Did you not date this man before you married him? That should have been your first clue. If he was not thoughtful when you dated him , he wasn’t gonna change.
Did you ever think maybe your son picked it out? Sounds like your ungrateful and didn’t appreciate anything he got you.
I think you are way overthinking it, personally. Sloths are something I’ve seen a lot of lately. Maybe they thought they were cute. Honestly, I’d just be thankful he remembered you and got you stuff.
Maybe your son picked out the stuff cause he thought it was cute.
Maybe if you were a little more greatful when he does buy you gifts he would do it more
Some mothers didnt even get a gift
And its a present from your child, i got spoilt tho and it was stuff my daughter made me herself (body scrub) and it smells delicious
She felt bad at 13 to only be making things but its the thought that counts, i dont need gifts just moments spent together… i got a homemade card , a voucher booklet with all the coupons i like, massages , brushing my hair, those are the things i love and im so very greatful i got this as we have both been flat out moving as well
If he didn’t get you anything before and your kid is seven and is who handed you the bag your kid probably told him let’s get something for Mom bc the other kids at school talking about their mothers day plans
I always appreciate any gifts on Mother’s Day. Some years are better than others!
I had to pay for my stuff but I’m not totally mad because he remembered plain chips(finally) and got me chocolate. Then randomly my son brought me half an ice cream bar… apparently my husband accidentally guilt tripped him into it. Got to sleep in though
Hell I would have been happy with it but I would be literally happy with anything, I’ve been married to the father of my 4 children 14 years and he’s not once ever gifted me with anything on mothers day, nor birthday or anniversary. I usually speak my mind that it hurts being ignored on those days but it goes in one ear and out the other. If it wasn’t for my mom and dad gifting me a beautiful bracelette this year it would have been another year of feeling useless. I know relationships are not supposed to be about the gifts but when your a stay at home mom to 4 kids who always greets the hubby at the door to a spotless house and dinner on the table it gets a little hurtful to be ignored.
Why are you so suspicious and accusing of your husband…does he treat you bad normally. Is he disrespectful, does he verbally or emotionally abuse you…why would you read so much into a gift…does he normally play minds games on you…shame man, I can only comment on what I read and what you have told us but Good God…its a gift…if a gift can make you so upset or so offended, I can’t imagine how you take other things…I feel bad for you and him…I hope you find peace and happiness
Men don’t think deep like this. I’m sure he thought “hey she said something about this movie and these jammies look super comfy”
Wow this poster just got drug through the dirt. Sucks you cant feel feelings and inquire if anyone has ever felt the same without the wrath of strangers.
Grateful or un…my brain goes wild sometimes too. Best of luck!
Girl ask him for the receipt to take them ugly ass pjs back!!! Conversation started. And men can totally be dicks like that they not that slow!! If you work that’s 1 thing but if youre a stay at home mom well you know why you got the gifts you got. Step ya game up!!!
If you’re thinking he did this to be mean, he probably did. You KNOW your man better than any of us. Sounds like something my ex would do, being a jerk. Thoughtless gifts (well beside being a jerk on the lazy pjs) are in a way worse than no gift. People saying how she’s ungrateful and what not are just rude. She knows more about her relationship than anyone else. When a woman starts thinking in this way, it’s usually because he already put those thoughts in her head.
I really think heart well for you. Sometimes men need us to help them spell it out more but he definitely tried.
You almost make me feel bad for him. I think you would find something wrong with anything he does or gets.
I would take a movie and pj’s as a message of permission to have a lazy day. Lay around and watch movies in my pj’s.
- He listened at least once, 2) he wants you to be comfy and 3) everything is probably the sons idea but they did it together for you
Its jus a pyjamas dear. Its better than he outs u in a zoo w a sloth right? The tots that counts. Appreciate it. Some wifey dont even receive a gift thou
I’d be happy with it but then again for the 11th year in a row nothing not even a happy Mother’s Day. If I even got what you got I would be over the moon. But I highly doubt he was even thinking this way I’ve learned they pick and choose what they want to hear so you may have mentioned something related to each of these items and he just went with it.
I can’t agree with all the women saying men don’t think that way.
There are some vindictive and toxic people out there who find ways to slip something negative into some of the things they do. Only those that deal w them on the regular can see that, is your husband that type of person? If so you’ve got bigger problems that may crop up, pj’s aside.
I wasn’t there so I cannot say. Either it was a low-key jab or he just didn’t pay attention to your animal preferences and you’re feeling pressured/tender about what he said previously.
You overthink too much. Be happy with your gifts. Your son probably likes the sloths. Let them know it’s your day off when the sloth PJ’s are on.
Maybe he let your son pick?
I let the kids (4 and 6) pick stuff for their dads birthday and they bought stuffed animals and candy they like… but I let them lol
OK idk about you… but I love comfort things… warm soft fuzzy socks, throws, blankets, pj’s. Literally ANYTHING comfort!!! So idk why getting a soft fuzzy set of pj’s is such an issue? I wouldn’t even care what’s on them btw!! Secondly like stated before you mentioned the movie once and he got it. Whether you’re specifically a fan or not, he not only HEARD you, but he LISTENED!! (Which women complain so much about in sooo many other posts I’ve seen)! I really don’t see where you feel you have justification to complain??
My husband has been with me for 10yrs and I have always mentioned what I like and wanted through out the yrs. Yet trust me I don’t like most his gifts. I don’t say anything because its the thought that counts.
Men don’t think that hard. Your kid probably picked them out.
All I wanted was for my husband to decide what we were having for dinner that day. I didnt even mind cooking it, I just wanted someone else to decide. He still asked me a ton of questions about what to have…
All i can say is make sure you teach your boys to be better husbands and fathers and your little girls to be better wives and mothers. Teach them to get or do something meaningful for the parent of their children or for their birthday/ anniversary or Christmas . If you teach them young and teach them consistently you’ll will know you are handing them off in good shape.
Dang girl. Be grateful he is thinking of you and listening to something you ask for. Some men can’t by clothing for thier ladys. To me sounds like your being ungrateful.
He probably doesn’t buy you anything because this is how you act when he does smh. Just smile and say thanks!
I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by buying you sloth pjs he meant well xx
Jesus you got all that information from a film and a pair of pjs. Seems like your looking for a fight with him
It’s funny how women are from Venus and men are from Mars. They don’t think that deeply into things about equating sloth pj’s into you being lazy.
Point blank - he got you something that you mentioned once. He’s listening to you. That means, open up more about things you want or need and while you still have the chance - you guys should get into therapy. And wear the hell of of those damn Ugly PJ’s.
This could be the turning point in your relationship if you keep your eyes open.
My kids got me a couple of things from the mothers day stall at school all up costing $20. I gave them the money. Hubby bought me a pair of runners. Im happy. I would have been happy with a sleep in, a coffee and a big kiss and a cuddle from my kids. Seriously its not about the bloody presents. Be grateful they got you anything at all.
The only time my husband actually put thought into what he gave me was when he wanted some marital time & was trying to be funny. Like he served me pizza with sausage and an ice cream cone with nuts. I highly doubt your husbands pajama pick has any other thought into it other than they were soft. Men don’t think that hard, rarely.
He probably asked a sales person for help with the pajama choice.
Sloths are extremely popular right now!!!
There’s been 2 really cute sloth jammies that have come out recently that my husband got for me cause he knows I love jammies and these are cute. I didn’t once think about him thinking about me as lazy. As long as you know you’re not being lazy and are working your ass off forget what he thinks and enjoy the jammies. Better yet go buy your own pair you choose, buy your own movie etc
Wow there’s a lot of women on here that have VERY low standards for men… Ew
I might be the odd man out here, but I think you have a right to be a lil mad. It sounds like he’s being passive aggressive. Like… oh you want a gift? I’ll give you a gift lol then put his own dumb guy twist on it to be funny. The movie I don’t think he meant anything by tho, I think that was an actual gift. Did you ask him though?
You complained about not getting anything and then complained when you did get something. . . because it wasn’t the something you wanted? Sounds to me like your husband let your son pick out the gifts, and those things were what your son thought you’d like (except the DVD) If a child that loved me gave me gifts and I thought they were crappy, that precious child would NEVER know what I really thought. They would believe in their heart that they are the best gift picker-outer EVER!
Just a thought but he could have potentially asked your son for input and perhaps your son picked them out. I have to say … from someone who never got anything for Mother’s Day when my children were young (nothing initiated by their father), be thankful that he got you something. I personally think he probably though the pj’s were cute. No underlying message other than “they are soft and cute”.
I think, because some of this comment are out of hand, maybe wrong maybe right. I think, if you feel like this about the pants? Sit your husband down, and ask him. If your child picked it out, then you know. If your husband picked them out, then tell him how you feel and what ypu thought. Talk to your husband and ask what can ypu do better? And what ever his says, talk to him to come together and make things right. Or talk to each other and see if yall can work things out so he could help out with stuff around the house and you as well, so you don’t feel like you doing everything and not want to do it because if feels like you are doing it all. And then don’t want to do it because you feel like you the only one doing it. Solve it all, talk to your husband and not listen to no one else
This is gonna be long
So… I have only been a mother for 7 years (7,4, &5), BUT I have been with my husband for 12 and actually KNOWN him for 25+ years. He’s not a gifter. I know very few men are and that’s why we raise our son’s to be gifters. My husband knows he sucks ass at it. It’s for everyone not just me so I take solice in that lol. He knows he wants to get me things/do nice things for me one “special days” it’s just not his bag. Christmas since 2009 is literally whatever he can find at Walgreens 10am December 25(It was one year literally a hairbrush and hair ties which looking back now I DID need lmao) However, knowing my husband and being with him for so long…I’ll be damned if it wasn’t until a year ago when I finally REALIZED that he ISN’T a gifter that I stopped getting hurt or heartbroken. For me, I was setting the expectations of myself on him and that’s…not fair to him or to me.
So guess what we do for holidays/special days now?
I have an Amazon list of crap that I just want and he can go through that. Here’s the thing he probably won’t order it though at least not for awhile. Order it for yourself. As many times as you need to. Buy the stuff/do the things that you want to do on your day. He’ll catch up. Don’t you remember being told in elementary “boys grow up slower than girls” ?
Be glad the efforts were made. One year I got a coffeemaker. I don’t drink coffee. Another year I got a push lawnmower.
Maybe the pjs are for your sloth days? Lazy day. I use one day off for nothing the other i do household things
How do you now he didn’t let the kids pick them? Any ways thinks you can ASK him plus you got something Sobi guess it’s a start .
If he thought that hard into a gift he bought you, you should be happy lol they don’t think Like we do!! Don’t overthink things, enjoy the thought even if the gifts suck
Oh I can’t wait to see what pajamas he gets for Father’s day please send pics in this post
Appreciate that he tried even though you don’t like any of it. Move on …this post kinda makes me cringe
Guys back me up here! They don’t over think things like that!
My youngest daughter(30) loves sloths. So much so that a quilt I made for her has sloth flannel on the back. Just be glad you got a gift because some of us didn’t from our spouses. My daughters did fix a yummy brunch
Just be glad that you got ANYTHING! SFTU ungrateful wrench. Women like you are why men quit trying. Just say “thank you” and go on.
You’re thinking to much into it on his aspect. I think those are your feelings and you trying to put the harshness on someone else.
I am a practical gal. One year I mentioned socks when asked about my birthday. I received 40 pairs of socks that year. Its 8 years later I still have unworn socks. I have never mentioned anything practical again. Men just don’t see things the same.
Wow you over thought al those gifts he actually did on his own! Sorry you complained you used to have to tell him and this time you didn’t and he tried and now you’re publicly shaming your husband. He tried
sounds like your in your head a little bit… and you sound a tad ungrateful, maybe he doesn’t get you anything because your negative outlook on everything.
Wow. Some of you in the comments need a heart check . Very catty comments . Uplift other women and stop putting this mama down.
I read how he didn’t acknowledge or get anything for a few years without you telling him about it; That is completely hurtful. A card is a few bucks. Or cooking dinner is free. It isnt about the money. So I understand where you’re coming from. You aren’t being ungrateful, it sounds like you guys need to have a heart to heart and that their is a lot of miscommunication. If the relationship has been on the “rocks” then I can understand over analyzing what he got you. Talking will truly get to the root of it. I hope the best for you, mama! You got this
Have a sit down heart to heart and if he really did mean them as a jab about being lazy…then throw the whole man away…
My boyfriend got me flowers coffee a Starbucks gift card and stop by before work to see me before work
If they’re size S give them to me! Sloths are amazing! I’ve held them in Honduras.
Sounds like you’ve got some soul searching to do. Seem alike you’re making a bigger deal of it than it should be.
I really feel like that is reaching at it’s very best. You got gifts, why isnt that enough?
I’m sorry, but you said yourself you had pretty much given up on the holiday for the fact of not receiving anything. But the year you finally do, it’s a gripe and complaint about everything? I’d just be grateful to receive a gift.
I hate to be that person… but if it has something to do with Suicide squad… it’s not Marvel… its DC.
Men dont think that much into things like we do. I would be more inclined to think that if your son handed you the bag, he picked it out. If not, I’m sure your husband saw comfy cozy pjs and thought you needed a chill day to watch your movie in pajamas. This post seems a little ungrateful. Unless hes an excellent gift giver to everyone else, I think you’re putting to much into this.
He remembered a movie you mentioned ONCE? That’s pretty impressive. How should he know you didn’t really want to watch the movie? You wanted him to spend time with you - when is the last time YOU spent time with HIM? Suggest doing something together that you both enjoy. Watching a movie is not really spending quality time unless it leads to a good conversation. And what are you going to get him for Father’s Day?
This is probably why your husband doesn’t buy you stuff…He knows you won’t like it and will say something…I think them being Sloths is a coincidence.Men tend (at least I know my husband does) to get stuff like that because they like it (for some odd reason) and therefore,Think you will as well…I honestly wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Sounds like he tried and then instead of being thankfull ur blasting on fb about how his attempt displeased u my man would never attempt to get anything even if I dislike it I’d never cut it down cus it’s sopost to be the thought he thought of u and more fact he got a movie u mentions once befor should tell u he was kinda paying attention to u
How about just be happy he tried? Lol
My husband loves sloths because they’re cute, and they are so chill. I don’t think a sloth is lazy at all. I think you’re projecting onto him, and finding reasons to be unsatisfied.
I got flowers and some time to do schoolwork and was happy… this is the millionth time I’ve seen a complaining mom from lack of presents
Are you going to feel like a jerk if he says “our son picked those out for you”….?
Men are not that smart to send such passive aggressive messages, don’t give him that kind of credit. Take them back and trade them if you hate them
Your husband probably asked your son would mummy like these PJs and son said yes but stop reading messages that aren’t there…but if you feel that strongly it’s a message ask him outright but be prepared for no more gifts
I’m lazy and love sloths, and it was nice of him to get her a movie and a hedgehog and I agree it was probably the son. Honestly, it’s ok to be disappointed but to make a whole post about it and then act so ungrateful, rude, and bratty? Sounds like she has a communication problem and some other issues. I’m a single mom and my ex was like, the kids made you something but I left it in my other car…or he says the kids got me something but he’ll give it to me later and then never does. Wasn’t much better when we were married especially towards the end when he was having another affair and getting her the gifts instead.
I mean, get over it? Be happy you have a husband and a child who gave you a gift. I learned the hard way it could always be worse.
Now I buy myself my own gifts and exactly what I want! I don’t even have to wait for anyone else to get me anything. I may even message her hubby to ask where he got the soft cozy sloth pjs…
Sloths may be slow and “lazy” but that’s because they’re smart
There is a lot of transference in that paragraph. Lets try to remember the only person thinking this way is you. Its not fair to assume what he meant when he bought you the pjs. Its like you’re playing a game and he doeant know he is playing, nor does he know the rules youre putting out there.
Maybe that’s why he don’t get you gifts? You criticize them! Just a thought!
I’m gonna validate how you feel instead of many other comments. I wouldn’t be excited either And I’d question things too. Overthinking or not; our feelings are valid.
Maybe your child liked it and talked him into it
For the last birthday I spent with my ex-husband (who I’d been with for almost 20 years), he got me a box set of Little House on the Prairie DVD’s and a DVD with a season of MMA fights. And that was about the most consideration I got from him for quite a long time.
I think if you truly care about someone, you take the time to find out what is important to them and gift accordingly. To me this just seems like inconsideration at best and contempt at worst.
If all someone can see is your flaws, I’m not sure why they think throwing shade is going to suddenly make you a different person.
I’m sure there’s two sides here, but if they both plan to stay together, at some point one of them has to decide to be the bigger person and reach out to bridge the gap.
Unless your husband is a woman I wouldn’t read much into it… Men don’t think like that and do sneaky passive aggressive things like that.
Maybe your 7 yr old picked them out and thats what he liked
I was married 30 yrs and my ex never bought me anything for mothers day. He said why should he I’m not his mother.
Or maybe your son picked them out special for you because he liked them. Everything isn’t always negative or some hidden agenda message.
I can understand how you may think that if he recently made a comment about you being lazy and then gives you pajamas like that. However, could it be just you thinking about it to much? Could he or your son just seen a cuddling soft animal on a shirt and thought it was cute? I would talk to him and see his thinking. A lot of times people think men don’t know or don’t pay attention to things. Men are not as dumb as they put off. They know what they’re doing lol. I just don’t know if that’s the case this time around since your son was involved and could have picked them. Do you think your lazy? If you think you are or honestly know you could do more then perhaps your taking the pajamas as an insult bc you know you don’t do as much as you really want to/could.
Sloths are “in” right now, like llamas were awhile ago
Sloths are trendy and men generally aren’t that subtle.
Sometimes guys just suck at gift giving. Is this a first crappy gift? I mean, at least be thankful he was thoughtful enough to buy you a gift
Mine did nothing and drank rum and tequila and flipped me off
I got nothing . My kids did nothing for me my ex husband did not even have them make me a card . So there is that . Be great full you got anything . I feel bad for your husband at lest he tried .
I just bought sloth pajamas because they were cute.
Well maybe if you didn’t move like a sloth! I wouldn’t have bought you those PJs!
Sloth items are in style im in retail we are constanly getting sloth items
I think you need to take the tampon out of your ass and put it in the right whole…. A lot of us moms would kill for someone to acknowledge us on Mother’s Day or any other day for that matter, send hubby over here, I’ll take the sloth pjs. Sloths are cute and the fact that he tried getting you something is what count.
Don’t over read into his presents. It’s time the two of you spend more time together and have a conversation about gift giving.
You sound very ungrateful. You say he usually doesnt get you stuff, but when he does you wanna complain. Really?
Simple solution—Fathers Day is coming -Order him pjs or a shirt with a donkey on it!
Most men are literally last minute shoppers and don’t think much about what they’re getting. I say, be grateful for what you did get. I’ve seen a lot of women not get a single thing. Not even a simple “I’ll make dinner tonight” or any type of nice gesture like that.
I dought he put that much thought into it…it was probably just because they were soft and payed 0 attention to what was on them. As for the movie men dont listen. Even when they have a whole conversation. Feel lucjy he even remembered the name of the movie
Maybe your kid picked out the pajamas? He might like them.