My husband bought me sloth pajamas for Mother's Day, I think it's his way of calling me lazy: Thoughts?

I think he was just being nice. Did your child help pick it out? My daughter loves sloths she is 4 so maybe she helped pick it up. We went to the zoo and she said I wanna get u a sloth stuffy so she picked that out of all the stuffed animals, it’s just a thought. Hoping everything starts looking up

A while back I was upset that my bf at the time bought me a butterfly bush instead of a bouquet of flowers. I never got flowers of any kind ever again. :woman_facepalming:t2: I should have been grateful for what I got instead of being upset that he ‘never bought me flowers’

I honestly think he tried his best. He heard you mention the movie and while he was at the store puzzling over what to get you, he decided on that. At least he pays attention to your words. The pajamas have nothing to do with you being lazy. You are looking far too deep into this. Sloths are wildly popular these days. It’s the thought that counts.

I don’t think it meant you are lazy but probably because they are trending and he thought you might like them? They are pjs that you are supposed to sleep in so a sleepy sloth is fitting for them. I also got pjs as a gift.

As for the rest, I got gifts I wouldn’t have picked myself but they were things that the kids picked out. I would never get upset about not liking something someone got for me. I think your husband made an effort to go and pick something out and spend money on you. You shouldn’t be mad at him for trying.

Is it possible your son picked out the PJ because he thought you liked them ? I don’t know your husband but sometimes they think we like stuff that we done based off some statement or clue … but if you think he thinks your lazy ? Why? And what if you are ? Is he? There is no right answer to this but I really think your overthinking it. But if your not talk to him ? Maybe explain that it hurt your feelings

I don’t think he got them in a negative way. Lots of people love sloths they’re pretty popular. :woman_shrugging: he probably just thought they looked/ felt/ seemed the best from what he had to pick from. I’d just say thanks. Stereotypically, men are not very good with gifts. Lol.

I remember one year my dad got my mom a door mat and a red poinsettia (her favorite color is blue and they had blue ones) for her birthday. She was incredibly offended and felt that there was a message in the door mat. In reality he was wandering the store and he thought she would like those things. I doubt there is a message in the gifts, but communication is the key to any relationship. I suggest talking to him about how you feel.

For a man who has to be told to celebrate you…do you really think he went that far out of his way to send you a message?! Men aren’t usually that way. Lmao you mentioned a movie …he remembered that, PJs are comfy…and most people think sloths are cute…maybe he thought you were one of them for some reason. And he made sure your son picked you out something from him. I think you think it’s more bc you are feeling some type of way. And that’s perfectly ok…and I’m not saying that to be ugly. But as women we tend to overthink every.single.thing. so it’s easy to go there. I’d just be happy to be acknowledged at all honestly

He put forth the effort to get you some gifts and even remembered you mentioning the movie. Men don’t operate like women. I’d say he did good. Thought was out into it. Appreciate it.

If it were my boyfriend that got me sloth pajamas I would have just worn them for awhile then give them away, thankfully he thinks they are ugly and wouldn’t get me anything with them on it. The great part about my boyfriend is is if he takes my daughter shopping whether it be for me or for her and he doesn’t know whether I would like something he’ll ask me what I think about what he is looking at, and also he remembers something I mentioned about liking once. To tell you really I think he at least tried, I would at least tell him thank you and even though sloths are ugly its soft so you’ll wear it. The other thing I can think of is your son picked it out and if your husband says that then thank your son.

First thing you need to be doing is asking your husband if that’s what the sloth represents, not asking the internet bc none of us know your husband and we are not mind readers. Communication in relationships are key. With it the relationship is dead.

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You really sound pretty ungrateful. You complained when he didn’t give you anything, and then you complained when he did. The poor man can’t win. Just enjoy the gifts.

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Girl, you need to eat a snickers and move on from all of this “deep” thinking. Doesn’t matter what gift you get, HE thought of you, and that’s what matters.

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Well, considering you’re not your husband’s mother, I really don’t think he should have to buy you gifts for Mother’s Day at all.
And dang you’re quite critical. Kinda feeling bad for the poor guy (*who’s not even obligated to buy you a MOTHER’S Day gift at all)

I got a lovely message of my ex, wishing me a happy mothers day which was nice of him. We share a son together. I appreciate the little things in life.

First off I wouldn’t read too much into the sloth pjs, guys generally don’t put that much thought into things.
Second if it’s connected to Suicide Squad that is DC NOT Marvel, totally different cinematic universe. And if you mentioned it previously it shows he was paying attention!
Be happy he went out and put thought into buying you anything at all!

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It sounds like he at least tried to make you happy, he’s not a mind reader and you’re probably over thinking it. Just say thank you, and be done with it. If it really , really bugs you and you can’t stop thinking about it, then talk to him about it without sounding ungrateful. Because he may have really tried and probably just not very good at this sort of thing.

They don’t think like we do. Don’t dwell on the meaning. He probably didn’t notice the sloths. But when we sleep we are like sloths so be comfortable and enjoy the fact that he did something.

Sounds like there are some major communication issues here. Hard to know what exactly your relationship is like but this really makes it sound like you don’t communicate your feelings and that is the major issue. At least he tried this year. You need to sit down and talk. But don’t demand, actually speak your feelings.

This was my 1st Mother’s Day in 29 yrs without a child in the house. My kids are all grownups. My youngest .recently moved away. However I did get to see my 2 older kids and both my grandkids. I got flowers from them and cards. I am not my husband’s mother. He did get me anything. I got to video chat with my mom. Who lives in Ontario. All the while my grandson. Her great grandson. 4months .old. was full of smiles. Covid. Sucks.

Your 6 year old most likely picked these gifts. Don’t break your child’s heart with your bad attitude.

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Men don’t think like that. Men rarely think at all. Maybe he didn’t know you don’t like sloths. Maybe he thought they were cute and that you would like them. I promise you he meant nothing by that. Sometimes I think we (women) over think stuff. Btw my daughter bought me sloth pjs a few years back. I didn’t once think she was calling me lazy. Shrug.

Honestly I would have thought ohhh comfy jammies to be lazy in. My husband doesn’t do anything for me for mother’s day. Our child is an adult but he gets me great gifts for my birthday, our anniversary and Christmas. It’s who he is.

Sloths are in right now. Just sayin’ be grateful and don’t read too much into things.

Side note in the future jot down somewhere things you see that you might want but don’t necessarily need. Keep it in the notes section of your phone. That way if he asks you can check your notes a throw a few ideas into the mix. :slightly_smiling_face:

At least he tried? Geez! :roll_eyes: Ungrateful much? Mine made me breakfast in bed and woke me up with it knowing that 1. I do not want to be disturbed from slumber EVER, 2. I never eat breakfast, and 3. I don’t care for eggs, but I ate that meal with a smile because he wanted to go out of his way to do SOMETHING to show he loves me.

I’m pretty jealous about the jammies, I’m going to look for them now. Sloth aren’t known as lazy, they are known as verrryyy sloooowww. None of us know your hubs, so you will need to ask him. Maybe the child (if they are old enough) picked them out. If he wasn’t interested in the movie and got it for you, because he remembered you saying something about it, should give him some credit for actually listening and remembering it. If you truly question the gifts, ask him, but don’t expect anything else on a Mother’s Day again. How does he do on Christmas?

I would love sloth pajamas. But I like sloths. Maybe you are reading too much into it. Don’t be rude but explain what you liked and didn’t like. So he knows now what you don’t want.

Ew. Complaining about gifts?!? Why. I’m a single mother of 3. I got a homemade card from 1 of my sons. And i was happy with that.


Just pack it all into the closet and let it go. Life with your spouse is worth more than a bad gift. Be thankful you have him.

Probably thinks they’re koalas or something lol my boys bought a charm for me thinking it was a cute puppy and turns out it’s a cow :joy::rofl: I still love it cos my boys gave it to me. Men aren’t the best at gift giving,or even remembering the occasion it’s for lol,so try think of it as he’s just trying and the child likely picked the gift anyway. I bought my mum a Barry Manilow record once​:rofl: she doesn’t listen to Barry Manilow

Momma do not read into it, they love you, and if that was the intent they have no idea how hard it is to do what mommas do!

Sloths are really cute. Maybe that’s how he sees you. Think positive!

I’ll never forget me and my now hubby’s first Valentine’s Day together :sweat_smile: got himself Rambo collection and a new jacket-tried to call the Rambo collection my gift LOL I’m convinced now it was a test- I gracefully accepted that movie like it was a million roses. Maybe he just wants to see some appreciation for the effort.

I dont feel like it was ill intent, men are just horrible gift givers. I got myself a camera for Christmas. The next year hubby insisted on letting him surprise me. He got me a go pro??? Like what lol, I asked for an instant pot.
I got a head lamp for mothers day, you know the flashlight on your head! :joy::joy:

Only you know if he was being funny or not…Id wear them pjs every chance i got!! Preferably, while my feet were kicked up or right after he mentions what i havent done :joy::person_shrugging:
Personally, i wld have laughed, said my thank yous & carried on. Fathers day is around the corner, get him a matching set :purple_heart:

Thank him and tell him you appreciate him thinking of you. Wear the pajamas off and on a few times. And watch that movie. Men sometimes don’t know what to give. He tried that all that matters.

I received sloth pajamas, I absolutely LOVE pajamas. I don’t care if the have a sloth on them. I think sloths are cute💕

Maybe your kid picked the pajamas. Or maybe your husband likes them because they look comfy. I don’t think you should over think it.

I think you are taking things too personally, especially when this is something he went out of his way to do for you and it was out of love. He even remembered a movie you mentioned to him at some point. I don’t think he got the sloths to be mean. I got a bouquet and it’s beautiful but due to it being lilies and us having six cats- every part of that plant could cause organ failure in our pets and I had to think quick. He didn’t know they were toxic, it wasn’t some way he was trying to be nasty. It was thoughtful and he just didn’t know. I just have to keep them in our reptile room lol cats stay out of there AND I get to see my pretties

Men’s brains don’t work like ours. Don’t overthink it. Maybe your son picked it all out. Maybe he thought they were cute. I mean sloths are in!
At least he’s there and he got you something. That’s a stretch for most. Be grateful

If you are unhappy, you do not have to stay.
I see a lot of people have already cast judgement- you really don’t need my thoughts.but since you asked…I can’t help but say: Perception is a funny thing.
Some people would absolutely love what you received and would not have perceived the sloth as a symbol for lazy.
Maybe (?) They would have perceived the gift as a thoughtful gesture…but then again, that’s perception and I’m going to go back to if you’re unhappy, you can always leave.
Because you’re unhappiness is going to flow into your child which isn’t cool. Maybe your child helped pick out the gift.
And the entire house should not fall upon you and it should not be expected for you to keep up on the house, so say it. Speak up for yourself , let it be known that the house is a joint effort.
Best of luck. The PJs sound pretty cool. Just saying.

No I think you’re reading WAY into the pjs. Sloths are like a “thing” right now. It’s crummy he didn’t want to watch the movie with you, but I wouldn’t get too upset about the pjs.

Maybe the sloth pajamas are a funny way for him to tell you “this is your day, take the day off, relax…be lazy” or maybe your son picked it out bc sloths are super in right now. Be grateful, that’s all I’m gonna say.

So the way I see it, you mentioned a movie and for some reason it stuck with him so he thought you might enjoy having it.
Slots are considered super cute “in” animals right now so he probably just thought the design was cute.
I don’t know, I don’t know your hubby but sometimes there’s no hidden meaning to things.

Don’t assume the worst…accept the gift as a heartfelt gesture! Enjoy it…maybe he is trying to make a positive change in your relationship. Embrace the sloth jammies! Sloths are cute! Emulate the sloth—rest and relax! If you want to know what was behind the gift, ask him if he was encouraging you to relax more? See what he says! Don’t sabotage your relationship with baggage from past troubles…move forward with positivity!:blush:

Eesh. So he hasnt gotten you anything in years past, made an attempt and you are upset still? Does he know you dislike sloths? A lot of people love sloths and they are popular. Sloths are my daughter’s favorite. How do sloth’s = lazy? Because they are slow? I highly doubt he was like “Let me buy these sloth pajamas to passively aggressive tell her she is lazy” also if you brought up the movie, he probably thought since you has brought it up, it was a good idea. If he has gotten you nothing like before, you still probably would have been upset. You seem difficult to please. He isn’t good at pre-planning or gift giving, made an attempt and you pick it apart. My husband sucks at gift giving…the present he got me on his own was a desk top file organizer. Lol. Which i definitely said I wanted but :rofl: It was great though because he tried. I also told him not to get me anything, I would pick my gifts and he still tried. Im not cutting him slack but knowing what is the norm for him and being grateful when he tries to go above that norm for me.

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It’s super sweet he got you anything. It’s the thought and effort that counts. Not the actual gifts!

I think Sloths are adorable… and maybe he did too, like he thinks you are, don’t read so deep into it…

I think your reading to much into it. You said you haven’t gotten anything in the last 4 yrs so be happy he got you something. He probably thought it would be a cute gift. And sloths are popular lately so just say thank you and move on. Sounds to me like hes trying, plus maybe your son picked them out and thought you would like them. Dont jump to conclusions

My husband wouldn’t know a sloth from a jackass or what it represents lol. Your husband just picked up some pajamas because they were soft. My husband knows I like Disney characters and I could see him thinking this was one of them. Be grateful he got you something for once, quit complaining.

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maybe don’t be ungrateful…I’ve gotten some goofy gifts over the years and it’s not about the gifts my kids r my gifts

She should just be greatful she got 1 a gift at all your children are a gift not the materialistic nonsense any way and with any gift it’s the thought that counts

You got gifts. He saw soft pjs and got you something. If he was trying to make a point/bitching about the house you woulda got a vaccuum, broom, or mop. All I got for Mother’s Day was dishes :joy:, and not clean ones :joy:.

Wow…. Over analyzing! He bought you gifts on a day he normally lets go by! Right now, sloths are EVERYWHERE! Because everyone wants to veg out and do the sloth but we women can’t! He bought you something that he thought you would be comfortable lounging around in! And as for the movie, so what if it’s a movie you only want to watch once?!?! He remembered it was something you once said he wanted to see and see together! This is a way of making it happen! Give the guy a break!

I feel like he meant this more for a movie night for yourself… like you could get in your new soft pjs and watch a movie. I mean I’d ask him to watch it with me even if he didn’t think he would like it. My boyfriend has got me to watch a lot of movies I didn’t think I’d like and I did and I did the same with him. You should talk to him about how you feel. Communication is key to a healthy relationship. He can’t fix something if he doesn’t think anything is wrong…

Really??? Be appreciative he got you anything. Maybe he doesn’t usually get you anything bc this is how you act. And most likely your 7 year old picked out your gifts…Wow.

Clear to tell some of you have never lived with or apparently met a man like this. It’s utterly bewildering to you that she could be so ungrateful. Yes, there are men out there like this. Also, easy to see how many women have that rug pulled from under them when they find out who some of these men really are. Ladies, there are men truly like this. Men who are catty, petty, and passive aggressive like many women. Thats just naming a few. The problem is many men are way worse than women when they do these things. :woman_shrugging: Sad but true.

Did you talk to him about your concerns? My husband didn’t get me anything at all for Mother’s Day. He told me happy Mother’s Day but otherwise it was a pretty normal day for me.

You read way too much into HIS thoughts—
Men don’t think THAT much!! He saw them & thought “oh those are cute” and off he went out of the store

Girl have a conversation with YOUR husband. The only way you’ll get an answer is to ask him. I’m the same way. If I want time and attention, don’t give me some pajamas. That’s not what I asked for. He seems checked out but have the hard conversation.

Honestly I don’t know that he was thinking that while buying the jammies! But, for him to even comment on you not keeping up is ridiculous! Sending love your way!

Sloths are the in thing now. They are all over everything now days! Be thankful he got you something.

My husband doesn’t do anything for me for Mother’s Day because he says you are not my mother. So on Saturday I do not get him a card or a gift because he’s not my father.

Be glad you got anything. My ex was like you’re not my mum. I was the mother of his five kids.
:rofl::rofl: it’s the thought that counts.

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I’m not a fly on the wall so I have no clue day to day…but I do know sloths for some reason are huge with kids hahaha…think cause they’re funny looking…i hope for you sake and your husbands that he is just like my boyfriend doesnt look at the full item…but I got a card only for mothers day so yours topped mine this year! Give him a little cred you got a bag of stuff…that also prolly meant he was unsure and got multiples just in case you didnt like it…side note question…do pajamas come with the gift of naps?? Cause that’s my message I’m getting if I get pjs :rofl::rofl:

Ha ya he got “me” a drill set for his drill (that he’s been wanting) and a magnet for cleaning up nails in the yard.

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Honestly, you just sound really ungrateful… ever heard “it’s the thought that counts?” GEEZ! He probably tried his best and you’re overthinking it.

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My husband has bought me weird, strange, and just off the wall stuff for years.
The absolute best example is I got a goldfish the day an ENT specialist pulked a saliva stone out of my mouth.
I love him, he’s thinking of me (some bizare alternative me, but still) and I just roll with it.

Sloths are popular, and he got you a movie you mentioned once which says he listens to you when you talk. I think you are you over reacting. I get nothing from my daughter (who is 18 now) or my husband I didn’t even get a happy Mother’s Day from my daughter. But I did get a quiet day of watching softball and no fights. So take the win

Unless you stare at the print all the time who cares what on the pj’s your son and husband will see you in them more then you staring at yourself in a mirror
Movie is a plus as his actual listened
My other have I get nothing most holidays or even my birthday but when he does something anything I am always greatful

Ever heard the saying it’s the thought that counts? Did you ask who picked out the pajamas? Sloths are in right now too. They don’t represent anything but people thinking they’re cute.

I feel like ur being a picky snob just be happy he not only remembered but he did something alot of us dont get that due to being single widowed or having a guy who just dont give a crap stop being high strung and enjoy the little things

Sloths are really popular right now. My daughter got a pair for her birthday, super comfy.

I had a co-×worker that loves Sloths, and she would love sloth pjs for any occasion…but it could have been the child shopping, some kids just buy things they like for the parent, but if that worried can just try and ask about them and see if there is a deeper meaning to it, but i think most guys are straight forward with how they feel about things, and wouldnt think that much into pjs, but i dont know how he is.

Sometimes you have to be straight forward with guys with what you want. They’re not the best gift givers lol. I told my husband I didn’t need any gifts, just have my kids make me something cute and make me some breakfast. If I didn’t tell him those things it probably wouldn’t have happened lol

First of all sloths are f’ing adorable.
Second of all are you serious?? You sound like you need a nap in those pjs and maybe when you wake up you can talk to him and have a conversation like adults.

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if this is all you have to worry about in life you must be doing really well! grow up. you have a child.


Be happy you got something at least he put in an effort. If he knows your ungrateful for the gift and look at it negative, get used to not getting anything from now on. Why would he want to get you anything anymore of all you do is look at it negative? Your son could have picked out the gifts and and if he remembered that you wanted to watch a movie and he took the time to watch it. Fan or not. Watch the movie with him. Quit being so negative. I been married for 11 years and my husband still gets me gifts that aren’t my taste or favorite but at least he is trying and that is what makes the gifts worth it.

I think he legitimately tried to do something nice for you after so long and you’re not appreciating his efforts. I have to wonder if something similar happened years ago, which is why he stopped doing things for you in the first place.

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Men don’t think that way! He probably took the son shopping with him and when they got to the PJ dept, he asked the kid what he wanted mommy to have and the kid picked sloth. :joy:

I couldn’t Imagine being this ungrateful :woman_facepalming:t2: your husband just did something nice for you. No wonder he hasn’t in the years previous :woman_shrugging:t2: personally I was thrilled with the sloth jammies I got for mothersday. Saying he’s insinuating you are lazy is a bit of a reach :unamused:

Sloths are cool! I would’ve been happy with sloth pyjamas. Maybe your son picked them out??

And this is why men so often get away with being jerks because we lower out standards if this was the other way around we’d never say at least you got him something without being asked having said that some of the other comments are probably accurate in that he probably really didn’t put that much thought into it if you are concerned he is complaining about the house then perhaps this is a separate conversation which needs to be had ie he could, you know, do something, seeing as it’s his house too :roll_eyes:

Take it at face value. Overthinking it and putting a meaning to something that may or may not be there will drive you crazy and create an issue when not intended. Be grateful, return jammie’s (cuz they don’t fit right;)) and watch the movie together bc you finally y can.

I think this reflects more how you feel about yourself than it does about your husband. In which case, you can do something about it. But also, if you’re so miserable that you really think the man you married would be that petty there are deeper issues here.

You sound so ungrateful :woman_facepalming:t2: appreciate he got you something and recognized the day, and also….it kind of shows he listened because the movie is one you’ve mentioned before and the plush reminds you of your kid.

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Maybe your kids picked the pj’s, mind what you say in front of them.
Maybe he bought the dvd b3cquse you said you wanted to watch it and didn’t ‘I’d like to see it only once with you’ maybe you should have said ‘I’d watch anything with you just do we can hace time together’.
Maybe you make that movie special and get wine and pizza and cuddle under a blanket, maybe thats what he wants but doesn’t know how to say it?
Maybe just maybe, communication is the only problem in your marriage and it can be fixed so easily.
I love the saying, ‘everything is always too much for you and nothing is ever enough’.
Good luck with your date night :wink: and rock those sloth PJ’s, even if its only for the kids. Make it fun, walk like a sloth, eat like a sloth… heck just make it fun.

Maybe it’s your guilty conscience. Men don’t normally put that much thought into something. Be happy for what you did get. Some mother’s got nothing at all

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His thinking skills are “ I don’t know what she likes or what to get her … oh wait these look cute she may like these, oh she said something about this movie idk what it was but hey I’ll buy it” men don’t really think I’m depth

I’m thinking this is more about your issues and insecurity than his “message” to you. Your husband got you gifts for Mother’s Day (did the son pick out the pjs maybe? If not still probably not a subliminal message as most people love sloths) so be grateful they put the time and effort in and say thank you and stop being petty!

I seen those pjs at Walmart, thought about getting them for myself. Sloths are not ugly or lazy. Be thankful , you got something

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I doubt it’s that deep. He likely grabbed the 1st things he saw that he thought you’d like. My husband got me a chocolate covered strawberry cake because he saw it on the mothers day table at the store lol

Jesus that was a helluva reach​:woman_facepalming:how disgusting and ungrateful! I love sloths, I woulda been stoked if my hubby got me south pj’s (which he did)… yikes, I feel super bad for ur hubby damn. Trying to do something nice for u and THAT’S where u took it? Gross :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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If this is bothering u so much sit down and talked to your man communication is key u will never know unless u ask the questions we can say all we want but it comes down to u and him period

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Just ask him in a non confrontational way if he was implying that you were lazy.

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I, for one, feel like you’re probably reading too much into this. :person_shrugging:

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Maybe your son picked out the sloth jammies because sloths are figgen adorable!

Wow what a selfish spoilt person you are think your self lucky he actually took the time to buy your anything and think of the mother and wives who never have that chance again all they have are memories of those they loved and if was the husband I wouldn’t bother again

Girl, you are giving that man waay too much credit. You seriously think he was able to plan ahead how he was going to passive aggressively insult you on mother’s day? I know exactly how this went down without knowing anything about him or you.

  1. You’ve obviously voiced your unhappiness at him not getting you something/cooking before.
  2. So he went to walmart, picked up the movie you mentioned wanting to see and the first set of jammies that didn’t look like an old lady nightgown. The end.
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Question. Do you know if you husband took the children with him to pick out the pjs? Ugly or not, its that thought that counts.