously he is a teenage boy in a man’s body and needs to grow tf up!


I would understand if the child’s father was still alive…you are a lot calmer than I would be…remember your child is top of your list not him…good luck babes…ask him to put himself in the child’s shoes and how it would make him feel :heart::england:


Make him go to a councilor or therapist right away


That’s horrible :pensive: he needs to grow up !

I think on the food thing you might be over sensitive . Additionally this doesn’t sound maliscous it sounds fairly normal and like your husband just isn’t emotionally intelligent.


That’s awful. My ex was great to my oldest, not his biologically, until I gave birth to his biological child and then he changed and treated her poorly. In hindsight I should have left much sooner to protect her. Please don’t put up with your children being treated differently.


Remove both your sons from this toxic environment and tell your husband to kick rocks. We only get one shot at raising our kids and l’d refuse to make them miserable


Not cool at all - he needs to be told by a therapist how damaging this is for the Child .


Hell. No. Shut that down so fast, or just leave. There’s not a lot of things I’m that drastic over, but I would never put a man before my own child.

I would be so disgusted with him, I wouldn’t even want to look at him. I can’t even imagine what your poor baby is feeling. What a POS.

There’s some things you just can’t come back from, and for me, I wouldn’t be able to look at him the same way again.


He got that from mom
He got that from dad.

Baby looks likes so and so…

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Of course he doesn’t look like you or have any of your characteristics, you’re not his fucking biological parent, ya big dumbass. :roll_eyes: why is he all the sudden acting so surprised? He knew the kid wasn’t his from the start

It’s only gonna get worse. Especially if the relationship between the two of you is not good.


Calling the child funny looking is not something you dismiss. This will cause your child to have insecurities for the rest of his life and complexes. I would leave your husband. He can say he will do better but deep down he will always put his child on a pedestal. This will cause major disfunction in your family. The boy deserves better. Your his mother and you need to look out for him. He will always love you for it


I mean ofcourse he’s not going to be just like him because he’s not his kid… Hopefully he’s not meaning it to sound the way it’s coming out. It would be different if he thought it was his child and was questioning

And the funny looking part I’d lose my shit


Tell him to stop or kick him out,u leave with kids, or try counseling


That is unacceptable and he needs to know it.


First off. I would have called the Ambo coz he wouldn’t be conscious after saying that shit.
What a piece of shit that man is. So sorry to you and your son babe…can only imagine the sadness you are feeling for your son.

Time to take yourself and your husband to a therapist and have this worked out BEFORE the child does know what his father is saying


Take your son out of that situation immediately or he will grow to have a lot of mental and emotional health issues. Not cool at all.


He’s an a$$…tell him he either stops treating his son like that or you will leave to protect your child from emotional abuse