I was waiting for my husband to come home from work today so we could go out together and get something to eat while my sister watched our kids…i was so excited bc we have not been able to go out in so long due to never having a sitter…well he came home and i had my hair and makeup ready and he straght up said he had made plans with his friend and couldnt back down…i feel so broken and low…my husband just left to be with his friends and I am sitting here with mascara running down my face…am i alone? is there something wrong with me?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband canceled our dinner date for his friends: Advice?
You are completely right in this situation, he is the asshole. Don’t cry darling, leave your kids with your sister and go out and grab a meal for yourself and eat it in peace xxx
That is absolutely horrible :(. You absolutely deserve better.
There’s something wrong with him… nothing some divorce papers wouldn’t fix.
Sorry but this is bullshit. He has just proven to you where his priorities lie. And they are not with you I’m afraid
Did you have plans tho?
No there’s something wrong with him. He’s a straight up Azz
Damn! That’s so f’d up. I’m sorry girl. You don’t deserve that. Please wake up and realize this.
Hugs as that is just horrible of him.
Put a blanket and pillow on the couch for him with a note saying this is your bed til further notice and give him the silent treatment
I would have said “okay, let’s go then. We had plans tonight so we are going out with your friends.” Speak up! My husband wouldn’t dare do that lol.
I would have serious talk with him on how you feel. He did not take your feeling into consideration. If yall never go out he should have canceled with his friends to go on a date with his wife. Nothing is wrong with you its on him. Best of luck to you
Hes a douche bag
Dry your tears fix your makeup straighten your crown call a girl friend and go out!!!
Been where you are and took a bit but left him in the dust
He obviously don’t care about your plans and cares more about his friends I would make him sleep outside or on the floor
Take yourself out, go be happy n content alone… See Hw he likes u living your best life without him… Jerk
Who did he make plans with first? Whoever he made plans with first he needed to honor those plans. And communicate better next time.
Thats horrible. Girl, go out and enjoy the night since you have a baby sitter. Go enjoy yourself. Better yet, go out and get a real man who still about how you feel.
Nothing is wrong with you. Your husband is the idiot one.
POS! That was straight up unacceptable & mean!
Maybe he’s going out with someone else … I would of say something smh
… let him sleep on the couch !! Tf… not good at all …
I would have went out alone and sent random men in my background pics
What??? I am an Indian where we women are taught not to take a divorce no matter what, but, I’d STILL leave him, if I were in your situation
Well I guess it was kind of rude , but sometimes it is hard to say no to the guys… The guys at work would be calling him p**** whooped, Mommy’s boy, got to go home to the wife , come on man you never get out you need to go out and party with us tonight and have a beer. I can see that you’re upset for what the man is really trying to do is save face at work. Man tend to put pressure on other men to hang out with them . But it would have been nice had you have known so you could have made plans to go shopping with one of your girlfriends , so you’re owed.
My ex was always going out with his buddies his priorities are in the wrong place.
That’s not a husband.
You should’ve went out yourself.
Well it doesn’t say if you actually made plans with him first or not? Can’t really answer this or judge without knowing that.
Odd he wouldn’t include u🚩
What a frickin’ jackass…if you can’t call some friends and go out yourself, then make some plans in your head to go to a hotel one night and treat yourself to room service and a night to yourself.
Screw him, no don’t,
We need more info! Did he know about your plans for dinner? Did he know you had a sitter for the night? Does he usually go out with friends and not tell you beforehand?
Nothing is wrong with you… It’s what’s wrong with him?? Lord, WTH is wrong with this man? Please help her right now.
Your not the problem sweetie
He is
Pick yourself up , dry your eyes
Reapply your makeup and take yourself to dinner
You should come first before anybody. He is wrong and any husband and guy that loves you would know that as well.
Why couldn’t he take you too since you had a babysitter and all. That’s really terrible
He’d been signing divorce papers when he got back from being with his friends if he knew we had dinner date plans and I’d changed the locks on the doors of the house and he could’ve slept outside for the night
Wow so much toxic advice and throwing away relationships.
While yes, what he did was disrespectful and hurtful to you. And I would be very hurt also, there needs to be some serious chats and TRYING TO WORK IT OUT before getting those divorce papers.
Is this a common occurrence ?
Does he often put you last with no regard for your feelings ?
Do you trust him ?
Is he a good dad ?
Do you feel supported and appreciated ?
There is plenty to ask yourself before throwing in the towel.
If by chance is a horrid human, and you’ve done everything you can, by all means walk out that door. It just shouldn’t be the first thing someone threatens or throws at their partner.
This reeks of immaturity.
Also I’d just hang out with my sister if he was being such an ass.
Wipe your tears, reapply your mascara, put some heals on, pull yourself together and go have a fun night with a couple of girlfriends, or even just go out for a drink and some food on your own. Just because your husband is a giant jerk doesn’t mean you have to stay home all upset. Go out, blow some steam off and don’t go back until curfew
If I had made that effort and gone to the trouble of finding a sitter etc and my husband came home he would cancel his plans with friends…planned or not planned you’re the mother of his children you come first xx
I need to know of he knew ahead of time.
If he did, you must talk to him. I’d never choose friends over my husband. But that’s me.
Sit down and be honest.
Is it possible to call your friends or friend to go out too? Come back later than him😑
Don’t play victim for this e “poor me” if it wasn’t pre decided u have no complaints. If you have your own life, car, money & also a sitter get going by yourself. Be a big girl and do what u want. Come back home eventually be quiet & go to bed. Don’t fuss on bit. Let him figure out what’s in your head. Might be interesting. Don’t give him all kinds of control.
Fix that makeup and go out. Go enjoy your night and come home when you want to. Just be careful.
I’m sorry his a jerk! Full stop.
He would have seen the effort you put in.
What he did was a shit thing to do.
He needs to know exactly how his actions made you feel talk to him about it.
I hope you are going to be ok.
Call your girl friends or sister and go out.
I bet you looked beautiful too.
Please go have some time to yourself.
Make sure you eat dinner.
Go to the movies, get your nails done. do something for yourself stay in a motel
Go for a walk
Run yourself a bath relax have some you time.
Girl if I was you I would of went out as well. With a friend or even by yourself.
What is HIS problem ?? You should have gone out… maybe called some girl friends… make sure he got home first to find you still out !! Even if you went to the movies, etc. Then … sit down with him and talk. Tell him that this will NOT happen again. Tell him how hurt and disappointed you feel. Then suggest counseling.
There’s nothing wrong with you at all. Go see a movie and have a nice dinner, maybe with a friend or just enjoy some me time. Deal with this later.
Sounds like a girl’s night to me. Don’t stay home and cry.
Ohhh hell NO, why didn’t he take you with him since u had a sitter. Something isn’t “rite” with that…
Oh NO SWEETIE! He’d Be in the doghouse! 4 sure! Sorry to hear! Tidy up those tears! MAKE the best of your night! Regardless!
I don’t know the context but having to meet with a friend and not being to back down. Maybe said friend is going through a really hard time? If that was the case, I’d totally let it slide. Just because you are a wife, you can have other aspects of your life.
Either go out and have fun yourself or pack his shit up and have it in boxes, trash bags in the drive way with all the doors locked bye!!! Go live with your friends then. There’s obviously something wrong with him not you!!!
I think that is doesn’t matter if he knew about your plans / desire for going out , I mean , you do not have your sister availability all the time, he should have taken you out to dinner and meet with his friends later on that night
You need to tell that “man” he needs to get his priorities straight. Tell him how upset and disrespected you feel. Let him know that there is absolutely no reason he couldn’t have backed out on his friend. Especially if he knew y’all had plans. What an ass
You should have went out as well with friends , although I know u didn’t want to… If it makes u feel any better , we NEVER go on dates …EVER
What’s stopping you from going out.go enjoy yourself.mingle girl.
Omg that is just awful I know this sucks and you probably do not feel like doing anything and this may be a little petty of me but I’d either find a friend to go party with and not come home for the night or I’d find a friends house to go to watch movies eat munches and sleep at their house the night maybe that will make him think twice… I’d also be gibing him the silent treatment see what he does to fix this and if he doesn’t do or say anything I’d be working a plan to leave because that would be enough proof to me that I wasn’t valued. Huge hugs I’m so sorry you’re going through this pain
Clean the streaks, fix your face, call your friends, and go out. Have some fun without him
I think the biggest thing that isn’t mentioned is how far out was this planned and is it a routine thing? My parents had a date night and yes sometimes things came up and he didn’t always say something til the last minute but my mom understood. But if this was like your first time out in awhile your warranted. REGARDLESS you don’t need him to go anywhere and enjoy being all dressed up. If you had dinner plans go without him, invite a friend. The biggest red flag here is thinking you need plans with him to doll yourself up like you did.
Nope! Call me! We can go to dinner!
I feel there’s more to this story
Sorry he’s so selfish
I have been there, this is not a good feeling especially when they can see that you took time and effort to get yourself ready… fix that crown call some friends and grab wine you need it
very rude on his part…but u know u can still go to dinner by urself enjoy
Something wrong with him.
Honey he’s the problem not you. There’s something definitely wrong with him but NOT you.
Absolutely nothing wrong with you😔… No person should ever question their worth, especially because of their significant other. Next time take yourself out! You deserve it. With or without him.
That’s cold . Find a man who will rush home from work bc he is so excited to take u out and get u out of the house. They are out there:heart: you deserve better
If he made plans with his friend first then he should honor that commitment first because what your not telling us is who made plans with first especially asince y’all have hard time getting a sitter he probably made plans with friends first and you waited to last split moment to tell him about the sitter so kinda your fault you deserve it
I’d be pissed as hell! He’s bogus.
Well since u had a sitter and you don’t ever get alone time he should have taken advantage of it with you. Because he could have went out with his friends another night since u would be home with the babies. That is a big no no. So on his part that was very wrong. But chin up girl I’d still go out and call up a girlfriend and see if she wanted to go out with u.
Was he aware of this? Who made plans first? Thats the question.
Regardless he can cancel with his friends. End of story.
Na wrong shouldn’t of dropped u like that
Expecially since he can see friends qen Eva where as for nothing parents go out togerther wit no kiddies impossible usually and does this
Give ur self that 5 10 min to b sad get up fix up and show him what he is missing and make him wish he didn’t drop u like that
…you sure he went out with friends?
He may be having an affair
Yeah uh why wouldn’t you be like sweet as babe let’s go then?!
Rude that he left you home alone.
his “friend” is his girlfriend
I’m sorry even if he had plans with his friends first it doesn’t matter. You his wife should be first always. Y’all finally had a baby sitter he should have dropped everything to spend time with you! I agree with everyone put his pillow and blankets on the couch and go out yourself go get dinner and go to a movie and he can sleep on the couch until he learns to be an actual husband.
Oh boy. Husband number 2 was like this. Jerk.
What a jerk! He could have told you before putting in the time and effort.
Your not wrong .this was one night with the guys your your man should have said I’m going out with my lady. Something more is going on.
I would have gone out on my own.Learn to enjoy your own company.
Girl you better get up and go out too. Forget him
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you…I would probably be doing the same thing to be honest. That was pretty low of him
You should have called your friends and gone out or go to your friends house and show up in the morning
Can you go out anyway? Go have a good night out.
Oh hell no. I would go thermo nuclear! That is 150% completely unacceptable. I’d track the fckr down and ruin his night too.
Selfish moron be sleeping outside not on the sofa
Nothing wrong with you, but I do see divorce in your future. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve been abandoned and it won’t be the last. It might sound small, but these small things lead to big hurts and show his priorities. I’m sorry. You’re worth going out with.
Should of said that’s fine I’ll tagg alone to meet your friends to ,more the merrier
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He’s a freaking douche bag… There is NOTHING wrong with YOU… U should’ve been top priority… He can literally go out with his friends any time!!! You got a sitter and got ready… If my husband pulled some shit like that it would be HORRIBLE. Fuck him
What an ass. Ugh. I’m sorry my luv. I wish I could take away all of the negative emotions you may be feeling. My best advice? Do YOU. Men are just sooo ugh. I mean not all men but shit - you deserve better.
Oh honey I am so sorry. NOTHING is wrong with you. It has everything to do with him and his problems. Not you. You are not at fault.
If this is what he thinks of you. Beware of future troubles
Does it happen often that he bails on you? Do you two spend any time together?If not, you better sit down and express your feelings about it. Also, try to have activities, friends… of your own, don’t depend entirely on him.
Dude this page makes me more gay every day. My wife would NEVER. Girl I would publicly call him out. FB to all your friends and family. Post a selfie of your tear stained face. Men get away with this shit because ppl let them. Stop allowing shitty behavior, like how did you even end up with a person that leaves u high and dry to go hang with his buddies. If he has no problem giving u trash behavior than he shouldn’t mind his friends and family knowing either.