My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

You and your child need to stay. If it’s his parents, he can move out. 1 vs 2 rule. Explain to him your child needs the stability and a judge would side with you to keep the child in their current home. He goes!

Do not let him run you out of your home. If anyone leaves it should be him. They are his parents, so why doesn’t he live with them??

Always fight your battles from your own fireside or you will lose it

Don’t do it he can say you abandoned the house and then if his parents ask you to leave where would you go? If he wants to “temporarily” separate he can go live with his parents


Stay in your house with your child
He can move back home with
His mommy and daddy


It’s easy. Tell him to leave. He wants to stay because he has a girlfriend and doesn’t want to explain it to his parents. He’s a no good coward.

Absolutely not. If he wants a separation, he can leave.

The end of a relationship is hard on everyone. It is hardest on the children. Moving your son will only make it harder on him. He needs as much normal in his life as possible. Tell your husband to stay with HIS parents. He has an ulterior motive for wanting this. Tell him to kick rocks and get legal advice before proceeding with any changes.


You stay with your son on your home, he leaves to his parents.

No, girl. Find your voice and courage. Been married 53 years with
3 children. Stubborn and determined wins.
Stick up for yourself and son. Don’t give when you know better. :heart: keep house.


Are you serious!!! Is this even a question to be asked. He can go live with his parents :roll_eyes::joy:


I would tell him to leave. If u walk away u take the chance of him using that against u


Don’t leave, leaving means if you do go through with divorce, you give him everything. And it’s his parents, he can go stay there. Why would he put you and y’all’s child in discomfort so he could have a whole house to himself? That’s ridiculous, & honestly makes me feel like there’s an another motive behind him wanting that.


Do not leave that house. He’s trying to set you up. He does not intend on this being temporary…and he wants the house.
He can go to his parents


Stay. Child needs that roof over his head. Child shouldn’t have to change his conditions.

Tell him to go live with his parents! Also, get an attorney & go ahead with divorce proceedings. Depending on which state you are in, if you move out it may mean you are giving up your rights to the home! If he’s willing to make you & your child leave, you do not want to stay married to that kind of person!


He can go live with mommy.

I agree with your Brother .It’s your Husband that should move in with his Parents. One thing I have heard in a Divorce if you leave the House he has a better chance of getting the home and also custody of the kids.


Tell him to go live with his parents …

There are SO MANY WAYS that will backfire on YOU and your Son!!!

No he can go stay with HIS parents while you and your child stay in the house

why can’t he go to his parents?

either way, if somebody asked me to leave, i absolutely would. fighting over a house isn’t worth it. especially when you’ll end up either having to sell or one of you has to buy the other out (depending on your divorce settlement terms).

or, just leave before he puts you out like i put my ex-husband out.

Don’t do it. If you move out you lose the home. Don’t. It may be uncomfortable but he is the lone one and needs to go live with HIS parents. Now if you don’t own the home do what is going to work best. But I wouldn’t go live with HIS parents. He needs to help you and your son get established. My ex refused to leave or help but we didn’t own a home. I took out personal loans to be able to afford it. It was necessary for us to go though

You need to stay in the home. If you leave, and you do go through with a divorce the courts will see it as abandonment. It’s your house too. He can pack up and leave if he’d like but to up root the children and leave because that’s what he wants is not how things work. If YOU want to work through what’s going on then state that. You can’t work through something if you’re not around each other to talk and figure things out. If YOU don’t want to work through things then say that as well.

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Nope, he can go stay with his parents

No. He can stay with HIS parents

Maybe you should leave. Saves the arguments

I wouldn’t go. Talk to a lawyer but I think it’s a better move that you tell him to go.

Make him go get you a good attorney.

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I think he has an agenda …for you to leave would give him grounds for custody because his parents are the moles that will help him …there’s no chance where the boogie man lives that I would uproot my child from the only home he has ever known or school for that matter…stay put for your kids sake…courts will agree and he will be forced to fork over the Cash in alamony and child support …DON’T Do IT!!!

No do not. He can go to his parents. This is the most insane thing I have heard.

Why would you ever do that? HE can go live with his parents. I just cannot imagine a man asking for his own child to be uprooted and moved,especially during the school year (if he goes to school) Don’t leave that house.

Uh noooo!! He’s leaving to go to his parents so he can find himself. End of story!

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That can be his tactic use against you if you guys decide to divorce , he can claim that you abandoned him .
Do not do it , he is the one who should be moving out with his parents .
You should start looking a lawyer , I will not still want to be marry with someone want to kick me and my kids out of our place ….that is insane to me

Nope. Make him leave. He wants to keep tabs on you at his parents house while he is single at home

I agree with your brother

You stay he leaves. Is he with someone else and wants them to move in? It makes no sense.
Any lawyer would tell you to stay.

He needs to leave
Not you

The kids always gets to stay.

Why would you go stay at his parents? They’re his parents.

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This seems very fishy to me. Him wanting yal to leave makes me think he already has someone else and wants to have the house to himself so he can have his fun there! Don’t leave, make him go to his parents house!


Let hz lame azz go live wit HiS PARENTS!:roll_eyes: TF?:flushed:

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I have 23 years family law experience as a paralegal. No. If someone needs to leave, he may leave. You stay in the home with your son until a Judge says otherwise.


This is a joke right? He can go live with HIS parents. Gtfo dude!

Let him be the one to move. Once you are gone the house becomes his!

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Your kid should not be the one to have to uproot their life. If you move out that’s fine if he moves out that’s fine but this needs to be the stable home for the child right now. Personally if I could not afford to keep the home, I would be the one moving out or if he had it first type deal.  well it’s definitely annoying. The goal is ultimately to keep peace so you guys need to sit down and get a game plan and keep it calm the best you can. I know that’s easier said than done because obviously emotions are high right now. 

Sounds like a very selfish man :cry: what kind of man kicks his own child out of their house :exploding_head: make him leave period

Why would he suggest that? Especially don’t get why he would want to uproot his child. When I was young my parents were about to separate, and they didn’t after all, but I remember my dad saying that (1) we had no choice but to stay with my mom (because he didn’t want us to have to choose who to go with, and (2) nothing would change for us (we would live at the same house and he would be over every day to do homework and tuck us into bed). He was gone a week maybe where he just stayed the night other places, but he always put my sister and I first. I wish your husband would put your kiddo first. They are the ones that suffer.

Get a lawyer before you do anything

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Do NOT leave. Courts WILL use that against you.

His choice. His parents. HE leaves.


Stop. Take a moment. Now when you’ve had a moment to take a breath, what option is better for you and your child?

You do not leave that house! Get an Attorney!

Don’t leave, tell him to go stay with. His parents. If you leave the house he has a better chance of keeping it and who knows his parents might tell you to move out of their home also. Stay in the house and keep your cards close to your heart. If you don’t work or have income, I would recommend finding a job to be able to take care of yourself and your child.

Do not leave, whatever you do. He can use that against you in court for abandonment and I’m sure his lawyer put that bug in his ear. Hold your ground. Don’t uproot the kids loves to accommodate one person.


No way, let him move in with his parents

So they can report back to him everyday everything you do/don’t do. Nope he needs to live with his parents. You have the kid you get the house.

He can go to his parents why would your don need to leave his home big nope

So he will have freedom to be in yalls home alone and do as he pleases while you’re under is families roof still caring for your child and basically being watched. DO NOT LEAVE! Let him go be with his family! DO NOT LEAVE!

Who’s name is on the house? If you own it or on the lease don’t move if yous both are dont move he can stay with his mum
And if he owns it or on the lease you say till you and your child get a place through the council or something xx

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Absolutely not he should leave

Absolutely not! He can go live with his parents… Do not do it.

Do not leave the house under any circumstances.

Don’t do it. He’s herded another filly from the herd. He wants to bring her to your home.

Hell no. Any decent man would leave the house to the kids. He needs to be going with his own parents and the kids shouldn’t be moved around until things are final

He should move into his parents why does your child have his life disrupted

Don’t leave

He can leave the house

If you leave this will come back on you not him

If you leave it’s not good for you in the long run. Your brother is correct also you shouldn’t have to move and to his parents wth. Tell him to go stay with his parents.

He’s asking his child to leave ? Yeah no. I’m not going anywhere. But he can.

Leave and leave the son behind

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If he is asking for a “temporary” separation, you need to consult an attorney! An attorney can advise you what to do and how to protect your rights and those of your child. I echo everyone else, don’t leave! There is something going on here that won’t benefit you. By all means, don’t move in with his parents. They are his family and will take his side whatever he has done or is doing.

NO NO NO!! Legally it’s a bad move, let him move out !!

It’s absolutely mind blowing he wants his wife and son to leave the home… to stay with HIS parents! That right there would have me filing for divorce, why bother separating. He has zero respect or care for either of you.


Sorry to hear of what you’re dealing with. Prayers of strength to handle whatever emotions come your way. Now with that being said…you bet not leave YOUR home…he can go stay with HIS parents or anywhere he feels for that matter…but until y’all officially decide to go your separate ways…you will not uproot your children when they have a stable environment and possible routine…if he doesn’t want to go then he can sleep in a different room…but no ma’am…stay put…stack your money…create an exit plan just in case…prayers sent your way

Send his butt to live with “his parents”…really??:roll_eyes:

Why wouldn’t he go live with his parents? That’s weird for you to leave??

He is the one that needs to go to his parents house and stay there! From a legal standpoint, he cannot make you or your son leave your home!


He should go live with his parents

I wouldn’t be packing mine and my child’s things up to go live with the in-laws…I think hubby wants the house to play single man and have other women in the house with no trace of yours or your child’s things about he could fool any woman into believing he’s a single man

Do not move out of your house :100:. Make him go to his parents do not leave your house if you end up deciding not to stay married and you head for a divorce you will have lost claim to your house because you’re not living in it and he can say you left willingly.

Do not leave your house!!!

Get advice from a lawyer . He has no right to throw you and your child out . My friend did this and had to pay for the divorce since she left him when he threw her out . Stay there and kick him out .


No mam. U and the kids stay! He can go live with his mom! The heck. :woman_facepalming:

Simply pack HIS things and leave it outside the door without saying anything.:thinking:

I would tell him… “His parents, he can go live with them. End of discussion.” I wouldn’t move out nor would I move into his parents house while y’all are navigating through this! Just my thoughts & opinions. But this could turn into a trap or something else that could be used against you later down the road. And, Who’s to say, his parents wouldn’t ask y’all to leave as well and or his parents staying out of y’alls business while working on your marriage under their roof. I see a whole lot of red flags. I would be upfront and honest and help him pack/box up his belongings for his parents house.

Absolutely not! It’s selfish of him to ask you to upset your child’s living arrangements for his convenience.Let him go stay with his parents.

Why doesn’t he leave? Never leave or you will be considered abandonment

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Why can’t HE go stay with HIS parents?

He trying to move his side chick in girlllll nope he needs to go!!

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Lmfao wow he better go live wit his parent who tf he think he is got yall fcked up

He needs to go stay with his parents do not leave… do not leave.

Boot his ass on over to his parents place. They’re his parents, he needs to be the one to go, not you and your son.

Do not leave make him leave you better get to an attorney if you leave you’re abandoning the house you’ll get nothing do not leave

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Do not move out!!! If you decide to divorce, it gives him great advantage if you do.


Don’t leave the house. Make him leave and stay with his parents. If he wants a separation then he can go live somewhere else. I bet if you left the house he’s going to change those locks so quickly. Don’t be uprooting your child’s life because your husband wants a separation

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No no no never leave the home unless abuse! That’s your home you move out your seen as not needing it

He should go live with his parents. . Not y’all.

You leave it’s considered as abandonedment DONT LEAVE ! Make him leave and go to his parents .

Don’t leave. He’s thinking of himself and not what is best for his child.

Don’t you leave he will get the house cause u abandon

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Tell him to go live with his parents