My husband calls me demanding when I ask him to do things: Advice?

Yep… he’s now my ex-husband. :woman_shrugging:

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Who cares. Demand away. Take it how you want as long as he gets sh*t done. He doesn’t like it, then do without being told. Man child.


Ew! I don’t like the sound of this. Get out now.

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I’d say thats right now go take out the trash, child. Thanks lol

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Uhhhhh… no! My DH helps me around the house all the time, without me having to ask! Sounds like he’s taking advantage and wants a maid. :woman_shrugging:

Call it what you want, he should be doing those things regardless and you shouldn’t even have to ask. But I can tell you now if he doesn’t do those things while your pregnant he sure as hell ain’t gonna do it when you have a new one baby and can’t move much. Sounds like you have a manchild

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If he thinks that’s demanding, wait till he gets a taste of a screaming baby at 3am …smfh


I finally just stopped, I stopped his laundry, his dishes, made myself sandwhiches or cereal for dinner. He finally ran out of clean clothes, got tired of not being fed he asked why I stopped. I told him I asked for help, asked for minor things that I couldn’t get checked off the daily list. When he chose to start doing his half of the clean up, we finally had a meaningful balanced conversation. Also we both worked full time and over time. No reason to not help out.


You poor thing. Not demanding at all, you shouldn’t even have to ask.


Next time he wants something, hit him back with his bullshit.


Yep and now we are divorced


I don’t have to ask my husband to help me especially if I was pregnant or when I’m sick. If he doesn’t like you asking/demanding him to do things, maybe he could realize things need to be done on his own like a grown up. Maybe he could say “Gee, my wife looks like she needs a little help. I should fold the laundry for her.” Sometimes nagging is the only option they leave us.

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Men these days are the laziest its unbelievable

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Tell him to quit being a pussy and grow up.


I asked my husband for help and he sends over cleaners lol :rofl: so that makes me ask him more and now our ladies come every week lol. But seriously everyone was raised differently. I have to ask for help bc his mom did EVERYTHING. He does vacuum and mop and takes out the trash. Marriage is compromise so sit down and talk with your husbands to find a solution. And stop expecting your husbands to read your mind or expect them to be perfect


Tell him you want him to hire a maid then because if he’s not helping now before baby he’s not gunna after baby is here! And that’s not fair !
If my husband doesn’t wanna help then his laundry doesn’t get done, his dinner isn’t made ect.


My husband always says I yell at him when I ask him to do something. So then I do yell at him :person_shrugging::rofl::rofl:

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Nope. Fuck him. He sounds like an asshole. You’re not demanding. You’re asking him to do his part of the household chores, which are important to stay on top of.


No, he’s lazy and calling you demanding is a cop out. He knows he has no ground to stand on.

Did his mommy do everything for him?


Sounds like a prick🤷


If that’s demanding, then I’m straight up abusive​:joy::rofl:no you’re not demanding.


That’s called gaslighting. He’s making you question yourself so you don’t question why a grown man is lazy and needs to be told what to do like a toddler.


All I can say is alot of you women on here criticising this mum to be are being right b$#&@es. He damn straight should be helping out. You guys are meant to be a team, helping each other out etc he needs to start pulling his weight in work. Also whilst I agree being pregnant is no excuse not to do anything, Where does it say what sort of pregnancy she’s had? Whether it’s been a tough one or relatively easy one? Nowhere says that. Working or not both are a team whether one is working or both. You both pitch in and do your part to keep the team going. With my ex he doesn’t work and it was a battle getting him to do things was always an argument. Whether it was with me or his family he’d cause it into a battle.


You should not have to ask him to do his share of the work. He lives there and you’re not a maid. Forget all that noise. If he can’t step up and manage little things he should just be doing… how do you think it’s going to be with a new baby? The worst part is new babies are the easiest… when they turn toddlers is when those little beasts need to be tag teamed. Leave the man because it really is easier to do it alone than have a man child dragging you down


Hahahaha I’d kill him, all jokes aside pregnancy was rough on me, I’d 100% make him rue the day he ever said that to me…and then I’d kill him :rofl: (I say this as a joke if it’s not your style roll on by!)



It’s simple really.
If he wears clothes- he can wash them
If he eats- he can cook
If he uses dishes- he can wash them
If he lives there- he can clean
When you got married, you married him for a life partner, not to be his maid. There’s going to be days when people slack but He cant just have expectations that you have to do x,y and z and he doesn’t lift a finger.


I’m 8 months now, we had a conversation about chores and what not and we came to a compromise, unless it’s something that only takes a sec (water/helping me up/ picking 1-2 things off the floor) to make a list for the week on Sunday, and let him get it done as he will by the next Sunday, we’re trying this next week since we have a busy week this week

Just wait till you have the baby. He won’t help with SHITTTT


lol Demanding will be that 2 am feeding and diaper change.


That’s not ok. My boyfriend does those things without being asked most of the time. He’ll also ask if I need help with anything when I’m cleaning up.
Stop cleaning up after him and maybe he’ll realize how much you do.


Well, sounds like he’s having a mantrum and you married a man child.


Any man who doesn’t help around the house is looking for his mom, not a wife. :woman_shrugging:


Stop doing everything you do for him he can now handle his own since you’re demanding you need your energy for you and your stuff

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Then I’m a huge demanding bitch if YOU are demanding lolol wow

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If he is the breadwinner then yes you’re being demanding. Men and women were created differently for reasons. We both work and both equally share household duties, every household is different though. This should be a discussion between you and your husband not women on Facebook who aren’t walking in your shoes.


I have learned its the way i ask. Men hear words differently. I say would you do this or that vs can you? I also give praise like, I feel so loved when you make the bed in the morning.

Omg no you’re not demanding he us too immature and selfish to notice that things need to be done around the house and help out without being asked like an adult.

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He’s immature and expects you to do it all.

My man doesn’t ask for shit. He straight up demands it. “I need you to…” I just tell him nope. I’m not your little ass slave you can throw demands at. Maybe if you start ASKING me, I will consider helping. But until then, you’ll figure it out on your own. You’re a grown ass man.

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Men are not intelligent creatures. You ask them to do something to help around the house. He thinks you’re demanding

When I was pregnant, my husband said he doesn’t like a dirty apartment. So I told him “well were going to have a baby, so there is no promise that our place will be clean 24/7 unless you participate”

He shut up after that.

I suggest you have a talk with him otherwise things will get worse

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Be like I know but I’m good in bed too aren’t I? Lol

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You better start demanding respect and equal effort! If he’s starting that mess now it’s only going to get worse. Draw a HARD LINE in the sand or be prepared to either suck it up & allow it, fight over it constantly, or leave and find an equal partner. Best of luck to you and the precious baby!! :purple_heart:

Just let it all go to shit while you sit in front of the TV and watch some Netflix and eat ice cream, when he asks why everything looks gross you tell him he is too demanding.


My husband works Monday-friday from 4pm to 4am and usually sleeps till 2 gets ready and goes to work !!
We have a 8,4,3,2, 10months and I’m 36 weeks pregnant I do everything all week long and he picks up the responsibilitys on Saturdays and Sundays we call them no mommy days !!
Works for us and our household


If you’re “demanding”, then he sounds “lazy”


I’d be like yes I am, and…

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You are pregnant! What an asshole I’m sorry you have to deal with that :confused:


He should do it without asking but also what tone do you use when asking?


i would laugh in his face and show him what demanding is :joy: im a stay at home mom and still expect him to do a few specific things around the house

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“And what about it?”


If by been demanding you’re getting things done,
So be a proud Demanding Woman!!!

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Sounds like a dick tbh


I’m petty as fuck. Spend a day loudly moaning and groaning while you do all the things.

Only clean dishes for you as you use it. Go on strike.

Or throw the whole man away.


Tell him to fuck off!! :fu::muscle:


Tell him to grow the fk up, that shit should be common sense. :person_facepalming:


Just stop picking up after him and only clean up after your self.


Maybe it’s the way you say it? His response isn’t polite but maybe you both need to evaluate your delivery and reactions.


Message his mother to pick her child up from daycare :joy: she would probably laugh. Jokes.

Sit down and rest


Go on strike for a few days, no cleaning or cooking, just take care of the kids, and see how he likes it

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It won’t get better. You will then be demanding he babysit his own child, change diapers, etc. And it will never be easy to leave. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Tell him your assertive and know when to ask for help

My husband didn’t let me do shit when pregnant :rofl: he was awesome. But seriously no that’s not cool. My husband just says sure babe no problem. It’s not demanding anything for them to do their share or even asking them for help.

He probably comes from a house where things were always done for him. Explain that you shouldn’t have to ask him to do those things. He should just do them. It’s part of being an adult. And since he doesn’t like it when you ask him, then make up a list of chores and a schedule for the both of you to follow, let him participate in the decision of how the chores will be divided. It took my husband a looong time to catch up (he was a spoilt momma’s boy, who was never allowed or asked to help around the house because in his household those were women’s responsibilities :confused::face_vomiting: Until this day, his mom will not let him pick up his own plate from the dinner table when we go visit. The women are expected to go clean while the men sit down to have a drink or coffee after a meal…it drives me nuts!!!

It will not get better. If you have to ask to TAKE TRASH OUT something so simple then he needs to gooooooo. Because it’ll turn into asking him to help with the baby ect. If you have to ask a man to help around the house then in my opinion that is in fact a boy and not a man. Especially if you’re 8 months pregnant.


Just an excuse for HIS laziness… Kinda like mine!

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These men are not children who should have to be asked to do anything that contributes to the running of a house they live in. They live there, so doing their bit to ensure the house runs smoothly isn’t ‘helping’, it’s called being a responsible adult. Newsflash: Man-babies who don’t recognise that and do their bit, who sit around while their wives do everything and who complain when asked to do something aren’t a catch ladies. And they won’t change either. They see you as a slave, and you’ll stay one until you leave them.

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Nope! I’m not pregnant and am a SAHM and I still ask for help from time to time and he helps without question. Personally, he sounds like a real douche.


Hell I had someone tell me I was demanding because I asked for a back neck and foot rub just some affection period. I was told those treatments had to be earned. I’m not sure what’s in the water lately because they’re definitely tripping

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I do not think you’re asking much after all I mean he got you pregnant, being unexpected or planed. I would talk to your husband and tell him how you feel and then ask him why he feels as if you are “demanding”. I’m telling you this is gonna go over a lot better than what most people in here are telling you.

Also your husband could be stressed about being a father or whatever and is taking it out on you without him knowing. I don’t know what the deal is but I would have a sit down talk with him. Pray about it too.

Just know you are not asking much and I couldn’t imagine going through the changes… I know it was hard but a beautiful outcome seeing my wife go through that.


He’s lazy and tries to get out of it.

Tell him to nut up and stop being a douche. My ex was so looked after by his mother he would expect everything to be done for him and its just :roll_eyes:

In 4 months you’ll be saying the same thing except it’ll be about him not helping with the baby. Trust me, it’s not gonna change.


Stop asking him and leave it! When he asks why it hasn’t been done just remind him that he said you were demanding and so you aren’t demanding now!

That is so hard, my ex didn’t want to do anything and there was nothing I was able to do to change it. Try to work it out now, because when the baby comes work multiples so much, and you will be sleep deprived too.

Exactly!! Show him the difference! 8 months pregnant and expecting u to do everything when u should be resting and preparing for baby! Ugh I was with a guy that hardly didn’t do anything for himself…his mom did everything and expected me to do it too🙄


Well, if you wanted me to be able to do everything myself I guess we shouldn’t have gotten pregnant. I can’t do it so, I guess it’s not getting done and our house is going to be filthy and gross. I’d say that and then walk out. And not say it again the next time. Let the garbage pile up till he does it. Or, only fill up to a point that you can still move it and then leave the 20 barely filled up garbage bags behind his car so he has to move them and notice how many bags you’re wasting making sure you can move them.

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You shouldn’t have to ask him.period. he lives there too. You need to rest don’t do nothing and let him see how it could be. Your about to have a newborn too. Girl tell him your the wife not the maid and you only have one baby.


An ex was prone to leave his underwear behind the bathroom door, until one of his friends called him out on it. I tried my best to get his cooperation. Needless to say, nothing much happened, thus he is my ex.

My first question…did his mom wait on him hand and foot when he was at home? If so, there’s your answer! My first husband wanted me to iron his undershirts and briefs because that what him mom did…I told him it was NOT HAPPENING in our house!!! We were married all of 3 years and have been divorced for 40 years!

If it makes you feel any better, we just bought a gutter house and mines expecting me to manage an autistic 3 year old and a 5 year old while cleaning the walls and painting and removing carpet. All so he can go mushroom hunting because “he’s doing something for himself” :joy:.


If he can’t help take money from the bank for a leaner. You sit back and relax as well.

Obviously he has no idea what marriage is all about!! So, you need to make a decision…once the baby comes there will be a lot more work. He either steps up or you made a poor choice in a man…Talk to him, if he is willing to change, great but if not then you need to make a major decision…good luck!


You need to have a open conversation with him about it. Don’t hype yourself up before, just tell him how he makes you feel and ask him how he would like you to ask for help. You need to discuss this with your husband. Your relationship is not about to get any easier and open conversations save marriages.


I’d demand that he go sleep on the couch🤷‍♀️


Oy!:woman_facepalming:t2: L A Z Y… no ma’am, that is not demanding. Besides the fact he should already be helping out in the house, you are now later in pregnancy and he SHOULD be helping take some stress and responsibility off of you MORE than simple tasks. Tell him to adult up or toodle out. Stop doing all his things. Don’t pick up after him or do his laundry. When it directly affects him, perhaps then he’ll notice.
Ps MY 10 YO VACCUMS THE FLOOR NO PROBLEM. Just sayin :woman_shrugging:t2:

Ok, men are not the brightest and truth be told they don’t know how to love us. Clap back with, but you love it, so much in fact, you knocked me up :joy::rofl: so do some chores around here and help a mama out, it’s hard work to develop a baby inside, you had the easy part.


I’d Show Him What Demanding Is!! Teach him a Valuable Lesson.

Advice: get a new one.


You need to talk to him, ask him what about the way you ask seems demanding. It could be your tone that comes across demanding or if you are asking face to face your body language. Your body language could also come across as demanding. He may just be overreacting, but unless y’all communicate with one another effectively, then you will never resolve anything. We are all guilty of doing things that can come across to someone else differently than we mean it too. My husband has told me many times that whenever we get on any topic surrounding the law or a legal issue, that I tend to talk down to him or become condescending. Of course I was like you are just being overly sensitive. Until he recorded me one night and I could see and hear for myself that he was right.

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You should not have to be treated like tell him to do some jobs

You must be married to a grown boy, very unfortunate.

Um no. He should want to help you out to make you happy

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Send him straight to “HELL” I 'do it myself…

This is Gaslighting you, to make him not have to take responsibility, for what he is not doing. No empathy, too boot. Flip that blame back on him where is belongs, and set boundries with him.

Shame on your husband!


Girl I went on strike recently and it worked.

You are pregnant not disabled.


“Momma did not teach him right”

Stop doing things for him. Let him do for himself

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you need a new husband