My husband and I cannot come to an agreement about our childs name: Advice?

I think you should name a boy what you want. You are not obligated to use the same name. Especially if you dont like it! Fill out the birth certificate info at the hospital yourself. This is your right. When there are several with the same name they usually go by different names anyway. Stand your ground.


My husband had his fatherā€™s name we had mail issues a lot when my son was born my father-in-law wanted to give him same name I chose not to best thing I ever did


Ive told every guy Iā€™ve ever considered a future with that I refuse to have a Jr. My brother has my dads name (roy) and my cousin and uncle and grandfather have the same name (robert) and I swore id never do that to my kid because it can cause lots of clerical issues and cause debts and negative issues for a person. I almost didnā€™t even give my son my last name (donor is uninvolved) because Iā€™m not fond of my last name. Tell your husband you are the one who carried the child and if you are not happy with the name you do not have to give him the name. You have a part in naming the child and its not fair to the child to get an overused name.

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I think you should keep your word & do what you already agreed to do. Iā€™m sure over time youā€™ll develope your own nickname for him anyways. Iā€™m also sure you wouldnā€™t like it if he agreed to something ā€œfuture wiseā€ & then didnā€™t do it once it was possible to be done.


If you married a guy with that name you must not hate it that muchā€¦
Could you give him your husbandā€™s name and call him by his middle name or initials?


My Grandfather, my Dad, and my brother all have the same first name but different middle names. Maybe you could give your potential son the same first Jane but a different middle name and called him the middle name.


I would secretly find out what sex the baby is. Maybe it will be another girl and then you donā€™t have to worry about it!


i think using his name as a middle name for your son is a much better idea. there are too many with that name now and it would confuse your son too much.


My son was named after his dad and we had zero issues. You agreed to name him after his dad stick with your agreement. Itā€™s clearly important to your husband and itā€™s your third kid funny you bring it up now. I love the tradition of naming sons after their dads

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My ex husband wanted our oldest son to be the 4th. We compromised and gave him his first name, and he goes by his middle name, which is the name I wanted. Itā€™s not perfect, but it is what it is.

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When our first son was born we settled on using the same initials. Second son had same first name and was called by his middle name. That still caused a lot of issues because the first names were legal name.

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Itā€™s your sonā€™s name, not your name. Stop being selfish. If itā€™s that important too you and you dont like the name as you said, why did you marry him to begin with?


I firmly believe every child is entitled to his/her own name. I know someone who is a III and absolutely hates it .

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Nope you need to agree in my book ā€¦so he is going to have to compromise x


No donā€™t name a child a name you hate. My husband wanted to name our son the same name as his and I reluctantly agreed. It has caused problems for my son his whole life.

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We had picked out a name for our son ā€œCalebā€ and after his was born they took him to the nursery with my husband, and Caleb became David II after my husband, but seeing him now that heā€™s grown, he looks and acts just like his Dad, and it was the right choice, lol

I would defiantly sit down and talk to your husband. I wouldnā€™t make a huge deal out of it because you technically already agreed to the name, but maybe once he hears your concerns he might compromise.


Milton was grandfathers name. My brother and dad have Milton in there name. Dad has it as middle name brother had it as first , went by Middle name Keith. My son has his father name as middle . I hate when they use the same first name .

Name him after his father. He will love it and be proud to have that name. It will grow on you and you will get used to it.

Sorry to hear about your situation. It would be ideal if he would compromise on this. There are worse things & you can call him by a name you like -being a nickname. I know some adults who are called by something other than their given name that no one knows about.
We had fun putting names that we liked & put them in a hat & pulled out a first & then middle name. I donā€™t know if would be willing to try that.
I pray that this will not be a division between you, remember what you love about him & I pray you have a healthy, loved baby - gift from God. :heart::pray:t3:

I would never name my son his dads name or grandfathers name. I love my husband but not what he goes by. He goes by Andy I wished he would go by his real name Andrew. I did tell him I would be okay with drew as a name

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You both need to agree on the name since itā€™s both of your baby. He has a tiny leg up since you agreed to making the child a 4th years ago. A lot of people just use the name & have an alternate name for the baby. You both win in that casešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø

Pray for another girl. Otherwise, is it really worth a battle with him and his family? There are other more important things to worry about.

My son is the third and his name is very old fashioned. We figured it out! I was initially against it, but Iā€™m glad I agreed to it now

You both need to agree. I personally HATE name sharing (middle names are fine, but same first names are an absolute NO for me). Buuuut since you DID agree to it, and if he remembers you agreeing to it, I donā€™t know if you can really say no now since you did agree at one pointā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I have twin daughters so we had to come up with 2 boys and 2 girls name. We agreed on the boy names and the first girl. Could not agree on 2nd girl. After he watched me labor and give birth I asked if I could name our second daughter Erin, the name I loved and he said Yes!
Got him in a weak moment! Might work for you :wink:

Since you are having the baby I think you should name it what you want to and eventually your husband will get over his request

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Pick your battles, your son sounds like he has an awesome dad and family tradition

My husband is named Clyde Doyle first and middle nameā€¦His dad was Clyde O,Uncle Clyde was on his momā€™s brotherā€¦top that and name the baby when he goes homeā€¦good luck

my oldest son has his dad and grandfatherā€™s first name but a different middle name and goes by the middle name all his life.

Find a different version of name my son is named Mario (father family name) and I hate it so to this day call him Marc and when he was 16 I told him that I honored his dad wishes but since I didnā€™t like name I found French version he is now 24 and I still call him Marc and some family call him Mario and some call him Marc

My husband name our two boys they have his middle name because I told him he names the boys I name the girls we never had a girl which I was fine with what God bless us with and his way of naming our boys

Well I have heard that the mom gets to name the baby because the dad already is giving him his or her last name. Why donā€™t u do the first name and him the middle name

Yess girl!! I feel you. Me and my husband had the same problem, but he wanted to name him after a cousin I had never met before. I had some problems with it. Personally, I wanted my son to have his own name. In his family naming your child after someone is a sign of respect, which i understand. We finally came to an agreement. My sonā€™s first name was my husbandā€™s to choose and I chose the middle. Just talk with your hubby, tell him your side, and ask him to meet you in the middle. Im sure if you make your outlook known he will be willing to compromise.
Plus, my husband is a Jr. And he absolutely hates his name. Not saying your son will, but sometimes it gets frustrating for them.

Iā€™d leave it be and name him after his father. My exā€™s brother was named after his dad, Albert, but we all called him by his middle name, Steven and that is what he identifies himself as. Plus you did already agree on the tradition.

I donā€™t understand the male obsession with naming their sons after themselves. It seems incredibly self absorbed. That said, you donā€™t even know what youā€™re having, so youā€™re digging in to a fight that might not even exist. Table the discussion for now, and in the meantime consider some specific compromises you can offer if you do end up having a boy.

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We named our 1st son after his father, but he goes by his middle name, which we both love.

My oldest was named after his dad, the youngest his grandfather and we call them by their middle names. Never has caused us any problems.

Iā€™m with your husband on this. If you agreed on it and it means a lot to your husband that means you suck it up and be a good wife. You have 2 girls already. My question is why didnā€™t you talk about this when your girls where on the way.

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Write both ā€œChosenā€ names on X# of paper, and place in a hat. Allow the kids to choose a paper, and if they are able to both choose the same name, thatā€™s the name.

We did this for our second baby, but we could not choose between them, as we both liked both names. So we each wrote the names, and placed in a hat. That meant each name was in there twice. And we had our oldest grab. And we were hoping it would be ā€œxxā€ name and she pulled that one, we kept that out and out of the last 3, she chose the same name. (Fluke? Maybe, but it worked). Our second son got the other favorite name, so it worked out.
Hope that helps.

My husband is Rich Jr, Son is Rick 3rd, grandson is Richie 4th and if Richie ever has a son Iā€™m sure he will be the 5th.

This was an issue for my husband who was named after his dad and then for his son who was named after my husband. Never ever name your child after someone by giving them the full name. There comes legal issues when one does something wrong and then having to prove it. Just not a good idea, the child will hate it later in life, for he will want his own personal name.

Bide your time. When he sees your boy born just say hes just not a buddy. He will soon agree if not leave his name as baby whoever in the hospital. You and he refused. If you dont feel its right then dont concede!

No, you are carrying the child. Will give birth to it , it should have its own name, just my thought, none of my business , maybe or s another girl.

OMG this is not about you! You already agreed to a name so use it. The baby will have tradition which is important.

Stick with what you agreed with in the beginning. The main goal is to have a healthy baby!

Both my babies were my choices and father just went with the flow

I myself could never understand why men always want to have a son named after them since women never seem to name their daughters after themselves.

I wasnā€™t a fan of my Husbandā€™s fatherā€™s full name. So we kept his initials and started there. End decision was his fathers first name and my fathers middle name. It worked for us even though Iā€™m not a huge fan of ā€œWilliamā€ due to the nicknames ā€œwill, bill, billyā€ so he is either William or Squish

I hate this argument. Both my daughters had this issue with their husbands. I feel you carry that baby and bond for 9 months you name it

We have 4 with same name. It can get confusing. May I suggest using his name as first name and then a middle name you both like and call him by his middle name. I sort of keeps everyone happy and breaks from confusion. He could be like P Charles for example. Like my brother was S Rodney after my fatherā€™s first name.

Can you use part of his name? I took Bryan from my dad and made Brylee for my daughter, and took Kenneth and made Kensleyā€¦

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Hopefully you have a girl. (If you donā€™t want to keep reliving the name game get your tubes tied when your daughter is born) If you have a boy or decide to keep trying for one then you are going to have to now to family tradition and let your husband name him after himself. Or is a big deal to some guys and it sounds like your husband is one of them.

Let him name his son and hope for another girl. For men itā€™s important to continue family names sometimes.

Perhaps find a different version of his name. My husband was John and we named our son Ian. (Scottish for John)

We picked out 3 names at the hospital after our son was born. Then let our oldest 6 at the time pick from the 3. She had her heart set on naming him. She was coming home a suggesting all sorts of names.

It is not really in style to name kids junior and III. Kind of old fashionedā€¦My husband is a junior and his family always called him Sonnyā€¦Iā€™m not big on nicknames.

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My son is named after his father who is named after his father. My exā€™s three sisters also named all of their first born sons after his father so there are at least 6 boys with the same name, four in the same generation. Their social security number keep them sorted and they all have a different nickname. It works just fine. I really donā€™t see why you canā€™t compromise. My second husband also shared his dadā€™s name and even though sometimes there were mail or credit check mistakes it was never a big deal to get them clarified and he has a totally seperate personality from his dad so he is an individual, no worries.

My exā€™s family names all the boys the same first name with different middle names. Then they are called by their middle name.

Iā€™d say since you agreed to it you should follow through with your agreement.

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Honestly, I would let him be the 4thā€¦unless the name is absolutely offensive or off the wall (like crap head or something ridiculous).

The way I see this is you already have 2 daughters. Having a namesake is something many men dream of. If your husband is a good father and a good husband why wouldnā€™t you want to give him this gift? Heā€™s obviously dreamed for the day he could have a son to carry on his name and traditionā€¦seems kind of ridiculous to deprive him of this. Particularly when you share 2 daughters whom Iā€™m sure your so proud of. Let him have this proud moment. You can always call him whatever nickname you choose.

My husband and son have the same first name and different middle names, the IRS got them mixed up! You canā€™t win!

Seems that your husband has a tradition he would like his son named after him I donā€™t know what your problem is I figure it out most men like their children named after them itā€™s only confusing if you make it confusing

Iā€™m not going to read all the comments. I can understand your husbandā€™s desire and your feelings too. Whatā€™s most important is how your child will feel about the name. Will it be a cause for bullying or turned into a nasty nickname? Will he think itā€™s name he hates? Heā€™s the one who has to live with it for the rest of his life so please consider your childā€™s wellbeing above everything else.

Just tell him how you feel and ask him why he wants his son to be named after him and listen to him and just talk about it. Understanding how each other feels is part of marriage.

Me and mu husband talked about boys names he wanted to name our son the 4th. I said i wanted our boy to have his own identity and said i was willing to give our kid his dada middle name if he was willing to do a different 1st name. And he was good with it. Your husband need to understand to compromise and give in to the same middle name but different 1st name

I see lots recommending to use a diff middle name but if you do that technically he will not be a Jr or the 3rdas names have to be identical to claim that. I had same issue but was having twins and my husband is Richard Alfred III . My father in law was insistant on having a 4th or even a Richard Alfred 5th! Great gpa went by Richard , gpa went by Dick, my husband by Rick. So what would I call the boys Little Dick! I think not! My father in law said I dont care what you name them I calling them Ricky 4 and Ricky 5. I was livid and so stressed. But it all worked out because thank goodness I had 2 girls instead lol!!

Can you add a third name? I wasnā€™t a fan of having 3 names until my last baby. We had agreed on William Zaine (William is my husband & his dad & grandads names. Zaine is just the name I wanted). But my dad was in hospice dying of cancer so I decided if the baby had been a boy it would be William Timothy Zaine (Timothy after my dad). Baby ended up being another girl tho.

Donā€™t give your child your husband first name. It causes lot of problems.

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Give your son your husbandā€™s name. Pick a middle name you agree upon and call him that. When he is old enough he can decide if he wants to use his first or middle name. In a family of many Timothyā€™s, my brother named his son Timothy Owen. They always called him Owen and as an adult he goes by T. Owen XXX on documents

Well since they can agree upon a name I hope she has a girl. And I agree with her I think every child should have their own name not named after anybody.

At least u talk.My husband named both our kids while I sleptā€¦cruel.

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It is sad he wonā€™t even take your idea into consideration. . I say keep the first name he wants, then YOU pick a middle name YOU like, and call the kid THAT instead.

YOU get to name your children! YOU did the work :wink:

My nephew is a III, since they already had a Steve and a Steven they call him Tripp (as in triple) its cute & his mom couldnā€™t find his name/desk on the first day of Kinder because he was registered as Stephen but theyā€™ve always called him tripp. It seems to mean a lot to you hubby so find a nickname you can agree on.

Let your husband keep tradition with his first born sonā€¦ carrying his name on through the generations is such an honor.

The child will have his fathers name - his last name. Pick a first name you both agree on. If possible give him his fathers first name as a middle name.

Let him pick first name, you pick middle name which will be the nickname. Everyone wins if itā€™s only on the birth certificate but everyone uses the middle name

We named my son and gave him a middle name and thatā€™s what he went by. You donā€™t have to go by your first name.

The decision we came to and stuck with was I named all the girls and he named all of our boys. We have 3 boys and no daughters. He did ok though!

Can you compromise by have a different first name and your husbandā€™s name as his middle name?. He will be both of your sonā€™s. Everyone should understand if you change the order. Also, if your. Hold grows up and has a son, I doubt he will pass on the first name. Times they are a changing

Think of a 1st, middle, & 3rd names to go nicely with your last name.

You both need to come to an agreement on a name. Because one of you will resent the other. Thatā€™s a heavy burden for a marriage to with stand. Try coming up with a form of his name or yes used as middle and agree on a first. My dads name was Clark William they called him Bill for example my brothers name is William Scott and he grew up with being called Scott.

tradition is important in a family. if you feel that strong about it, guess what, your husband probably also feels as strong about itā€¦ a better compromise might be using his middle name as the first name? perhaps?

My son is the 3rd and itā€™s a pain in the butt. But I told him from the beginning if/when we have a boy we can use his name.

Is it a really horrible name? I met a man name Ebbing Tide Waters who was a 3rd or 4th and another man named Cosmo Rose after a grandfather. Mr. Waters was good with his unusual name. Mr. Rose was teased horribly by other kids about his name growing up and went by a nickname for many years. When he got older he appreciated his real name and resumed using it. I know other people who went by nicknames like Tiger, Butch, Rich, Chuck etc. as kids but they grew into their actual birth names and used them as adults. Today many people are using old fashioned names, unique spellings, non gender specific, etc. Any name goes. And console yourself that if your child really hates whatever name he or she is given by you and your husband they can legally change it to anything they want.

I worked for a bank, most names with Sr or Jr, or I, II or III get mixed up. Computers really donā€™t differentiate suffixes. Iā€™ve seen it cause a lot of account and tax problems. Hopefully your hubby will agree to give your son his own identity, agree on a middle name that is traditional.

How would you feel if it was your husband asking this question? Women always think the man should compromise

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I canā€™t stand the same name with numbers at the end. Give the child his own identity. Just call the others 1,2,3, 4ā€¦etc., but my child would have a name of his own.

If he carries his dadā€™s last name then the mother should choose a family name for the first name.

With our 3rd, who was the first boy after two girls as well - we named him after his dad but we call him a mashup of his first and middle names. My husband is David and we named my son David Asher and call him Dash for short so we wouldnā€™t be confused. That could be a possibility. Find a nickname youā€™d like to call him. My second girlā€™s name is Evangeline but everyone calls her Evie. As she ages she can decide if she wants to go by Evie, Eve, or Evangeline.

If you already pick names for girls. Let him pick this time. He already comprised with the two girls. Donā€™t be selfish

My husband does not use his legal first nameā€¦he goes by his middle nameā€¦as his dad and grandfather had the same name.

Itā€™s rare to be a 4thā€¦even more rare to have the same father for all 3 of your children! I dont mean to be rude or disrespectful butā€¦how bad can it be?

I didnā€™t get a choice with any of our children we have 4 he named them all.

We had this same thing but we just made it the middle name to keep it going ask him if heā€™d be ok with thatā€¦

You are asked for a name if he isnā€™t there do what you want.

My son was given a name but early I used his middle name and still do

You said ā€¦You already agreed to the name ā€¦ if you try to change it he might think itā€™s bc the babyā€™s not his or that you are wanting to use the name of an X so best to stick with his name & come up with a nice nickname or maybe call him by his initials

Donā€™t name him after your husband I speak from experience it makes it harder on us jrs