My husband binge drinks and sneaks out and I am tired of it: Advice?

I think it would be wise to end the relationship now, harsh as it sounds. Think of yourself and your children.

If he is continually doing this he isn’t going to stop. He manipulates the situation by appearing to feel remorse for his actions and then does it all over again. Been in a similar situation myself - if he hasn’t changed by now it’s very doubtful he will at all.

Life is too short to be anything but happy! Good luck!

  1. Definitely an alcoholic
  2. Quite possibly cheating on you

Needs to seek help for the alcohol first and foremost.

I think you need to set some boundaries for you and the children. I’m not sure how much of his behaviour they see but your 10yr old is old enough to pick up on all the things you mentioned. You don’t want him/her to think this is acceptable behaviour.

I personally would be asking him to move out while he sorts himself out. Perhaps stay with a relative. For me personally, he would need to of not had a drink or be hungover to see the kids.


If he says he wants to stop then you need to help him try even if its just saying to get out of the dog house.
First he needs stop going out where there will be alcohol.
Also getting him some councling to understand why he binge drinks and way to help stop.

If you received texts from others, he has cheated. There will be some who haven’t texted you and where this probably happened :pensive:


Bin him. I imagine writing this all down and seeing it in black and white makes you realise what you need to do.

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If he’s sneaking out of a window after you go to sleep you’ve got a huge problem. Drinking is one things but he’s taking it way further than just drinking. It sounds like when he gets caught he cries to make you feel bad for him but it’s all bullshit. I guarantee if he’s sneaking out and chicks are messaging, that he’s out sleeping with other people. I can’t imagine being with someone for 12 years and having 3 kids and going through this but you don’t deserve to have to put up with that. As hard as it may be you really need to think about splitting up. He obviously has no respect for you and if he sees that your just guna stay with him no matter what, he definitely isn’t going to stop. If you are against splitting up, at least give him an ultimatum, either the drinking stops and he quits sneaking out or it’s over. It’s not healthy for your kids either. My ex was a severe alcoholic, we have 2 girls together who are 6 and 7 now, they were 1 and 2 when I left him and 2 years after I left he had a severe stroke from the drinking and can no longer walk or talk or take care of himself. After drinking for so many years he quit cold turkey to try and take the kids from me and that’s what caused the stroke. Depending on how long he’s been drinking, it can be very dangerous for him to just stop but something’s got to happen. It’s not fair to you to live your life unhappy and being cheated on. He sounds like he’s got some growing up to you. You don’t want your kids to see that and thinks that’s the way to live.


Why is he climbing out the window?seriously man up and use the door.

Has he been to Alcohol Anonymous?
Good luck

He’s needs to admit that their is a problem until he sees it nothing will sadly change :pensive: alcohol can be evil.


Same with my husband
Now I filed for divorce


Leave!! Take care of yourself and your children. He needs to help himself and he’s not ready. He’s lying and cheating. You deserve better good luck be strong, be smart


tell him he has to go to rehab or youre walking :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Run honey!!! Run as fast as u can!!!

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Well, you are overlooking the obvious. He is an alcoholic, first and foremost. There is nothing you can do, for him. He has to want to get help. You could go to Al-anon meetings, which is an anonymous group for those worried about others’ drinking/alcoholism. It is likely to get worse, before getting better, so you need to help yourself.

I would also venture to guess that since you have been together since young teens, and had a child while a teen, he (you probably, too) is feeling they have missed out on a lot, which would include being with someone else, someone different. That is natural. Not saying it is right. He does not know how to handle it, so he drinks, which compounds the problem. And, it is almost certain, he has been cheating on you.

You need to figure out if this is something you want to continue or not.


Get shut and you will never look back x

What childish behaviour climbing out of windows- would be like looking after an out of control child, I wouldn’t put up with this no chance - and I think the possibility of him.not having cheated is slim to none. And letting you walk home alone doesn’t he care if your safe or not. I think it may be time to call time on your marriage, unless he gets the help he needs today, and of he won’t there’s no future not with him x

He’s an alcoholic until HE wants to do what he needs to get help. It’d be best to just go your own way. Al-anon is good group to start going to… some of the groups may appear over-emotional. The best suggestion I could give is try a different group or 2 till you find one that makes you comfortable.

I’m so sorry hun - I wish I could give you the biggest hug.

End it and kick him out

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For the kids sake and your own you need to get out of that relationship. It’ll feeling daunting having been together so long but he’s taking advantage of you. You’ve asked this knowing the answer babe. You know you need to leave him. X

He is only saying sorry & crying because he been court doing it by sound of it he won’t change he doesn’t want change he only saying he well so you stay thinking he can get away with it & cheating on you is dame right disgusting since your pregnant with his baby shame on him what a waste he is not putting you & ur unborn baby & children first that’s wrong all he cares about his him self I would leave for your sack & your children’s sack Goodluck but get out of there you will be better by your self

You definitely don’t need to keep him around for the sake of yourself your kids and your unborn baby pack his stuff and tell him to leave there is no excuse for him to carry on like this hes either sneaking out to get more drunk or hes cheating how would you feel if he came back one day and told you he got another girl pregnant or something would you stand there and be okay with that? Don’t be okay with it now just because it’s you and not someone else get him in the fuck it bin and move on girl I hope your OK xoxo

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

Hes a coward… He wants to be single and blaming drink… Race him te fuk

Get rid today. You deserve better

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Where there is abuse of alcohol there is also phycological and more often than not physical abuse. Do not leave it till it’s too late. Your children see this and them being allowed to endure it is also abuse … Taking their right to a life free of it. You are a strong woman and can do it you can walk away if there has been physical and phycological abuse … Get shelter file a restraining order then if you can move far far away. If he has parents they probably enable him and if you leave they’ll go after you for grandparents rights … It’s HELL been there …

Been through this.

Set boundaries. Him saying sorry isn’t acceptable.
2nd. Change the locks. He leaves or leaves you during night out…he’s locked out.
3rd. He must seak help. As a check in facility where he goes through an.addict program. AA

  1. He is what is called a functioning alcoholic
    5 your whats called co dependant and you need to go to alanon, seak a therapist
    6 if you don’t work get a job
  2. You knew he was this way since you dated… expecting him to change now is moot.
  3. You need to leave him while he qorks on his issues. You can still be married or not. You can still be supportive of him or not. Up to you.
  4. Your kids see this and are learning his behaviors. Like it or not its true. If you do not leave him be prepared for kids with addictions and in reality nothing will change for the better and will.actually get worse.
    10 my prediction is you will do nothing. Most codependent people dont. The very fact that you stated he’s always been this way shows you are dependant on him and the drama, you are afraid of change, you are afraid to be alone,you know what you do but don’t want to, and as most co dependants you kinda thrive on the drama of the situation. It’s a reality statement. Not thrive as in enjoyment but it keeps you in survival mode type thrive which isn’t allowing you to focus on the steps you need to take.

Bottom line ia leave him. Set boundaries.
Kick him out.
I predict he will find another couch or bed to layin quickly.
Get tested for stds.
And do not sleep with him…

Leave LEAVE L E A V E. You can’t fix him!!! He doesn’t value you and YOUR KIDS DONT NEED TO THINK THAT’S ACCEPTABLE OR NORMAL!! You have to think about EVERYONE ELSE IN YOUR HOME, INCLUDING YOU! HE HAS TO WANT HELP. YOU CAN’T MAKE HIM. MY ADVICE IS TO SET AN EXAMPLE AND LEAVE! Explain to your kids WHY. DON’T SUGAR COAT IT. They need to know you did everything as a mom, wife and GOOD PERSON AND NOW IT’S TIME TO GO! I promise life gets better! You will have peace of mind and a chance at finding love in a healthy environment with someone you can trust, that respects you MINUS AN ADDICTION. I spent most of my 20s trying to save someone who destroyed me and my kids by living this way. PLEASE LEAVE!

U either deal with it or divorce plain and simple


It’s hard loving an alcoholic/addict. I am one (in recovery for 2 years) and have tried to love one most of my life. I can tell you if he really wants change, suggest an AA or NA meeting. It’s not your job to hound him to get sober (and it’s a hard one from your end because you love him) but he won’t be ready to get it together until he’s really ready to get his life on track. Some people need to hit rock bottom hard before they get help. Maybe you need to leave for a while, show him what he’s losing. I personally had to lose every single thing in my life that mattered, my children, house, car, life, job etc until I pulled my head out my ass. Saying you want to change isn’t enough. Words don’t get you sober, action does. For me I had to lose it all, and he might be one of those unfortunates too to actually get it together and be better.
Good luck lady, addiction is one of the most devastating and destructive diseases. It’s hard to watch for the other people around. Also, try to go to Alanon and learn more about this disease so you aren’t so lost either. I know my parents did in order to understand me.
I’m a single mom of 2 because my baby dad’s didnt want the help enough. And are still out there destroying they lives. Hopefully you don’t end up like this. I’ll pray for you for sure and focus on that new baby, the baby is more important than stressing about him right now <3

Hes an alcoholic love. You wont change or fix him. You gotta go, its scary but you gotta or in a few years you wont even recognize yourself


It is so heartbreaking that you carry the load on your 2 shoulders.2 children to tend to and one little one on the way.Binge drinking means that he does not drink all the time.In the time he does not loose his head he most probably helps you and stands to his responsibility…or…??
Bing drinking is something that can hold you tight for years.A binge drinker becomes motherless and turns into a looney bin.He or she throw all good morals overboard and they do not consider their spouse or children.They are drifting in the underworld of insanity.
You will have to get professional help to save your marriage.Set an ultimatum.
Tell your partner to accept professional help so that he can recognise the rules of marriage and being a mature father to his children.What example does he set to his children?What future do they have being mobbed in school by classmates finding out that Dad carried on like a headless chicken.
Children are our responsibility.We as parents can make or break them.You will have to stand firm in your decision to set limits to your partners stupidity when he binges.Your childrens well being is at stake.You are bringing another little person into the world.Give your children the upbringing they deserve.If your partner continues not to take his responsibility seriously part from him and continue your household on your own.It will not be easy.Get help!
All the best.⚘⚘⚘

Never in a million years can u fix this. Only he can. And until then, if you choose to live with that, it’s going to be bad on you and your children.


He needs AA. you need to leave. Maybe he can work on himself so there is a future for the two of you but unfortunately he has to do it. Alone. Good luck.


He doesn’t have to grow up. He is a alcoholic who is not even sorry


Ummmm leave. He’s clearly been cheating for years, and he’s a terrible example for your children.


Honey you got to leave! There is no future with him! Pray and ask God to order your steps and save your self and children. Been in a situation like yours but my husband used drugs! I got out! This will destroy you and your children. Praying for you and your Family :pray::two_hearts:


This is your life & no matter what ever we say, whatever you say, won’t matter, Until he wants to change. He is a alcoholic & he needs help & treatment, If he doesn’t do this, it will only get worst

You are going to need to divorce him. You cannot fix it. Only he can.


You can only make that decision yes we can only give you Advice, But what is important to you In your life you and your children or staying with a man that’s not wanting to be a Real man and be their for you and your children or leave and start a new life with your children my question is WHO COMES FRIST ?


As someone who has suffered with addiction of many sorts , some times it really is hard to stop. You want to but you can’t. You do feel like shit about your choices while drunk but the next day, the drink calls.your name so loudly. First step, if he really wants help. Put him in a detox facility. Bc cold turkey quitting for an alcoholic can cause seizures, induce vomiting, shakes, sleeplessness, and at the facility they will give him blood pressure meds and stuff to help. Bc it.can cause spikes in heart rate, blood pressure falls and rises, it can be serious. Withdrawal from alcohol is one of 2 types of withdrawal that can loterally kill you. Now for someone who has been drinking a year maybe not , but 12 years?? That’s serious

He’s cheating. prob has a sex problem and feels guilty so he gets drunk. You can’t fix him…leave if you can

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You are simply at this point enabling his behavior because you never addressed it and allowed to be done this way. He’s an alcoholic and only he can stop drinking but as far as his behavior and what he’s been doing, well no excuses for that honey. Your allowing children to grow up in an unhealthy environment and if you want your daughters repeating your mistakes and living threw what you do well your on your way to making that happen.


He needs rehab program ASAP ! If he doesn’t do it for 90 days to start , don’t take him back


Next time he jumps out lock everything


Dittch him. Make a new life without h8m.


Take the savings and go protect yourself and children
Children grow up and they copy their parents behavior if you don’t leave it’ll be your fault that your daughter gets with a man that drinks or your son becomes a drinker and womanizer. Not to put guilt on you but if it motivates you to leave and I would do so.
You cannot change him he hast to choose the bottom or his family


He’s needs help with his drinking first. If he’s willing to take it, I would wait for him to have a clear head and go from there. If you’re not willing to wait then leave him. You get one life.


Get that man into rehab.


He needs to be committed to a rehab Center for 90 days to detox. When he’s sober you can make the decision if you want to try and save your marriage.


That sounds super unhealthy.


He sounds depressed and stuck in a rut, what he’s doing is unfair to you and kids so what he needs is a wake up call, tell him you’ve had enough now and you need a break from him! Some space will do you good and will wake him up to get his shit together and seek some kind of help.

Get a real man a male that doesn’t spend time with his family isn’t a real man he’s just has male genitalia


Leave him and start over. You, nor your kids should live that way and he won’t change until he wants to.


It’s a shame a lot of people are calling for divorce so quick. Do you love him? Then I think therapy and counseling is a better start. Clearly he has a drinking problem and he needs help. He might need rehab. I think it’s better to try and work your problems out before going straight to divorce.


He needs professional help that u can’t give him. Remember you can’t help someone that doesn’t want the help. Yes he says he wants to stop but sounds like he hasn’t done anything to even try yet. There’s programs out there that he needs to go check out. U have 2 kids ur taking care of now plus being pregnant u don’t need the extra stress


I had an ex like this. I left and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Get your kids, the savings, and get out. He has made his priorities clear, and it’s not you or your family.


Leave him Alcohol turns them mean and he could hurt you my ex husband turned more and more aggressive when I suspected him to be drinking turns out he was drinking the hard stuff (Cognac, Rum, Gin) and it made him mean/aggressive , he would scream at me just be absolutely vile and impulsive as well as sexually aggressive. It doesn’t get better even trying to get them mental help (Which I tried doing and he wouldn’t admit he had a problem) doesn’t work if they’re not willing to acknowledge they’ve got a problem and actually help themselves.

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I would be getting a divorce

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Loser toss him out and get a later model

Sounds like it’s time for him to go to rehab or for you to leave. If you choose to leave be smart about it…consult a lawyer and get everything lined out before you kick him out.


Point is hes a big boy. He knows what the hell hes doin… And the sneaking out?! Hes not in High school anymore :roll_eyes: he needs tp stop that shit RIGHT NOW He belongs at home w ypu and the kids not out runnin around…period! You nor your kids deserve this behavior. He needs either rehab or to get a grip or you need to make some decisions and be the adult here since he obviously cant.

You need to leave him before he gives you a disease or gets shot by someone else’s husband what the fuck

Al-Anon for you and a 12 step program for him is worth a start. You will find drinking brings out a lot of bad behaviors - like flirting and more - so treat the drinking . Go sober - drinking is bringing y’all no joy !

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Next time he leaves lock the doors and windows

Its appalling so many of you are saying divorce and leave him .

Id assume the amount of time yall have been together that you obviously love this man .
It sounds like he needs help .

Get him treatment.

Prayers momma. I too love an addict with my whole heart


Get rid of him immediately !!!

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Leave,your children come first,lots of good men out there

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Leave…leave…leave…and leave now…it doesn’t get better…I went through the same thing with my daughyers father.

He certainly has a substance abuse problem. And who knows what else he is using when he is gone overnight. And who knows who he is with. Drugging and drinking lowers our inhibitions and I never met anyone that makes good decisions while wasted. So you need to tell him he needs to get help, so that you can be a functioning family again, or you are done. Alcoholism is a progressive disease so it will just get worse, if he doesn’t get help.


If you don’t want to leave- entirely up to you based on your life, I’d suggest therapy- for you and couples (and him if he’s willing), Al-Anon for you and AA for him. I’d also suggest listening to a podcast called Love over Addiction. It talks a lot about how to be a partner to an addict. If you want to leave- definitely save some money and have a plan for an out.

Unless he seeks up no future there time to take your kids and pack up.he showing you that drinking is more important then his family.good luck

Sounds as if he’s trying to experience a life he feels he should have had. Sneaking out? He sounds like a child. You guys were young when you had your oldest. He sounds like he’s trying to gain that “HS/College” experience and sees you as a parent who’s going to stop him. He needs his own personal therapy, he needs rehab, and you both need to think about what made you stay together… Was it love, obligation or a bit of both and the love started to die… If he’s trying to cheat, drunk or not, that’s not love. And to excuse that behavior because he’s drunk is damaging to you and your kids.

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Time for him to make a choice… rehab or his family. Yes alcoholism is a disease, until they are ready to make a change it will never change. I’m the daughter of an alcoholic. And a womanizer, mom left him which was the best thing she ever did for her kids… it’s not just your happiness at stake… you need to think about your kids… cause trust me… they see it…


I suffered this for 15 years. He will never change. Get shot of him. I have been on my own since 2016 and so nice to be free from all his nonsense.


My husband did this and we are split now cause he won’t quit and refuses he likes it to much and me and the kids live alone and we are headed for divorce

Been in a relationship like that the stress of staying with him will make you sick and anything he says you won’t believe…take your kids and leave or tell him to either way things wont change.

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Cheating alcoholic. If he’s not ready to seek help like rehab then it’s not worth the stress on you. Pack the kids up and get out


Sounds like he didn’t get to be a rowdy teen and so is doing it now and it’s about time for a life crisis however he needs to get to the point where he realizes what’s important and it’s not the alcohol so good luck

This man needs help. Not hate or tell her to rid herself of him. They have been togethether and he is working hard but he has a problem with his drinking. Talk to him see if he will get the help he needs. Then if he wont help himself. Maybe think about letting him go before it totally ruins the family.


Pray for him and communicate with him maybe a little time apart where he can see what he has will do him some good. God bless their family .

I don’t normally comment on post I’m more or less just read what others say. But I can honestly attest to what you are saying because this sounds a lot like my similar story with my son’s father. When I met him he was in the midst of sobriety and doing great. We fell in love and I ended up pregnant with my son. Throughout my pregnancy I was constantly worried where he was because he would disappear when he would binge drink for days on end. I wouldn’t be able to get him to answer the phone I wasn’t usually worried about him cheating it was more or less about him drinking without any limits. I used to find him out on the street passed out sometimes and would take him somewhere safe. I did all of this meanwhile I find out he had been messaging other women behind my back. Basically making me out to be a bad person. I feel like he had low self-esteem and he talked to these other women to make himself feel like the cock of the block. Meanwhile he has a broken family he avoids and stays drunk all the time. It affected how my son acted around him and I also was just on edge all the time. In the end we were together a total of four and a half years nothing like what you are experiencing but enough time to know I didn’t want any part of it. I am now two and a half years free from him. he’s not worthy of your time all the effort and love you put into the relationship. Not to mention what you have gone through yourself taking care of your children while he has been binge drinking and missing out. Don’t stay too long before it’s too late to move on and your kids are grown and their whole childhood revolved around their dad’s binge drinking. I say this with :heart::heart:because I truly have gone through this.

He needs help. And you need to leave.


U have an alcoholic on your hands. Leave now

Take the money that’s in savings and leave!
You let this happen it falls on you as well.
Should those children how not to treat ppl
If you matter he will seek help, but remember this will be a long road battle for him.


Put some of that money away for you and your kids. Most likely, there is one of two ways this plays out- you let the situation ride, and he pulls the rug out from under you when he finds another woman, or you finally have enough and leave/kick him out. Either way, you need to set up a safety net. His behavior is not “just the alcohol”. He plans ahead, it is quite deliberate. I wish you luck.


He doesn’t want to change, if he did he would. You cannot force him to change. Time for you to go.


Leave him it won’t get better and he won’t grow up


It sounds like hes suffering from alcoholism and depression. He needs to seek help. And if you choose to stay during that journey it will be hard, and you should seek help for yourself also.

Take your babies and go. That’s the best solution, they don’t need to be around their father acting like that.


Ultimatum. Go to rehab and get help, or lose your family. Make sure you take all the savings out so he can’t take it. Take care of you and your kids.


It sounds like he is cheating. He is a married man trying to live the life of a 22 year old. I would tell him if it continues you want a divorce. I would say he needs to go to rehab and the family should get into counseling. If he refuses or he makes no effort it’s time to go

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Leave it will never get better

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You need alanon and he needs AA


It will never get better until you give the ultimatum get help or you gonna go… and him sneaking out windows n crap is a red flag for cheating…


I would have left 11 years ago…he is never going to change.


I would talk to him when he’s sober, suggest rehab. He definitely needs help. The problem is, he hasn’t hit rock bottom. He won’t gett help unless he actually wants it.
I would start by taking some of the money for you and the kids, hide it. Move out, see if that convinces him that he will loose his family. If he loves his family, he will get help, if he doesn’t get help, you have your answer…
Been there, done that. Mine didn’t love us enough to get the help he needed!


Unfortunately he will only get sober when he is ready, and he can’t do it for anyone but himself.
Now is that time to sit and down and talk, lay your cards out on the table there’s 2 options he gets his shot together and you guys stay, or it’s time for you to go so he can battle his demons.
Addiction is awful, I’m sorry you are dealing with this, good luck

He is having an Affair . Get yourself together , be ready for bad situation make sure you got money :heart_eyes:

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He’s not a drinker he’s an alcoholic. Been there done that - you can’t save him. He has to decide to save himself.


By staying, your children are learning that it’s ok for a man to act like this and that women have to tolerate this behavior. This is the norm at home and what they’ll believe is supposed to happen. Teach your children, by your example that you do not tolerate this bad behavior and respect yourself and them by getting out. He will have to “fix” himself.