My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

If he’s the one who wants the break I’d let him move in with his parents not u and ur son, ur son will be confused, I’d defo tell him where to go!


Tell Him! To go to his Mamma’s house and let his boys and you start in there home. POS!

If you take it to a judge, he’d have to leave because they’d rule against uprooting the child If unnecessary. Since he has parents he can live with, he can go easily. :grin: get you a lawyer and stay put. He’s definitely being shady.


You should stay and keep some sense of “normal” for your son and his routine. Your husband can go.

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Nope. He can move with HIS parents

He needs to go stay with his parents. You’re the wife with the kid. You get the house. If you willingly leave and he decides he wants a divorce that won’t look good for you.

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You need a lawyer asap. Do not leave the marital home. File for custody and support asap.


Nope, don’t do it! If wants to leave, he can leave and stay with HIS parents. Sounds like he may have a side chick and wants to bring her over without you and your son around!

Do not leave, everyone is correct he can then say you abandoned him and deny him his parental rights with the child, believe me just went through this with a family member.

Do not leave that house. Sleep in your child’s room or on the couch if you have too. But do not leave that house.


He needs to be the one to leave :woman_facepalming:t3:

Do not leave the house. Assuming your name is on the house he can’t make you leave and if you divorce they may very well let him stay in the house because he has possession.

The one that leaves loses the most. You will never get back.

Whatever you do, do NOT leave that house!! He can stay there or go to his parents. There’s an intention there that’ll benefit him. Don’t do it


Do not leave the house especially to go live with his parents. It sounds like hes getting scandalous and has plans of keeping house or having females over.

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He needs to go stay with his parents not you.

Make him stay with his parents and you stay in the house.

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Right. He just wants to get rid of you. Rightfully he should go.
That just shows he doesn’t love you or your son


He can go home…sheesh. If he’s the one wanting the separation let him make the adjustment.

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I would NOT be the one leaving with my children… he can go stay with his parents


Don’t leave. Let him leave. Those are his parents and any real man wouldn’t kick his wife and son out :face_with_peeking_eye:


Stay in your house he has to have you a place to live don’t leave he can say you deserted him let him go to his parents


He wants out, then he can go. What kind of pressure will you feel living with his parents? Either outright or perceived? Sorry, unless you’re actually blood, you are a blip in their lives. If you get divorced, they’ll never have to see you again if they don’t want to. Tell him to go live with his parents, you stay in the house with the kids.

No way! He can be the one to go move in with his parents.

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Don’t leave the marital home.

No way,he should be the one to move in with His parents.

Never ever leave your house during a separation or divorce. You could loose the house. Called abandonment. Kick him out of Master and give him another bedroom.

Absolutely not. He can go stay with his parents and you and your son should be in the house. Also that doesn’t like a temporary separation :confused:

If someone is leaving the house, it should be him! A child should never be displaced. Separation of parents is hard enough let alone having to leave the comforr of your home!


He can live with his parents

Tell him “you go live with your parents, we are staying right where we are”

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He can go stay with his parents, you should not have to uproot your child. Do not leave your home, get a lawyer.

Do not leave!! Are you married ? Is house in both names? If you leave voluntarily he could be trying to get to keep the house not allowing you any equity from it. Some people are ruthless and will stop at nothing to cheat people out of things they deserve. He could also be trying to make it seem
Like you took the child from him. Definitely get a consult from an attorney

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Yeah, he should be staying with his own parents.

I find it suspiciously odd that he wants you and your son to live with HIS parents. They are his parents. Why doesn’t he live with them? I don’t know how old your son is, but why uproot him and his routine? There’s a motive here and I’m afraid it is to your husband’s advantage. Besides. I feel like this is a matter to be kept between you and him. His parents do not need to be involved. They could be very well aware of what he’s up to. Then. There’s always the possibility that he has someone on the side and wants you out so he can fool around with someone else. Maybe even hiding it from his parents. The red flags are definitely there sis. Don’t miss them.

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Let him go stay with HIS parents. Don’t leave the house.

I say YOU go live with YOUR parents. It’s hard enough to pack your own stuff but to also have to pack your kids stuff. To be honest. If he isn’t man enough to know HE should be the one leaving to stay at HIS parents house, that right there tells you all you need to know. He’s selfish and self centered

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No, HE can go live with his parents? You have the child, you need the house.

Nope for me! He can go to HIS parents house.

Tell him to go live with his parents. You shouldn’t have to completely turn your child’s life upside down to appease him bc he doesn’t want to move back in with them


Nope. He wants space he can move

He can say you left first and get house
Stay in house
He can move to his parents


Live with HIS parents? No he can go w them

I really think you have your answer now. Definitely let him go and good luck xx

Stay in your house , dont disrupt your sons life for your husband.

Stay put!! Let him go live with his parents!
Get an attorney asap!

Nah. He can go to his Mamas house :roll_eyes:

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He needs to go live with mom & dad.

He wants an empty house so he can move in his new woman.


I’m sorry but this probably will not be temporary and ge may have someone on the side I just went through this with my husband of 21 yrs


Tell him to move in with his dad… Don’t uproot your child and wife. He should leave.

You and the kids get to stay at the house and your husband can go stay at his parents. Unless there’s more to the story like work, but even then…that’s a hard no. He wants you out, to go stay with HIS parents while you’re separated, it sounds like control…

Stay put,not much of a man to expect you to uproot the kids,best of luck,take care!

Uh no. He can go live with his mom :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Do not leave. Ultimately, you both need to be looking out for the well being of the child. He needs as much “normalcy” as possible as you and your husband navigate your marital problems. Displacing him from his home will only add to the stress he feels and you and your husband need to do everything possible to shoulder the brunt of the stress yourself. Let the child stay in his own bed in his own room with his own toys etc. Do not leave your child with his dad though, so that it can’t be used against you if this were to turn into a custody battle. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


It’s his parents he can go live with them.:grimacing:

He should be the one leaving and living with HIS parents not you!

I tend to agree with the brother. But I have questions. Are the kids in school? Are his parents you close? Are they able to help and make life easier for you?

He should be living with HIS parents or you should be working it out while living together, sounds like he wants live single life for abit

They are HIS parents. He can go there and you and BOTH your guys son can stay at home with you


No, not at all. HE needs to leave and go live with HIS parents.

You should stay, and move your brother in with you!

He should go with his parents. Not you. Honestly, why would you move your kids out of their bedrooms, their house, and their routine?
It sounds to me like he wants to have the house to himself to bring someone else :woman_shrugging:sorry, but don’t make it so easy for him. If you are separating he should be the one moving his stuff out.

You stay he goes to his parents house. Don’t uproot your son’s stability. He is going to need that while his parents figure things out.

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Shouldn’t he be the one to go to his mummy? Why should it be you?? He should go live with his Mma

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If he’s the one that wants a separation, then you should stay in the home and let him go live with his parents

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Ahit he needs to pack up and move home! His child should not be temporarily uprooted!

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Tell him to go live with HIS parents and you and the child will remain in the home. If he refuses contact an attorney!

He wants you AND HIS CHILD to uproot from YOUR home to go stay somewhere else so he can what? Have a bachelor pad?? Lol no way. Whatever is best for the child is what should be happening.

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He should go stay with his parents if he wants to be separated for a while. You and your son should stay in your home. Don’t uproot your child’s life if you don’t have to.

A man asking you to move his kid out? No ma’am. You tell HIM to go live with his parents. Your child shouldn’t have to move any where, that’s his home & children need that stability. If he insists you “take the kid” then that means you stay in the home with the kid & he can leave.

He must move otherwise he will use it against you saying you left

he should be the one moving to his parents

If you don’t know something is wrong

What??? You go live with his parents?? No- he can

100% don’t leave. He can leave and move in with his parents.


You stay in your home with your child.

He can go move in with his parents.


He can’t bring girls to mom and dads house; that’s obviously lame…again, :fu:that guy

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He can go stay at his parents house! He’s up to something and it’s not good, consult a lawyer before you do anything

He wants you to go live with his mom while he stays at the house. So he’ll have free rein to do what he wants and you’ll be under the watchful eyes of his parents? This doesn’t sound good.

It would be easier for him to pack and leave I’d think. why uproot a child


I wouldn’t be uplifting my child from their own home, especially when they’re also faced with Mum and Dad separating.

It’s his parents. He should be the one to stay with them.

It would be in your best interest to stay in your own home with your kiddo. Your husband should be the one to go stay with his parents. If you leave and the outcome of your separation is indeed permanent, leaving your domicile could be construed as abandonment, etc.
Unfortunately in matters such as this, you must put your heart aside & act upon what is in your’s & your child’s best interest. Idk your personal situation of course, but it sounds as tho your husband is trying manipulate you into leaving because he knows it would give him future leverage.

I would not leave…he would be the one leaving and I would not leave and go live with his parents. Screw that. He can go stay with them. I would stand my ground on this one and make him go. You have the kid and should not have to uproot you and the kid because he wants you to get out. Hell no…myself and the kid are not going anywhere and honestly you do not have to leave. It is as much your home as his.

I agree. My brother did that and it did not work out well at all.

His parents? He is the one who needs to leave

Ummm what? Absolutely not. Why would he tell you to move in with his parents? Those are HIS PARENTS. HE CAN MOVE IN THERE.
Sounds to me like he wants the house so he can appear single and stable, and/or wants to have someone else there. That’s disgusting. When divorce is on the table, make sure you bring this up in court. Chances are, they’re going to believe the same - and chances are he’s already been seeing someone else.

Absolutely not.He has other plans.Tell him you and your child,will not be moving out and if he wants,he can go to his parents house.


Don’t do it! That may come back to haunt you in a divorce as “the one who left.” I bet he knows that and that is why he is encouraging it.

Don’t do it! I’m our state that would be considered abandonment, tell him to go to his parents your not uprooting your children

Wouldn’t do it , he needs to go stay w his parents , why would u uproot ur kids when it’s easier for him. He wants to be able to bring girls in an out is why he wants u to go

Depending on your state he can get you for abandonment do not ever leave your house


It’s HIS parents, he should be the one to pack up and move. Your son deserves stability and to stay in his own home during this. I’ll never understand the selfish people who think it’s ok for them to stay put while a child has to uproot their entire lives.

Why would you pack two people up and go stay with his parents? Let alone move a child out of their home.

Let him, one person, go and stay with his parents while y’all figure it out.

Ummmmm, no! He can pack his things and go live with HIS parents. :fu: that guy

So he wants to kick his son out of his own house? And disturb his whole life?? Wow real winner you got there


F*** that! HE can go live with his parents! If he wants to separate HE should be the one leaving

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Nope. He can leave and move in with his parents. Your son should stay where he is comfortable and familiar which is his home. You stay, he goes. Also yes, I could easily see that used against you in divorce proceedings. That you moved out. Nope nope and nope.

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Hell no… he can go to his parents. If u leave that can be used against u, so he can go

Tell him to go to his parents and you and your son stay in the house especially if it’s your house too