My husband doesn't consider my mom family: Thoughts?

Family ,when you get married

Once you’re married, and ESPECIALLY after you have children, they are your number one family. Your immediate family. If your mom doesn’t like your wife/mother of your kids? That’s too fucking bad, because I’ve planned to spend the rest of my life with them- not with your parents. If you wanted that, then you should have stayed with mommy forever. This guy is a clown and the OP deserves someone 100 times better.

Immature Mommas boy who didn’t age past 11. Sorry to say it, but that’s what it’s looking like.


Once married, all become family. As far as her butting in, ignore it. She wants to get a rise out of you, don’t give her the ammo. Say thanks but you raised yours, I’ll raise mine. You might wanna have a deep, serious talk with hubby cuz he sounds like a pr¡ck.


When united by marriage all sides become family but when it comes to pick and choose you should always have your husband or wife’s back regardless who is going against the other be it mom or mil or that is how I was raised - I always went to my own mom for advice on matters but it was my choice on how I handled affairs at home but in your situation it sounds like your husband does everything his mom beckons him to do and sides with her regardless even over you which is completely wrong and threatening divorce over it I would honestly let him have one bc it doesn’t respect you in any manner to even threaten you with one. Good luck in whatever choice you make but you deserve more than he is giving.


I’ve learned that at the end of the day my mom will always be my mom
 husband can be temporary.


(Unpopular opinion)

I agree with him. They’re not biological family.

I love my in-laws. I’ll do whatever I can to help them out.

They’re not my biological family.

I have not called them mom, or dad, and I will not. Those are titles only reserved for my Parents. Just as I don’t expect her (my wife) to call my parents mom and dad.


I mean u guys are married so your all family now , I guess that’s how a majority of people look at it.

 if you have children together, they carry 25% of their DNA, duh they’re family. How is this even an argument? If she’s not “family,” because she’s not his blood, then turn it around and say he’s not yours because he’s not YOURS either. Like WTF. Just because you don’t like what they do or how they act, doesn’t mean they’re not family. Cuz if weren’t by that, then if we went with that line of thinking
your husband isn’t your family either
 :roll_eyes: Good gravy. Sit him down and talk to him. This isn’t normal to keep families separate and insist they aren’t yours. I suspect this has more to do with conversations between him and his mom in confidence than it has to do with your mom. Sounds like she’s jealous of your relationship with your mom and influencing her son with her negative comments. Your relationship with your mom is none of her business. The only relationships she should worry about are those that she has with you, her, son, and your children. Other than that, they can both go kick rocks. Husbands are supposed to be supportive and stand up for you. And THAT is a two way street. If he’s not doing that, a conversation has to be had on why, and see if you can get somewhere before putting divorce on the table.

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Yeah this won’t work king. He needs to jump on board with his WIFE.

If it were only about what you call each other’s parents, talk it out like adults and make allowances. My husband will correct me if I call my in-laws ‘his family’, they’re our family and I married him so that’s the way it is. He accepts my random collection of semi-relatives. But my husband chooses me first, even against his mom. He’s on my side and I’m on his. If any of the family can’t take that, we will be fine together with the family we make. This guy sounds like he is too attached to mommy to have his priorities straight.

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See what he says when he figures out he won’t family when his kids get married.

When you marry, all in-laws become family, learn to be kind to all.

Man since the day before my husband and I got married my husbands mother has called me her “daughter in love”. We respect each other’s parents and different views but there is always love between us, even in a disagreement.

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So when yall got married IMO neither of your morhers are family anymore. They’re extended family.
You hubby and kids are family.
Everyone else is extended family.

On the other hand if he’s saying divorce if yall can’t get along RED FLAG. Very selfish and self centered of him.

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I’ve always considered my in laws as family even though he and I are divorced. I divorced him not his family

In-laws are definitely family. I don’t get why people think otherwise. They’re extended family, but still family.

I love my fiancé’s mom. She set us up! He and my mom recently had a falling out but they’re trying to make amends for the sake of the family unit as a whole.

We are a very small family my daughter’s partner hates me and her siblings thinks his family is better we don’t get invited to gatherings it hurts i see my daughter when he isnt around

Get the divorce and let him have his mom since moms aren’t family sounds like he is illiterate

Tell him to go live with his mama. He needs to grow up. You should decide how you want to live. Always come second?

I don’t think he sees family as a fluid or evolving. Your view is what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. His view sticks to actual legal family.
You are both right and both wrong.
If you divorce will you feel as if you have a duty, responsibility, obligation, or burning desires to care for his mother? Would you feel that the divorce relieved you of all duties except invites to occasions involving your child?
With you or without you that is his mother. With him or without him you have your mother. Only married are family relationship’s shared.
You can have a working relationship with your family without him and he can have a working relationship with his without you. Only smiles and intermingled on holidays or important events.
All of the focus on in-laws is not really necessary. All the fights about in-laws are not necessary. If the focus remains on the in-laws then you may not have a lasting marriage. Without being married neither of you will have those in-laws.
Instead of venting and arguing with your husband about his mother, have tried to have an adult conversation with her about your feelings? Not screaming, shouting, blaming, or cursing.
“I feel”, “I’m certain this wasn’t your intent but this made me feel 
”, and
Give her the opportunity as well. If it’s approached “you always say this, you always do that, or you always act this way” then don’t bother because that is a recipe for war.
I view my children’s relationship’s or marriage as theirs. If I don’t like them then I only have to smile and see them on holidays or important events. If I do like them then I only have to smile and see them on holidays or important events. If my child is happy then I’m happy, they love them then I love them, and I mind my business. I don’t feel the need to be that intermingled.

Of course both mother’s are family!!!

You married the wrong guy, sorry sis

He’s still attached to his mother via umbilical cord :woozy_face:His mother gets no special exemptions over yours. Mothers are extended family regardless how he feels about it but F him for even suggesting divorce tho. He’s gaslighting you and that’s super unhealthy. He’s basically inviting his mother to take a seat at the table of your marriage which includes parenting or ELSE
 but not your mom :woman_facepalming:t2: it’s a table for two, nobody else. Boundaries! Advise, opinions and anything outside of that table is only something you can take in consideration
 or not. Good luck, because unless he grows up some you will be in for a bumpy ride on the coattails of his mother.

You are not wrong your mom is family and to be honest he’s right maybe you should get divorced you would be better off

Sounds like he’s a spoiled mamas boy. I’d grant him that divorce. I won’t be in a relationship with someone that won’t defend me.

I’ll make it simple. Your husband is an idiot. You need tell him to kick rocks.

he’s a douche
 big red flags everywhere :triangular_flag_on_post:

When your children grow up and get married does he want to be considered as part of their family? He will be a father in law someday.

Well He sounds very imature and needs to grow up your all family rather he like it or not but it really sounds like something bigger is the problem next time he doesn’t have your back as his wife show him the door and tell him you get what you want You deserve better just know your worth

Difficult, sounds like he’s afraid of his mother and resents yours, tricky, does he like women in general?

He seems to be selfish your mother is part of family or he wouldn’t have you so that’s what you tell him and your children will learn from you not him

There is a difference between “My Family” and “Our Family” (when talking about it), partners parents ect is apart of Our Family.

Sorry Reba But it should be a 50 50 Split He is one Sided Thats his problem

Any man that can’t except your Mom as part of the family is no man at all just saying

Remember both set of parents are part of each of you, so learn to get along.

Wife first before any mother and yes she family

Bottom line- he’s an a. I dunno what else he’s like to put up w it?? You are right, btw. He’s talking nonsense. What would happen if you call it bs?

Narcissism. They only see their bloodline as “family”

Once you get married you all become one family.

In laws :thinking: , Mother -in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law ect 
 clues in the titles I’d say 
 they are family in law weather he likes it or not. I’d be inclined to do more with bothsides together rather than things with just his side or yours. I find everyone is on there best behaviour when I do this and no one can complain of favouritism. Hope you get it sorted without the divorce courts

Id be filing for divorce with the words “well as they aren’t my family as you’ve made clear they can see the kids when you have them” with a few :fu::fu: thrown in. That’s ridiculous. Once your married I believe you’re now one big family :roll_eyes: sounds like he needs to put on some big boy pants and walk out of his mums vagina

Also as for him and his mother, he should tell her to mind her business. If a man takes his mother’s side against his wife, he doesn’t have your back. You too should seek counseling

First I say get rid of him. You have to like his mother but he doesn’t t have to lime yours. Sounds one-sided to me. Second the are family thru marriage.He s playing head games with you I believe because he wants out. You deserve better


The question shouldn’t be why your husband doesn’t see it your way, it should be why does it matter so much to you? Let him have his opinions and you have yours. If you have the same goal, a life together, then let it go. It isn’t important. I don’t consider my mother in law family. She isn’t, and if I weren’t married to my husband I’d never even speak to her. There is nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is someone forcing a relationship on someone for their own benefits.

Husband needs to deal with his mom correctly. You deal with your mom.and never ever bad mouth each other’s mom’s

Sweet heart sounds to me like he just wants to be free so give him his divorce to some point marriage is a package deal ur mom is his family if he likes it or not same as his find you some one that well take u and ur kids with ur family to be his there is a lot of good men out there that would do that in a minute

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Cling to your husband and let what God has brought together no one separate.

I wouldn’t stay married to a man that doesn’t respect my Mom.

They are family no matter if he likes your mom or not

I have a similar situation with my daughter’s husband and every day I PRAY she’ll get a DIVORCE !!!

Well he’s a real gem isn’t he? What a keeper ! Why would you even stay with that POS?? !! I bet he’s verbally abusive to you as well
 get rid of him .