"I’m 24 years old, and my husband is 28. We don’t have kids yet. About one year ago, my husband took meds for depression for about six months. During that time, his sex drive was almost non-existent, which was to be expected.
However, it has been about 4-5 months since he stopped taking meds, and even though he has a sex drive now, he doesn’t last long during sex (not even a minute sometimes). It’s frustrating for both me and him.
So what can we do about that and if we should see a doctor, what type of doctor should we see?"
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“Not sure if there’s a lot of men in here. But, exercise and diet are huge, especially in recovering from depression or emotional trauma. Eating properly portioned meals, and exercising at least three times a week for about 30 minutes. Also, his body is still rebounding from the pills. Just let him know you love him and you’re there.”
“He really needs to see a doctor. But until then, invest in some toys. You guys can use them together. The right vibrator will work WONDERS. Once you orgasm then let him jump on in and get his. Good luck.”
“My ex was a minute man, but quick on the rebound, I would do things for him then he would do things for me then once ready we would go at it, it helped. Just keep going at it be patient and understanding when a sex drive diminishes due to meds it takes a while to come back. Lots of foreplay helps also if you are unsatisfied learn to use toys, as a couple.”
“One thing is sure. The more you do it the longer he’ll last. It’s called building stamina.”
“Talk to his primary care physician. They should be able to help and if not they should refer him to someone who can. But if he’s done in a minute then he’s taking care of. Get a little creative: try toys, oral, and/or some hand actions to get you to the finish line.”
“Be patient. When I was at my lowest with depression, my sex drive was non-existent for at least a year or so… Have him talk to his doctor about what he could do, and/or start seeing a therapist. Things will get better, I can promise you that. It may not be immediate, but he’ll get there”
“Foreplay. Practice edging? Make it about intimacy rather than climax. See a sex therapist. Get yours before he goes in to get his.”
“Maybe have him wear a condom? Cut back on how much he’s feeling.”
“My husband started edging to help him last longer. He now goes about 20-30 mins.”
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