Anyone else husband says you are “demanding” because you ask them to do things around the house? I ask simple things like taking out the trash, switch the laundry over or vacuum the floor. I am 8 months pregnant, and he slaps back with “I am demanding”.
That’s not okay. You shouldn’t even have to ask!
He’s living there too. He wants a clean house, clean laundry? Then he can help out or higher a maid.
Yep any time I ask for anything I am called lazy and demanding and God for bid if I ask for help with the kids I get called worse. I am told I am too lazy and can’t take care of the kids. But yet I am the one who works and pays all the bills and only sleeps 2 hrs a night cause of the baby and my daughter with medical needs while he sleeps from 8pm till 11am
Shouldn’t even have to ask ur 8 months pregnant u got a lazy sob on ur hands sorry momma it’s just guna get worse when baby comes u better leave now save urself the pain
I’m 37 weeks pregnant and my bf will throw a fit if I do any house work while he’s at work cause he wants me to relax as much as possible. It depends on the man. The ones that have always been fed off silver platters will expect it no matter what.
That’s fucking crazy.
Definitely leave it just gets worse
My husband does this when I’m not preggo. If I’m preggo…he is all Take It Easy…DONT STRESS YOURSELF. I’m a stay at home mom, so I get it sometimes but I only want him to mow grass or take down trash once in awhile. Not like asking to bathe kids ,do dishes or laundry, feed animals,or anything. I do everything else. Need a new man. That one is broken. Mine is chipped.
How are you asking? If I have the wrong tone I am told the same. If I ask don’t tell it’s fine
Tell him you’ll get even more demanding if he doesn’t stop saying that lol
Just another reason why I don’t want another husband
My ex used to do this. My husband doesn’t.
Tell him if he’d do his share of the household upkeep without being asked you wouldn’t have to demand. Apparently he’s a private who needs a drill sergeant to motivate him instead of a general who leads the charge.
When he asks for dinner or his clothes to be washed, tell him that he’s demanding
Time to make a stand, do only your dishes, wash only your clothes, take out only your garbage, and all other “marital” benefits send him to the self checkout aisle, thats very non demanding
I wouldn’t be demanding if it was already done or you offered
Why should you have to ask? His sorry ass should just automatically do it.
My husband jokes about me being lazy and I just shoot him “the look” and he laughs and says he was just kidding and he does what he’s told! Lol he knows what happens in this house if momma ain’t happy!
Keep in mind I do 98% of the house work and taking care of the kids. His chores are taking out the trash sometimes when I’m busy or grabbing something for me to continue doing what I’m already doing. Maybe grabbing the baby if I’m preoccupied and hes fussing… Nothing outrageous by any means!
I’m also preggo with baby number 5 though and he definitely doesnt like me to get to stressed or worked up! I’m bipolar with severe anxiety and I cant take any of my medications while pregnant. So he tries his best to keep me calm! Sounds like to me you need a new man or a new plan!
Then I wouldn’t do anything and when he asks why it isn’t done or when he asks you to do it I would tell him that he is demanding.
Its not you. I feel your pain. Some men are lazy and sloppy and some men are helpful and neat. have a heart to heart. I wish i knew the solution. If you can afford a maid once a week do it. If not tell him he has to do it in a friendly way. You get more bees w honey than you do w vinegar.
Dont move a finger and tell him how demanding he is as soon as he complains, because he will. Rest!
I just do everything now🤷♀️ I used to ask for small things, but because I’m a sahm I was just nagging or being a bitch🙃 so now, I start a new job next week, if I need anything done I do it, and we are about to see how much I can handle😅
I can’t understand why someone would wilfully be in a relationship with someone like this. Lazy, lazy, and then rude! It’s as bad as a woman who knows how to do a whole face of makeup, but can’t even cook a meal for her family. Just sad.
Are you asking him to do these things or telling (demanding) him?
Definitely go on strike
My ex husband didn’t even say this, my current husband does all these things and more and then worries he isn’t doing enough to take care of us (me and three children, two are his step children). He should definitely be wanting to share the load with you, especially as you are heavily pregnant. Does he realise he will need to share housework and looking after the baby when they arrive?
Same here girly. I had to invite his mother to live with us cus I’m on bedrest and we have 4 kids and he refused to clean and when I did I went into early labor. Alot with this kid.
Yeah ive noticed its always guys that have no respect for women that say shit like that
Mine will occasionally tell me to stop nagging him. I just explain if he would do what he said he was going to the first time I asked, I wouldn’t need to nag. Listen, when I got married I was looking for a partner, not another child. I told him early on, when I was alone, handling everything for 15-18 hours a day, “If you can’t step up and be a partner to me, and I’m forced to get good at doing it on my own, what tf I need you for? It’s great that you wanna work hard to provide for us, but a judge is gonna make sure you do that either way. So either you become the partner I need or you send me a check every month while I look for someone who will. Your choice.” He made the choice to be the man I needed. Now we take care of each other… and occasionally I have to nag him to see to that. lol
Ephesians 5:22-27 Ephesians 5:22-32
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish
Say please? Then he can’t say you’re demanding?
Tell me you married a loser without telling me you married a loser.
Sounds very passive aggressive, not at all like a team player.
wot a loser a man would willingly help u as he lives there to and esp being pregnant
He’s a dick. Tell him to help out or hit the road. He can’t expect you at 8 months pregnant to do everything. Fuck that.
I think maybe you’re being sensitive. I was touchy feely all through my pregnancies, though I know everyone is different. But is he actually doing the things you ask? Cause I can’t hardly get mine to do anything
Stop doing things for him, when he complains roll your eyes an say oh you are SO demanding
Hes a child, leave him before he teaches your baby the same attitude
is he saying it because you asked or because of how you ask? I don’t like to be told what to do but if you ask me I will do it no problem.
Did he do this before you were even pregnant or is it just because you’re pregnant but all the time to grow up
If he works full time you do it. It’s your job.
Leave that jerk you won’t be pregnant forever love
You’re NOT demanding. You’re just married to a MAN-CHILD.
Lol, wait till baby comes, he ain’t heard nothing yet
This is why marriage doesn’t hardly work anymore. Everyone wants to leave cause they get their feelings hurt. sounds like some you women maybe need to grow up:kissing_heart:
Stop doing everything that doesn’t directly affect you.
Stop doing whatever he wants you to do or that your doing now that helps him. Forget that. It’s his house too. You’re not his mom he can help.
Quit doing shit for them
Well if he just fucking did it there wouldn’t be an issue. Just sayin…
“I can “demand” chores or child support. Pick one.”.
It doesn’t matter if he works a full time job or not. Yall both live in that house, yall both need to clean, do clothes ect. STOP doing his clothes and cleaning up after him. Just clean up after you and do your clothes and such. He will learn to appreciate the things you do.
Sorry that you married the trash
He’s being a dick and needs to help you out. He lives in the house to.
No way he helps with baby. Tell him you’re hiring a nanny to help with housework and the baby because you didn’t sign up to be a single mother and if that’s what he wants he can leave and pay your attorney fees. This is just the beginning. I’m so sorry. You did nothing wrong. It is very hard to grow a person, especially the last 10 weeks. Get your doctor to write a note.
Make sure the way you ask isn’t demanding. Make sure you ASK.
Also. I don’t have to ask my man to do those things. They come standard to him. And if I do ask, he doesn’t throw a fit, he just does it.
Lmao. I saw a dude going to sweep floors at his gfs job because she was pregnant. He needs to take notes
Yes. I’m single. Easiest choice ever.
Tell me you’re gonna be raising your child on your own without telling me you’re gonna be raising your child on your own.
Are you sure you’re not being a bit sensitive and he’s playing around?? How are you asking it? Sometimes the way things come out with our tones can seen aggressive when it’s not meant to be
Should you really even have to ask though?
Umm no! That is not ok.
“I’m 8 months pregnant” … and let me guess- he’s the one with the job? Not to say it’s ok for him to refer to you as “demanding” but pregnancy doesn’t excuse all your responsibilities either. Having an off day is one thing- but using the “I’m pregnant” excuse for having him do tings that are YOUR job- is just as selfish as him not helping.
No more blowies. Problem solved.
I feel this so much, except hubby is a stay at home dad and still complains.
I don’t demand anything, i ask him to do things… how do they know you need help if you don’t ask for it.
That is terrible. What a fkn baby.
Is it possibly the way you’re asking? No judgement. I know when I was pregnant I had a hard time not snapping orders instead of asking politely “if you’re just like hey babe could you switch the laundry for me” and he thinks that’s demanding then maybe you need to have a serious conversation about respect…
You shouldn’t have to ask. If you ask the same things over and over again you eventually stop asking and just tell them what to do. You wouldn’t have to be demanding if he did things on his own…
Just wash your clothes. And tell him he’s being demanding when he asks about his laundry.
Eww my husband did everything for me when I was pregnant without me asking and without complaining that’s not OK your pregnant and need the help
Nothing wrong with being demanding along as you are within reason. If he doesnt like you using your voice maybe write him a list … communication is important and even more so after having children because being a team is more important then being salty about being asked to do things.
I WISH my fiancée would. Im currently 28 weeks pregnant and he helps me with so much. Even before I was pregnant. We both work so we split the house hold duties. He always takes out the trash. In the 4 years we’ve been together I have never touched the trash. He helps clean up the house and wash clothes and towels.
Cop out for not sharing responsibility
If you’re able, hiring help for around the house while you are pregnant and have an infant is your best bet… when the kids get older, it gets easier, but pregnancy and infants are energy suckers… it’s super frustrating trying to do it without help.
Just slap him back for real
Hahahaha he’s in for a big wake up call babies are much more demanding
He’s an inconsiderate man. In your condition you need all the help you can get. Just stop doing things for him and tell him he’s demanding when he asks you about it
You already have a child.
Get a new partner.
Or just start only cleaning up after yourself and leave him to do the rest, you’re not his mother, he can get f*cked
Just nod and point his ass to the work then slap that ass as he walks by. Lmao
My husband cleaned up for me when I was pregnant he still claims I don’t have to ask him to do anything takes out the trash does the dishes does the laundry he vacuums he sweeps he cooks.
Just say to him…"well if me asking you to help around the house is demanding then so be it…I’m demanding get over it…you live in the home as well get up and help I am not your mother or your personal maid.
Remind him that a marriage is 50/50 and he needs to pitch in. He will also need to help with the baby too. Ask nicely and maybe a please and thank you will help.
He better get it together
Nope it’s a man’s way of making you feel bad for asking them to do something they don’t want to do. Unless you’re asking in a rude manner.
Your Husband is garbage, I suggest getting a new one and throwing that one away
So the woman carries and deal with all of the ups and downs of being pregnant but asking for help from the person who contributed to her being in that state is demanding? You have every right to ask for help. Sorry but not sorry he’s being a butthole. I wish my husband would’ve said that to me while I was pregnant. It would’ve been smoke in the city.
Throw him in the trash and get a new one
Get out now! He will not change and will not be helping you with baby.
Call him divorced and see how he likes it.
What’s he going to say if you are ever incapacitated and has to care for you? Marriages should be teamwork. When it is one person always doing for the other and gets nothing in return, there could be resentment.
Mabe the way you say it with your tone of voice, mabe the additude you use to ask him with, ?
If you know it ain’t that then he is just lazy, and manipulative playing narcissists games
It’s probably as simple as him just not feeling up to it
I’m not sure why you should even ask those thing. He lives there too. Don’t like that boot on your neck?
Everyone here bashing like the roles haven’t been reversed for them My advice: men can act like children and bitch about things they have to do just cause they don’t want to do it. BUT there may be a reason he is naming you wanting help “demanding”. He himself may be stressed and you may be coming at him in a way that makes him feel more stressed and attacked. Maybe sit down with eachother and have a discussion of why he responds negatively to you asking him to do things. Have patience, be kind, and get along with your S/O. Often things are communicated and it comes out harsh.
As long as you say please… he needs to do things without beings asked ESPECIALLY if you’re pregnant.
I’m 7-8 months pregnant too and I honestly couldn’t fathom someone so rude as to say that to me or not do their share of the house work.
My husband is shocked and appalled at men like this and he is a 6’5” blokes bloke but he has respect and knows how to pull his weight.
Wtf is wrong with men!
I would really concerned about this and I genuinely fee for you xx
… men need a wake up… seriously. Women are not their slaves…
No you are not!!he is lazy .