Sorry but why did you agree years ago and now change your mind. In his mind he’s thinking you agreed and now you want to do something different.
Think of it this way, what if it was something you wanted really badly and he agreed and years later he changed his mind? Would you want him to come to you and talk it out? Communication in this is key. See if there can be a compromise. If not then he has as much say as you do. Remember that.
Personally I think I would bend to the tradition. My son would get his name as a first name, but I would never use it if I didn’t like it. I would always introduce and call the child by his middle name, or maybe initials.
My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother all had the same name. They were all Sylvia. But I didn’t even know it until I was older, because my mother and grandmother always went by their middle names.
You can choose the middle name to the name you like and just use it as his first name. I know a girl in school and she always went by her middle name. She didnt like her first name so she uses her middle name as her first name on everything.
You already agreed to this name in the past…now your trying to take it back and acting like he is the one in the wrong. Tradition is a beautiful thing. My grandpa, dad, brother and nephew all have the same name and it was never confusing. You put lol a bunch like it’s funny that you hate your husband’s name…why is that funny? You made a family with this man and act like it’s funny to disrespect his family name. If you didn’t want to ever use the name then you should not of ever agreed to it.
Hopefully another girl, that would fix that problem
Just name him after his dad. My So is the 4th and his son is the 5th. (He is 14) My son loves the fact that he is the 5th and says if he ever has a son he eill be the 6th
When he can carry it for 9 months, go threw the pain of having it and mess his body up then maybe he can get his way. If he can’t be happy with it having the name for a middle name then tell him he and everybody else will get over it, under it or around it and that’s final. It’s your child name it what you choose and stop bowing down to people.
One parent doesn’t want it, gets vetoed period. Fucking bullshit. I think naming your kid after dad is weird anyway. Every parent should be able to name their child.
Everyone up here telling her to just name the baby what she wants because she fills out the birth certificate, not him🙄 Y’all wrong as hell… She AGREED to the name… The man has obviously had his heart set on it. Y’all need to sit down and have a heart to heart and see if a compromise can be made with the name. Tell him your reason(s) behind it. Tell him y’all need to come to a compromise before you fill out the birth certificate with the name you picked😂 Maybe it will be a girl and this won’t be an issue anymore lol.
Unfortunately you agreed and now he is sticking too it. If u didnt like it u shouldnt have agreed to it. Choose the name you like as the middle name or give him a different nickname. I rarely call my kids by their actual name because i have nick names for them.
Well its nice to agree, but if you absolutely do not like it remember he hasn’t given birth for you, either! Lol
You agreed years ago?. So I can understand we’re he is coming from. You could always call your son by his middle name, also depending what his initials are I call my sons KJ and CJ.
I had a similar situation 3 years ago. My SO was dead set on naming our child after his grandfather who had a HORRIBLE first name. Additionally, my SO wanted our child to have his last name. This would have been a nightmare for my son. We all know someone with an unfortunate name- Long Johnson, Dicky Tickler and the like. It was that bad and I refused. I comprised and allowed his Grandfather’s last name as our son’s first name. We agreed on the middle name, and he has his dads last name. All in all it’s good. My son’s first name is unique but not crazy. I don’t feel that the kids on the playground will bully him.
It’s both of y’alls potential son but i wouldn’t name my child something i didn’t like. Also i agree with the name confusion thing and stuff getting sent to the wrong person just makes things more difficult. You are the one that fills out the birth certificate so if you don’t like his name make it a middle name and you give him a first name if he loves you he’ll compromise cause he’s already going to get his fathers first name and last name.
My boyfriend is a Jr. and HATES it. Dont do that to your kid lmao.
My son has same first name as his Dad … always called him by his middle name. Hubby never had a problem with it… he is still legally a Jr
So as someone who works in healthcare, I would NEVER jr my child. It makes it so hard with records. Maybe compromise and choose the middle name instead?
Honestly he’s gonna be pissed but if he leaves you over it then he didn’t love you anyways . Think of your kid and if you hate the name that much then just don’t do it .
My bf’s middle name is james. He had 2 sons before me. Both have the middle name james but the exes wont let him c his kids. Our first son has the middle name james but i told him that would retire the name. Both our sons have the same initials tho. Djn. My middle initial (d) his middle and last. (Jn) maybe keep the initials or the middle name changing the first?
He could go by Ford instead of his actual name (as a nod to being the 4th) or a slew of other possibilities like this woman mentions in her blog. Just a thought maybe these will help you feel better about continuing the tradition?
Name the boy the dads name, pick out a muddle name you like , then call the child by his middle name as the nickname… win win win… and it’s a compromise
If your are going to call him by a nick name,let him ,but you get to choose the nick name.
U already agreed… n that seems like a big deal to him so why back out now? U agreed u can’t just do that to him
I can relate and I would be picking another name
Generally Mom fills out the paperwork!
Same thing happened with me! I told him no because he would have been the 3rd and I said that’s too many Eric’s! I would not names my child something I didn’t like because that’s my baby. If you agreed in the past just tell him how you really feel.
I would honestly find out the sex of your baby. If it’s a girl, there is no need to keep this disagreement going. If it’s a boy, then face it and settle it before you’re in the hospital room having a massive fight and not enjoying your newborn.
I was in the same situation, family name. My husband is Paul , his dad is Paul and grandfather is Paul. I hate the name Paul. However our son is the second because he is Paul Tyler named after his grandfather and my husband is Paul Raymond the second because he is named after his grandfather. Once you hold a baby boy , the name will not bother you. Be respectful of your husbands choice. He will be forever grateful knowing you did it for him.
My husband and couldn’t agree on a name. We agreed on Alan Charles. Named after his dad and grandfather. Charles is named after my dad and grandfather. Honestly I wanted a name other than that but oh well.
My oldest son is james like his dad, papa and great papa. We call him jd on a normal day. My hubby goes by jim, my dad by his middle name. Not that big of deal
You’re the one going through pregnancy and then giving birth. Whatever name YOU choose should be the final decision. His only contribution to development of the child was ejaculation. Not a whole lot of work for him until after the baby is born lol.
Sounds like you already agreed to me. He’s your husband and it would probably break his heart. Shame on those of you saying he doesn’t have a say bc she signs the papers. Y’all sound bitter af. That’s not how a family does things.
Maybe giving him two middle names. So he’s not the 4th but still have his daddy’s name. Hope he will go for it.
I’d find out the gender. That way you know if you really need to stress over this. Maybe you can go to an appointment alone & ask the Dr to do a quick u/s just to find out.
In the end you get to choose the name. If he doesn’t like it tough for him. The baby isn’t growing inside him, he’s not going to all the personal violating appointments, giving birth & chances are he’s not the 1 doing most of the work & making most of the sacrifices for this child. You name it what you want. You’ve earned that right.
You new that way before you fell pregnant that boy will have daddy’s name maybe mom needs to compromise not dad
WTF is wrong with some of you women?!? You think that because you are delivering the baby you get to choose the name no matter what? Um hate to tell you it’s his kid too and if you’re married I would think that would be the fastest way to a divorce. This is a mutual decision!!
My ex did expect his son to have the same name as his. I refused to. But he changed it behind my back then I send a letter to add my maiden last name so he wasn’t the junior at all. Then 5 years later we got divorced, the court asked me to changed their whole names for their new life. I got remarried I talked to my husband and told me never name any our kids after the family at all I’m glad we didn’t name our kids generation names
Well my kids dad wanted me to name our son the after him only because he was a boy so I named him after my family
My partner chose our boy names and i chose our girls names. Thats the agreement we had. I didnt like the names he chose but now I couldn’t imagine their names being anything else
I don’t get the whole naming kids the same name. My family has middle names that are the same but not first names. Would love to know what this name is that you hate so much. I’d find out the gender save yourself some heart ache.
My boyfriend’s name is Mark he is a Jr and wanted a 3rd. We finally agreed upon this:
My son has the middle name of his late uncle (a name I am not particularly fond of, although I liked the uncle) and his first name starts with a Ma as a nod to the name Mark, we named him Maverick.
I am currently pregnant with our daughter and I plan to name her after me I am Lacey Marie and she is going to be Layla Marie.
Why do only guys get to have a “junior” lol.
My son would have been the 4th as well, but he gave in and we agreed to have him carry the name as his middle name instead.
We were in a similar situation with our 4th child last December, except we knew he was a boy. My Husband is a Jr and wanted a III (he pushed for that with our first son and I refused, thankfully we had 2 girls after that… Lol)
We agreed we would wait until he was born to pick a name for sure, but made a short list.
I don’t like his name, his first or his middle. Also, I think it’s idiotic to name someone just to have to call them a nickname because of what you named them. My father in law is called by his middle name (which I don’t get because he’s the first), my Husband is called “little xxxx” by his family… So what’s my kid going to be called?? Third, WHY does my Husband’s grandmother basically get to name MY child that I carry for 9 months, birth and raise? Also, our first 2 children are named after his side of the family. I insisted that our 3rd and 4th have influence from my side.
We got to delivery day, still hadn’t agreed on a name. Luckily, we were having him at home with a midwife so that bought us some time since they have 30 days to submit the paperwork for the birth certificate… Lol… I think it took us a week to decide on something… And I’m not even crazy about that name but I held out. He has my Husband’s middle name, just like our older son and his first name is a male version of my middle name.
Stand your ground! We do waaaay too much as mothers to not have a say in our child’s name…
Compromise… Each one of you choose either the first or middle. You’ll be surprised how well it’ll work out. That being said my only son my firstborn is definitely is a Jr. It was important to his father he be named after him so therefore was important to me!!
I could see you being upset about a name if it was just a name. But a family name means something. Especially to the dad …especially a first born son. You have HIS last name. Why dont YOU be the one to compromise. YOU pick a nick name you love. Especially if you agreed to the name before.
My grandpa named my mom, a name my grandma didn’t like, she and my mom always had a strained relationship; My grandma had 3 daughter’s, she chose the names my aunt’s, they had good relationships. My daughter’s midwife told her (when she was thinking of naming her child a name she didn’t like) that for some reason if a mom doesn’t like the child name often the relationship is more strained. This isn’t true of everyone, and she said this not knowing my grandma didn’t like my mom’s name.
How did it work with your girls? Give him his first born sons name. it’s a big deal for the Daddy to name his 1st born son. You’ve always known that’s what he wanted and you agreed upon it. It’s not fair to him for you to just "change your mind. Good luck
I can see where you are coming from but its something thats really important to him… and you agreed to it previously… incooperating family into my kids names has been something ive done with all of my children so I can see where he is coming from. My first is named after my dad - and other grampas middle for his middle. My second has my moms middle name as his ( it was a gender neutral name ) and my third is going to have my brothers name as his middle ( he passed away 2 years ago) If its something that is really important to him Id honestly probably do it to make him happy and just think of a nick name
I’m the wrong person to ask. My daughter is having the Carl #6 in this family. All the boys have the same first name, but go by their middle names. I think it’s an awesome tradition.
Just side note-the reason my Carl #5 isn’t naming his son is that he passed away at 2 years old. Otherwise he would carry the tradition on. In case any one WAS wondering.
You did agree before n this is tradition.
You mite get a break n have another girl. Thinking of you n hoping for the best.
Maybe when Sonny gets older, he can spice his name to suit him.
Or find a nickname everyone can live with for now.
wish we knew what the name was, BUT, you married a man with this name, supposedly you love this man so why wouldn’t you want your first born son named after him? as far as a nickname call him by his name if the family gets a newborn confused with a grandfather/uncle/ father in conversations something more is wrong there! but seriously is the name that bad ? because worrying about your sons mail ( when he gets to the age of having mail) going to a family members address is a far reach of an excuse! I personally don’t understand NOT wanting to carry on the family name it’s an honor for your son!
NO!! DO NOT bit your tongue. You will regret it later. I am so glad I didn’t name my son after his dad and so is my son. I wanted to have his own identity and his own name. Name that baby what you feel is best.
I was name each of my parents sisters. I am still to this day trying to get my aunt things off of my credit because they didn’t go by social.
I have three children wit my ex and two wit my fiancee. I named my first boys after their fathers. Even my daughter with my fiancee has his name in hers. He also has two boys before me and they got his middle name but luckily I got to name our son after him. I understand how you feel but if it makes the father/his family happy. If you have another boy, then you get to name him.
Unfortunately i compromised on my sons name and my son is a third.
“Donald Scot Mecher 111”
Which obviously i hate hate hate his first name only reason i agreed to it is if we all call him Scoty which i love that. I hate that he will have problems with him and his dad name with the mail but my exs dad died when he was 15 so i felt it was kinda in memorise of him.
But honesty you have two girls that you both compromised on and got to choose give him this since it obviously means alot to him.
I hope it all goes well.
We’re planning on trying in a year or so and if it’s a boy it will be a 5th lol. I think yall need to talk about what’s important to both of yall and hopefully can come to an agreement
My great gpa, gpa, dad, oldest brother, and nephew are all named John. I dont rememebr great gpa and GPAs middle names… but my dad and brother are sr/jr. My brother goes by his middle name. My nephew has a diff middle and he goes by that. In fact, most people don’t even know my brothers and nephews first names and only know them by middle name. I have a friend who her sons first name was picked by dad and she picked middle name… diff family members use either name… it never confused the kid. He knows his full name and he responds to both as if it is no big deal.
So if dad wants his to be a jr… are you ok with calling him junior or by the middle name? If not, see if dad can pick the first name and you choose the middle name… neither one of you should have to give up completely what you want… try to come to a compromise with it somewhere
My husband is the third and when we had our older son we decided that three was enough with the name… mail and stuff gets confused still and his grandfather has been gone for 15 years now… we decided to use his first name as our sons middle name and ditched his outdated middle name (Woodrow)… if you don’t want your husbands name for your potential sons keep calm and explain your side to him… you’ll figure it out… good lucj
It makes it harder because you agreed to it years ago. Keep trying to compromise and maybe it will be a girl. Good Luck
I think that is a big deal in families that do that, but I understand how you feel about it. Can you give him the family name with a different middle name and call him by his middle name.
Well if you knew of the family tradition and still had kids with him knowing that would be a possibility why didn’t you say something to begin with if you didn’t like that tradition you should have said something before hand
What about putting ten pieces of paper in a hat (have another family member do it. He writes his name on one… you write the name you like on one… draw straws to see who goes first. Have all of the other pieces of paper blank. Then whoever picks a name first, go with that. fair
This is something I wouldn’t ever agree to. I think kids need their own identity also. Problem is you agreed to it. I would compromise name him his father’s name if you get to pick the nickname
So I had this problem with baby no.4. he got called baby for the first few months, he is now known as Junior. His grandparents call him Stephen, but everyone else knows him as Junior
No, don’t bite your tongue…it is your child too. He is being childish in not wanting to compromise. Honestly, I would just name my child what I wanted if he’s just going to go by a nickname anyways. I’m so glad I didn’t name my son after his dad bc he doesn’t have contact with him anyways.
Or you can name the boy as the Dad wish, but call him by his middle name
My son’s father was murdered when my son was 4 and he is named after his father. It has brought us ( in laws ) great joy to still call out his father’s name but with my child running to our arms☺️
My son is the " III" Which means their is already a Sr., Jr, I & II. I never had a chance! He is the 5th person with the exact same name… We call him Trey.
Tell your husband he can have the first name but the middle will be picked by you and then you TELL everyone what the child will be called. Don’t let in-laws decide
You act as if his name is Gaylord Focker lmao!
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!
Use his first name then a different middle name
Ask your mom. That’s what my mom did with me lol. Can you guess what month I was born in?
We have 4 John’s and all are happy to to be named after their parent.
Listen to Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports. Jr’s have bad results a lot lol
Tell him you’re willing to compromise on name, but you’re not going to name him #4…period.
Tell him if it’s a girl you’re gonna name her ‘your name’ junior, after yourself.
Give him the middle name as his fiest name still named the same just different
No do not bite your tongue compromise if possible if not you choose the name
Flip a coin, thats what we did lol
Pick a middle name y’all both like and just call him that.
Can you use his first name and pick a middle name you like and call him that?
My Ex2 picked both of our sons names. Our oldest son is named after Ex2’s father and my fathers middle name. Our youngest I chose Brandon, but my Ex2 was very Irish and wanted Brendan which is the Irish version of Brandon. His middle name is ex2’s name. My daughters middle names were chosen by me, my mother and maternal Grandmothers middle names. We agreed on her first name. If she had been a redhead like me her name would have been Megan but she’s brunette like her Dad so it was Kristen. Since we didn’t use Megan my Ex 1’s sister used it. (This was all prior to name changes).
My husband and I couldn’t agree on what to name our son. I allowed his pick and now am grateful. It fits my son, but pregnancy hormones can make finding an agreement more emotional.
I like the tradition of naming a son after their father, especially when the name has been in the family for generations. Think of your husband and the fact that you knew he wanted this since you began having children, it’s important to him and that he wants to share that with your son. To the women who keep saying you have to go through the pain so name him what you want, you are all wrong for that. That pain in for a short time so get over yourself. if it’s special to a man that will stand by your sons life until he takes his last breath then allow them to share it without a fight.
You agreed to it years ago, and your husband’s heart is set on it. I think you need to keep your word and make your husband happy.
You agreed to this name years ago… I would appease my husbands wishes and use the name to keep with his family tradition. Pick a cute nickname and have him go by that. I don’t think it’s worth the tears. Honestly, it sounds like your husband would really be thrilled with a boy. That to me needs to be what you’re focusing on not the name.
My youngest brother has his father’s name Richard Charles followed by II. I nicknamed him R.C. when he was a baby and now only family calls him that lol. I’m sure you will find a compromise somewhere… don’t stress! It’s not good for you! It will all work out the way it is meant to and you will love your new little one regardless of his/her name. Congratulations!!
My husband has the same name as his father, different middle names. I personally love name sharing, but give the child a different middle name if it bothers you. My husband went by Al or Alan because his father was called Terry. My husband’s oldest son shares his dad’s middle name, our son has my grandpa’s first name as his and my husband’s grandpa’s first name as his middle. My daughter shares my middle name.
My brother-in-law would have agreed with you. He’s a third. But, if it is something that he is truly proud of, I’d let it go. It’s quite rare to be a 4th and that’s something your future son may very well be excited about. It’s different in its own way!
My son is the 5th. They all go by something different (we use my sons middle name). I wasn’t super excited about it but it was important to him and I cant imagine his name being anything else now.
We had that same problem but ours was with family not hubby. Hubby decided on his own that our son needed his own name only because he would have been the 3rd. And my hubby hates the confusion of it. Plus our last name makes it confusing because it makes it seem like we have 3 names.
You will love your son no matter the name and he will define his own nickname, my dad had same problem with mail- but his nickname was Jr not pronounced junior but by saying the two letters individually. This is not something that one should let divide a family.
My Ex was named after his father. When we went to buy our house, his credit was mixed up with ours…not a good thing as ours was better. When I was pregnant we decided if it was a bit we were Definitely Not naming him after any one in the family.
My wife and I could not agree on a name for my son. No matter what we chose, the other did not like. After my son was born, we still hadn’t come to a conclusion until the nurse came in and told us that they could not release us to go home until we named the baby. So, since we couldn’t agree, he got my name and became a junior. Really, there is nothing wrong with that and it hasn’t caused any problems. It doesn’t change anything. We love our son and never had a problem with the name. Sometimes I think that maybe fate decided the name since we couldn’t agree on any other.
My husband and i have had the same conversation. We agreed to compromise with either a similar name or combination, or a middle name. I will not name my child something that I dont like. But my husband and his traditions are important to me, and I’d like to include them to some extent.
My grandparents couldn’t agree on my mom’s name, so they named her, Mary Louise. The whole time my grandparents were alive, my grandmother called my mom, Louise… but my Grandfather called her, Mary.
I say that if it means that much to your husband, go ahead and give him his name. Is the middle name something you like? You can always call him that.
My husband was named after his grandfather… and I hate his name. His family had a tradition of naming after family… but all of his family names were awful!! His dad was Marvin Lee and his mom was Ardella Mae. We compromised by combining his dad’s names into Marlee and used his mom’s middle name. Marlee Mae isn’t exactly a family name but pays homage to his family. I’d never name a kid something I hate.
If he wants to keep his family’s name in the family and you agreed to do so years ago then it’s not really fair to go back on your word. Your husband would hold that against you every time he looked at the little boy. When he is born and you first look at him the name will be perfect.
The child needs his own identity! I refuse to call my grandson by his first name because his father is an ASS! We call him Bubbie and he just turned 12 years old today and I know he is outgrowing the Bubbie so he will soon have to decide what he wants to be called!
You are carrying this baby ,you have to go through all the pain and discomfort,name the baby what you want him known by,hope it’s a girl.
Your son’s name will be an agreement because you agreed in the past. If you give him a middle name you like make sure everyone will agree to call him by that otherwise it could get even more confusing. Perhaps, wait and give him a nickname that fits him as he grows. You could always use his initials instead of his name too.
I let my husband name both sons. I had some say in the 2nd one since we have a naming tradition with our kids. We came up with a list for the 2nd one. The first son. Purely and solely his choice. I didnt care. Actually our oldest sons FIRST and MIDDLE names are chosen by my husband. Our second sons middle name I chose (its a family name on my side)
Our youngest daughter was all me and my husband didnt care. Just support your husband for goodness sakes for his son. Its important to some men to continue a family name. Dont deny him that brcause youre being petty now. You already promised.