My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

Why would you even consider living with HIS parents??? Tell him to go back to mommys house! You have every right to stay in your house woth the kids!

His parents will treat yall bad eventually with the sons manipulation stay home honey let his sorry butt leave

Why isn’t he going to stay with HIS parents, no real man would send his wife AND child elsewhere while he stays in the house smh

Nope nope nope. Do NOT leave the marital home. In the state that I live in, the person who leaves the house is basically giving up the house.

I know what to say. The man’s a jerk!

No. You and your child should stay in the house. Do not move out.

You shouldn’t pack up your sons stuff and yours for one
2) you shouldn’t go stay with his parents for sure
3) you should tell him he can go stay with his parents and why would he want y’all to stay with his parents that don’t make no sense at all .

No he can go home to his parents. You don’t disrupt your kids lives… What a pos

He probably has a mistress and can’t take her to mommy’s house. Hence the reason he wants you and your kid to leave.

Why would he want his son to leave the home. He needs to be the one to go stay with his parents not you and the son shouldn’t be going anywhere.

Don’t leave until you talk to a lawyer. Way too many variable.

Your husband shouldn’t want to disrupt your child’s life. Also, it’s mind boggling for you to stay with HIS parents. Why? So they can keep tabs on you?