My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

Hell no! Make him live with his parents. Wtf girl

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If you leave he can use that against you. Absolutely tell him if he wants out to go. Never put yourself in that situation. And it’s not temporary if he wants you to move out, he isn’t having you come back. That’s for a fact he has another agenda going on. Don’t leave. He can go… Tell him there’s the door b@#$h…

Don’t leave, he wants the house. He is leaving you. Let him go to his parents. Drain the bank accounts before he does. He will screw you if you let him.

DO NOT LEAVE THAT HOUSE!!! Tell him he can go stay with his parents. That you and your son are NOT leaving. This reeks of a set up. Do NOT do it. Show him the door.

They’re his parents! Let him go stay with them if it’s such a grand idea.

He wants you watched while he fucks around, bet.

Why tf wouldn’t HE go live with HIS parents?

Becareful pretty sure after 3 months they consider you abanoned the home i wouldnt be going anywhere.

Hell fucking no I am not staying with his parents. He can go back home and live with his mom if he needs to figure things out but hard pass on me moving myself and my kids in with his parents… I probably wouldnt even go live with my own parents.

Bullshit he need to go. The audacity. I already see he doesn’t respect you.

Absolutely not, tell HIM to go live with HIS parents! Some of these men are fucking clueless!

Seems fishy, why would you want to stay with his family? Why does he deserve the house? My ex tried to pull the same thing making me move out of the house I was paying for. It did not work.

Nope. He wants you and your kid to leave your home to go live with HIS parents because HE wants a separation? Absolutely not.

Stop and think about it if he’s asking you to leave with his son and go live with his parents maybe there’s somebody else just saying

Nah, he can go to his fucking parents house. The fuck? You need to tell the little boy to sit down and shut up. That if he wants his soon to be ex wife and SON staying AT his parents house then you will make it a living hell. That’s his parents, not yours. You unfortunately are not in their best interests… he is

Talk to a lawyer for free consultation before you do anything on your own

Tell him to get the fuck out, this was his decision and he needs to continue paying the mortgage!

This is so bs your husband soon to be ex probably has a lawyer right now and it’s planning a swift and smooth divorce. If your seen as abandoning the marital home he has more right to it even though he asked you to leave. His parents he can go live with them easily if he’s so good at sending you away to them. Keep your house and routine the same esp for your kid. Kid doesn’t need to be uprooted and screwed with for parental gain. Tell him “no!” Make sure you start saving for your own lawyer and put what you can away. His move is highly calculated and thoughts are only for himself not even the kid. Make sure if you have a joint account that you watch closely to where the moneys going. Make sure you start listing assets and learning what all you have together . I hate seeing grown people work so hard to take advantage of people they swore they love.

Ok. Here is a huge tip. Pay for a consultation from an actual lawyer. I’m my area that was 35-50bucks the state board websites have a list of those in your area.
and if he’s wanting to play games. Get the separation LEGAL.
I would never leave my home voluntary. He can say you abandoned or left. Where I am. The courts take the last 30days in to account. (Like Where the child lived and who with) Not the we did this temporarily on his word… if he turns around and says in one week… you left and fled with the child. The judge can give temp custody to father, because he still lives in the home. And that is a slippery slope… then if this temp situation leads to a divorce… even on his end filing first. He can get more of the house not just his rightful half. I WOULD NOT TRUST HIM. PERIOD. My ex tried to do this. And to get another woman to move in ON MY PROPERTY… get legal help with this.

He’s asking YOU to go live with HIS parents??!!?? Awkward…… Who’s the skank he wants to move in when you move out? Obviously can’t move her in to his parents home. Doesn’t make sense to displace 2 people for 1 person especially when 1 of the displacees is a child. Willing to bet he has alternative ideas that involve him getting fluff on the side while controlling you at his parents. Don’t get sucked in by that “it’s temporary” bullish!t. Pack his personals & leave them outside the front door addressed to his parents house. Your brother is soooooo right. DO NOT MOVE OUT.

They are his parents, he should go live with them.

He can go live with his parents

He should go live with his parents!

Definitely stay in the house. He can go stay at his parents. Like everyone has said listen to your brother! Best of luck


You will be giving away all your power and leaving yourself vulnerable. Don’t do it.

Absolutely not. No judge in their right mind would uproot a child from his home during a separation. DO NOT abandon the home.

Do not leave your home. If things don’t work out and y’all do separate, it could be said that you abandoned the home for a certain amount of mths and make it much harder for you and your son to go back or get anything from the house, including splitting anything from the house sale if that’s what would happen. He should be the one to leave if that’s what he wants. Good luck :heart:

Yea he wants the house to brings women back to while you’re not there. Can’t exactly do that if he’s living with his parents.

He should go stay with his parents. Not uprooting the kids.

Tell him to pack up and go live with them .

Stay he can go…What does he need to sort out…the other woman? Stand your ground

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He should go back to his parents. Don’t leave the house.

The little focken betch can pack his own shet and go live with his own focken parents. Divorce the focker since he obviously only cares anout himself

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Do NOT leave!! you will be abandoning the home & marraige

Send him to his parents he’s uprooting your son from his home…

I don’t think he wants a separation for growth. Seems like he wants the house to himself for nefarious purposes possibly. I could be wrong but it certainly seems that way

He needs to be the one to leave, not you. I have twin girls and if I was In your shoes I wouldn’t be leaving. He can use it against you, don’t give him that power

The kids should be kept in their home and have as much normalcy as possible while parents figure it all out, if it confuses You… imagine the confusion the kids feel.
Seems to be about him n his comfort…stand your ground and send him packing.

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Tell him to take a flying…

Send him to his parents house! DON’T LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!!!

Wtf you say no. HE can go live with HIS parents.

Ummm no he can go stay at his own parents house :roll_eyes:

First of all what parent would want their child to have to move out? The child needs to stay in his home it’s hard enough… second it’s his parents he can go… is he using the “I pay the bills?”

10000000% don’t leave! He can go live with his own parents ! Why would he want u to uproot your child? Stability for your son is the most important imo .

It was his idea to separate, tell him to get out!

He can go live with his parents :woman_shrugging:

You don’t uproot your child unless it’s an emergency situation. Wtf. What’s wrong with him?

Stay in your house and don’t turn your son’s life upside down more than it needs to be. Tell him to leave since he’s the one who wants to do this.

What?!?! Do not leave your house

He needs to go live with his parents, how disrespectful to you and your son for him to not look after y’all like that!! You might want to do some serious thinking on your break away from him🤷‍♀️

He can say you abandoned him!!! Don’t leave!!

Let him go to his moms simple.

Pack his bags and take them to his parents house where he can stay until decisions are made…the nerve of him

Tell him to go to his parents house and you will see him later.

Let him be the one to move out.

That Sounds so uncomfortable… Id make him leave wayyyyy easier.

You have a child and he is the one that should leave the house…Say in your home with your child…Who does he think he is,making that decision for you…Send HIM to his mother!

Stay put, and consult with an attorney. Leaving your home could have some legal impact to you. Why uproot your child for a temporary situation. Children get really anxious when you move them from their home. Your husband should leave.

Do not leave…he can leave, you have a child he can’t make you leave. Stand your ground
.Get an attorney…ASAP

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Best for Mom and kids to be in their own home!

He should go live with his parents!!

I’d tell him to go live with his parents!!

Don’t leave your home. He needs to leave.

Ask him to stay at his parents easier for 1 to move out than 2 plus if he’s the one wanting the separation then he needs to go

He can live with his parents lmao

Tell him to pack his stuff and he stays with them.


he can go to his parents, that makes sense…

Do not leave

Why doesn’t HE go live with HIS parents. He’s grown, your son shouldn’t have to move during this.

I would never go to my in-laws to live no matter what . Stay there !!!
Tell him either y’all stay there together or he can go back to Mommy n Daddy but your not .
Just so he can mess around and have his freedom and do whatever he wants with whoever he wants .

Um heck no, let his parents deal with him. You shouldn’t have to uproot yourself or child.

He still wants the freedom of being able to live alone. He should go live with his parents not you guys.

He needs to be the one who leaves. Packing up and leaving will be harder on your child and your husband is clearly not thinking about his feelings only himself.

Send him to his momma and you and your son stay at your house. Or just stay in separate rooms at your house if he refuses to go. There’s no reason to confuse your son with all that nonsense. I’m the person who would pack his bag and call his mom to come pick him up :rofl::sweat_smile:.

Um he can fucking leave :rofl:

No !!! Let him move in with his parents

100% no. Do not leave that house. If he has a lawyer already has lawyer is probably telling him to get you out of the house because possession is 9/10 of the law. Don’t do it and lawyer up!

If the relocation is temporarily at HIS parents house then he should relocate. Why make it harder on the child?

Nope his parents he moves don’t give up your home it is your son home too and I hope all goes well

Dont leave the house, he can go and stay with his parent’s.

He needs to leave. The child shouldn’t be uprooted.

Efff that. He can leave. Also he can pay the bills to the house and help support your son. Seriously. Don’t leave because that will look bad in court. He doesn’t like the dynamic, bye Felicia. Offer to help him pack.

He needs to leave and go to his parents house not you. You and your son stay there.

Do not leave your house!! 

Nope! His parents let him go !

He wants separation? Pack his luggage and show him the door ! End of story!

No way. He can move in with his parents. WTH

If you leave he gets the house. It’s like admitting you did wrong and the system will let him stay. Keep you and your kid in the house make him stay with his parents.

He should go stay with his parents not you and your son. Sounds like he wants his freedom and wants you to have a babysitter looking over your shoulder. NO way should you agree to leave!


He definitely should go live with his parents and let you and your son stay in the house. He has some big balls asking you to pack up you and your son to live with HIS parents! That would be a big f*** no from me :woman_shrugging:t2:

If you leave, then he can claim you abandoned him/the house.

Ok going to be the bad guy here but I feel whom ever is paying for the house should say at said house with the children.

Umm…no! He can move in with HIS parents!! Wth? He’s trying to bring someone to y’all’s house or he’d live with his parents!

Hugs- sorry for the messy time. Do not leave your home. In divorce papers it it will be stated the “she left abandoned the family home” stay and so he can make that your home.

No, no, no and no! Do not leave the house! Consult a Solicitor and stay put. He can leave if he wants to. I smell a :rat:

Your child is already dealing yall separating, thats just adding onto yalls problems on him by now taking him out of his home… prayers

Lol what. Why would you go and live with his parents while he stays in the house? That’s absurd.

Don’t leave your house without advice from a lawyer. In some states that is considered abandonment and you could lose your rights to it. HE should be doing the leaving and go live with his own damn parents.

Don’t move in with his parents,if you do what happens if they kick you out but refuse to let you take your son with you because you don’t have a anymore, then you are homeless, and childless and you don’t need that,tell him to go stay with his parents

:joy: he can go. Don’t you pack up a single thing. Pfft, go stay at HIS PARENTS house. Boy please lol.

Say no you move and go see an attorney get a child support order and get a job ask you mother I’m law to help watch your child and start again. Lots of us do it and make it just fine.