My husband bought me sloth pajamas for Mother's Day, I think it's his way of calling me lazy: Thoughts?

I think you should be grateful you got something. He remembered the dvd did he not?

You were babbling, or should I say whining? I just lost interest

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I’m at this point in life I don’t need any gifts - for Christmas, birthday or Mother’s Day. I’m trying to get rid of things.

Let me point out, also you say “he’s never cooked dinner without being TOLD to.”… there in itself lies a big problem, how about asking nicely?

Maybe your son picked out the pjs because he thought you would like them?

Why don’t you just have a conversation with your husband about it?

I can’t wait to block this crap and hopefully never see it again.
But what’s really sad is you people that can’t see that you just being fed a line and you’re taking the bait hook line and sinker. Use your brains. You REALLY think someone reacted like this? About Mother’s Day. No way. Moving on

He could be saying that you can be lazy for mother day and he got everything else

omgosh you are overthinking it - sloths are so darn cute and look cuddly as heck!

“My husband doesn’t do anything for me”
Husband does something to try be nice.
“I don’t like it”


Wow wth… You should appreciate the gifts they gave you and stop trying to read into every damn thing


maybe your son picked them out

Does he n you already have a understanding abt the sloths and what they represent in your eyes? … If not I’d say it’s a reach.
Ask him?

Say thank you and giggle about it, wtf is wrong with you?! You Sound like a child! Grow the fuck up.


Now we know why he doesn’t buy you gifts.


I love sloths they make the most adorable baby sloth noises

Sloths are cute and loveable :heart:. I would be thrilled to get sloth jammies. Don’t overthink this. Say thank you and move on. :blush: I

“The last few years my husband hasn’t done shit, so I pick apart everything he got me” and you wonder why he ain’t got you shit​:laughing::laughing::laughing::man_facepalming: ffs

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Omg, this woman is kind of horrible :flushed:


No wonder he never gets his lady any gifts. Talk about ungrateful.


Be grateful he did anything some men dont

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How dare you. Sloths are beautiful.

A lot of people overthink and find all the negative, yet miss all the positive

No wonder he hasn’t bothered for the last few years! Most likely knew your reaction :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t2:


I def feel you’re being ungrateful to the max.

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How thoughtful… :heart: father’s day isn’t to far off, so plan ahead :heart::grin:

I feel like you’re nitpicking absolutely everything he got you

He bought you sloth pajamas and you equate that to him callin you lazy? So if he would have bought you Winnie the pooh pajamas…does that mean he would be calling you a bear? Im confused lol


Find a matching pair of pjs for him.

Ah you poor thing imagine you’re husband got you a present from youre son ,ah how unthoughtful he was .

I’m not a mother, so got nothing. Valentines day…nada. Birthday…bupkiss. Quit your bitching.

Way overthinking and extremely ungrateful

I see why he normally doesn’t bother :sleepy::flushed: it’s the thought that counts.

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Never look a gift horse in the mouth!

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Love sloths n would love those PJs too

Ask him about the gifts and next year tell him what you want.

Sounds like you’re being ungrateful to me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Never look a gift horse in the mouth

Least he got you something… Tbh you sound ungrateful .

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Sloths don’t represent laziness… they are chill and take their time with everything. Sloths are awesome ! Maybe someone should just appreciate the gift. It’s the thought that counts not what you got.

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seems you are putting more thought into it than he was

Sloths are big at the minute I think your over thinking it

On the left hand sloths have a perpetual smile.

I think that since he is not really experienced in being romantic (or a gift giver) he Made an effort, and You are trying to read between the lines because You are already suspicious

Just enjoy the gift

If he had something to Say, he already would have, like before

It is just him trying to be Nice and Say “hey! Ipay attention to what You Say”

Talking about the movie, did You Made it clear that time that You only wanted to watch it because You wanted to spend more time with him? And You don’t actually like it?
Because he might have gotten the idea that you do actually like it

You have to be more clear with him, be able to express what You expect from him and from this relationship and not just send unclear messages, because then You believe he is communicating the same way back to you and then You get suspicious


I just want to know how thst person could say b*tched and not get a FB warning like I always do.

You are digging 25 feet into a 2 inch dip. Let ot go. He probably thought the sloth was cute. Guys dont tend to look that far into things.


Dani McQuarrie id be wrapt with a pair of sloth PJs :rofl:


Maybe the gifts were your son’s choice for you …out of love. Don’t read to much into it

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Think yourself lucky that you got something.

Be thankful you got a gift. My husband told me since I wasn’t his mother, I wasn’t getting a card, flowers, or anything this year. This is year 2, he always used to get me a card and flowers. On a side note, his mom passed away 2 years ago this coming Christmas at the age of 90. I firmly believe this has something to do with it. After 35 years, I guess it is what it is. I am not willing to call it quits over something this trivial, if it gets worse, I will consider it

:thinking: I can kinda see why he doesn’t normally get u anything without being told.
We teach our children to say thank you, and be appreciative of any gifts given, regardless. U sound a little ungrateful. Sorry :woman_shrugging:

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Sloths are so “in” right now tho! I wouldn’t take it personally lol

After all you are NOT his mother :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::pray:

They’re kinda like the cool new animal everyone is into, like Lama’s were. Or maybe because of this guy

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Sounds like the kid picked out all the presents, actually. Men aren’t smart enough to send “subtle hints” via gifts.


I just feel like there are WAY deeper issues here than the sloth pajamas…

I searched everywhere for sloth Pyjamas for myself for Mother’s Day and couldn’t find any so jealous

Not very subtle,is he.

Id be grateful of the sentiment! Least he bothered!

I had to keep repeating over and over to myself…lower your expectations. As woman we do it all. Men have no clue unless taught. If you don’t expect the world, you won’t be disappointed. Try to make mother’s day a special day for yourself and your mom, or bff. It doesn’t need to be a day where the hubby has to figure it all out, because let me tell you…you’ll be disappointed everytime! Be thankful he tried, because some women…like me, didn’t get any presents…but I got dinner and he took the kids to putt putt for an hour!

Suicide squad is not marvel by the way just so you know so if any movie is connected to that it has to be dc! Pirating a movie is illegal so good luck paying the fine when you get one. Sloths are cute maybe your son picked them out you ever think of that? Don’t read too much into it!

I think you need to go eat a little snack and take a little nap, he probably thought it was cute and something you wore.

Count your blessing,im used to not getting anything

It’s well-known that men give gifts when they’ve started cheating. This sounds like he felt guilty after cheating, so he took your kid out and let the kid pick the bad-taste gifts; but make no mistake that getting gifts after a long time of no gifts is not good!

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Next year buy your own shit and stop whinging. Your attitude is probably why he doesn’t bother.
No doubt if he bought you a diamond you would complain it wasn’t big enough

What bullshit did I just read? No wonder he doesn’t normally buy you anything. You sound like an ass. Be grateful :woman_facepalming:.

Maybe he wasn’t calling you lazy but was instead giving you something to be lazy in as a joke. Women love comfy clothes. If it’s really bothering you just ask him about it and tell him it hurt your feelings. Communication solves almost everything.

Just say thank you for everything you got and don’t complain …

Men don’t think that deeply into shit lol…probably thought it was funny or that you’d find it funny cant see anyone really putting this much thought into a passive aggressive slight…you are most likely reading into things

Maybe he thinks you do too much and should be more sloth like. :wink:

I would love the plush hedgehog.
Or better yet a real one :wink: even though they are illegal :joy: where i live

I’m really surprised by the comments here. Everyone acting like you just need to be “grateful” he got you anything and saying that you’re whining are totally missing multiple (quite obvious) points.

Getting someone you’re close to stuff they don’t like isn’t thoughtful. He should know you and know what you do and don’t like. An occasional oops here and there is understandable, but that doesn’t sound like what’s happening here. Getting random things is the appearance of effort without being actual effort. You know the saying “it’s the thought that counts”? That works both ways. The lack of thought also counts.

I promise men aren’t delicate little flowers like many here seem to assume. It’s really insulting so many women are assuming men need to be coddled and lied to instead of being respectfully and truthfully told that mistakes were made.

You also have every right to be bothered by the choice of pattern considering what he said. It wasn’t a thoughtful choice on his end. What happens to be popular has zero bearing on it.

You know him and these people don’t know him. Try to honestly ask yourself what he meant by it, if anything. And ignore the rude-ass people with their rude-ass comments. A good many of them appear to need a class in how you speak to another person :roll_eyes:

at least he bought something my husband tells me, your not my mother so I get nothing

Sounds like you’re to lazy to even reaserch that he is into DC not Marvel.

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So, you would have preferred he commit a crime for your gift? :thinking:

Are sloths ultra sensitive too?

It’s probably because you mixed up Marvel and DC

Geeezus I feel for your husband!! You must be an absolute pleasure to be around

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What if your son picked your jammies out. Seems as if just maybe you’re being very ungrateful. Did you speak up and drop hints for gifts that you might want? My personal opinion a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. Be happy that he took the time to get you something. Don’t over think things ya know. It’s the thought that counts

I would love the sloth jsmnies. I am a onesie fan


Sloths are the new thing to have. Enjoy them!

Sounds like he defo shouldn’t bother next time or he needs to find someone who isn’t ungrateful :woman_shrugging: can’t beat new pjs :slight_smile:

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Think yourself lucky some of us don’t even get a card :unamused: if you dont like something then return it instead of moaning about

Just be happy he tried and got you something. I think you are overthinking…

And now we see why he doesn’t buy you gifts lmao

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I’d say trust your intuition

Stop. You are reading things into the gifts that arent there. Just be glad he got you a gift.

Suicide Squad is DC, not Marvel.

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You’re reaching for this. Really bad. Maybe the kids picked them? :thinking:

Maybe bc they are cute

Why do you keep posting these bullshit questions?? I’m out ! Unfollow

Wait… what! Your joking right…
Maybe you should re read this post.
You sound very ungrateful…


Enjoy the gifts ungrateful you will be a lonely person

Sunday was Mother’s Day

WOW, ungreatful person that u are. Alot of moms get nothing. U get a couple of gifts from ur husband, no less, and have the right to bi**h! Wtf? IDC what the gifts would be, you should be Soo thankful he even thought about u this year. No wonder he don’t buy u anything, I wouldn’t either.

I think he’s a jerk…probably not a stretch.

Maybe he should have got you a ‘pair of slippers and a vibrator’. That way, if you don’t like the slipper you can go…


My biggest issue by far is that you don’t like sloths and think they’re ugly. I hope he buys skunk pyjamas next year.


Overthinking deffo. Not to sound harsh but you seem very ungrateful. At least he tried, and remembered the movie you mentioned. Your son my have picked the pjs and just saw something cute.

I got a bottle of wine, a 6 pack of Michelob Ultra, a 4 pack of PBR Hard Coffee, and a small raspberry cake. My SO knows I’m not happy with the weight I put on the past few years due to alcohol, but he went and bought all things he knows I like, and that was most important. I’ve slowed my drinking wayyyyy down, so it’ll take a while to drink it all, but he paid attention to things I’ve mentioned I liked. This SO did the same - he obviously knew the plush would be something she would love, got her a movie she mentioned (hell, if he remembered it from a conversation once, he is good!) and I’m sure the pajamas came from a good place too - he was probably thinking about comfort. Cut him some slack!

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