My husband always drinks and admitted to cheating: Advice?

Unfortunately, women have been taught and conditioned to forgive infidelity. Would he have forgiven you if you had cheated on him more than once? I doubt it. Move on and be happy. Self-esteem and self-respect are essential in life but this is not the way to develope it!

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Drunk or not shouldn’t have happened


If he’s not willing to quit drinking then he’s always gonna have that excuse. If you stay now, knowing what you know, you are choosing to break your own heart.

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Run, do not pass go or collect $200 unless you think you deserve this in which case run anyways and get help.


Why are you still with a drunk and a cheater, you deserve better


I’d leave him. Can’t trust him drunk can’t trust him sober


Alcohol is liquid courage, truth serum. Girl, he told you the truth. What you want to do w that is your journey, it won’t be a pleasant one.


" I was drunk" to me my opinion is the dumbest excuse in the book … I’ve gotten so wasted and still know what the hell I’m doing … just sayin


Def more then once but maybe drunk maybe not, does it matter? All you can do is leave or work it out.

One time is one thing. Anything else or more is a big fkn no

Get out of that marriage he knew he cheated and kept cheating you deserve so much BETTER


What is there left to do besides leave?


Being drunk is not en excuse for cheating. If he can’t control himself. He needs to go.


I would leave n let him have his alcohol and his own life. U deserve better!

Drunk words is sober truth


Do not be an enabler for his drinking problem. If he doesn’t get the help that he needs without any excuses especially cheating on you. He knows what he did before he got drunk. This becomes the breaking point.

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Drunk or not no excuse

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Kick him to the curb.

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Go with your gut feeling, it never lies

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Oh please a cheater is a cheater drunk or not .
Why does it matter if it was once or more once is to many .
Get out of this relationship now .
Unless it’s ok with you because it’s going to continue.
He is a cheater so don’t put the blame in her let her have him .
He will do the same to her .
Get out


You can do better. If he cheats once he will most likely cheat again. He didn’t care about you or how it would could hurt you or how it could ruin your marriage at the time so you know from that he truly doesn’t care as much as he says he does …

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Drunk is no excuse for cheating. You cheat because you want to.


Please don’t let him tell you another drunk confession and be done.


Once a cheater always a cheater. He’s going to make empty promises to you. There is no excuse to cheat on someone. I wish people would take their marriage vows more seriously. I hope you can find the strength to leave. You don’t deserve that. Good luck!

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LEAVE— dogs dont change there spots

Ditch his alcoholic ass and let her have him.

Well honey she is not the problem…he said he only did it when he’s drunk more than once…you say he’s drunk everyday…sometimes you have to write it down to see it…leave let him have whoever and go find someone that deserves you that will be faithful to you :heart:


Why are you still with him?

Drop his ass , being drunk is just a lame excuse for doing what was already in his mind …

No excuse he said he cheated once while drunk then admitted to cheating more than once. Yeah no he needs to go. You’re worth more than that, he will just keep doing it because he feels you’re OK with it if you stay.

When my Ex admitted to an indiscretion and was asking for forgiveness I simply stated “Well now I don’t feel so guilty about sleeping with So n So” ( Made up name)He demanded to know who he was, where did I meet him and how long has I been seeing him.I told him the person lived in another state and it only happened once when I had had too much to drink. Needless to say when I subjected maybe we should divorce he didn’t contest it.He told a neighbor he couldn’t stand a woman that sleep around.Seems he could dish it out but he couldn’t take it .


A drunk speaks the truth.

He’s a lying dog. My first husband did this crap. Finally had enough and kicked him to the curb. Me and my current husband have been together almost 16 years, married almost 13.

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Run but get an excellent lawyer first!!!

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Why are you still with him? Who knows what she could give him std or ??? You will never trust him again.


You need to decide if this is the way you want to continue to live with this man…personally, I would pack up his stuff, and tell her I was tired of her borrowing him, and to just keep him.

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Throw the whole man away.


Bust out some Trina on their asses. :notes:I don’t fight, I don’t argue, I’ll :facepunch:t3: that b**ch with a :champagne:!!:notes:

He can be replaced. Get a new one!


Drunk is as good a excuse as any other he thinks you will fall for


Doesn’t matter, being drunk is not an excuse. I’d be getting a divorce


You don’t value yourself. He drinks every day? If you don’t respect yourself how do you expect him to respect you? Don’t be with a drunk.


Find he’s dad and pay back … lol jk damn I would try to find away out asap

𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐲, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐦 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥:point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down:

Please respect yourself enough to leave him.
I’m sure it happened more than once… plus, he was drunk but you said he drinks every day sooooo :grimacing:

Dump him. He’s a liar.

Drunk is a sh it excuse

He made a bad choice and is now looking for excuses

Shouldn’t matter if he was drunk or not… and she has no commitment to you, she owes you nothing.

If you are asking, you already know the answer. :boot::wastebasket:

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Who cares! Drunk or not. Leave.

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since your husband says his Reason for cheating is because of Alcohol
Apparently he must be in the mindset that Alcohol is to Blame
Not Him
AND if Not for being under the Influence of Alcohol
HE Believes
he would Never have cheated.
Therefore, His Reasoning equals only Two scenarios:

  • He has an addiction to alcohol that alters his brain in such a severe manner that he has No Control over his behaviors and thus must choose sobriety or he can choose the effects alcohol will have controlling his fate in life
    he’s a Coward and just blaming it on the alcohol
    You have to choose to either accept his excuse and understand he will most likely repeat his behavior and blame the alcohol
    or you can walk away, because he is saying it’s not HIS FAULT he had sex with another woman its ALCOHOL’s fault and he has No responsibility
    he is using alcohol as his
    " Get Out of Jail Free" card
    for cheating and he might use it again, hard to predict if he will or won’t
    but it’s up to you if you’re willing to accept this excuse

I’ve been drunk many times and I have never cheated. That’s a sorry ass excuse. He wanted her too. Especially if it’s happened more that once.

Why does it matter if it happened when he was drunk or not cheating is cheating

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YOU can’t change him, He has to WANT to change. Do you want to live with a cheater and drunk? History is the best prediction of the future. You deserve better than you are getting. Leave!!!.

Pack your bags your guts right

Why do you want to stay with an alcoholic in the first place? Whether he cheats or not that’s no way to live your life. Move on and live your life and make it a good one. We’re not promised tomorrow and today you’re just wasting your time being unhappy.


Even if he was drunk he still knew what he was doing; I can NOT stand when people blame being drunk on their actions; eff that !! Sending love♥️ I wouldnt forgive & I certainly would never forget


I’d say the fact he cheated while drunk means he has feelings for her while sober. And then he’s also lying about how many times, meaning you’ll never know the real number.

You have to decide if this is something you want to work through or not. But at the very least I think you need time away from him so you can clear your head and put your priorities in order.

Kick him out why stay with that piece of crap .I got a divorce I don’t drink or cheat we jus stayed friends just grew apart people change .it’s happier times

Oh lawdy better days you deserve. Shame on him. He would not spend one more night in KmY home ever girl

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If he drinks every night than chances are that he was drunk when he did it :sweat_smile:. That doesn’t excuse anything though. Alcohol loosens innabitions but does not wipe out all morals if you have em to begin with. Run love. It doesn’t matter if she knew he was married… That is her lapse in judgement and says something about her. If your husband was loyal than he’d be able to deny a naked chick thrown in his lap :sweat_smile:.


First, she has absolutely nothing to do with your situation period so leave her out the equation yeah she a hoe ass trick lol but she wouldnt have pursued if your dude didnt give the go ahead.
Second, hes an alcoholic staying with him will hinder so much for you so even taking away the cheating, you need to head on out.
Third, drunk confessions usually are the truth soo id take heed to whatever he tells me and again gon on and head out.

Start saving money dont let him know what your doing. Get your personal stuff in a box, pictures etc. Put in your trunk take it to your parents house… Be ready


What the heck women where’s your self worth? Dump his ass and move on.

He will continue it as long as you allow it… Kick him to the curb. He will bring you home and STD that could last a lifetime! He’s nasty…Get rid of him!

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Being drunk is not an excuse for cheating.


Really :expressionless: can’t blame it on the alcohol. It’s been going on a little more than what he’s telling you. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Trust your gut!!!


throw the cheater out

No excuse for cheating.

Pack his shit and throw it out tje damn door

Trust your gut and get rid of him.

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People who cheat are not your people. It means they are not the one for you. They are looking for something else, something you dont have. Grab him a 6 pack, put it on top of his packed bags and ask him to leave.


I really don’t care if he’s drunk or not. I mean, does that mean you can do whatever you want as long as you’re drunk too?


This isn’t a serious question, is it?


Not being rude….but, If you allow alcohol to be an excuse for him cheating…what else will you allow to be an excuse?
No excuse is acceptable!
Respect yourself enough to tell him it’s time for him to go…or you both get into some counseling…

If you’re ok with him cheating then stay and be his doormat, if you aren’t ok then leave. I don’t see why it would make a difference if he was drunk or sober when he cheated, he still knew what he was doing.


Get away from this situation. I went thru a drunk relationship with my ex husband for 3 years! It never ends.

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Get rid of him and start living your life!!!

Drunk or not he’s a scumbag.


And what is the difference if he was on wasn’t drunk when he cheated w you , he cheated that is the important thing


What’s the question ?

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Has anyone thought maybe he has a serious drinking problem and needs help Which might also help his cheating? A lot of addicts no matter what their drug of choice seem to step out on their significant others while under the influence but would never do it sober.not that I’m saying it’s right but he might need some help and if she is willing to get him some help then things might in the end turn around. Hey u guys can judge me all you want its just my advice and opinion


Leave him once a cheater always a cheater

Divorce him. It will keep happening.

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she must be butt ugly if he only does it when he is drunk

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:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: He’s a d.o.g. Epic :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: not even worth the time to. Good be luck!

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I been married for thirty eight years my husbend drinks and he never cheated on me if gets that drunk that he don’t remember is a darn lie .telling the truth under influence is a different story most time its true what there saying but don’t buy into he don’t remember .

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My first husband was doing the same thing to me …after the second confession I found an apartment and moved none . He is now on his 4th wife :relieved:

As much as you might want it. You will never trust him again. Listen to your gut. So sorry you are going through this. :pray::bouquet:

Some men continue to step out in their marriage. Once a cheater always a cheater

Cut your losses and find someone who will treat you better! But remember to love yourself first in the process.

What’s your question?


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Leave him, he won’t change

Find your self respect and walk. It won’t change!!!


Secure the money and kick his ass out. Change the locks and hire an attorney. Your husband is an alcoholic. He has to fix that one. You deserve better.

drunk or not. see ya. if he can’t control himself and fulfill his commitment to his marriage maybe he shouldn’t drink…