My husband adopted my son but started treating him different: Advice?

Ew yeah that’s not cool. Y’all need a private firm but calm convo quick

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Talk it out! awkward or not! Theres no reason for that behavior and you need to say that and find out whats his problem. If he suddenly has a problem with 1 not being his biologically then he needs to hit the road and i wouldnt wait around forever for him to get his shit together while he continues to mistreat him. He needs to treat them all the same.

Neither of my children are biologically mine, my ex wife gave birth to both… they both like different things…

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Dont stay with someone that’s going to abuse your kid!


If u adopt the child , he or she is your child. Whether biological or not. The child is to small to know and understand , and why should he. They are both supposed to be his sons. This might cause problems between the brothers and between the mother and the sons, the father and the boys and between the oarents. It’s going to make him feel unwelcome. Very very sad


This is not ok in the least. This, for me, would be grounds for divorce.


Honestly I’d be reading the riot act. Wtf this is a grown ass man :clown_face:

I would be livid! He is the only Daddy your son knows. Not every biological child looks like their father or acts like their father. Kids take after their mothers too… I would go bat shit crazy on his ass and tell him that he can keep his damn mouth shut with the mental/emotional abuse he’s going to cause both of your children. Just ewe.

Not cool. Need to talk to your husband about this.


Sorry but I’d be taking him aside and giving him the wtf for sure. What does he think, because he adopted him he will miraculously get his genes … are you kidding me right now :exploding_head: That kind of talk and his stupid remarks needs to come to a screeching halt right now before that little guy does understand what is being said or some older kid hears him and teases him about it. He sounds like a jerk and I’d tell him just that not to mention the fact that if it doesn’t stop I’d take both boys and walk. That little guy didn’t ask him to be his daddy, your husband wanted to be his daddy so if that’s not the case anymore……hit the road jerk! :poop:


l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18546 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

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Omg that was so cruel of him and proves he has never accepted you child as his talk to him and tell him how wrong he is personally if he kept doing that to my child I would leave and have the adoption reversed.


So just a point of view from someone who was adopted by both a Mother and a Father neither being biologically related to me at all…so slightly different but he could definitely land up feeling the same.

I was treated differently as I got older by everyone in the family, often reminded that I wasn’t actually “family” whether they were doing it on purpose or not, It sticks with you for life. I’m now 31 years old and I still struggle from time to time as things happen within the family of which I am reminded yet again. Silly example, I recently came to find out family have had a family WhatsApp group running for a long time and I only just recieved an invite to join said group by my aunt who married into the family, I obviously declined to be apart of the group but it’s things like that, that will hurt your boy in the long run.

Please for his future, his mental health, and his mental safety get him away from the “Father” who clearly cannot accept your son fully.


I was just going to be blunt but the person above me spelled it out.
Hate to say it but he’s probably already broken your son’s spirit, if not the times you’re speaking of, when you’re not around. There’s nothing wrong when you have another child together but it almost always happens, a parent will change.
This means he never really accepted your son. Personally, unless he COMMITS to counseling, he’ll never change. Save your son while you have half the chance. :broken_heart:

Be straight forward and talk to him, let them know how his remarks are hurting you. You need to find out what’s going on in his life or what has changed.

Adopted or not, when you take on a parent as your spouse - you take on their child and they should always be treated as such, no matter what :dart:

Time to get your darling son away from this grub " does he not know what harm he is doing ,

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If he can’t except mine As ours after he adopted him as his we have a problem move on

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Discuss it with your husband , stop it now or it will get worse


My goodness thats bloody aweful and how spiteful, he took him as his own, if he feels that way and cant treat them both the same id have to question my marriage with him, u need have a serious chat with him asap


He should know about is father, share that asap.

Nah that’s not okay at all. My husband has raised my daughter since she was 14 months old. She’s now 10, he adopted her 2 days after her 10th birthday. We also have 2 biological boys together. But he has NEVER treated her different, left her out of anything, or said anything like what your husband said. If he did it wouldn’t end so well. He has been there for every first of hers. Even went in late to work so he wouldn’t miss her first day of school. I would set down and have a talk with him. Because that would not be allowed in my house. Either he treats everyone the same or he can leave. That baby is going to realize exactly how much he means to your husband and its going to break his heart.

What a complete utter moron he is

That’s disgusting. I’d be divorcing him idgaf.


The right question is — why you still with him – there is no one anyONE should say and treat your kids that way---- better start putting ground rules with that guy - put him in his place


l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16088 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Get rid of that monster


Don’t let him teach your children to be like him


You need to get down to the bottom of this immediately. These actions are not acceptable.


So disrespectful toward your child. It was only a matter of time. I wouldn’t want him to be a daddy to my child, that’s how children come up abused. You need to check yourself. Sounds scary


My 3 biological children all have completely different tastes in food, hobbies, friends etc and they all look quite different from one another even though they have the same mum and dad. Your husbands comments are beyond cruel and your eldest is going to get low self esteem pretty quickly if you don’t nip this in the bud immediately.


This is going to worse as your son gets older unfortunately. Your husband now has his biological son and he feels more love for his biological son then his adopted son.


If my partner said that about my child I’d throw hands honestly :sweat_smile: put that bastard in his place

You need to jump in boots and all here to protect your little one. Take him on face to face and tell him how it is. There is no sugar coating with stuff like this. Poor baby.


This is going to get worse! You need to get to the bottom of this

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Umm of coarse the child is not going to like the same foods or look like him or act like him he is not his biological dad. He’s a Moran !! Get away from him your children and you deserve better!


Even if your oldest dad was alive, it would still be a disgusting remark for your husband to make. That had to of been crushing for your son to hear! Get to the bottom of this before he treats your little one worse. Your husband being bold enough to say this to him in front of you makes me wonder if he’s been saying mean things in private.


Does he have siblings? Ask him if they like the same thing he does? Does he like EVERYTHING that his parents like? Maybe you need to rethink this marriage.


Definitely no okay and needs to be dealt with ASAP!


He would have my foot up his a** and the door open. That’s a low down POS to say anything to a child. What an ass. Do not tolerate it.

What’s his issue !! Not acceptable !!

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First of all…Your husband is a a$$hole.


Just a mattr of time bfr yr husband tells him he’s not his bio dad n it will hurt yr son n change his demeanor, believe me it happnd I seen it fr myself. Get this settled right away bfr yr husbnd ruins yr sons life .


Act fast. Poor baby.

My bags and kids would have been packed up and gone

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They should be treated the same! Talk to him

I’ve been through similar with my oldest son now 27…father passed away when he was one.I married and had more children.We legally ch aged his name so the same as the SD as well as my married name and other kids.My then husband(ex now)pushed him away when he wanted a cuddle and yelled he wasn’t his father.I left.Went back but it was never the same.We have to advocate and protect our kids, no one else will.This will more likely affect your son as he gets older to understand and could affect the relationship with other children.If it continues after you have a discussion with your husband you’d be better to leave for your children.


Yeah I agree with all the advice. That is completely unacceptable. He either treats your boy the same as his bio son or he can leave. Im sorry, between a man and my son, id choose my son in a heart beat. A man comes and goes, but not my boy. Thats love for life. Definitely mention you notice the language and action he is using towards your eldest. Your husband is bullying a boy where his biological father is in heaven. Thats a pretty disgusting act. Pick on someone his own size and age.


I suggest be prepared to leave that is just the beginning.but then again that may be your first time hearing but not your son. I would leave or he leave before your son get older and understand the underlying words . I can’t do it two of us has to go and it wouldn’t be me


You better sit and talk with him seriously, and tell him what he’s doing. He sounds like a jerk, but you may be able to shut up your husband before your son is hurt. Put him in his place when your son isn’t around, and let him know how it makes you feel, and if he crosses this line, what the results will be. You want your son to be loved and not feel like something is wrong with him.

His problem is now he has one that’s his. I’ve seen this far too often unfortunately :confused: his behaviour should be unacceptable… don’t let him treat your son like that. Stop it in its tracks before it goes too far

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His comment made no sense and was rude I like stuff that my mom don’t like and and she likes stuff that I don’t like and I came out of her so I mean seriously :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: time for u to have a serious talk and I mean I would put your foot down see I have anger issues so I would be like well funny thing is he isn’t yours either and walk away. I think it’s time you found someone who doesn’t treat your child differently than your other child. Remember your child comes first

Abusive. Do not tolerate that. It will damage the poor little child.

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Protect your son, your his voice until he finds his own. You need to sit your husband down and calmly tell him what he is doing is hurting YALLS son. He can’t decide to play daddy for years and then not when he has his own bio children. Totally unacceptable. Remind him he is that child’s father too, he adopted him, by HIS choice. It’s not the child’s fault he has a differemt bio dad AND that person passed away. If anything he should be more kind to the boy.

Talk to your husband ASAP. It will only get worse.


He wants to leave the relationship.

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Tell him your observation of his behavior, tell him how you feel…


Absolutely unacceptable, and heartbreaking


So I’m a dad from this point of view not saying that calling his oldest funny looking is ok at all because it’s not. But I have a 9 year boy who I started fathering before his first birthday and he is mixed so obviously he doesn’t look like me, and I have a 4 year old who is biological mine which is my replica. Now my oldest is drop dead beautiful has perfect tan brown skin. I think he will be a ladies man one day. But the only point I want to try and get a cross is my oldest thinks I treat him differently sometimes and it’s because I do. Not because he’s not my biological son but because he is 9 and I expect different results from a 9 year old vs a 4 year old. He has a lot more freedoms he doesn’t see, that my 4 year old wouldn’t. There are always eyes on the 4 year old and we trust the 9 year old more to play outside by his self. But always he can pick up his room and straighten his shoes right vs the 4 year needs more help and directions with the task. All I want to point out if one is older he should be treated a little different. Not as in left out or unimportant tho!!!


What a d!ck. I have identical twins and I don’t even compare them. Those babies are two different people. Of course they aren’t going to have their own likes ans dislikes. If my bonus dad ever said something like this, I would be crushed. Even at my 34 year old self. That’s just horrible and needs to be shut down. If he can’t, I would be gone. Protect your child.

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What an insensitive boob.

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Please leave!!!
You’re the mom/protector and you need to keep your son safe. Mentally, emotionally etc.
Otherwise you’re just as guilty as the “dad”!!!


Stop now cause if ya don’t he will keep doing it


My oldest is 10 her father died when she was 2 months old. My husband is the only father she has ever known. He loves her. We joke about similar things. My child is also mixed-beautiful brown hair & brown eyes. The rest of us are blonde hair blue eyes. So it’s obvious. There is a difference in joking and being mean. 5 is a little young. We didn’t start making jokes about similar things until she was old enough to understand. And sort of “ laugh too. “ builds character right?:woman_shrugging:
We are also a funny family! Everyone is different when it comes to funny and too far. When and if you or your son get offended, speak up. Stand up for yourself. Talk about it. Maybe not right in front of everyone and make it a huge deal. But I’m private. Say “hey, that really hurt his feelings. Or mine for that matter!”
If he is a good man and truly loves you he will take your feelings into consideration. And ur sons. If he is abusive he will continue to make bad remarks which will cause years of resentment for you and your child. Know the differences feel the difference. Advocate for yourself and your child. Don’t tolerate belittling.


You need to address this immediately he adopted him to be his own this is the only dad your child has known you need to tell him to re check his self an if he doesn’t accept his son thst he adopted leave his ass and take the kids thst is so uncalled for and hurtful to your son an you…neither one of yall deserve thst treatment

Put that man in his place, Mom you need to protect this boy!


Leave fuck that. You don’t be with a man who makes your kids feel like shit. No chances just leave

You need to address this with him and it needs to stop now. Your husband needs to stop demeaning his younger son. It’s not right and it’s unacceptable. If your husband continues to be an ass, you need to reconsider your relationship.

I cant understand how women marry or have partners when the person dosnt love their child… is just crazy…if he is not equal to your other child than you as a mother have to stand up and leave him because your child dosnt deserve that and your kid comes first at all times!!


What kind of “man” would say things like that within a child’s hearing? Does this big, adult “man” feel better criticizing a 5 year old child? He’s an abusive, gaslighting loser. Get a lawyer, take your children and get out before any more damage is done.

Leave. Your older child will not only be broken by this, but they will grow up to resent you for not doing anything about it. He is showing you his true colors

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I would put the hard stop on that immediately. You son is 5. He is at a very vulnerable emotional age. Shame on your husband. I would drag him to counseling and let someone else tell him the damage he could be doing.

If he doesn’t knock it off….glue his mouth shut.

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Nooooo… that is 1110000000% not cool. My husband is the complete opposite with my kids… He always jokes about how my son (who calls him dad because his bio father is MIA) is every bit his kid even without DNA, constantly makes a point to remind him that he IS his father.

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My question to you is why tf are you still with him? he’s making digs at your son and to say he doesn’t look like me well no shiit Sherlock hes not biological yours dummy, thats so nasty what he’s saying but here it is in a nutshell what tf are you guna do STAY or LEAVE im guna take a guess and say stay .

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If It don’t stop take him for a ride and tell him straight up enough is enough keep the kids away while standing ur motherhood lmao I would swat his ass

dose he know how effects u and his relationship with each other ild be saying pull ur head and he look in ur son eyes u took him on and me him come togather ill leave with 2 kids if u don’t see my son as urs would u want me do this if u have had a son b4 i come in relationship

You have a responsibility as a mother to protect that baby from abuse. If you know he is doing this and you do nothing, you’re just a guilty as he is. Emotional and mental abuse IS abuse. He may grow up to resent that man or he might ask himself why you didn’t love him enough to make it stop.

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Get yourself organized and put him out. Do not stay in that marriage or your son will either withdraw and only talk and interact when he has to or he will become a behavior problem and his sibling will take his step dad’s attitude. Protect your son first. Also, no matter what he says or does, get a divorce because he will find a way to be more sneaky about his attitude and behavior. It will not be blatant. You and your son will know that there is something, but you cannot describe it. Put him out! Your son is more important. If you do not, the neglect and abuse will get worse. Get a lawyer. Get a restraining order. Keep both children. Have the police to escort him out. When you go to court, request that the straining order remains and he cannot see your son without you until your son is 18. Ask a counselor what to tell your children. No more dad’s. No supposed to be uncles or special friends. You have your example of why not.

You need to address this with him in plain English immediately!!!:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2: or your child will be the one to suffer the most !!