My husband bought me sloth pajamas for Mother's Day, I think it's his way of calling me lazy: Thoughts?

Sloths are adorable and fun. This could be your insecurity projecting here. Anything given should be cherished as its a gift. Better than divorce papers. If your feeling the pjs are a representation of what you think he thinks of you then change it. Change you. Not for him. But for you .

Be thankful you got what you did. I didn’t even get a happy Mother’s day. From my son or my 19 yr old son.

Not a lot of men give gifts to send a message. They don’t think/overthink the way we do.

Honestly you sound ungrateful. If you don’t like them don’t wear them. I bought myself sloth PJs and they’re the most comfy thing. Pirating a movie really wow okay! Maybe you are too lazy too lazy to get up and buy a movie that people worked hard to make! Can’t even pay to support it no you have to commit an illegal action in order to watch it.
There are many mothers out there that don’t even get gifts. Just wow, but by all means if you feel that paranoid about it maybe you should speak to the person in the mirror. :person_shrugging:


So after reading all the comments: be grateful for your man doing the bare minimum because you know, there’s women out there single who got nothing. Lower your standards till you appreciate the minimum effort your man puts in your relationship. Basically forget about everything and worship your man because hey, atleast you got one. It’s like you opened a portal back to the 1950s

Doesn’t sound like he puts a lot of thought into things. I highly doubt this was a slight, and your kid could have picked it out

At least u got something stop sooking none of my kids bothered to even say happy mothers day let alone get anything for their shit mother meaning me

Can’t imagine why he hasn’t been buying gifts the past few years…

No wonder no one buys you gifts. No appreciation what so ever.

It’s all perception. I think you are trying to be miserable. Change your perception and it will change your reality

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It is a message. Stop being lazy and ungrateful and just be happy he got you something. Clearly it sounds like you dont deserve too much


Jeez my ex never got me anything, lucky if i got a card. I think u should be grateful he got u anything. Btw i love sloths :heart:

Wait what ??
Far out.
How dare your family not spend a fortune on you
How dare they remember a movie that you mentioned


And this thing has a husband… he needs to get a divorce.


Sloth is very popular right now. I don’t think he’s calling you lazy

I think you are having the problem almost sounds like you are looking for a excuse

How ungrateful! Seems he can’t do right for doing wrong. You deserve what you had last year. Nothing.

Get a house bitch its called the husband…

You sound ungrateful, whiny and nit-picking! Poor man cant seem to please you whatever he does. Did you think he actually gave the sloths ANY thought at all? As a man, he would have only seen fluffy animals and would have been more concerned about getting the size right.
You have a man that heard your discontentment last time, so really tried to make you happy this time.
You have a good man there, he deserves better.

Over reacting a bit. They’re just pjs

The sloth ones are in . No nastiness involved.

Be thankful he even got you anything, seems you are a bit ungrateful.

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Boys are stupid. I wouldn’t read too much into this. Most of them just really don’t understand women at all :woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re reading into it waaaaaaay too much

You are ungrateful. Think yourself lucky that you got anything

Suicide squad is DC not marvel …

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Sloths are nice you are an ungrateful bitch

Get a divorce already! Unfollowed!

Kill him with fire


I would love the pyjamas but it sounds like you’re feeling disrespected
And that’s not a nice feeling x

Courtney Wilson you think Adam Gordon has it bad :joy::joy::joy:

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You sound annoying af

Seems very ungrateful

I’ll take the soths pjs

Ungrateful ass bitch! No wonder he hasn’t gotten you anything. Damned if he does damned if he doesn’t.

Ashley Smith o been looking for a toy sloth where did you get yours if you don’t mind me asking please

I love sloths :sloth: they are cute

He sounds delightful.

Anita Sparkes I’d be stoked

Courtney Bathgate id love a pair of sloth pjs man

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Hey you got gifts,I haven’t for years granted it’s just me and my kids. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think you’re overthinking it

You sound bitter and ungrateful


Let’s pick apart what you get him for Father’s day :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::joy::joy::joy:

Holy carp. :fish:
You’re exhausting.


I wish I had sloth PJs :cry:


Wow ungrateful much. Did you think maybe your child picked them out.

I’m sorry you’re getting attacked by other moms calling you ungrateful. Clearly you’re feeling insecure and you need support. Your feelings are valid and I’m sorry you’re feeling insecure. I do think you should talk to him about how you’re feeling. It’s probably the only way you’ll get closure on the situation without any built up resentment. Good luck xo


Um he remembered a movie you wanted to watch with him. So he got you a movie and some pajamas. And maybe he knew the hedgehog would make you think of your guys wonderful son??

Idk it sounds thoughtful to me.


You are reading way too deep into all this & sound incredibly ungrateful. No wonder he dont buy you gifts, you dont appreciate them anyway.


Honestly, I feel this might be a huge misunderstanding.
My husband is so clueless with that stuff, he would probably mistake the sloth for a hedgehog and think “oh this matches the stuffy”.
I think you might have some deeper issues than the sloth pajamas that you two need to work through. Set aside more time for you guys, tell him what’s really bothering you. Hugs and prayers. We’ve all been there.


Youre reading wayyyy too deep into this. He went out of his way to get you some stuff even when he usually doesnt. When i think of sloths i think of comfy so it makes sense for them to be on pjs! And he remembered a movie you asked to watch with him. He may not be good at picking gifts but he tried! Enjoy the sentiment and let things go!


I would have put on my soft and comfy sloth pajamas and got my “lazy self” right in bed and been lazy enjoying the movie with my husband. I’m not seeing your issue here.

I hope next year he skips the gifts. :woman_shrugging:t4:

I was married to a man for 7 years, had 4 kids with him and he never once bought me a mother’s day gift. Count your blessings.


He bought you gifts without asking… remembered something you mentioned. Sloths are adorable and definitely seems like something your kid helped pick. Appreciate it man, id be humiliated if I bought someone a gift and someone went to a group to bash it. Some people suck at buying gifts and really struggle to find the perfect thing.


Maybe it’s your conscience thinking he meant the sloth pajamas meant lazy? I’ve never seen sloth anything and automatically thought it had anything to do with lazy. I think sloths are super cute and sloths are pretty popular right now.


Waaah! You’re a bit much. I would love some soft pj pants! Who cares what’s on them. And if you do care so much, straight up ask him what he meant.

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I think sloths are absolutely adorable. I think you’ve taken it completely the wrong way. Just be grateful he got you something. It would be a miracle if my husband remembered any birthdays or anniversary’s to get me anything lol :joy::joy::joy:

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Even though the gift is less than thoughtful, it IS a gift. Go overboard in your thanks for getting you a gift … training one little step at a time! :grin:


I’m sorry you feel like it’s an underhanded message towards you, but sometimes guys just aren’t thoughtful and buy things to buy things. My bf got me a foot spa thing because my feet could use it :unamused: I mean don’t get me wrong they could but he always talks shit about my feet. I mean I’m only on them all day long and it’s about the only thing I don’t take care of. For Christmas this year my mom got me the grumpy cat pj set :unamused::unamused: because “I can be grumpy and miserable” I said well wtf is that. That’s some bullsh**. But nonetheless we laughed about it and I wear the pants and the socks just not the top :woman_shrugging:t3:. And just throwing it out there bc idk but maybe he took your kid out shopping and he picked out the pjs not your husband? Personally comfy is comfy and I’m rocking them. But if it was a slap without the actual slap in the face, I’d be taking care of everything but his stuff. And tell him to suck it. lol. But that’s just me.


I don’t see a problem with any of this. There’s no “requirement” to get a gift for someone. It may not have been what you wanted but did you tell him your expectations? We’ve all had some disappointment with a gift at least once. However, it sounds like there was some thought there and that’s what counts. And sloths are super popular right now, he might have thought you’d like them.


I got lost on “not a marvel fan” but mentions suicide squad… That’s not marvel.

Also like others have said, you’re reading too much into it. If you don’t like them don’t wear them. But sloths are a “thing” now. Baby items are covered in them. They’re cute.


At least he got you something. And he remembered the movie you wanted to watch with him. That’s pretty romantic considering a lot of men do nothing for their wives on Mother’sDay let alone birthdays and Christmas. Maybe have a talk with him about how you feel about him saying you’re “lazy”. He may not think it’s a big deal if you didn’t say anything.


I’m so confused lol like really confused. Sloth pajamas sound pretty funny even if he was making a joking. I would’ve put them on & laid my behind right down lol


I think he tried his best to be romantic and it flopped. I wouldn’t say he had any type of ill intentions, some men just are not good at gifting… I would sit down and talk to him, but honestly hun, he’s probably just not a romantic dude and his attempt at being romantic completely backfired on him.

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I honestly think it was a very sweet gesture and not intended to be mean.


Lol you posted in a few groups huh? I see you. Don’t over think it so much. They are just gifts from your husband that he rushed to get. My husband let my kids pick me some smell goods for the house because he knows I love them bitches. But I certainly didn’t think it’s because he thinks the house smells bad. :joy: If you feel like you are lazy maybe change things up a bit. He obviously loves you or he wouldn’t have taken the time to even take the little with to go and get something to maybe put a smile on your face. Not trying to be a dick. Just saying.


You’re lucky. My husband did good and I’m not complaining but I got a laundry basket with potting soil, solar lights, garden gloves and a hummingbird feeder. Lol. He took over my laundry basket for his fish tank and got me a new one.


Sometimes our spouses forget to love us how we want to be loved, and love is how they want to. Enjoy the sentiment.

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My husband doesn’t get me gifts either unless I spell out what I want, take pictures so he knows exactly what it is, tell him where to buy it and how much it costs. And he doesn’t buy me gifts without all that because he fears I would dislike it… maybe he doesn’t buy gifts because he doesn’t feel they are appreciated??


Honestly I would be offended too. But then I have to remember that “most” men have trouble picking out the right things because they don’t think like we do. You know deep down whether he meant it as a slight or he is just clueless about stuff like that. I’m sorry you had a sucky mothers day though!! Hugs!!:heart::heart::heart:


Sloths are trendy right now… he probably was thinking cute stuffie with matching animal pjs and the first movie he remembered you mentioning? Some people aren’t the best gift givers… hugs :sparkling_heart:


I feel like this is so much resentment in your relationship that this is not even the real issue. But it’s possible that your kids might’ve picked everything out


I’m not surprised he hasn’t bought you anything before if this is your reaction!! Hopefully he reverts to type and doesn’t get you anything again!! Btw, I have sloth pj’s and love ‘em!! :sloth:


You definitely came to the wrong group to post, you could be right. Always trust you’re gut. You know when something is up. If he’s made comments in the past, and isn’t nice about it. You’re thoughts could be true. Or it could just be last minute thrown together. Either way I feel you’re feelings are valid


I would have been happy with being wished Happy Mother’s Day by my S.O let alone a gift that he seemingly put thought into.


I don’t agree with most here I do understand how your feeling because believe me I have been there my hubby has bought me mini muffin cupcake tins so I could make him mini muffins and candles when my 2 year old at the time liked to start fires in the house. What wa he thinking. My point exactly men just don’t think. I learned a long time ago to stop stressing over what he now doesn’t buy me as he gave up buying me anything as he could never figure out what to buy. And just realize what he does or doesn’t buy me doesn’t equal love. He loves me and I know that. Most men are just not good at figuring out gifts and that’s ok.


Have ya ever worn a macaroni necklace to church? :grin::heart::heart::heart: Be grateful for anything that shows someone is thinking about you.


I get my Fiance a gift cause she is a great mom and get my ex wife a gift from our kids every year. Is is some elaborate thing? No. Just small items to know they are appreciated for being good Mom’s. Sad thing is that someone like your husband is in a no win spot. If he gets you gifts you complain, if he got nothing you would probably bash him as a “typical man” who got you nothing. I would really not want to be your husband, no win no matter what he does


So the guy usually doesn’t do anything, but did now… It’s kind of a lose if you don’t, lose if you do. I think he tried & maybe is realizing showing your son how important it is to be there for mom, give her a gift is… Ever think maybe your kid picked out the pj’s? I’m just saying. Here is my honest thought, y’all got other issues & you are looking at this as fuel for the why… you do… or wanna do… I think it’s cute that he finally thought, many guys are not the best at gift giving… He remembered something you mentioned you wanted to do as a couple, dang how terrible a guy. Maybe y’all should talk about the real issues you have, instead of finding blame in gifts.

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Most guys overthink everything and usually suck at getting gifts even if you’re the easiest person to shop for. I wouldn’t take it too personal. But, you could just be real with him and ask him if he meant something by it or what the reason was behind him choosing sloth pajamas.

At least he paid attention to you at all :woman_shrugging: how about being appreciative that your partner took any time to acknowledge you ?


Maybe your son picked out the pjs! Sloths are cute! I think you are reading too much into it

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You’re lucky to get something from your partner. A lot of women don’t get anything at all from their partners. He’s gone out of his way to treat you. Be appreciative.

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It’s Mother’s Day. Not Spouses Day. Also, your child is 7 now. So, maybe in previous years he got you nothing because he’s not your child (I know men who feel this way). Now that your child is old enough, maybe he took your child to the store and your child picked those gifts with a bit of dad’s guidance.
But, just to point something out…you complained you didn’t expect anything because your husband hasn’t bought you stuff in the past. You dislike the DVD. You dislike the PJ’s. You are hurt cuz he said you aren’t keeping up with the house. Complain much?
Instead of asking ppl who can only hypothesize on your situation, talk to your husband. It’s obvious you feel like crap in your marriage and the present was just a catalyst for a way bigger issue you two have going on.

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I would of been so great full for his gifts… my husband’s passed away in 2007 and give anything to have his silly gifts again. … I’m sure your son helped puck them out and I’m sure it’s not because he thinks your lazy… but maybe you have a guilty conscience.

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1st off Men are not given & instruction Manual on how to treat Women ( some get it & Some Don’t & Some have to be told & shown every little step)
2nd…He tried…Some didn’t even do that, Wasn’t perfect, but he tried( Its the thought that counts)
3rd…Tell him how you feel, but not saying I hate the pajamas " Say thank you, but this is not me & can We exchange them for a different one"
4th… talk it out.

Sounds like you should regift those pj’s back to him for father’s day and show him just how lazy you can be.

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Put your jammies on and watch a movie. Be vocal about what you want otherwise expectations will always slow ya down. :grin: happy Mother’s Day

he brought you something, be happy if you love him, Then go out & buy yourself something you really want . Be happy, many are complaining they got nothing

Don’t get upset. I’ve seen those pjs they are cute and lots of folks buy them for the cuteness factor.

The thought is what counts. Yes it’s cool when u get something you really like but at least he made the effort. Maybe he had finally got his crap kinda together and noticed he didn’t get u anything before but also you have allowed his actions to continue that you really aren’t expecting much but yeah when something is given it’s the end of the world. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:

I didn’t even get a phone call on Mother’s Day so be happy that he cared enough to get your present… even if it wasn’t what you expected

Sloths are so popular right now.

I bought myself the ugliest sloth pajamas because the fabric was so soft I had to. Rock them. Don’t worry about motives.

If that movie is birds of prey, it’s a good one. (suicide squad sucked, birds of prey did not-from a comic fan)

Let me just say that I WISH I had this problem. I never got anything for Mother’s Day from my ex since my daughter was born and she is now 4. I did get a punch to the face tho one Mother’s Day. But your so is trying I’ll give him that. Or he’s trying to be silly and thought you would take it as such.

I think your looking way too into this but you could simply ask. You guys are married so I for real don’t understand this not communicating stuff. Communicate when y’all hurt.

She’s only voicing her opinion about something. Geez take it easy on her will ya.

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Grow up and be grateful. I mentioned to my daughter that I’d love new pyjamas, so my kiddies and hubby bought me pyjamas and super fluffy slipper socks and chocolates

Maybe you 7 yr old picked them out.l thinking you would like them since it’s the cool thing to like these days :woman_shrugging:

You say he never bought you anything without you telling him too, and now he’s done it for himself your complaining? Seems to me he can’t win.
Sloths are popular hence why he most likely bought it… you asked for the movie he got you it. Id be grateful he put time and effort into it. Not everyone gets Mother’s Day gifts … it’s no different from your nan buying you an awful Christmas jumper each year. It’s the thought that counts:

Man your child probably picked those PJs our for you and you’re ungrateful?? Have you never received something wrong someone and just acted like you loved it anyway even though it doesn’t suit you?? It’s the thought that counts. Most guys don’t do shit like that at all without it being brought up or told about it. Looking way too deep in this

Is this group called women putting down other women or a Mom’s group where we come for advice and ideas??? I had to check who wrote this because it sounded like something my daughter would of posted about my son in law. Now her husband bought me a card but he bought nothing for her for her 2 boys to give her which in my opinion is messed up. She unfortunately is use to it because he’s not a nice guy or Good husband. He told her since it was mothers day to pick out dinner I said don’t you get left that job every day?? How’s that a gift or something special lol. So to the poster I hear and feel your pain, nothing would have been better because you wouldn’t have all these questions or uneasy feelings. I’m forever giving my daughter clever advice if I was your Mom I would probably tell you for father’s day to give him PJ’s with a Pig on them or next time he wants to be intimate put those sloth jammies on and move as slow as you can and maybe to the point he gets nothing cause your moving so slow then maybe he would get the point. My approach may not be for everyone and that’s ok no need to write harsh words. Read and move along. Lastly if you think it would help the slightest bit tell him how his gifts made you feel but if your husband is anything like my daughter’s husband it will go in one ear and out the other so why bother!!! Feel free to privately message me I’m a great listener and do have some really good advice and suggestions as I’ve been told this for years. Always happy to help another female/mom I believe in lifting up others not tearing them down!!! :heart: