My husband constantly accuses me of cheating: Thoughts?

If hes accusing hes cheating!

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If he is actually being controling and mentally abusive I would say that you should see if he’s actually cheating or if his insecurities are that strong then try couples counseling to work on his trust issues. My husband will joke, but I know he never actually means it. For example when I ask him what time he will be home he sometimes jokes and says why? Do you need more time to sneak sancho out of the house? And he will laugh, but has never full on accused me of cheating. I just blow him off and say ha ha ha yeah right. I mean I don’t have any kind of lock on my phone and if he wanted to he could look through it at any time also we have cameras all the way around the outside of out house, so it would literally be impossible for me to sneak a guy in or out of the house and I hardly leave the house as it is, so he knows I’m not meeting someone somewhere else. We have 2 kids a 10 year old and an almost 1 year old. He did used to tease me and say that our oldest was the milk man’s because she looks like neither of us, but that it was ok because he paid for and that makes him his. :roll_eyes:That was because she has light skin, blond hair, and blue eyes (both of our mom’s look like that though and she just ended up with our recessive genes). I don’t think he actually ever thought that she could have been someone else’s though because I have never cheated on him and he had never accused me of cheating before. Then we had the new baby and he looks identical to his sister, but his eye shape is more like my husband’s and he has my husband’s big nose and personality. LOL

Hes cheating. Trying to use reverse psychology.

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He is the cheater believe it or not!!

Play into his game, follow his script.

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Past trauma. Maybe he had a past relationship that cheated on him. And that hurts forever.

he’s cheating. Classic gaslighting… Point that finger at the innocent party to make it seem like you aren’t guilty.


He’s probably the one cheating and deflecting it on to you… Sounds like he has a guilty conscience…


Counseling and tell him.

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If you know he’s not cheating he might of grown up where this kind of behavior was mentally instilled in him. Offer some counseling if its mental it can help if he really loves you he will agree to go or he will take you serious from the offer and may try to change his behavior. Just because he accuses you doesn’t mean he’s cheating. If you know your not cheating try not to let it bother you. It easier said than done but you’ve put up with it this long and you dont want to leave you have to learn how to deal with it. If your personal items are made available and he chooses not to go through them then that’s him. Have a talk and let him know how hurtful it is if you have been faithful and what a waste of your life it has been and is to continue this behavior. If counseling doesnt work or he doesnt change then leave life is too short to put up with the bs.

My husband accused me if it. Found out he had a 2 year relationship with a girl and was talking to hookers. Pull them phone logs. Search numbers. That’s how I found out. He is still denying.


Definately guilty conscience and doing it himself or extremely insecure!


Another one at the 10yr mark …

Believe me when I say this …


I think it’s pretty unanimous here… The father of my kids did this to me for over a decade… It was him cheating. This is your huge red flag


He who accuses is the cheater makes them feel less guilty


Those that accuse are the ones doing. I know from personal experience unfortunately :confused:


He’s either cheating, cheated or thinking about it. People who did, do or will think others will too.


Usually when they do this it’s because they are actually the one doing something wrong.

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He’s the one cheating with a guilty conscience and deflecting onto you. Easier to blame someone else then admit it himself


The comments are all about HE’S CHEATING. He could be. Or not. Try to give him more of your time and be more affectionate. Coz sometimes, being ignored and feeling unappreciated causes jealousy and will make a person thinks that their partner is cheating. Just a thought… coz it happens to me.


Sorry love but hes cheating my ex did this all the time then onw day he left his fb open and I read and saw all the message and pics :unamused:

I’m going to go with the majority.

I was accused for 5 years, daily!! It was so annoying!! Turned out he was a dirty ball, cheating on me any chance he could. His was caught… something inside of me just clicked. I woke up at 2 am to find he wasn’t in the apartment… after he missed a bunch of missed calls. He called to say he ran to the store he was on his way. That nigh/morning. I snuck his phone and uncovered the slime ball he really was. I left him, found my husband 3 years.


He’s projecting his own guilt

My kids father was like that and it was him doing all the cheating.

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Always heard a cheater accuses the other

Sounds like a guilty conscious. My ex was constantly like this and that why he’s my ex. Drained the life out of me. Well there was other problem too but yeah he’s definitely cheating.


Plain obvious. He is accusing u because he is doin it himself. Guilty conscience… eff him off…

I know alot of people think he’s cheating, and sometimes yeah they are, but sometimes it’s not as black and white as that, have you asked him why he thinks your cheating? Maybe he can’t believe he’s luck with you and its made him paranoid, he could be feeling really insecure about himself but doesn’t want to tell you because he’s a man (and most men think they aren’t meant to feel that way) :woman_facepalming: mental health comes in all forms and sometimes our own thoughts get the better of us, I’d deffo tell him you want to talk to him about it, you never know, he might open up to you as to why he feels like you’ve got a “boyfriend” :woman_shrugging: and also if he smokes weed (not sure if he does) a side effect of that is paranoia, unfortunately I don’t think its as straight forward as he’s cheating, I could be wrong but dig a little deeper and see what happens :heart:


He’s the one cheating with a guilty conscience thats just typically they turn it around on to you to protect them selves, asshols.

He sounds like he is projecting his own guilt. Ask him about it

If he’s not cheating yet then he is really thinking about it. A cheater usually accuses the other person.

Definitely talk with him about this. Like everyone above, my husband said the one accusing is the one cheating. It was true. He accused, he cheated. I never did.

Leave! He is controlling you. This is abuse

Tell him to shut up and that it’s Damn unattractive. Nothing a man hates more than his wife saying he’s unattractive.
My husband acts like I’d fuck anything with a heart beat. I understand your pain with this.

The ex use to always say this, he was the bastard that was cheating​:poop::angry:

Unpopular opinion but could he really just be joking? My fiance and I make jokes like that sometimes, I’ll ask him like “oh, talking to all your girlfriends” when his phone goes off and he’ll do the same smart ass remarks. We love each other and we are best friends, and we know neither of us would cheat, we just throw jokes at each other.
It could be that he is joking and its just not your same sense of humor.
I would honestly just talk to him and really have super open communication about how you both feel about this.

It’s not all black and white when it comes to a relationship. Could he be cheating, sure. You know 110% that he is? No. Relationships take time and effort. On both ends. Talk to him heart to heart no kids and both y’all sober.

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100% emotional abuse. This screams extreme insecurity on his end. A person needs more than love in a relationship…mutual respect is required and he is showing you zero.

Been there and its emotional abuse. I always felt like if I just tried harder to show I was being transparent and not hiding anything, that I never had unaccounted-for time, he’d believe me. But its abuse and not up to you to stop. This is a him problem. I dumped mine and met someone who actually loves and respects me and it feels like night and day and I’m not sure why I let myself be miserable so long. He had a drinking problem too.


It’s usually the one accusing that is doing it.


Does sound like a guilty conscious

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My ex husband used to always say I was going to cheat on him if I went out and if I had any male friends. Guess why he is an ex!? He was the one who cheated.

Are you in a relationship or are you in prison?

If he is accusing you girl he is the one cheating an has a girlfriend!


In my experience, he’s possibly cheating or has cheated on you. My husband would make comments about me “adding random customers” to my Facebook. I work at a gas station and see these people almost every day and it’s only been a couple I’ve really become friends with. Come to find out, he was using Facebook to flirt and have emotional affairs with others.

My ex wife did the same until she left for another man

So my SO works with this dude and they’re always making penises and shit out of dough, and I call him his girlfriend (Just joking around) like if it’s not a joke and it gets serious especially when he’s drinking and he’s accusing you of doing shit you’ve never done, he’s either extremely insecure or 9 times out of 10 he’s the one doing it. I suggest you leave before he ends up hurting you and not just in an emotional way.

I have a friend going through this. We just found out a few days ago he had cheated in November. To this day, he still accuses her of cheating or wanting to be with other people. He hasn’t changed behavior even though he was in the wrong. She can’t make plans with anyone. She can’t go for coffee with me without being accused of going somewhere for sex. We took her daughter somewhere yesterday and she wore a certain pair of leggings and was accused of going to meet guys… with her 4 year old??? It’s toxic. Your relationship is 10 years old. This is unnecessary. My suggestion is get out while you can.

He is waiting for you to file for divorce so you will be the bad one

Had the same issue for 20 years until my husband committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in his car in our driveway. After all was said and done I found out he had been cheating on me for years…

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The accuser is always the one cheating


If he’s accusing you need to check him. He’s the one cheating. It’s a no brainer!!


From experience…he is cheating. He is trying to justify his actions…well if she is then I can. A guy could look in my direction and me not even know and I would get cussed…is that who you have been…with me looking at him wondering who flipped the switch. Yeah well i divorced him 6 years ago. Remarried and so much happier.

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He is a control freak dump him… and run… don’t look back…

Pray on it time’s to hard. The kids needs there father tell him cool out.

Follow your heart if it’s not working give him weekend visit

Girl it sounds to me like he is the one that’s being unfaithful. .


Sounds like one phone is open and available…but the question is is there another phone you are unaware of …

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Yea that’s just the beginning get out

Sounds like he’s projecting his guilty conscience onto you. :woman_shrugging:

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Usually the one accusing is the one abusing (or cheating in this case)


Watch him, he’s doing the cheating n can’t stand it.


Throw the whole man away.

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I hate to say this but being as I’ve been through this so many times before I’ll say it. The one accusing the other of cheating is usually the one cheating. That guilty conscience might just be eating away at him and cause he knows he’s doing wrong he thinks you do too and are probably doing the same. I mean my husband is jealous too but he doesn’t act like that ever. I’d give him an ultimatum if he doesn’t wanna listen then ¯_(ツ)_/¯ run for it

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Reminds me of my ex. I lived with him only 1year and half and told him to leave one day. I just couldn’t take it no more. It got worse over time. And yes he was cheating.

Accusations are confessions


In my experience he is the one who is cheating. I had a boyfriend once who would do the exact same thing and I later found out he was the one that was cheating on me.

He is extremely toxic towards you.
The comments alone are emotional abuse.
If there is no trust than there is no relationship.
Are you in love with your past memories or with who he really is?
Things will get worse.
One thing is for sure, the human mind blames another for what we cannot admit on ourselves.
I think he is probably cheating on you.
Love your self more and leave his ass.

He is the cheater, if you ask me.

My husband is the same exact way!

If he is accused you of cheating, he is the one that is cheating. Because that’s how mine is now!
I’m just hanging in here until I can save up enough to get out!


So I know a lot of people think he must have a guilty conscience if he’s always accusing you but that’s not always the case. My fiancé was cheated on in pretty much every relationship he’s had before me so it took a while for him to feel safe and comfortable. It was hard at first but I’ve been cheated on before as well so I understood the fear and worry. We’ve been together 5 years now and while he still has that worry in the back of his mind every once in a while, he’s gotten to a place where he trusts me. Idk if your bf had the same issues in past relationships but if so maybe he just needs reassurance every once in a while. Best of luck honey :heart:

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Sounds like he is trying to find a way to divorce. Accusing partner is a flag

My husband still till this day does this 40 years of it I feel he just is insecure because his first wife cheated on him now I tell him how’s your girlfriend :rofl:

Get rid of cant trust him

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Accusers are the cheaters what ppl do when they guilty.


I had a boyfriend like that. He was always questioning my friendships and obsessed with tall dark men especially as apparently he didn’t trust them. He got totally obsessed with my friendship with one guy particularly. I realized said guy was actually far nicer than my boyfriend…and married him instead.

Tell him he either needs to get over himself - you married HIM or that you might just take him up on his suggestion and find someone who respects you enough to trust you. It’s not easy but you need to do it.

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It’s like the “smelt it dealt it” comment. He’s the one cheating

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He’s guilty of something

My first thought. Hes projecting the shit he does behind your back on to you to make himself feel better

Read your first line and all I can say is. It’s him.

He’s probably the one doing the cheating. What a real creep . He doesn’t realize what a good women he has. Tell him to kiss your grits & get lost. Sad but how long to keep this up with all the stress & kids seeing this daily.

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A friend, years ago said “better to be alone than wish you were” & it is time for him to hit the road.

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He is either deeply insecure or cheating… regardless… so annoying

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The only time I’ve ever had a guy cheat on me, he was ALWAYS accusing me of cheating. Turned out to be his own guilty conscience.

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My boyfriend does the same thing.

Honestly. You need to move on. It’s not going to get better. He’s probably cheating on you.

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I lived with this for years when my husband and I first got together almost 11 years ago. His long-term relationship before me ended because she had been cheating on him. After talking and repeatedly telling him it hurt my feelings, I eventually told him look I’m tired of being accused for something I didn’t do… im not your ex, but if you keep accusing me im going to do something to at least get in trouble for (not that I actually would) but it got my point across and it stopped from there.

That’s called emotional abuse… don’t put up with it. You shouldn’t have to suffer for his insecurities &&& and tbh are you sure he didn’t step out? That is usually the motive so he doesn’t feel so guilty he can put it on you. Look into it I definitely would.

He’s guilty of something his guilty conscience is accusing you, he obviously did something.

I’m so sorry hun that is usually a sign that he is guilty or cheating. They tend to turn the guilt on there partner when they feel guilty.